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Jewish Review of Books Proverbs 8:22-31 27 Feb 2013
In Proverbs 8:22-31, wisdom is personified as being created by the Lord at the beginning of His works, present before the creation of the world, and playing ...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Action Unmasking the Purim Pesach Connection 11 Feb 2013
The article discusses the unique relationship between Purim and Pesach, highlighting their proximity on the calendar despite being far apart linearly. It del...
11 Feb 2013
Tablet A Baby’s Journey Back to Health 22 Jan 2013
In early 2011, the author's premature daughter Rena faced a life-threatening intestinal condition known as necrotizing enterocolitis. As Rena fought for her ...
22 Jan 2013
Tablet A Convert’s Bible Stories: How a Christian Book Introduced Me to Ruth and David 23 May 2012
Before converting to Judaism, the author found resonance with Jewish texts through a Christian children's Bible. Despite a Lutheran upbringing, the Old Testa...
23 May 2012
Tablet The Dating Game 29 Oct 2010
In this exploration of matchmaking in the Torah portion, the focus is on the story of Abraham's servant seeking a wife for Isaac. The text highlights the ser...
29 Oct 2010
Tablet On Shavuot, Finding Myself at Sinai. Again. 13 May 2010
The author shares their preference for Shavuot over Passover, particularly due to their affinity for mystical aspects of Judaism, influenced by the writings ...
13 May 2010
Tablet Shavuot FAQ 12 May 2010
Shavuot is a Jewish holiday commemorating the giving of the Torah to the Israelites, marked by eating dairy products, staying up to study, and maintaining fe...
12 May 2010
Tablet The Children Are the Future 23 Oct 2009
The article from Tablet Magazine delves into the theme of children in Jewish tradition, drawing parallels between the barren woman seeking fertility and the ...
23 Oct 2009
Tablet Shemini Atzeret-Simchat Torah FAQ 9 Oct 2009
Shemini Atzeret, following Sukkot, marks the beginning of praying for rain, while Simchat Torah celebrates the conclusion and restarting of the Torah reading...
9 Oct 2009
Jewish Action Going in Circles: The Double Identity of Sukkot 12 Oct 1998
Sukkot holds a unique place among Jewish holidays, embodying a double identity that reflects both repentance and growth. Rabbi Jeremy Kagan explores how Sukk...
12 Oct 1998
Jewish Action Boxes with Rainbows 20 Jul 1991
During the thirtieth anniversary of the Gulf War, Toby Klein Greenwald reflects on the experiences of her family during the war, including the fears, uncerta...
20 Jul 1991