Daily Podcasts Video search
Ami Contextualizing the Holocaust // Public school kids need a broader perspective 5 Jun
The text discusses the importance of Holocaust education in the United States, highlighting the lack of knowledge among Americans regarding the Holocaust. It...
5 Jun
Moment The Double Bind of Israelis on Campus 4 Jun
Israeli students and academics on U.S. college campuses face a challenging environment due to anti-Israel sentiments, leading to ostracization, threats, and ...
4 Jun
Mishpacha Poker Face 4 Jun
Learning to maintain a poker face is highlighted as a valuable skill in various aspects of life, especially in relationships and parenting. The ability to co...
4 Jun
Mishpacha Flag It 4 Jun
The text discusses the concept of flags in the Jewish tradition, drawing from sources in the Torah and Midrash. It emphasizes the idea that each individual h...
4 Jun
JTA Jewish students are the teachers in a classroom program combating antisemitism 4 Jun
Jewish teens in Howard County, Maryland are engaging in a Student to Student program to combat antisemitism in schools. The initiative involves Jewish studen...
4 Jun
JTA European students are calling on their colleges to divest from Israel. In many cases, they’re winning. 4 Jun
European student activists, inspired by the United States, have been successful in urging their universities to divest from Israeli-linked companies or boyco...
4 Jun
Jewish Chronicle King David High School helps create Liverpool’s first Holocaust memorial sculpture 4 Jun
Liverpool has unveiled its first Holocaust memorial sculpture, situated at King David High School, largely due to the efforts of staff and students. The meta...
4 Jun
Mishpacha Let’s Talk Camp (Feat. Rabbi Armo Kuessous and Mrs. Debbie Selengut) 3 Jun
In a podcast featuring Rabbi Armo Kuessous and Mrs. Debbie Selengut, the hosts delve into important questions parents should consider before sending their ki...
3 Jun
Jewdicious Jewish History Month? 3 Jun
In 2006, President George W. Bush proclaimed May as Jewish American History Month to celebrate the contributions of Jewish Americans. Despite this, the autho...
3 Jun
New Voices Bloom 3 Jun
In this piece, a young person recounts their experience at an Orthodox Jewish seminary during the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine. The narrator forms a connecti...
3 Jun
eJewishPhilanthropy A different approach to university giving 3 Jun
The text discusses a different approach to philanthropic giving in university settings, emphasizing the complexity of impacting an entire institution and sug...
3 Jun
Emes Ve-Emunah The Malaise Within the Charedi Yeshiva System 2 Jun
The author expresses concern over a phenomenon within the Charedi Yeshiva world that emphasizes full-time Torah study to the exclusion of other pursuits, lea...
2 Jun
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 1 Jun
Future of Jewish is a digital publication dedicated to providing inspiration, education, and connection about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world. They aim...
1 Jun
Forward Protesters rebuild pro-Palestinian encampment at Columbia during class reunions 1 Jun
Pro-Palestinian protesters at Columbia University have erected a new encampment, Revolt for Rafah, to coincide with alumni reunions, displaying banners deman...
1 Jun
Sapir You Can Graduate Any Time You Like, but You Can Never Leave 1 Jun
The text discusses the changing landscape of antisemitism on college campuses and in American society, emphasizing the interconnected nature of the crisis. I...
1 Jun
Future of Jewish But we are *not* Jew-haters, they insist. 31 May
This essay discusses a fictional but realistic panel discussion at a pro-Hamas rally in Canada, where attendees express views on the Israel-Hamas conflict. T...
31 May
Jewish Chronicle Let’s talk schools: how to choose the school that’s best for your child 31 May
Choosing a school for your child involves considering various factors, as highlighted in a survey conducted by Seed in 2021 among Jewish primary school famil...
31 May
Forward We're Israelis who study fascism. This week, our country took a terrifying step toward the abyss 31 May
Israeli scholars and historians, Shira Klein and Lior B. Sternfeld, warn of Israel's rapid descent into fascism as legislation is proposed requiring universi...
31 May
eJewishPhilanthropy From awareness to action: Expanding mental health resources for students, families and educators 31 May
Gateways: Access to Jewish Education, with the support of the Ruderman Family Foundation, has taken proactive steps to address the increasing mental health c...
31 May
Tablet Mob Education at the Ivies 31 May
A current Princeton student shares their experience of being assaulted by an anti-Israel protester on campus and the subsequent lack of institutional support...
31 May
Forward A rambunctious child is driving Mom nuts. What can she say besides ‘Stop’ and ‘Don’t’? 30 May
A mother seeks advice on how to handle her rambunctious 6-year-old son who yells, doesn't sit still, and displays disruptive behaviors. Suggestions from the ...
30 May
JTA How this Jewish Chicago day school pulled off a last-minute, multi-generational Israel service trip 29 May
Chicago Jewish Day School's annual Israel trip for eighth-graders was threatened due to the Israel-Hamas war and cancelations by IsraelNow. Despite challenge...
29 May
JTA John Fetterman disavows Harvard, his alma mater, while receiving an award from Yeshiva University 29 May
Senator John Fetterman, known for his vocal support of Israel, disavowed his alma mater Harvard University while receiving an award at Yeshiva University's c...
29 May
JTA Harvard says it will no longer take stances on many issues, 8 months after stoking tensions with Israel-Gaza statements 29 May
Harvard University has announced that it will no longer issue statements on topics unrelated to its operations, following tensions surrounding the Israel-Ham...
29 May
Jewish Currents “In the Middle of Fighting for Freedom We Found Ourselves Free” - June Jordan’s 1993 tribute to Audre Lorde, her sister-in-arms from the ’60s student protests and beyond 29 May
June Jordan's 1993 tribute to Audre Lorde reflects on their shared activism in the Civil Rights and Black Power movements, particularly during student protes...
29 May
Chabad.org I Found Judaism at Columbia University Amid All the Anti-Semitism 28 May
A woman named Cecile, now known as Sara, discovered her connection to Judaism while facing anti-Semitism during her time at Columbia University.
28 May
Mishpacha Flipping the Focus 28 May
The article discusses the concept of negativity bias, which causes people to remember negative events more strongly than positive ones. This bias can lead to...
28 May
Mishpacha Everyone Needs a Friend 28 May
The author discusses the importance of relationships for a healthy and happy life, drawing from the Harvard Study of Adult Development, which highlighted the...
28 May
Chabad.org What it's like to be Jewish on Campus after October 7th 28 May
The video explores Sara's journey of discovering her Judaism at Columbia University amidst a challenging environment including violent threats, gaslighting, ...
28 May
Jewish Chronicle A dozen Charedi schools received official warnings last year 28 May
The Department for Education issued warnings to 12 Charedi schools in 2023 following critical inspections, prompting schools to create action plans to addres...
28 May
Jewish Chronicle Inspectors pleased by Kerem’s progress 28 May
Inspectors have acknowledged the positive changes at Kerem, an independent primary school, particularly in improved marking and feedback for students leading...
28 May
eJewishPhilanthropy Saving Jewish education through service learning 28 May
Rabbi Amanda Schwartz reflects on the importance of service learning in Jewish education as a means to instill Jewish values and create mensches. Through her...
28 May
Emes Ve-Emunah The Decline of MO and Ascendancy of the Right 27 May
Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin suggests that Modern Orthodoxy (MO) in America may need to embrace Kabbalah and Chassidus to survive; contrasting MO's less stringent o...
27 May
Jewish Chronicle The Etgar Quiz no 270 26 May
The Etgar Quiz no 270 featured questions on Jewish knowledge and technology. It asked about the first book in Ketuvim (Tehillim), the originator of Torah rea...
26 May
Living Lchaim Harvard is Anti-Semitic. Meet the Kid Who’s Changing That 26 May
A video featuring Shabbos Kestenbaum, a graduate student at Harvard Divinity School and lead plaintiff in a lawsuit against Harvard University for alleged an...
26 May
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 25 May
Joshua Hoffman, on behalf of Future of Jewish, a free digital publication aiming to enhance understanding of Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, seeks sup...
25 May
Tablet The 500 25 May
In the midst of challenges facing American Jewish students on university campuses, a group of 500 Jewish students at Columbia University penned a letter asse...
25 May
Forward Why a Harvard rabbi walked off the stage at commencement 24 May
Rabbi Hirschy Zarchi of Chabad at Harvard walked off the stage during the university's commencement after feeling that the ceremony had slandered Israel and ...
24 May
JTA Harvard commencement roiled by student walkouts, confrontation involving Chabad rabbi 24 May
Harvard University's commencement ceremony faced turmoil as over 1,000 individuals walked out in protest of not granting diplomas to 13 pro-Palestinian stude...
24 May
The Cholent Negotiating with Terrorists 24 May
The University of Washington recently reached an agreement with anti-Israel activists to dismantle their quad encampment after the university president conde...
24 May
Forward How university presidents have failed us during this turbulent year on campus 24 May
The article discusses the role of university presidents amidst campus turbulence, referencing a story from Haverford College in 1986 and the recent challenge...
24 May
Moment Opinion | Why I’m Boycotting My 50th Harvard Reunion 24 May
The author, an alumnus of Harvard, is boycotting his 50th reunion due to concerns about how the university and some faculty and students have responded to co...
24 May
Emes Ve-Emunah The Roosting Chickens of Charedi Education 24 May
In the realm of Charedi Jewish education, a financial crisis is currently affecting schools across the U.S., with a shortage of big donors and many parents u...
24 May
Bonjour Chai headphones I've Got Schisms 24 May
Eitan Hersh, a political science professor at Tufts University, experimented with teaching a class on conservative ideas at his liberal college, highlighting...
24 May
Bonjour Chai headphones I've Got Schisms 24 May
Eitan Hersh, a political science professor at Tufts University, discusses his innovative class on conservative ideas at a predominantly liberal college, aimi...
24 May
Tablet Who Were the Students of the Great Lithuanian Yeshivas? 24 May
Before the First World War, students from Western countries rarely attended Lithuanian yeshivas due to political unrest in the region. However, after the war...
24 May
JTA Under fire from Congress, Northwestern’s Jewish president forcefully defends encampment deal 23 May
During a recent congressional hearing on campus antisemitism, Northwestern University President Michael Schill defended his decision to make an agreement wit...
23 May
Kveller 17 Appetizing Kids’ Books About Jewish Food 23 May
In celebration of Jewish American Heritage Month, a list of 17 appetizing kids' books about Jewish food is highlighted, ranging from Ashkenazi classics to di...
23 May
Creative Judaism My solution to BULLYING! | Parshah Rabbit Hole Ep. 32 (Behar) 23 May
Exploring the consequences for bullies in the afterlife and discussing the ethical treatment of supernatural bears in this episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole.
23 May
Jewish Currents The Complicity of Israeli Academia - Scholar Maya Wind discusses Israeli universities’ longstanding role in Palestinian subjugation. 23 May
Maya Wind discusses the complicity of Israeli academia in Palestinian subjugation and the ongoing occupation. She highlights how Israeli universities have hi...
23 May