Tag: Ten Plagues

During the last days of Pesach, Jews reflect on the Exodus from Egypt and the parting of the Red Sea, but do not celebrate to empathize with the suffering of the Egyptians.
Rabbi Judah the Prince proposed the acronym Dtzakh Adash Bachav to summarize the ten plagues in the Haggadah, prompting diverse interpretations through the ages.
The Parashah of Bo marks the climax of the Ten Plagues, culminating in the death of the firstborn.
In "Ki Ani Hashem: A Literary Analysis of the Makkot," Joshua Z. Shapiro explores the purpose and significance of the ten plagues brought upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians.
Passover is a holiday that celebrates the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt.
The article discusses the relevance of the Passover story to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, drawing parallels between the Ten Plagues and the current plague.