Daily Podcasts Video Research
Bonjour Chai headphones What Do We Mean by Zion? 22 Oct
Avi Finegold's article delves into the complex relationship between Jews and Zionism, exploring various perspectives on Jewish sovereignty, the messianic era...
22 Oct
Kveller Always Go to the Bris. And Always Go to the Shiva. 22 Oct
Danielle Selber reflects on her family's unique traditions surrounding Jewish lifecycle events, emphasizing the significance of presence and community. Her g...
22 Oct
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Bereshit 22 Oct
In Parashat Bereshit, Rabbi Benjy Morgan explores the famous tale of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit and highlights the critical issue of communicati...
22 Oct
Future of Jewish How to Be a Good Jew in Our Post-October 7th World 21 Oct
In a post-October 7th world, Joshua Hoffman argues that the pursuit of being a "good Jew" is not about rigid definitions but about embracing a dynamic approa...
21 Oct
Future of Jewish The Painful Consequence of Narrative in the Modern Middle East 21 Oct
The essay by Daniel Clarke-Serret explores the complex role of narratives in shaping socio-political realities, specifically in the context of the Israeli-Pa...
21 Oct
The Cholent Republish: Depressed? Read Kohelet. 16 Oct
The article explores the duality of reading Kohelet, especially amidst modern anxieties like climate change and global unrest. Emily Alhadeff reflects on the...
16 Oct
Emes Ve-Emunah Illusions of Life* 16 Oct
Illusions play a significant role in both Jewish law and human experience, enhancing the beauty and meaning of life. In the context of Sukkot, halachic conce...
16 Oct
eJewishPhilanthropy The pages of Ecclesiastes are now the pages of our lives 16 Oct
Exploring personal experiences and profound reflections, this piece connects the loss and introspective teachings of Ecclesiastes (Kohelet) with contemporary...
16 Oct
Forward Zoom event: Did the Rabbis wage war against the Enlightenment thinkers? 16 Oct
The Forverts is hosting a Zoom event exploring whether the Rabbis engaged in opposition against Enlightenment thinkers. This period, known for its emphasis o...
16 Oct
Lehrhaus Every Day is New Under the Sun 15 Oct
Wendy Zierler reflects on the recurring challenges of life through the lens of Kohelet, juxtaposed with Lea Goldberg's poetic midrash, "Shirei Sof Ha-Derekh....
15 Oct
Jewish Chronicle What should we think about when we are sitting in the succah? 15 Oct
The discussion focuses on the theme of attention, especially relevant in today's digital-heavy environment, and how it pertains to Jewish rituals, particular...
15 Oct
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Shabbat Chol Hamo’ed Succot 15 Oct
Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Leiner of Izbica offers a profound reinterpretation of a verse regarding the thrice-annual pilgrimage festivals, suggesting that the ac...
15 Oct
Jewdicious The Solace to Discover Purpose: Sukkot 14 Oct
Andrew Rashkow explores the spiritual essence of Sukkot, emphasizing how the holiday's tradition of dwelling in a simple, temporary sukkah promotes internal ...
14 Oct
The Cholent Republish: Time for a New American Judaism 11 Oct
In an insightful interview originally published last December, Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum explores how American Judaism has navigated the tension between liberal va...
11 Oct
Israel: State of a Nation "I think is important always question your beliefs in everything" 11 Oct
Israeli Olympic gold medalist Tom Reuveny emphasizes the importance of questioning one's beliefs by consistently seeking perspectives outside of one's own. R...
11 Oct
Jewdicious Maslow and Me: The Right Teacher at the Right Time 11 Oct
Arriving as a directionless freshman at Brandeis University in 1960, the author found a mentor in the renowned psychologist Abraham Maslow. Maslow's class on...
11 Oct
Future of Jewish Perhaps God should atone, too. 11 Oct
Rabbi Jeremy Rosen reflects on the concept of atonement as Yom Kippur approaches, posing the provocative idea that perhaps God, too, should atone for the suf...
11 Oct
Lehrhaus Can Religious Zionism Do Teshuvah? 10 Oct
The piece explores the concept of teshuvah (repentance) within the framework of Religious Zionism, focusing on historical and contemporary responses to crise...
10 Oct
Lehrhaus On Yom Kippur, determinism and national unity 10 Oct
The article explores the philosophical dilemma of free will versus determinism in the context of Yom Kippur, emphasizing how this tension influences Jewish t...
10 Oct
Rationalist Judaism The Great Torah-Science Controversy 9 Oct
Natan Slifkin reflects on the twentieth anniversary of the Great Torah-Science Controversy, when his books integrating Torah with scientific perspectives wer...
9 Oct
Jewish Chronicle Postmodernism and moral relativism have led us to disaster 7 Oct
The article examines the rising trend of antisemitism among young people in Britain and links it to postmodernist ideology and moral relativism in academia. ...
7 Oct
Future of Jewish The Jewish Holiday in Need of a Good Script Editor 3 Oct
Daniel Clarke-Serret critiques the nebulous nature of Rosh Hashanah, dubbing it a Jewish holiday in need of "a good script editor." He contrasts its ambiguit...
3 Oct
eJewishPhilanthropy Maradona, quantum physics and Rosh Hashanah  2 Oct
The article draws a parallel between quantum physics and Jewish philosophy to explain the relational essence of existence and its reflection in Rosh Hashanah...
2 Oct
Forward A Jewish prophet of the 1980s would be horrified to see that we didn't heed his warnings 1 Oct
Robert Zaretsky reflects on Neil Postman's prophetic warnings about the influence of media, particularly the shift from a reading culture to one dominated by...
1 Oct
eJewishPhilanthropy Supporting Israel’s greatest asset 1 Oct
Rachel Lithgow advocates for increased philanthropic support for Israeli civil society and NGOs, emphasizing their critical role in the country's future. Whi...
1 Oct
Lehrhaus Yom Teruah 1 Oct
Avi Schild's poignant piece, "Yom Teruah," reflects on the cries and anguish associated with the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, often called Yom Teruah, the...
1 Oct
JTA ‘The Jewish texts that changed for me since Oct. 7’: A symposium 30 Sep
The symposium explores how Oct. 7, a day marked by deadly attacks in Israel, has affected the interpretation and personal significance of various Jewish text...
30 Sep
Forward 'Megalopolis' and 'The Brutalist' build on Ayn Rand's 'Fountainhead,' then blow up her ideas 30 Sep
Brady Corbet's film "The Brutalist" and Francis Ford Coppola's "Megalopolis" serve as cinematic critiques of Ayn Rand's Objectivism, contesting the notion th...
30 Sep
Jewish Review of Books Atlas Schlepped 30 Sep
Ayn Rand, known for her novels emphasizing radical individualism and capitalism, is explored through the lens of her Russian intellectual roots in an article...
30 Sep
Jewish Review of Books Desire and Power: Adam and Eve in Genesis 1–3 30 Sep
Roslyn Weiss explores the complexities of desire and power in the Genesis narrative of Adam and Eve. By examining differing interpretations of the text, part...
30 Sep
Mishpacha The Path Forward 29 Sep
In "The Path Forward," Cindy Scarr emphasizes the spiritual growth that can stem from both experiencing and healing from pain, particularly as related to one...
29 Sep
Jewish Chronicle This year perhaps God needs our forgiveness 29 Sep
In the wake of a year marked by tragedy and loss, Rabba Epstein delves into the challenging notion of forgiving God during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Refl...
29 Sep
Lehrhaus Teshuvah: A Radical, Refreshing, and Renewing Approach 29 Sep
Yiscah Smith explores the transformative potential of teshuvah (repentance) as taught by the Piaseczner Rebbe, emphasizing a holistic return to the Divine ra...
29 Sep
Moment Poem | “Leadership” 27 Sep
Robert Pinsky's poem "Leadership" explores the nuances of influence and authority through a vivid scene set in a youthful bar environment. The poem consists ...
27 Sep
Moment Ask the Rabbis | Is God the Ultimate Strongman? 27 Sep
In this installment of "Ask the Rabbis" centered on whether God is the ultimate strongman, various Jewish denominations explore dimensions of God's persona t...
27 Sep
MomentMag The Covenant Between God and Humanity with Rabbi Irving Greenberg and Amy E Schwartz 26 Sep
Rabbi Irving (Yitz) Greenberg, a renowned thinker in Modern Orthodox and post-Holocaust theology, explores the evolving relationship between God and humanity...
26 Sep
Moment The Covenant Between God and Humanity with Rabbi Irving Greenberg and Amy E. Schwartz 25 Sep
Rabbi Irving Greenberg, a prominent figure in Modern Orthodox and post-Holocaust theology, explores an innovative interpretation of the covenant between God ...
25 Sep
Moment Interview | To & Fro Is a Conversation between Kafka and Midrash 23 Sep
Leah Hager Cohen's novel, "To & Fro," ingeniously intertwines the lives of two twelve-year-old girls, Ani and Annamae, through a dual narrative that challeng...
23 Sep
Living Lchaim This Man Thanked God for Getting Hit by a Train 23 Sep
Ariel Berkowitz's extraordinary encounter with a life-threatening event highlights themes of gratitude and faith. After surviving a traumatic accident involv...
23 Sep
TEXTing headphones What’s Your Fish? 23 Sep
Elana Stein Hain and Yonah Hain discuss the story of Jonah through the lens of a Midrash from Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer, suggesting that Jonah's time in the wha...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Is it Time for a Deep Dive into Feelings? 23 Sep
Moishe Bane reflects on the often overlooked but crucial role of emotions in Orthodox Jewish practice, questioning why deeper emotional engagement is not emp...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Rosh Hashanah: Let There Be Light 23 Sep
Rabbi Norman Lamm's sermon, originally delivered in 1961 and excerpted in the book 'Festivals of Faith,' explores the theme of clarity amid confusion during ...
23 Sep
Tel Aviv Review headphones Everything You Wanted to Know About Hate but Were Afraid to Ask 23 Sep
Eran Halperin explores the psychological depths of hate, arguing it is a stable and intense emotion, targeting entire groups rather than specific actions, un...
23 Sep
Jewish Currents PURE&LOVE - "because the/ heart can’t pump love / all day, it takes it away / for matters of living—" 20 Sep
Ahmad Almallah's poem "PURE&LOVE" explores themes of grief and relational dynamics through an avant-garde poetic structure. The work challenges traditional n...
20 Sep
eJewishPhilanthropy ‘Give a damn. Truly care about what matters to you’: Words to live by from Charles Bronfman 20 Sep
Charles Bronfman discusses his impactful philanthropy journey, reflecting on his life's mission to give back to society in a conversation with Rabbi Sharon B...
20 Sep
Tablet Tale of Two Academies 20 Sep
Shai Goldman reflects on contrasting educational experiences between his gap year at Yeshivat Har Etzion in Israel and his subsequent studies at Columbia Uni...
20 Sep
Halacha Headlines headphones 9/21/24 – Shiur 484 – Ayin Hara – is it a real thing? Should we be concerned? How does it relate to Rosh Hashana and Tashlich? 19 Sep
Ayin Hara, or the Evil Eye, is discussed in Jewish texts and has implications for Jewish practices, but views on its impact and ways to combat it vary. Guest...
19 Sep
Tablet Right-Hegel Meets Left-Hegel 19 Sep
David P. Goldman explores the intellectual history and implications of Francis Fukuyama's "end of history" thesis, linking it to a lineage of philosophical i...
19 Sep
Mishpacha Ten Fears — Part II    17 Sep
Sara Eisemann's exploration of human fears, as discussed in Family First, highlights five primary fears that can impede one's ability to live fully. These in...
17 Sep
Mishpacha Parshas Ki Savo: Walking Wisdom 17 Sep
Cindy Scarr reflects on the profound lesson of spiritual independence derived from Parshas Ki Savo. Linking Moshe's parting from Bnei Yisrael with the Israel...
17 Sep