Tag: University Administration

The article discusses how campus protests often serve as a platform for leftist groups to push for increased jobs, resources, and power for progressive professors and administrators, rather than primarily addressing the stated issues like racism, police brutality, or environmental concerns.
UCLA experienced a troubling incident where violent counter-demonstrators attacked an anti-war encampment on campus, posing a serious safety risk to the demonstrators.
Student protesters at Brown University have agreed to dismantle their encampment after securing concessions from the administration, including the opportunity to present their case for divestment from Israel to the university's investment oversight board.
The author reflects on his experience protesting at Columbia University in 1968 and draws parallels to current student encampments protesting the Israeli war in Gaza.
Jewish college student leaders at Binghamton University, Seth Schlank and Eytan Saenger, discuss their experiences combating antisemitism on campus following the October 7 massacre in Israel by Hamas.