Tag: S&P Sephardi Community

Rabbi Ilan Acoca discusses the use of electricity on Yom Tov.
In this video by Rabbi Shmuel Phillips, he discusses the differences between Sephardi and Ashkenazi Talmudic methodologies.
In this video, Rabbi Shmuel Phillips discusses the differences between Sepharadi and Ashkenazi Talmudic methodologies.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck sends a message in light of the current war, emphasizing the importance of unity and spiritual strength during difficult times.
In this video lecture by Dr. Eliezer Papo, he discusses the 1492 expulsion of Jews from Spain and the impact it had on the Sephardic Jewish community.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck leads a Miqra study on the Book of Joshua.
This text appears to be a description about Rabbi Steven Dansky, who is a rabbi at Cranbrook Synagogue.
The text is an advertisement for a website called The Habura, which is an online Bet Midrash (house of study) with international students.
In this video, Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses the difference between Torah and Judaism.
In this video, Rabbi Steven Dansky discusses the sources for our berakhot (blessings) with Rabbi Yitzhak Berdugo.
In this text, Senior Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses the concept of teshuva, or repentance, and how to get back on track.
Rabbi Brendan Stern discusses the intersection of Halakha (Jewish law) and the Bitcoin revolution.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck, the Senior Rabbi of the S&P Sephardi Community in the UK, discusses the importance of taking breaks from Torah study.
In this article, Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses the significance of the Oral Law in Judaism, particularly in relation to the holiday of Shavuot.
In this article, Rabbi Hayyim Angel explores the topic of Torah and literalism.
Rabbi Hayyim Angel explores the relationship between Torah and archaeology in this source sheet.
In this video lecture by Rabbi Joseph Dweck, he discusses three different understandings of the concept of "azal" in the writings of Maimonides, specifically in his introduction to Pereq Heleq.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses HaRambam's Introduction to Pereq Heleq (Part 1).
In this article by Professor Matt Goldish titled "A Window Onto the Everyday Life of Sepharadim: Through the Lens of Teshubot," he explores the lives of Sephardic Jews through the lens of Teshubot, responsa literature that addresses legal questions and reflects the concerns and experiences of Sephardic communities.
In this fourth part of Rabbi Joseph Dweck's series, he focuses on the unknown dialogue introduction of Mesilat Yesharim.
In this video, Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses the (unknown) dialogue introduction of Mesilat Yesharim, a Jewish ethical text.
This text appears to be a promotional message for a Talmud study series called "Masekhet Sanhedrin (1) - R Abe Faur."
This is a promotional announcement for a Yom Kippur shiur (lecture) by Rabbi Joseph Dweck.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck explores the topic of prayer (tefila) in the third part of a four-part episode on the relationship between Yisrael and God.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Senior Rabbi of the S&P Sephardi Community of the United Kingdom, discusses the concept of Providence/Hashgaa in the second part of a four-part episode.