Tag: Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik

During a remote appearance on an NFL talk show, New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers displayed a bookshelf with Jewish volumes, including an Artscroll Tanach and a Chumash Mesoras HaRav.
The author reflects on the October 7 massacres in Israel and the pain it caused for the Jewish people.
A newly uploaded video recording from 1969 features Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik discussing baaley teshuva, Jews who become observant.
The author announces that there will be a conversation instead of a guest on their upcoming Zoom call.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, the former Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, was a highly influential figure in Anglo-Jewry and the global Jewish community.
The author explores the significance of a minuscule letter, kaf, in the word "to weep" in the description of Abraham mourning Sarah's death in this week's Torah portion.
In this article, Alan Jotkowitz discusses the theological response needed in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, racial unrest, and environmental crises.
In the midst of challenging times such as a pandemic, the act of prayer becomes a crucial and perplexing practice for observant Jews, who are commanded to find kavannah, or purpose and intentionality, in their prayers.
The writer reflects on how the events of the shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh on Oct. 27, 2018, have deeply impacted their community, making them reevaluate the observance of Tisha B'Av, a day commemorating various catastrophes in Jewish history.