Daily Podcasts Video Research
Jewish History Lectures Ask Hard Questions! Channel members only, please. 30 Mar
The video invites channel members to submit questions for a livestream discussion, with recommendations for further reading and information on online courses...
30 Mar
Forward Photo of body of woman killed by Hamas wins prize and sparks controversy 29 Mar
A photo of Hamas militants transporting the body of a German-Israeli woman, Shani Louk, into Gaza has won an award, sparking controversy over its portrayal o...
29 Mar
Kveller For Jewish ‘Third Culture Kids,’ There’s Both Challenges and Joys in a Multicultural Life 29 Mar
The article discusses the experience of raising Jewish Third Culture Kids (TCKs), who grow up in a country different from both of their parents' origins. It ...
29 Mar
Chabad.org Siyum HaRambam: Empowering the Individual, Uniting the People 29 Mar
A video documenting the Siyum HaRambam event, marking the completion of the 43rd Rambam study cycle, which celebrates empowering individuals and unifying the...
29 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Let’s talk schools: why we need a schools review 29 Mar
The Chief Rabbi and the United Synagogue are initiating a comprehensive review of Jewish schools in the UK to ensure they foster a deep love and understandin...
29 Mar
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/30/24 – Shiur 462 – What are our “Yeshiva bochers” struggling with nowadays? 29 Mar
In Shiur 462, the discussion revolves around the challenges facing Yeshiva bochers today, contrasting them with girls' challenges and examining the impact of...
29 Mar
Forward Philly Federation furious over Haverford's 'COVID in times of genocide' campus event 29 Mar
The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia expressed anger over an event at Haverford College titled "COVID in Times of Genocide," which they viewed as pe...
29 Mar
People of the Pod headphones Jewish College Student Leaders Share Their Blueprint for Combating Antisemitism 28 Mar
Jewish college student leaders at Binghamton University, Seth Schlank and Eytan Saenger, discuss their experiences combating antisemitism on campus following...
28 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Receiving stories and wrestling with pedagogic tensions post-Oct. 7 28 Mar
Jewish educators post-Oct. 7 grappled with addressing antisemitism, the Israel-Hamas war, and pedagogic dilemmas, leading to the Reform Educators Mission to ...
28 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Combating campus antisemitism: A call for decisive action in America’s universities 28 Mar
In response to the resurgence of antisemitism on American college campuses, Mike Leven, founder of The Jewish Future Promise, emphasizes the urgent need for ...
28 Mar
Creative Judaism Sailors, Survival and Sinners | Parshah Rabbit Hole Ep.25 (Tzav) 28 Mar
Exploring the concept of the Thanks Offering in this episode, it delves into themes of survival, ancient mariners, arrogance, and delinquency from a Jewish p...
28 Mar
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 28 Mar
Future of Jewish is a digital publication aiming to provide understanding and knowledge about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world. They have made their con...
28 Mar
JTA Rutgers joins growing list of schools under GOP House investigation for antisemitism 27 Mar
The Republican-led House Education and Workforce Committee, chaired by Rep. Virginia Foxx, is investigating Rutgers University for antisemitism, following si...
27 Mar
JTA Columbia investigating ‘Resistance 101’ student event where speakers praised Hamas 27 Mar
Columbia University is investigating an event where speakers expressed support for Palestinian terror groups and encouraged armed resistance against Israel. ...
27 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Wingate winner Elizabeth McCracken: ‘My fear is being boring in the service of accuracy’ 27 Mar
Elizabeth McCracken, the recent winner of the Wingate Prize, discusses her novel "The Hero of This Book" and its exploration of her Jewish mother's identity....
27 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Meet the playwright who doesn’t think free speech is sacred 27 Mar
Playwright Paul Grellong's drama "Power of Sail" tackles the theme of platforming extremists on university campuses, exploring the blurred lines between free...
27 Mar
Jewish Chronicle King Solomon strikes called off 27 Mar
The strike at King Solomon High School in Essex, organized by the National Education Union, has been called off following talks on Monday. The dispute, which...
27 Mar
Forward 'Schools are not doing enough': California proposal would ban calling for genocide on campus 27 Mar
A new bill in California seeks to ban calling for genocide on public college and university campuses as part of efforts to combat antisemitism. The bill, SB ...
27 Mar
JTA UC Santa Barbara, where Jewish student president was accused of supporting ‘genocide,’ is subject of new Title VI investigation 26 Mar
The U.S. Department of Education is launching a discrimination investigation into UC Santa Barbara following an incident where the Jewish student body presid...
26 Mar
Hadassah Holocaust Survivor Receives Germany’s Highest Honor 26 Mar
Holocaust survivor Marion Blumenthal Lazan, at 89, was recently honored with Germany's highest civilian award, the Order of Merit, for her tireless efforts i...
26 Mar
Mishpacha A Perek a Day 26 Mar
Torat Imecha Nach Yomi is a program that involves women studying a chapter of Nach (Hebrew Bible) each day, following a cycle that spans Neviim and Kesuvim. ...
26 Mar
Forward Could a Jewish voice from a previous century be a prophet for our times? 26 Mar
Aaron David Gordon, a figure from a previous century, is reconsidered in contemporary times by Tel Aviv University professor Yuval Jobani in a new book. Whil...
26 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Exploring enrollment in congregational education: Research findings provide insights beyond the numbers 26 Mar
A recent research study by the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland delved into congregational education enrollment trends, finding a national decline of 41%...
26 Mar
Rationalist Judaism How Many Yeshiva Students Are Needed? 26 Mar
Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv suggested that in ancient times, one person studying Torah was considered enough spiritual protection for a soldier, while today ...
26 Mar
JTA Steven Spielberg decries ‘machinery of extremism’ on campus and laments Israel-Hamas war deaths at USC ceremony honoring Holocaust survivors 26 Mar
Renowned filmmaker Steven Spielberg, honored at a ceremony at the University of Southern California for his Holocaust remembrance work, warned about rising a...
26 Mar
Tablet Twilight of the Wonks 26 Mar
The text discusses the challenges facing American universities and higher education, emphasizing the need for reform in the face of changing societal demands...
26 Mar
JTA Jews have always been prolific writers. Has AI wound up with too much of their work? 25 Mar
Heila Precel, a Jewish researcher, published a paper highlighting how artificial intelligence (AI) training using texts without authors' permission, such as ...
25 Mar
Jewish Insider Traditionally quiet campuses now face widespread anti-Israel activity 25 Mar
Campuses like the University of Virginia, typically politically quiet regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, have seen a surge in anti-Israel activity p...
25 Mar
JTA Why Rabbi Shai Held says love is the cornerstone of Jewish belief and practice 24 Mar
Rabbi Shai Held asserts in his book "Judaism Is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life" that love is the cornerstone of Jewish belief and practice, ...
24 Mar
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 23 Mar
Future of Jewish, a digital publication, aims to educate and inspire people about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, offering free access to its content....
23 Mar
JTA Queens College Hillel calls pro-Hitler graffiti a threat to student safety, demands action from administration 22 Mar
Queens College Hillel has condemned recent pro-Hitler graffiti targeting Jews on campus as a threat to student safety, demanding action from the administrati...
22 Mar
Jewschool Purim: On Excess  22 Mar
In this insightful piece by Sara Klugman, Purim is explored in the context of current conflicts, particularly the situation in Gaza. Klugman highlights the d...
22 Mar
JTA Ending his sit-in, UC Berkeley professor says campus response to antisemitism has improved 22 Mar
Israel studies professor Ron Hassner has concluded his two-week sit-in at UC Berkeley's office, satisfied with the commitments made by the university to addr...
22 Mar
JTA The Museum of Jewish Heritage seeks to educate more college-age visitors about the Holocaust, starting with a private tour for CUNY students 22 Mar
The Museum of Jewish Heritage is expanding efforts to educate college-age students, initially through a private tour for City University of New York (CUNY) s...
22 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Strengthening our missions with KPIs 22 Mar
The tradition of "Chazak, chazak, vnitchazeik" reflects the essence of organizational development through key performance indicators (KPIs) in Jewish nonprof...
22 Mar
Tikvah headphones Seth Kaplan on How to Fix America's Fragile Neighborhood 22 Mar
Seth Kaplan, in his book "Fragile Neighborhoods," analyzes the current state of American neighborhoods, pointing out their fragility due to issues like lonel...
22 Mar
Between The Lines ‘(ALMOST) PURIM SPOOF’ 2024/5784 22 Mar
The text is a satirical (almost) Purim spoof envisioning a report on issues of anti-Semitism on Ivy League campuses, including mandating Jewish students wear...
22 Mar
Forward New data challenges assumptions about campus antisemitism 21 Mar
A new study challenges assumptions about campus antisemitism by revealing that conservative college students are more likely than liberals to hold extreme vi...
21 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy The power of people-to-people experiences  21 Mar
Israeli students from Shaar HaNegev Regional High School visited San Diego Jewish Academy as part of a people-to-people exchange following the Oct. 7 attacks...
21 Mar
Forward Department of Education reaches resolution with Utah school district over reports of antisemitism 20 Mar
The U.S. Department of Education has resolved its investigation into a public school district in Park City, Utah, regarding reports of antisemitic harassment...
20 Mar
Forward Department of Education increases transparency around Title VI discrimination investigations post-Oct. 7 20 Mar
The U.S. Department of Education has started to increase transparency around its investigations into discrimination on college campuses, specifically focusin...
20 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Jewish educators have nightmares about Oct. 7 20 Mar
Jewish educators, particularly those with connections to Israel, have reported experiencing recurring nightmares and trauma related to the events of Oct. 7, ...
20 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Smartphone ban: Meet the north London parents shunning devices for their children 20 Mar
A growing number of parents in north London, including those at the Eden Primary School, are advocating for a ban on smartphones for children until the age o...
20 Mar
Torah 101 headphones #86: The Nature of the Ultimate Resurrection + TORCH Campaign 20 Mar
The TORCH organization is currently running a fundraising campaign to support the TORAH 101 Podcast and other Jewish outreach and educational efforts. In a r...
20 Mar
Forward Jews on California campuses stage statewide ‘sleep-in’ protests as Congress launches antisemitism probe into Berkeley 19 Mar
Jewish academics and students in California organized a statewide sleep-in protest in response to increased antisemitism on campuses, notably at the Universi...
19 Mar
Mishpacha Chapter 5: Tech by Example  19 Mar
In this chapter, a tech expert visits a family where each of the five kids has their own tablet, leading to a resistance to filtering technology. The expert ...
19 Mar
Mishpacha Family First Inbox: Issue 886 19 Mar
The Family First Inbox in Issue 886 features various perspectives and reflections from readers on different topics. One individual shares their experience of...
19 Mar
Mishpacha Like Stars Forever    19 Mar
Beri Weber, known for his successful music career with nine albums and performances at luxury weddings worldwide, also serves as a rosh yeshivah for bochurim...
19 Mar
Mishpacha An Ordinary Monday  19 Mar
On an ordinary Monday in Israel, the narrator is uplifted by the joyful singing of schoolboys celebrating Rosh Chodesh Adar with traditional Jewish songs. Th...
19 Mar
Jewish Review of Books At the Anti-Israel Carnival 19 Mar
The author discusses the dark aspects of anti-Israel protests on university campuses, particularly focusing on Rutgers University, where protesters adopt car...
19 Mar