Tag: Un Watch

Larry Garber, a former USAID official, argues against shutting down the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestinian refugees, emphasizing its crucial role in providing humanitarian aid in Gaza.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres recently highlighted the UN Security Council's deadlock over issues like Gaza and Ukraine, emphasizing the need for serious reform within the Council due to its inability to act effectively, primarily due to veto powers.
The video discusses the reemergence of blood libels and addresses current issues facing the Jewish community.
Hillel Neuer and Eylon Levy discuss the toxic alliances and anti-Israel bias at the UN and how the organization has strayed from its founding principles.
Canadian lawyer Hillel Neuer, who heads the UN Watch, revealed evidence linking thousands of UNWRA employees and their families to Hamas, some even being full Hamas members.
In this discussion, Hillel Neuer, the executive director of UN Watch, explores the diverging paths of the human-rights movement and Israel.