Forward Is it antisemitic to protest Hillel? 12 Jun
The article discusses the question of whether it is antisemitic to protest against Hillel, specifically focusing on a recent demonstration outside the Hillel...
12 Jun
JTA Head of elite Manhattan private school steps down following criticism of Oct. 7 response 11 Jun
David Lourie, the head of Collegiate School in Manhattan, has resigned amid criticism of the school's response to antisemitism issues, particularly during th...
11 Jun
Forward ‘Go back to Poland’: Masked UCLA protesters harass Chabad rabbi, threaten his life 11 Jun
During a pro-Palestinian protest at UCLA, Rabbi Dovid Gurevich of Chabad was harassed and threatened by masked demonstrators who demanded he leave, calling h...
11 Jun
JTA LA Jewish day school censors two student newspaper articles on Israel-Hamas war 11 Jun
Los Angeles Shalhevet High School's student newspaper, the Boiling Point, faced censorship of two articles related to the Israel-Hamas war by the school's ra...
11 Jun
Rationalist Judaism Two Different Torahs 11 Jun
The author reflects on recent events in Israeli society, including proposed changes to exemption laws for ultra-Orthodox individuals and a disturbing suicide...
11 Jun
Jewish Chronicle Universities have lost control. Why are they so weak? 11 Jun
Following recent anti-Israel student activities at American universities including Columbia and UCLA, the author highlights a concerning rise in organized an...
11 Jun
Jewish Chronicle Conservatives promise to revive out of school register plan 11 Jun
The Conservative Party has included in their election manifesto a proposal to lift restrictions on entry to faith free schools, allowing them to admit pupils...
11 Jun
Jewish Chronicle The Seychelles: island life in the slow lane 11 Jun
Desroches Island in the Seychelles is a remote and untouched paradise, home to a unique Four Seasons resort and 150 giant tortoises, led by the charismatic B...
11 Jun
JTA Prosecutors move to dismiss hate crimes charges against woman who hit Israeli Columbia student with a stick 11 Jun
Prosecutors are seeking to drop hate crimes charges against Maxwell Friedman, also known as Malaika, who allegedly assaulted an Israeli student on Columbia U...
11 Jun
JTA Israeli battlefield commanders explain why they are breaking IDF rules to solicit donated gear 10 Jun
Israeli battlefield commanders, like Micha Shtiebel of the Alexandroni Brigade, have been resorting to soliciting donated gear from a network of civilian vol...
10 Jun The Torah Is Our Strength 10 Jun
Rabbi Gordon tells a short story emphasizing the significance of the Torah in providing strength and guidance.
10 Jun
JTA How one Israeli teen is navigating the uncertainties of life during wartime 10 Jun
The article follows Alma Doron, an 18-year-old Israeli navigating life during wartime, where the fear of missile attacks has impacted her daily routines and ...
10 Jun
Ami The Rebbe’s Shliach // In Memoriam Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky 1949—2024 10 Jun
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, a prominent figure in Chabad-Lubavitch and vice chairman of Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch, passed away at 74, leaving a significant legacy ...
10 Jun
Mishpacha Shelf Life      9 Jun
In this article, Mishpacha writers reflect on the impact of sacred Jewish texts, or seforim, on their lives. The story focuses on the author's experience as ...
9 Jun
Mishpacha Family First Inbox: Issue 897 9 Jun
The inbox discussions cover various topics: a writer expresses disappointment over a character's choice to attend a friend's wedding instead of her boss's, e...
9 Jun
Mishpacha The Best Merchandise 9 Jun
This text discusses the enduring value of Torah compared to other investments and assets, using metaphors like the rise and fall of cryptocurrencies to illus...
9 Jun
Jewish Chronicle Our grandmothers would be amazed to see what’s happening in shul 9 Jun
The text discusses the evolving role of women in Torah study and education, highlighting how women are now actively engaged in learning and teaching Torah ac...
9 Jun
JTA Ohio court bars Hebrew Union College from selling rare books amid financial woes 7 Jun
Ohio's attorney general has obtained a court order preventing Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, known for its significant coll...
7 Jun
Jewish History Lectures The Moral Transformation of Isaac Cardoso (Trancoso 1604 - Verona 1681) 7 Jun
An exploration of the Jewish career of Dr. Fernando Isaac Cardoso, as presented during the Kosher River Cruise along the Douro River in Portugal.
7 Jun
JTA Most likely to antagonize Jewish students this spring: High school yearbooks 7 Jun
Several incidents have occurred this spring involving high school yearbooks that have upset Jewish students and communities. These include a New Jersey distr...
7 Jun
Forward In the campus protests, Jews got outorganized 7 Jun
The text discusses how the pro-Palestine movement has excelled in organizing on college campuses compared to Jewish groups, highlighting the need for liberal...
7 Jun
eJewishPhilanthropy The reality behind the campus encampments 7 Jun
In response to anti-Israel campus encampments, there is a growing awareness in the pro-Israel community about the challenges on American campuses. While ther...
7 Jun
Jewish Chronicle The Etgar Quiz no 272 7 Jun
The Etgar Quiz no 272 poses questions related to Jewish knowledge, including identifying the source of Eishet Chayil, the Torah portion with the most section...
7 Jun
Future of Jewish Recipe for Failure: Stop fighting Jew-haters with facts. 7 Jun
The article discusses the complexity of combatting antisemitism with facts alone, highlighting that the phenomenon is deeply rooted in emotions, cultural nar...
7 Jun
Jewish History Uncensored headphones 192 - Rocket Science & the KKK - Lessons From My Father's Life 7 Jun
This episode delves into the early life of the speaker's father, reflecting on how he ended up in a small town in Alabama, his experiences growing up in the ...
7 Jun
Halacha Headlines headphones 6/8/24 – Shiur 469 – Learning Torah when it’s nearly impossible 7 Jun
In Shiur 469, the discussion focuses on the challenges of learning Torah when facing various obstacles, such as life stresses, distractions, or military serv...
7 Jun
JTA Student groups at Baruch College stage protest against Hillel, adding to growing trend 6 Jun
Pro-Palestinian student groups at Baruch College staged a protest against the school's Hillel, accusing the Jewish campus group of supporting genocide and fa...
6 Jun
Forward My friend is making antisemitic comments. What should I say? PS: I’m not Jewish 6 Jun
A non-Jewish individual seeks advice on how to address their best friend's increasing antisemitic behavior. Despite both being members of minority groups, th...
6 Jun
Forward Why Hebrew is showing up in unexpected places — and why that matters 6 Jun
The article discusses the increasing appearance of Hebrew in English-language books, highlighting works such as "Unalone" by Jessica Jacobs, "The Safekeep" b...
6 Jun
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Dr. Joe Schwarcz can’t stop debunking wellness gurus, antivaxxers and psuedoscience 6 Jun
Dr. Joe Schwarcz, a chemistry professor at McGill University, has gained popularity as a science communicator despite not having a medical degree. With a rad...
6 Jun
Between The Lines Scoop: New U.S. College Exam To Promote Anti-Israel Protests 6 Jun
A satirical piece discusses a new exam at U.S. universities aimed at promoting anti-Israel activism and potentially targeting pro-Israel or Jewish students. ...
6 Jun
Creative Judaism Why are FLAGS so POWERFUL? | Parshah Rabbit Hole Ep. 34 (Bamidbar) 6 Jun
Exploring the significance and power behind flags, delving into various topics including dragons and Disney World in this episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole.
6 Jun
Jewish Insider Israeli students in U.S. warn peers against studying at American campuses 6 Jun
Israeli students studying at American campuses, including prestigious institutions like Columbia University and Harvard, have reported facing a toxic and hos...
6 Jun
Tablet Harvard’s Golden Age Turns to Mud 6 Jun
The text describes a troubling trend of rising antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment at Harvard University, culminating in incidents like the use of antisem...
6 Jun
JTA Crown Heights mourns Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, a pivotal figure in Chabad’s global outreach 5 Jun
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, a key figure in Chabad-Lubavitch's global outreach efforts, passed away at 74 after battling cancer. Known for his pivotal role in est...
5 Jun
JTA Columbia settles suit with Jewish student over encampments, promising additional security 5 Jun
Columbia University has settled a lawsuit with a Jewish student over the impact of pro-Palestinian encampments on campus, promising enhanced security measure...
5 Jun
JTA German Holocaust reparations increase again this year, but plateau expected as survivors perish 5 Jun
The German government has agreed to allocate a record $1.5 billion in Holocaust reparations this year, with a focus on increased support for survivors' medic...
5 Jun
18forty I Always Felt Religiously Homeless Growing Up—Until I Came to Israel 5 Jun
The author reflects on feeling spiritually homeless while growing up in a mixed denominational Jewish environment in America. They struggled to reconcile the...
5 Jun
eJewishPhilanthropy Educators experiencing ‘second coming-of-age’ in Israel 5 Jun
As Israel continues to grapple with the aftermath of the Oct. 7 attacks, Jewish educators and communal professionals are experiencing a profound reconnection...
5 Jun
Jewish Chronicle The new Antisemitism is built on lies, so let’s tell the truth 5 Jun
The essay addresses the emergence of a new form of antisemitism that uses false equivalencies and distortions to paint Jews in a negative light. By equating ...
5 Jun
Ami Creating A Refuge // How an accidental yeshivah turned into a much-needed beis midrash for older bachurim 5 Jun
Rav Yitzchok Soloveitchik, a scion of the Beis Halevi, established a renowned kollel in Jerusalem that started as a yeshivah for American bachurim. Recently,...
5 Jun
Ami Contextualizing the Holocaust // Public school kids need a broader perspective 5 Jun
The text discusses the importance of Holocaust education in the United States, highlighting the lack of knowledge among Americans regarding the Holocaust. It...
5 Jun
Moment The Double Bind of Israelis on Campus 4 Jun
Israeli students and academics on U.S. college campuses face a challenging environment due to anti-Israel sentiments, leading to ostracization, threats, and ...
4 Jun
Mishpacha Poker Face 4 Jun
Learning to maintain a poker face is highlighted as a valuable skill in various aspects of life, especially in relationships and parenting. The ability to co...
4 Jun
Mishpacha Flag It 4 Jun
The text discusses the concept of flags in the Jewish tradition, drawing from sources in the Torah and Midrash. It emphasizes the idea that each individual h...
4 Jun
JTA Jewish students are the teachers in a classroom program combating antisemitism 4 Jun
Jewish teens in Howard County, Maryland are engaging in a Student to Student program to combat antisemitism in schools. The initiative involves Jewish studen...
4 Jun
JTA European students are calling on their colleges to divest from Israel. In many cases, they’re winning. 4 Jun
European student activists, inspired by the United States, have been successful in urging their universities to divest from Israeli-linked companies or boyco...
4 Jun
Jewish Chronicle King David High School helps create Liverpool’s first Holocaust memorial sculpture 4 Jun
Liverpool has unveiled its first Holocaust memorial sculpture, situated at King David High School, largely due to the efforts of staff and students. The meta...
4 Jun
The Habura headphones HaRambam’s Grandson: The Legacy of Rabbi David HaNagid - Rabbi Joshua BerdugoHaRambam’s Grandson: The Legacy of Rabbi David HaNagid - Rabbi Joshua Berdugo 4 Jun
Rabbi Joshua Berdugo, born in Miami, Florida, and a student of Rabbi Zweig at Yeshiva Ve Kollel Bet Moshe Haim, holds semichah from prominent rabbis and is c...
4 Jun
Mishpacha Let’s Talk Camp (Feat. Rabbi Armo Kuessous and Mrs. Debbie Selengut) 3 Jun
In a podcast featuring Rabbi Armo Kuessous and Mrs. Debbie Selengut, the hosts delve into important questions parents should consider before sending their ki...
3 Jun