Daily Podcasts Video Research
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Bereshit 22 Oct
In Parashat Bereshit, Rabbi Benjy Morgan explores the famous tale of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit and highlights the critical issue of communicati...
22 Oct
Jewish Chronicle Shabbat and Simchat Torah times from October 23 to November 1 22 Oct
This schedule provides key times for Jewish observances from October 23 to November 1, focusing on Shabbat, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah. It outlines t...
22 Oct
Emes Ve-Emunah Illusions of Life* 16 Oct
Illusions play a significant role in both Jewish law and human experience, enhancing the beauty and meaning of life. In the context of Sukkot, halachic conce...
16 Oct
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Shabbat Chol Hamo’ed Succot 15 Oct
Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Leiner of Izbica offers a profound reinterpretation of a verse regarding the thrice-annual pilgrimage festivals, suggesting that the ac...
15 Oct
Jewish Chronicle Shabbat and Yom Tov times from October 16 to October 25 15 Oct
Detailed information is provided for the observance of Shabbat and Jewish holidays from October 16 to October 25, covering Erev Succot, Succot, Shabbat Chol ...
15 Oct
Mishpacha Everyone’s Shtiebel    13 Oct
In memory of Mordy Greeness, a small group of his friends established a shtiebel that has blossomed into a vibrant community center dedicated to Torah and no...
13 Oct
Jewish Chronicle The Book of Jonah is a guiding light in a storm-tossed world 10 Oct
The article explores the enduring spiritual and ethical significance of the Book of Jonah, particularly amid the tumultuous contemporary setting of Jewish li...
10 Oct
Jewish Chronicle Yom Kippur and Succot times from October 11 to October 18 10 Oct
This guide provides specific timing details for the observance of Yom Kippur and Succot from October 11 to October 18, 2019, across various cities in the UK,...
10 Oct
Forward Jews didn’t cause Hurricane Milton, but kind of did control the weather in biblical times 9 Oct
Benyamin Cohen explores the humorous yet thought-provoking idea of ancient Jewish influence on weather patterns, starting with Noah's long-standing weather "...
9 Oct
Jewish History Uncensored headphones Gaza War Lessons II & Be’er Avrohom on Tehillim 9 Oct
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein explores the disproportionate global scrutiny of Israel's actions, suggesting an underlying moral imperative placed upon the Jewish p...
9 Oct
Mishpacha The Ten Martyrs  8 Oct
Eileh Ezkerah, the poignant piyut recited during Yom Kippur prayers in Ashkenazi communities, commemorates the martyrdom of ten revered Tannaim, known as the...
8 Oct
Rationalist Judaism Torah vs. Daas Torah, again 8 Oct
Natan Slifkin explores the debate between traditional Torah perspectives and the Charedi concept of Daas Torah concerning military service and divine assista...
8 Oct
Kveller I Hated the Story of Abraham and Isaac — Until I Became a Mother 1 Oct
Elissa Strauss shares her evolving perception of the Torah's tale of Abraham and Isaac as a mother, revealing new insights about the intersection of spiritua...
1 Oct
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Ha’azinu 1 Oct
Parashat Haazinu, read on Shabbat Shuvah, poetically warns of the consequences Israel faces if it fails to uphold the divine covenant. Positioned between Ros...
1 Oct
Jewish Chronicle Shabbat, festival and fast times from October 2 to October 11 1 Oct
The article provides a detailed schedule of Jewish festive and fast times for the period from October 2 to October 11, referencing locations across the UK. I...
1 Oct
Jewish Review of Books Desire and Power: Adam and Eve in Genesis 1–3 30 Sep
Roslyn Weiss explores the complexities of desire and power in the Genesis narrative of Adam and Eve. By examining differing interpretations of the text, part...
30 Sep
Rationalist Judaism My Ridiculous and Amazing Idea 29 Sep
Natan Slifkin shares his inspired yet belated idea to write a more accessible book on animals and the Torah, building on his previous work, "The Torah Encycl...
29 Sep
Lehrhaus Teshuvah: A Radical, Refreshing, and Renewing Approach 29 Sep
Yiscah Smith explores the transformative potential of teshuvah (repentance) as taught by the Piaseczner Rebbe, emphasizing a holistic return to the Divine ra...
29 Sep
Creative Judaism Are there Mitzvos on the MOON? | Parshah Rabbit Hole Ep. 47 (Nitzavim-Vayelech) 26 Sep
In the Parshah Rabbit Hole episode focusing on Nitzavim-Vayelech, the hosts venture into a fascinating discussion exploring whether Jewish commandments (mitz...
26 Sep
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Nitzavim-Vayelech 26 Sep
This reflection on the Torah portions Nitzavim-Vayelech draws a parallel between the scriptural emphasis on standing firm together and the contemporary exper...
26 Sep
Moment Big Question | What Is the Allure of the Strongman? 25 Sep
Judy Klitsner, a respected educator and author, explores the complex portrayal of power in the Tanach, emphasizing the dangers of absolute authority in human...
25 Sep
Jewish Action Rav Schachter on Pirkei Avos: Insights and Commentary Based on the Shiurim of Rav Hershel Schachter 23 Sep
Rabbi Hershel Schachter has not only played a pivotal role as a communal leader and educator but has also diligently transmitted the rich tradition of Torah ...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Masters of the Word: Traditional Jewish Bible Commentary from the Twelfth through Fourteenth Centuries (Vol. 3) 23 Sep
"Masters of the Word: Traditional Jewish Bible Commentary from the Twelfth through Fourteenth Centuries (Vol. 3)" by Rabbi Yonatan Kolatch is reviewed by Rab...
23 Sep
Jewish Chronicle Torah can help unleash your inner creativity – here’s how 22 Sep
Rabbi Adina Allen's book, "The Place of All Possibility," presents the Jewish Studio Process, a method of engaging with Torah to unleash personal creativity....
22 Sep
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Ki Tavo 20 Sep
The declaration from Parashat Ki Tavo, recited by Israelites upon bringing their first fruits, significantly shapes Jewish identity as it is integrated into ...
20 Sep
Creative Judaism BASKETS! | Parshah Rabbit Hole Ep. 46 (Ki Savo) 19 Sep
In this episode of "Parshah Rabbit Hole," the discussion begins with the biblical concept of bringing first fruits in baskets as described in Parshat Ki Tavo...
19 Sep
Mishpacha Parshas Ki Savo: Walking Wisdom 17 Sep
Cindy Scarr reflects on the profound lesson of spiritual independence derived from Parshas Ki Savo. Linking Moshe's parting from Bnei Yisrael with the Israel...
17 Sep
Future of Jewish The Torah's Excellent Foreign Policy Advice 17 Sep
Stephen Schecter's essay explores Torah portion Ki Teitze's call to "blot out the memory of Amalek," interpreting it as guidance for modern Israel's dealings...
17 Sep
18forty headphones Yussie Zakutinsky: Connecting to a Disconnected Jewish People [Teshuva IV 2/5] 17 Sep
Yussie Zakutinsky discusses the potential for unity and divinity within all Jews, regardless of religious practice or belief, particularly in light of the ch...
17 Sep
Tablet The Man Riding a Lion 17 Sep
The article explores the early stages of the Sabbatian movement, led by the charismatic figure Sabbatai Zevi, using new insights derived from rare print mate...
17 Sep
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Ki Tetzei 13 Sep
Focusing on Deuteronomy 23:25 from Parashat Ki Tetzei, Rabbi Silverstein explores the balance between generosity and healthy boundaries in society. The verse...
13 Sep
Creative Judaism Do Animals THINK? | Parshah Rabbit Hole Ep.45 (Ki Seitzei) 12 Sep
In the 45th episode of the Parshah Rabbit Hole series, the focus is on the parsha Ki Seitzei and a deep dive into the question: Do animals think? This explor...
12 Sep
Ami Without Compromise // Remembering the Skulener Rebbe, Rav Yeshayah Yaakov Portugal, zt”l 11 Sep
The article recounts the life and legacy of Rav Yeshayah Yaakov Portugal, the Skulener Rebbe, who passed away at 68. As the eldest son of Rav Yisrael Avraham...
11 Sep
Mishpacha The 3 T’s: Teshuvah, Tefillah, Tzedakah 10 Sep
Cindy Scarr addresses questions related to personal challenges faced during the Jewish month of Elul, a time focused on introspection and repentance. The art...
10 Sep
Mishpacha Parshas Ki Seitzei: Spot It!  10 Sep
Cindy Scarr explores the spiritual and ethical lessons in Parashat Ki Seitzei, emphasizing the importance of truly seeing and acting upon the needs of others...
10 Sep
Rationalist Judaism Dinos and Rhinos 10 Sep
Natan Slifkin explores the intersection of halacha and zoology concerning the use of animal horns for shofars, sparked by the humorous confusion between dino...
10 Sep
TEXTing headphones Living with Dissonance 9 Sep
In this heartfelt episode, Elana Stein Hain explores the concept of dissonance using a midrash from Sifrei Bamidbar, reflecting on the tragic events surround...
9 Sep
Tablet Talking Torah 9 Sep
Abigail Pogrebin and Rabbi Dov Linzer have published a book that stems from their podcast discussing the weekly Torah portion, highlighting the interplay bet...
9 Sep
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Shoftim 4 Sep
This week's parashah, Shoftim, delves into the complexities of interpreting the Written Torah, highlighting the indispensable role of the Oral Torah and rabb...
4 Sep
Mishpacha Joy Can Be Found in It  3 Sep
In her article, Rebbetzin Aviva Feiner reflects on the joy and beauty found in the world despite its inherent challenges. She discusses the Jewish perspectiv...
3 Sep
Mishpacha Parshas Shoftim: Small Steps for Man 3 Sep
The article "Parshas Shoftim: Small Steps for Man" explores the symbolism of the mizbeiach (altar of many stones) versus the matzeivah (monument of a single ...
3 Sep
Jewish Chronicle If we could only listen to the animals 30 Aug
Jonathan Wittenberg reflects on the importance of recognizing and respecting animals as integral parts of our ecosystem and spiritual lives. By considering t...
30 Aug
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Re’eh 30 Aug
This article reflects on Parashat Reeh and its call to obliterate a town consumed by idolatry, which is interpreted as a hypothetical case for learning by la...
30 Aug
18forty Rachelle Fraenkel on Religious Trauma, Torah Study, and Redemption 29 Aug
Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel is recognized globally for her profound faith and scholarship in Jewish law and thought. After the tragic loss of her son Naftali ...
29 Aug
Mishpacha Parshas Re’eh: Pool Reflections 27 Aug
In this reflective piece, the intertwined commands in Parshat Re'eh not to cut oneself in mourning, and not to divide into separate groups, are explored thro...
27 Aug
Hadassah ‘Let There Be Light’ Feels More Urgent Than Ever 27 Aug
In this reflective piece, Abigail Pogrebin underscores the enduring resilience of the Jewish spirit through the lens of Simchat Torah, juxtaposing the 2023 h...
27 Aug
TEXTing headphones Spiraling Upwards 26 Aug
Elana Stein Hain and Christine Hayes explore cycles of Jewish history and theology using Tisha B'Av kinot, Ecclesiastes, and Deuteronomy, questioning whether...
26 Aug
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Ekev 23 Aug
This week's Torah portion, Ekev, begins with a focus on the importance of all commandments, including the seemingly minor ones that may be overlooked or "tra...
23 Aug
Jewish Chronicle Shabbat times from August 23 to August 30 23 Aug
This article provides specific Shabbat start and end times for various locations in the UK, including London, Bournemouth, Leeds, Manchester, Gateshead, and ...
23 Aug
Mishpacha Parshas Eikev: Fill ‘er Up! 20 Aug
The text discusses the concept of Bentshing, the obligation to bless Hashem after eating, as a way to prevent distancing oneself from God once satisfied. It ...
20 Aug