Tag: R' Wittensteins

In this episode, the discussion critiques Spinoza's philosophy of determinism, highlighting flaws in his ideas.
This episode discusses the structure of Rosh HaShana and the concept of Divine Judgment during this holiday.
This episode delves into the concept of determinism and its appeal to Einstein, while also examining the Torah perspective on the matter.
This episode delves into the concept of Avoda Zara, questioning its definition as idol worship and exploring whether there was any logic or merely superstition behind it.
The episode explores the appropriate reactions to Tisha B'Av and the destruction of the Temple.
The episode discusses Spinoza's error in criticizing Tanach for not aligning with Euclidean style logic, asserting that most of Tanach and Chazal's interpretations follow a different form of logic.
In this episode, the discussion revolves around how to respond to heresy, exploring traditional approaches to this issue.
This episode discusses Spinoza's life in Rijnsburg and his move to Voorburg, highlighting his relationship with DeVries and his colleagues' reactions to his statement of not identifying as Jewish.
This episode explores the challenge of focus in contemporary society, noting the lack of discussion on ultimate human accomplishment.
This episode delves into the context of Cartesian Philosophy and why Enlightenment Philosophers struggled with understanding reality.
This episode discusses the influence of Rene Descartes on modern philosophy and how his ideas paved the way for epochal changes in thought.
This episode delves into the key lessons of the Holocaust, questioning why it is crucial to remember this tragedy and considering if its remembrance can prevent future atrocities.
The text discusses the confusion surrounding the War of Gog and Magog, exploring questions about the identities of Gog and Magog and their relevance to current events such as the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
This podcast episode delves into the changing perspective on philosophy and its significance in the modern world, highlighting the efforts put into studying philosophy and what it reveals about humanity.
This episode discusses the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, exploring why it is surprising and its historical context.
This discussion delves into humanity's pursuit of perfection and its manifestation in the world, exploring the origins and implications of this innate drive.
This episode discusses the Jewish educational system in Amsterdam during Spinoza's time, highlighting a six-grade system for students aged seven to twenty-one and comparing it to modern educational systems.
This episode delves into the complex family situation of the renowned philosopher Spinoza.
The episode discusses Uriel de Costa's tragic end, focusing on his attempt to rejoin the Jewish community after writing books against Judaism and religion.
In this episode, the focus is on Uriel de Costa's controversial books in Hamburg challenging Rabbinic authority and the immortality of the soul, and the community's response.
In this episode, the tragic story of Uriel De Costa is continued, focusing on his move to Amsterdam and his subsequent disillusionment with Rabbinic Judaism.
This episode delves into the Yeshiva Curriculum issues, focusing on how society's perception of reality impacts us and what we can glean from this dynamic.
In this episode, R' Moshe Weinberger's recent remarks about the Yeshiva curriculum and its effectiveness are discussed.
This episode discusses the first yahrzeit of Rabbi Aharon Chadash, the Mashgiach of Mir, and explores his significant role in the development of the Mir Yeshiva into the world's largest yeshiva.
This episode delves into the details of the founding of the first synagogue in Amsterdam, shedding light on the specific mindset of the Jewish Community there.