Tag: Societal Issues

Malky Berkowitz, an Orthodox woman seeking a divorce, faces obstacles as her husband refuses to grant her a get.
Israel's third sector, consisting of over 40,000 nonprofit organizations, plays a vital role in the nation's economy, with around 5% of GDP and 370,000 volunteer roles.
In her work "Brokenism," Alana Newhouse examines the concept of institutions, like schools, newsrooms, and governments, as being broken and questions whether they can be fixed or if they are perpetually damaged.
In a podcast episode, the discussion refutes the assertion that the main goal of the US presence in Afghanistan was to establish a democratic system.
The author explores the tension between unity and passion in organized Jewish life.
The text discusses how current data does not support the belief that the United States is experiencing a Covid-19 crisis similar to the one seen in the Northeast during the spring.