Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Shelach Lecha 27 Jun
The weekly Torah portion of Shelach Lecha discusses the spies' report on the land of Israel, emphasizing how our outlook shapes our perceptions of reality. J...
27 Jun
Torah 101 headphones #88: Unresolved Mysteries of Resurrection 24 Jun
In the final episode of the series on Rambam's 13 principles of faith, this podcast delves into the unresolved mysteries surrounding Resurrection. While the ...
24 Jun
Jewdicious Holy Moses, Louisiana! 21 Jun
Louisiana recently passed a bill requiring public classrooms to display the Ten Commandments, sparking concerns about the separation of religion and state. T...
21 Jun
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Beha’alotecha 20 Jun
The Behaalotecha parashah delves into the challenges faced by the Israelites in the desert, highlighting their complaints and false nostalgia despite escapin...
20 Jun
Jewish Action Tzenius: The Key to an Inner Life 20 Jun
Tzenius, often translated as modesty, holds a deeper meaning revolving around an inner focus on spirituality and self-worth. It directs individuals to look b...
20 Jun
Jewish Action Rays of Wisdom: Torah insights that light up our understanding of the world 20 Jun
Rabbi Mattisyahu Rosenblum's book "Rays of Wisdom: Torah insights that light up our understanding of the world" delves into the legacy of Rabbi Moshe Shapira...
20 Jun
Jewish Action Giving: The Essential Teaching of the Kabbalah 20 Jun
In "Giving: The Essential Teaching of the Kabbalah," Rabbi Yehuda Lev Ashlag's insights are presented by Rabbi Avraham Mordechai Gottlieb, focusing on Kabbal...
20 Jun
MomentMag Jewish Identity in a Post October 7 World with Sarah Hurwitz and Amy E. Schwartz 19 Jun
Sarah Hurwitz and Amy E. Schwartz engage in a candid discussion about the evolving Jewish identity post-October 7, exploring how some individuals are discree...
19 Jun
Mishpacha Concierge Service 18 Jun
The text discusses the concept of "menuchas hanefesh" or inner peace, likening it to a concierge service where all needs are tended to effortlessly. It empha...
18 Jun
The Habura headphones When Torah Principles Confront Western Sensibilities - Ohad Fedida 16 Jun
This text discusses a conversation about "Moreh HaNebukhim" involving Dr. Lenn E Goodman, an American Jewish philosopher, and Eli Shaubi, a Ph.D. graduate st...
16 Jun
Jewish Chronicle We should aim to be more like Moses rather than Michelangelo 16 Jun
The text discusses the contrast between Michelangelo's spiritual journey towards the end of his life, marked by introspection and a realization of potentiall...
16 Jun
Jewish Chronicle Do opportunities knock twice in life? Two men who might just know 14 Jun
"Second Chances: Shakespeare & Freud" by Stephen Greenblatt and Adam Phillips delves into the theme of second chances in life through the lens of literature ...
14 Jun
Jewish Chronicle Freud’s Last Session review: This is a movie with play envy 14 Jun
"Freud's Last Session" is a film that portrays a fictional meeting between Sigmund Freud and C.S. Lewis, exploring their contrasting views on religion amidst...
14 Jun
Jewdicious Feeling Life's Awe — Here’s the Best Way 11 Jun
Awe, as described by psychologist Abraham Maslow, is a profound feeling of happiness and well-being triggered by grand and sublime experiences, often associa...
11 Jun
The Habura headphones A Conversation About Moreh HaNebukhim - Dr Lenn E Goodman & Eli Shaubi 10 Jun
Dr. Lenn Evan Goodman, an American Jewish philosopher, engages in a conversation about Moreh HaNebukhim. Goodman's philosophy is influenced by classical and ...
10 Jun
Tablet Dreamers and Plagiarists 9 Jun
The text delves into the works of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz, comparing their portrayals of societal collapse and ideological tyranny....
9 Jun
Israel: State of a Nation What Ails The West | Bernard-Henri Lévy on the Courage We Need To Save Liberty 5 Jun
Bernard-Henri Levy discusses the challenges faced by Israel in the wake of the October 7 Massacre, reflecting on the world's response and Israel's quest for ...
5 Jun
New Voices Bloom 3 Jun
In this piece, a young person recounts their experience at an Orthodox Jewish seminary during the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine. The narrator forms a connecti...
3 Jun
Not That Kind of Rabbi headphones Canada's last remaining faith reporter reflects the past, and future, of religion 3 Jun
John Longhurst, the last remaining faith reporter in Canada, reflects on the evolution of religion coverage in media. Longhurst initiated reporting on variou...
3 Jun
Tablet The French Rabbi of Brokenness 2 Jun
Delphine Horvilleur, the rabbi of Synagogue Beaugrenelle in Paris, France, and a prominent figure in liberal Judaism, has authored a book titled "Living with...
2 Jun
Tikvah headphones Andrew Doran on Why He Thinks the Roots of Civilization Are Jewish 31 May
In a recent discussion, Andrew Doran, a senior research fellow with the Philos Project, argues that the roots of civilization can be traced back to the Hebre...
31 May
18forty My Jewish identity began as a crisis—It’s become so much more today 30 May
The author reflects on their Jewish identity crisis, which started in their youth when questioning the meaning of Judaism, leading them to atheism due to per...
30 May
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Bechukkotai 30 May
In Parashat Bechukkotai, it is outlined that following the commandments will lead to blessings, including peace. Reb Natan of Breslov emphasizes that peace i...
30 May
The Habura headphones Torah Insights: From the Battlefield in Gaza 22 May
Rabbi Elia Benamozegh, a prominent Italian Jewish scholar from the 19th century, authored "Em LaMiqra," a unique Torah commentary that combines Talmudic insi...
22 May
Lehrhaus Judaism is About Two Kinds of Love 22 May
Rabbi Dr. Shai Held's book "Judaism is about Love" delves into the distinction between two types of love in Judaism: ahavah rabbah (abundant, passionate love...
22 May
Rationalist Judaism What is Traditional Theodicy? 22 May
The discussion delves into the traditional theodicy in Judaism, questioning the belief that bad events occur as a result of sin. The text critiques Rav Aharo...
22 May
Mishpacha Your Shadow Self 21 May
The concept of the shadow self, as defined by Carl Jung, refers to the unconscious parts of our personality that we disown, affecting our behavior, emotions,...
21 May
Mishpacha Let’s Talk Gemara (Part 2) Feat. Rav Aaron Lopiansky 20 May
Rabbi Schonfeld, Rabbi Garfield, and Rav Aaron Lopiansky delve into various important issues regarding the study of gemara in part two of their discussion. T...
20 May
Tablet The Jewish Oyster Problem 13 May
The discussion revolves around the concept of Jewish powerlessness and its impact on Jewish identity and moral development. The text explores how historical ...
13 May
Lehrhaus Judaism and Christianity: A Star-Crossed Affair? 8 May
Eugene Korn's book, "Israel and the Nations," explores Jewish-Gentile relations and the evolving theological perspectives on engaging with non-Jewish faiths,...
8 May
Forward The new iPad ad literally destroys art — what would philosopher Walter Benjamin think about it? 8 May
The article contemplates what philosopher Walter Benjamin would think of a viral iPad ad that condenses various forms of art into a sleek tablet using an ind...
8 May
18forty Do You Have the Free Will to Read This? 5 May
The text discusses different philosophical perspectives on free will, including libertarianism, determinism, and compatibilism, and their implications for Je...
5 May
Jewish Review of Books What’s Love Got to Do with It? 26 Apr
Shai Held's book, "Judaism Is about Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life," argues that love is a central theme in Judaism, countering historical Christi...
26 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Shabbat Chol Hamo’ed 25 Apr
The Parashah of Shabbat Chol Hamoed discusses the reconciliation between the Israelites and God following the golden calf incident, likened to a marital rift...
25 Apr
Halacha Headlines headphones 4/20/24 – Shiur 465 – Achdus - does “Achdus” mean I am supposed to embrace Jews I really don’t agree with? 18 Apr
The discussion delves into the concept of Achdus, exploring whether it is a Halachic requirement or a Hashkafic principle and how it differs from Kiruv. The ...
18 Apr
Moment The U.S. Constitution: Pragmatism versus Textualism on the Supreme Court with Justice Stephen Breyer and Robert Siegel 17 Apr
Justice Stephen Breyer, who recently retired from the Supreme Court after 28 years, contrasts the judicial philosophies of pragmatism and textualism in his b...
17 Apr
Mishpacha Endless? 16 Apr
The text discusses the concept of endlessness in the Jewish experience, particularly in the context of galus (exile). It reflects on the despair and hopeless...
16 Apr
Moment Book Review | An Ancient Book Illuminates Our Troubled Times 15 Apr
Debra Band's illustrated volume "Qohelet: Searching for a Life Worth Living" with commentary by Menachem Fisch delves into the existential ponderings of the ...
15 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Should Britain have a law against blasphemy? 15 Apr
The discussion explores the idea of reintroducing a blasphemy law in the UK considering Noahide laws' prohibition on blasphemy. The Orthodox view mentions th...
15 Apr
Rationalist Judaism Alien Encounters 15 Apr
The text discusses encountering aliens who appear to be living among humans, particularly in Israel. These aliens, disguised as regular people, come from a d...
15 Apr
MomentMag Connecting Jewish Identity with Jewish Values with Donniel Hartman and Sarah Breger 11 Apr
Donniel Hartman and Sarah Breger discuss the connection between Jewish identity and Jewish values, exploring the strands of "Genesis Judaism" and "Exodus Jud...
11 Apr
Creative Judaism Do SOULMATES exist?! | Parshah Rabbit Hole Ep.27 (Tazria) 10 Apr
Exploring Talmudic sources regarding what fetuses do in the womb, leading to a discussion on reincarnation in the latest episode of the Parshah Rabbit Hole.
10 Apr
The Habura headphones Q & A (April 2024) - Rabbi Joseph Dweck 9 Apr
Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses a new book on the Vayiqra with a scientific and Kabbalistic commentary by Rabbi Elia Benamozegh, a prominent Italian Jewish scho...
9 Apr
Creative Judaism The Eclipse Test 8 Apr
A philosophical exploration using a solar eclipse as a litmus test.
8 Apr
Tablet The (Second) Great American Eclipse 8 Apr
The text discusses the upcoming solar eclipse in North America, prompting a reflection on Jewish teachings regarding eclipses. Traditional Jewish sources, li...
8 Apr
Forward Why 'tragedy' is not the right word to describe the deadly strike on the World Central Kitchen convoy 7 Apr
The article discusses the Israeli drone strike on a World Central Kitchen convoy in Gaza and questions the use of the term "tragedy" to describe the event, s...
7 Apr
Lehrhaus Letters To The Editor: A Further Response To Tzvi Goldstein On Centrist Orthodoxy And Haredi Orthodoxy 4 Apr
Chaim Goldberg responds to Tzvi Goldstein's essay on Centrist Orthodoxy and Haredi Orthodoxy by highlighting nuances in Ramhal's Mesilat Yesharim that challe...
4 Apr
MomentMag For the Love of Judaism with Shai Held and Amy E. Schwartz 3 Apr
Rabbi Shai Held discusses how love is central to Judaism in a conversation with Amy E. Schwartz.
3 Apr
Moment For the Love of Judaism with Shai Held and Amy E. Schwartz 2 Apr
Rabbi Shai Held, president of the Hadar Institute and author of "Judaism Is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life," challenges the misconception th...
2 Apr
18forty (What) Do Jews Believe About the Afterlife? 29 Mar
Judaism's beliefs about the afterlife are diverse and not extensively discussed, despite classical Jewish sources refuting the misconception that Judaism lac...
29 Mar