Tag: University Of Haifa

Dr. Edna Barromi Perlman, a photography scholar and professor at the University of Haifa, discusses with host Gilad Halpern the significance of landscape photography in Palestine/Eretz Israel/the Holy Land, highlighting its role as a political and ideological tool in the region's history.
Prof. Gabriel Weimann from the University of Haifa discusses the evolution of terrorist communication on the Internet with host Gilad Halpern.
Prof. Laura Schor explores the life of Annie Landau, a prominent figure in Jerusalem during a tumultuous period, in her book "The Best School in Jerusalem: Annie Landau's School for Girls."
Dr. Ido Zelkovitz, a Middle East scholar at the University of Haifa, delves into the Palestinian student movement in his new book, viewing it through historical and sociological lenses to understand the struggle for nationhood.
Dr. Moshe Lavee discusses the Cairo Geniza, a collection of Jewish texts found in Egypt detailing ten centuries of Jewish life, revealing a history often overlooked.