Tag: Torch Centre

The Rambam's Thirteen Principles of Faith are a widely accepted articulation of Jewish beliefs, found in his commentary on Mishnah.
The text discusses an introduction to the Oral Torah, highlighting the four components of the Oral Torah and the four elements not found in the Written Torah.
The podcast explores the complex relationship between the written and oral Torah, arguing that the intricate connection between the two surpasses human capability, suggesting a divine origin for the Torah.
The text discusses the uncovering of predictions in the Torah that have come true and questions how a human author could have known about the future, highlighting the concept of an eternal Jewish nation.
In a podcast recorded at the TORCH Centre in Houston, the speaker explores the concept of cognitive dissonance when facing the idea of a God-given Torah, which may challenge individuals' beliefs and behaviors.
This podcast explores the significance of understanding who wrote the Torah.
In a podcast recorded at the TORCH Centre in Houston, TX, the discussion delves into the fallacies of critics who question the authorship of the Torah.
The text discusses the authorship of the Torah, exploring the implications of whether it is considered the word of God as traditionally believed by Jews or just another ancient document.