Daily Podcasts Video Research
Forward Judith Butler is intentionally giving Hamas' terror legitimacy 8 Mar
Judith Butler, a prominent American Jewish philosopher, sparked controversy by reframing Hamas' terrorism as armed resistance, arguing for precise language t...
8 Mar
Forward Etgar Keret is writing again — and teaching an AI chatbot to do it better 8 Mar
Etgar Keret, a renowned Israeli writer, resumed writing after a period of writer's block following a traumatic event on Oct. 7. He views writing as a form of...
8 Mar
Forward Is every red carpet look sort of Jewish? This meme queen says yes 8 Mar
Shoshana Gottlieb, known for her Jewish red carpet reviews on social media, infuses humor by likening celebrities' outfits to Jewish themes and objects, maki...
8 Mar
The Cholent Review Time 8 Mar
Nikki Haley faced challenges in her political journey, with a recent focus on Biden, Israel, and internal Jewish community politics. A campaign in Seattle ur...
8 Mar
Jewish Chronicle The best ways to save in 2024-25 8 Mar
In the upcoming tax year starting on April 6th, 2024, there are changes impacting saving and investing strategies. The capital gains tax allowance will be ha...
8 Mar
Jewish History Lectures Ask Hard Questions (Experiment!) 8 Mar
This YouTube video is an experimental livestream where the host addresses challenging questions from viewers, including channel members, encouraging discussi...
8 Mar
Forward Meet Zachary Marschall, the Jewish conservative who leads the nation in campus antisemitism investigations 7 Mar
Zachary Marschall, a Jewish conservative and editor-in-chief of Campus Reform, has emerged as a leading figure in filing Title VI campus antisemitism complai...
7 Mar
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 6 Mar
Josh Hoffman, representing Future of Jewish, a digital publication focused on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, is seeking support for their mission. Th...
6 Mar
18forty Do You Need a Rabbi, or a Therapist? 6 Mar
The article discusses the distinction between seeking guidance from a rabbi or a therapist in the Jewish community. It emphasizes that rabbis and therapists ...
6 Mar
The Habura headphones Electricity on Yom Tob - Rabbi Ilan Acoca 6 Mar
Rabbi Ilan Acoca discusses the use of electricity on Yom Tov. The content mentions the website of The Habura which is an online Bet Midrash focusing on Torah...
6 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Teaching Israel in a time of war 6 Mar
The article discusses the challenges of teaching about Israel during times of war, sharing the experiences of an Israel educator amid recent tragic events. I...
6 Mar
Ami Speaking Up about Anti-Semitism at Harvard 6 Mar
Orthodox Jewish student Shabbos Kestenbaum recently testified before the House Education and Workforce Committee about anti-Semitism on college campuses. He ...
6 Mar
Forward UC Berkeley is under federal investigation over the recent disruption of an Israeli speaker 6 Mar
The University of California, Berkeley is now facing a federal discrimination investigation following the disruption of an Israeli speaker's appearance on ca...
6 Mar
Forward Your turn: Readers respond to Barnard’s dorm-door decoration ban 5 Mar
Barnard College recently implemented a policy banning students from displaying anything on their dorm room doors, following a lawsuit related to protecting J...
5 Mar
Forward Columbia University antisemitism task force says Jews experiencing ‘isolation and pain’ on campus 5 Mar
A task force at Columbia University has released a report highlighting the struggles faced by Jewish students on campus, particularly regarding isolation and...
5 Mar
Forward A ceasefire is needed in Gaza. My college shouldn't call for one 5 Mar
The author, Sascha Freudenheim, expresses his refusal to sign a petition at Hampshire College calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, despite his criticism of Israe...
5 Mar
Mishpacha Family First Inbox: Issue 884 5 Mar
The issue of women finding mentors and support systems post-seminary is discussed, highlighting the challenges some face in seeking guidance and advice. The ...
5 Mar
Mishpacha Chapter 3: Part 1 of 2 — Go Between    5 Mar
Meir, a 22-year-old yeshivah student, grapples with the dilemma of needing a smartphone for personal downtime, particularly to follow sports, while seeking h...
5 Mar
JTA One Jewish law school’s unusually flexible study program: Classes on Sundays only 5 Mar
Touro Law Center offers a unique FlexTime JD program designed for students who cannot commit to full-time classes, with only in-person Sunday classes and fle...
5 Mar
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones SCOTUS, Trump, and the War on the Jews 5 Mar
The episode delves into the Supreme Court ruling affirming Donald Trump's eligibility to be on the Colorado ballot and explores the implications of this deci...
5 Mar
JTA Jewish actor Ike Barinholtz wins on ‘Jeopardy!’ after answering clue about Ancient Rome 5 Mar
Jewish actor Ike Barinholtz, known for roles in TV and film comedies, won on Jeopardy! by answering a question about the ancient Roman poet Ovid in the Tourn...
5 Mar
The Habura headphones Personality of a Poseq - Rabbi Yonatan Halevy 5 Mar
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy discusses the personality traits of a Poseq (Jewish legal decisor) in a scholarly manner on a platform affiliated with the S&P Sephardi ...
5 Mar
JTA Sensationalizing campus antisemitism isn’t serving Jewish students like mine 4 Mar
The article discusses the author's experience teaching a course on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at Rutgers University, highlighting the diversity of stud...
4 Mar
Emes Ve-Emunah Elitism and Insularity is Not Judaism 4 Mar
The text criticizes the elitism and insularity present in certain sectors of Orthodox Jewry, focusing on the issue within post-high school seminaries for gir...
4 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy What Moving Traditions has learned about teens and Israel 4 Mar
Moving Traditions has discovered that many Jewish teens feel unequipped or hesitant to discuss Israel due to a lack of knowledge about its complex history or...
4 Mar
Jewish History Lectures What do the Crypto-Jewish Inscriptions of Trancoso actually mean? 3 Mar
A look into the significance of the Crypto-Jewish inscriptions of Trancoso in Portugal, related to crypto-Jewish history in the region.
3 Mar
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 2 Mar
Future of Jewish is a digital publication aiming to provide insight and education on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world to a broad audience. They have rec...
2 Mar
Forward Hunter College Hillel decries ‘hateful slogans’ after protesters demand Jews on campus ‘pick a side’ 2 Mar
Hunter College Hillel spoke out against the targeting of Jewish students by protesters demanding that Jews choose a side at a recent rally on campus. The pro...
2 Mar
Forward 'Astonishing' volume of investigations tests legal protections for Jewish students 1 Mar
A surge in federal investigations and lawsuits related to antisemitism on college campuses, occurring almost every other day since Oct. 7, has been fueled by...
1 Mar
Forward Barnard's draconian dorm-door policy threatens our democracy 1 Mar
Barnard College's recent policy banning dormitory door decorations has sparked controversy, with critics arguing it suppresses free speech and diminishes the...
1 Mar
Moment Wisdom Project | Morris Waitz, 100, Keeps Thinking About Tomorrow 1 Mar
Morris Waitz, a vibrant newly minted centenarian from Tappan, New York, shares insights from his long and eventful life in an interview with Moment Magazine'...
1 Mar
Forward U of British Columbia student union rejects vote to boot Hillel from campus after Jewish groups sound alarm 1 Mar
The student government leaders at the University of British Columbia rejected a proposal to remove Hillel from campus after facing backlash from Vancouver Je...
1 Mar
Tikvah headphones Vance Serchuk on Ten Years of the Russia-Ukraine War 1 Mar
Vance Serchuk, a former Senate staff member and expert on global affairs, reflects on the ten-year Russia-Ukraine war, discussing its causes and impact on al...
1 Mar
Forward Once a last resort, Title VI antisemitism complaints are now the ‘Wild West’ for Jews on campus 1 Mar
Title VI complaints related to antisemitism and Islamophobia on campuses have surged, with the Department of Education opening 74 cases since October 7. Orig...
1 Mar
Sapir Religious Christians 1 Mar
The article discusses the rising support for Hamas by Islamists and progressives in cities across Europe and North America, emphasizing the need for a strong...
1 Mar
Jewish Insider ‘It’s unspeakable’: UC Berkeley Jewish leaders decry university’s response to antisemitic mob 1 Mar
After an antisemitic mob disrupted an event at UC Berkeley, Jewish leaders criticized the university's response, which failed to address the antisemitic targ...
1 Mar
Jewish Insider University antisemitism task forces feature much talk, minimal action so far 1 Mar
Top universities, including Harvard, Yale, and Stanford, have formed task forces to address and combat antisemitism on their campuses following a surge in su...
1 Mar
Sapir Middle East Studies 1 Mar
The text discusses the politicization of Middle East studies in academic circles, particularly focusing on the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) and its...
1 Mar
Sapir Arab Modernizers 1 Mar
The text discusses the flourishing relationship between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) following the signing of the Abraham Accords, highlighting ...
1 Mar
Sapir America (at Her Best) 1 Mar
Jews in America have a long history of success and integration, exemplified by achievements in various sectors of society and their alignment with American i...
1 Mar
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/2/24 – Shiur 458 – Frum on the outside and empty on the inside - why are some of our best girls struggling with Yiddishkite? 29 Feb
In Shiur 458, the discussion focuses on the challenges faced by young Jewish girls in maintaining their religious observance despite appearing observant outw...
29 Feb
JTA Jewish teen hackers compete to solve real-world problems in Israel 29 Feb
Jewish high school students, including Kate Glick and Ellianna Pell from The Leffell School, participated in the Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education's...
29 Feb
Future of Jewish Sex, Rabbis, and the Downfall of Judaism 29 Feb
Alon Goshen-Gottstein, a prominent figure in inter-religious dialogue, delves into the case of Art Green's recent sexual misconduct allegations, highlighting...
29 Feb
People of the Pod headphones What It’s Like to Be Jewish at Harvard Among Antisemites and Hamas Supporters 29 Feb
At Harvard University, Jewish students like Nitsan Machlis and Shabbos Kestenbaum have faced antisemitism and hostility, leading to feelings of being unwelco...
29 Feb
JTA Remembering Ellen Bernstein, 70, the ‘birthmother’ of Jewish environmentalism 29 Feb
Ellen Bernstein, a pioneering figure in Jewish environmentalism, passed away at the age of 70. Known for founding Shomrei Adamah, the first Jewish national e...
29 Feb
JTA Search our database of Title VI discrimination investigations at schools and colleges since Oct. 7 29 Feb
Following reports of increased antisemitism post-Israel-Hamas war in October, the White House emphasized Title VI of the Civil Rights Act to combat discrimin...
29 Feb
Forward UC Berkeley police begin criminal probe of anti-Israel protest that turned violent 29 Feb
UC Berkeley's police department has launched a criminal investigation into a violent protest by anti-Israel demonstrators that led to the cancellation of an ...
29 Feb
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 28 Feb
Future of Jewish, a digital publication, aims to provide education and insight about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world for a global audience. The publica...
28 Feb
Forward 'You can't hide': Jewish student leader targeted at University of California multicultural center 28 Feb
The University of California Santa Barbara's multicultural center was recently targeted with signs condemning Zionism and specifically naming the Jewish stud...
28 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Are Jewish studies in our schools really outstanding? 28 Feb
Jewish schools in the UK benefit from substantial government funding, leading to high attendance rates among Jewish children. These schools are recognized fo...
28 Feb