Daily Podcasts Video search
Promised Podcast headphones The “Smile for the Camera!” Edition 12 Sep 2019
In a recent podcast episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron delved into various significant topics in Israel. They debated Prime Minist...
12 Sep 2019
Tablet Live a Little 12 Sep 2019
In the text "Live a Little," a conversation between a mother and her son unravels, revealing a complex relationship. The mother, Princess Schweppessodawasser...
12 Sep 2019
Tablet What My Kippah Means to Me 9 Sep 2019
The author shares a personal journey of wearing a kippah as a gender nonconforming Jewish woman, describing the significance and challenges of this choice. I...
9 Sep 2019
Lehrhaus Rationalism, Mysticism, and the “Off-the-Derekh” Phenomenon 5 Sep 2019
The article discusses the phenomenon of Modern Orthodox teenagers leaving halakhic observance, attributing it not to mere rebellion but to a rationalist pers...
5 Sep 2019
Unorthodox headphones Let's Stay Together: Episode 193 29 Aug 2019
In episode 193 of the podcast "Unorthodox," actress Michaela Watkins discusses her Jewish identity, her work portraying Jewish and non-Jewish characters, and...
29 Aug 2019
Tablet The Listener on the Mat 29 Aug 2019
Jennifer Pastiloff, a popular yoga teacher and writer, is known for her exceptional listening skills, despite being profoundly deaf. Her memoir, "On Being Hu...
29 Aug 2019
Tablet The Bangles 22 Aug 2019
The text explores the cultural significance of bangles among Syrian Jewish women, detailing their history as gifts symbolizing marriage commitment and person...
22 Aug 2019
Tablet All Right, Reform Judaism, Count Me In 21 Aug 2019
A Jewish individual recounts their journey from an Orthodox upbringing to eventually embracing Reform Judaism, particularly due to its inclusive stance towar...
21 Aug 2019
Unorthodox headphones Facts and Feelings: Ep. 190 1 Aug 2019
This episode features an interview with Liz Feldman, creator of the Netflix series "Dead to Me," who discusses the Jewish influences on her show and sharing ...
1 Aug 2019
Lehrhaus How to Curtail Pernicious Social Competition: The Legacy of Zelophehad and his Daughters 29 Jul 2019
The essay explores the story of Zelophehad's daughters in the Hebrew Bible, where these women successfully petition Moses for inheritance rights after their ...
29 Jul 2019
People of the Pod headphones AJC Passport: U.S. Antisemitism Summit and LGBT Rights in Israel 19 Jul 2019
AJC's Jason Isaacson discussed the U.S. Department of Justice Summit on Combating Antisemitism and the increased efforts to combat antisemitism. Tyler Gregor...
19 Jul 2019
Unorthodox headphones Finding Your Truth: Ep. 189 18 Jul 2019
In this episode, Mark Oppenheimer and his co-hosts delve into the complex topic of conversion therapy and the personal experiences of advocate Mathew Shurka ...
18 Jul 2019
Unorthodox headphones Finding Your Truth: Ep. 189 18 Jul 2019
Israel's new Education Minister endorsed gay conversion therapy, sparking controversy. The podcast 'Unorthodox' features an interview with Mathew Shurka, fou...
18 Jul 2019
Forward Opinion | Conversion Therapy Is Awful. But So Is Treating Being Gay As An Incurable Disease 17 Jul 2019
The article discusses the debate within the Orthodox Jewish community regarding LGBTQ+ issues, particularly focusing on the contrasting views of Education Mi...
17 Jul 2019
Forward Gap Year Students In Israel Suffer From Mental Health Issues… But Aren’t Getting Help 16 Jul 2019
The tragic suicide of South African teen Adam Seef during an Israel tour program has highlighted the mental health struggles faced by gap year participants, ...
16 Jul 2019
Forward Israeli Education Minister Under Fire For Supporting Gay Conversion Therapy 16 Jul 2019
Israeli Education Minister Rafi Peretz faced backlash for expressing support for gay conversion therapy during a television interview, claiming he has used t...
16 Jul 2019
Promised Podcast headphones The “The Distance from You to Me” Edition 11 Jul 2019
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron cover three main topics in their discussion: the potential leadership of Israel's religious right by a s...
11 Jul 2019
Promised Podcast headphones The “Parties Like It’s 1999” Edition 4 Jul 2019
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron tackle three significant topics in "Parties Like It's 1999," exploring Israel's Left returning to past m...
4 Jul 2019
Tel Aviv Review headphones The Old/New Middle East 1 Jul 2019
"The Diamond Setter" by Moshe Sakal is a novel that intertwines old Middle Eastern themes with contemporary Israel, exploring a blend of Jewish-Arab heritage...
1 Jul 2019
Tablet The South’s Greatest Jewish Poet Strikes Zen Gold 1 Jul 2019
Hank Lazer, a Jewish poet and Buddhist residing in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, delves into the intersection of his identities, spiritual experiences, and poetic exp...
1 Jul 2019
Jewish Review of Books Open-Door Policy 24 Jun 2019
In "The Open-Door Policy" by Robert H. Mnookin, the author addresses the contentious topic of intermarriage and its implications for Jewish communal life in ...
24 Jun 2019
Tablet Putting the Pieces Together 24 Jun 2019
This personal essay delves into the author's journey of gender identity, religious observance, and the search for a welcoming Jewish community. Recounting ex...
24 Jun 2019
Promised Podcast headphones The “Pleas Don’t Please” Edition 20 Jun 2019
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss significant topics including Avigdor Lieberman's proposal for a centrist, secular National Unity...
20 Jun 2019
Jewish Action What Does It Mean to Be Single and Orthodox in America Today? 20 Jun 2019
The OU's Center for Communal Research is conducting studies on the challenges faced by Orthodox singles in America today, including the perceived Shidduch Cr...
20 Jun 2019
Jewish Action Frum Dating in the Digital Age 20 Jun 2019
In the digital age, technology has significantly impacted frum dating within the Jewish community. Platforms like JSwipe and JWed offer Orthodox Jewish singl...
20 Jun 2019
Jewish Action On Being an Orthodox Never-Married Woman 20 Jun 2019
Orthodox never-married women past childbearing age face unique challenges in the quest to find a mate, encountering social isolation, pressure, and judgment ...
20 Jun 2019
Jewish Action On Being an Orthodox Never-Married Woman 20 Jun 2019
Orthodox never-married women past childbearing age often face unique challenges, including social isolation, pressure to marry, and judgment from friends, fa...
20 Jun 2019
Jewish Action A Polite Request for Basic Sensitivity 20 Jun 2019
This piece shares two scenarios where individuals, Rebecca and Baruch, are faced with insensitivity from others regarding their personal struggles - Rebecca ...
20 Jun 2019
Jewish Action Marriage Then . . . and Now 20 Jun 2019
The text discusses the misconception that past Jewish marriages were primarily utilitarian, with strict gender roles. Through examples like Glückel of Hameln...
20 Jun 2019
Jewish Action Marriage Then . . . and Now 20 Jun 2019
The text explores the misconceptions surrounding Jewish marriages in the past, challenging the notion that they were strictly utilitarian and devoid of love....
20 Jun 2019
Tablet Queer Yiddishkeit 19 Jun 2019
"Queer Yiddishkeit" explores the intersection of queerness and Yiddish culture, particularly in the context of Golden Era Yiddish films like The Dybbuk, wher...
19 Jun 2019
Tablet A Journey to Judaism on Pointe 18 Jun 2019
Boysie Dikobe, a 28-year-old dancer with Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo, is on a journey towards Judaism, with an official Conservative conversion pla...
18 Jun 2019
Promised Podcast headphones The “Labor Savers?” Edition 13 Jun 2019
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Ittay Flescher discuss the battle for control of Israel's Labor Party between various factions, the impact of new hi-t...
13 Jun 2019
Promised Podcast headphones The “Labor Savers?” Edition 13 Jun 2019
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Ittay Flescher discuss the current state of Israel's Labor Party, with a focus on the struggle between different facti...
13 Jun 2019
Tablet What I Learned at the D.C. Dyke March 12 Jun 2019
In a reflection on attending the D.C. Dyke March, the author shares their experience supporting queer Jewish women who faced anti-Semitism within their own L...
12 Jun 2019
Tablet Leave the Holocaust Out of Your Abortion Debate 23 May 2019
Dr. Gisella Perl, a Holocaust survivor, defied Josef Mengele in Auschwitz to save hundreds of pregnant women by performing secret abortions under dire condit...
23 May 2019
Forward ‘Law & Order’ Episode Asks: What If A Muslim Woman Politician Was Raped In A Synagogue? 18 May 2019
In a recent episode of Law & Order: SVU, inspired by real-life Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a hijab-wearing city councilwoman resembling Omar is portrayed as a ...
18 May 2019
Unorthodox headphones Mom's the Word: Ep. 180 9 May 2019
In the podcast episode "Mom's the Word: Ep. 180," the focus is on mothers in honor of Mother's Day. Jewish guest Catherine Reitman, creator of Workin Moms, s...
9 May 2019
Unorthodox headphones In the Bag: Ep. 179 2 May 2019
In a post-Passover episode of "In the Bag," Jewish guests Rebecca Minkoff and Moriel Rothman-Zecher share their stories, with Minkoff discussing her fashion ...
2 May 2019
Forward Woody Allen’s ‘Manhattan’ Is 40. Can We Still Admire It In 2019? 25 Apr 2019
Despite being a celebrated film, Woody Allen's "Manhattan" is now difficult to assess due to his controversial personal life, including his relationship with...
25 Apr 2019
Tablet Cat People 9 Apr 2019
"Cat Person" by Kristen Roupenian explores modern relationships and sexual dynamics, focusing on a young woman named Margot and her awkward encounter with Ro...
9 Apr 2019
Lehrhaus Hilkhot Nashim: A Cautious Revolution  24 Mar 2019
"Hilkhot Nashim" is a publication by the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA) that aims to dispel misconceptions about women's obligations in Jewish ritu...
24 Mar 2019
Jewish Review of Books Ungoverning the Western Wall 15 Mar 2019
The last thirty years have seen ongoing tensions at the Western Wall between Women of the Wall, advocating for women's prayer rights, and haredi Jews resisti...
15 Mar 2019
Unorthodox headphones Swiping Right: Ep. 173 14 Mar 2019
This episode of "Unorthodox" features interviews with dating app ghostwriter Meredith Golden and married comedians Jess Salomon and Eman El-Husseini, discuss...
14 Mar 2019
Tel Aviv Review headphones Us and Them: Is There Any Way Out? 18 Feb 2019
Psychologist Nurit Novis-Deutsch suggests that individuals who possess a multifaceted identity are more likely to be tolerant towards those different from th...
18 Feb 2019
Lehrhaus If Your Wife Is Short, Bend Down and Hear Her Whisper: Rereading Tanur shel Akhnai 17 Feb 2019
In Miriam Gedwiser's essay about revisiting the story of the Oven of Akhnai in Jewish tradition, she explores how the narrative on Bava Metzia 59a-b offers a...
17 Feb 2019
Forward Opinion | Anti-Semitic Environmentalism Is The Latest Social Justice Threat To Jews 23 Jan 2019
Progressive spaces, including environmentalist and LGBTQ movements, are increasingly exhibiting anti-Semitic sentiments, creating challenges for Jewish indiv...
23 Jan 2019
Forward Women’s March Adds 3 Jews To Steering Committee 15 Jan 2019
The Women's March, amid accusations of anti-Semitism against its leaders, has formed a new steering committee for its upcoming event, featuring three Jewish ...
15 Jan 2019
Forward Opinion | Are Jews White? American History Says It’s Complicated 9 Jan 2019
The article discusses the complex relationship between Jews and whiteness in America, exploring the issue of Jews being perceived as white or not. The author...
9 Jan 2019
Forward Opinion | Can We Finally Admit That Jews Can Be Both White And Oppressed? 9 Jan 2019
The author delves into the debate about whether European Jews should be considered white and discusses the complexities of Jewish identity and oppression. Sh...
9 Jan 2019