Tag: Saul Bellow

Saul Bellow's eulogy for Bernard Malamud highlights their shared immigrant backgrounds and American experiences, despite differing literary success.
"Saul Bellow: Letters," edited by Benjamin Taylor, offers an intimate look into Bellow's life and career, detailing the challenges he faced in his writing journey, from initial rejections to critical acclaim.
Isaac Rosenfeld, a mid-century American Jewish intellectual known for his essays, novels, and cultural criticism, is explored in Steven Zipperstein's biography "Rosenfeld's Lives."
The text discusses the relationship between the author and Norman Podhoretz, the editor of Commentary magazine, focusing on Podhoretz's controversial views on race, Judaism, and the coverage of the trial of Adolf Eichmann by Hannah Arendt.
Saul Bellow, a renowned novelist, left a profound message indicating the end of war before his passing in 2005.
Saul Bellow's letters, showcased in the collection "Saul Bellow: Letters," offer insights into the famed writer's views and relationships throughout his life.