Tag: Sharsheret

The American Jewish nonprofit organization Sharsheret is expanding its support services to English-speaking immigrants in Israel who are coping with breast or ovarian cancer.
The author reflects on her journey seeking female mentors in academia, describing encounters with unhelpful responses from professors and feeling discouraged about balancing motherhood with a scholarly career.
Young Jewish adults like Sylvie Slotkin, whose mother battled cancer, are finding support through Sharsheret's YAD program, which pairs mentors with peers going through similar situations.
The project, Best Face Forward 2.0, run by the Jewish breast and ovarian cancer organization Sharsheret, provides financial assistance to women undergoing cancer treatment for non-medical services that aid in mental health and body image, such as nutrition assistance, hair preservation therapies, wigs, tattooing for eyebrows and nipples, and yoga therapies.
The High Holidays can present unique challenges for Jewish women struggling with breast or ovarian cancer.
Preventive health care often takes a back seat in the Orthodox Jewish community due to the pressures of leading a frum life.