Daily Podcasts Video Research
Tablet Anti-Semitism and the Birth of Jewish Studies 18 Oct 2018
During the 1960s, a Jewish graduate student at the University of Michigan encountered ambivalence towards Jewish identity among his peers and faculty members...
18 Oct 2018
Tablet The Vanishing Ivy League Jew 16 Oct 2018
There has been a noticeable decline in the number of Jewish students at Ivy League universities in recent years, with significant drops in Jewish representat...
16 Oct 2018
Tanakh Cast headphones TanakhCast #142: The Eclipse of God Edition 15 Oct 2018
In TanakhCast #142: The Eclipse of God Edition, the podcast delves into 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, discussing passages from Genesis to 2 Chron...
15 Oct 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Lessons in Disillusionment: Hans Kohn and the Crisis of Nationalism 8 Oct 2018
Adi Gordon, a professor, examines Hans Kohn, a prominent 20th-century scholar of nationalism and former Zionist, in his book Towards Nationalism's End. Gordo...
8 Oct 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Our Friend in the White House: Lincoln and the Jews 5 Oct 2018
Jonathan Sarna, a professor of American Jewish history, co-edited a book titled "Lincoln and the Jews: A History" with Benjamin Shapell, exploring the relati...
5 Oct 2018
Promised Podcast headphones The “Being Mayor is Tough!” Edition 4 Oct 2018
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss the Palestinian Authority's new schoolbooks promoting anti-Jewish sentiment leading to European ...
4 Oct 2018
Tanakh Cast headphones TanakhCast #141: The Simple Theological Point Edition 1 Oct 2018
In TanakhCast #141, the focus is on exploring and discussing four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, beginning with Genesis and concluding with 2 Chroni...
1 Oct 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Not Just Jihad: Every War Is Holy in Its Own Way 1 Oct 2018
In his book "Religion on the Battlefield," Ron Hassner delves into the role of religious faith and practices in contemporary warfare, arguing that religious ...
1 Oct 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Not Just Jihad: Every War Is Holy in Its Own Way 1 Oct 2018
In the Tel Aviv Review, Ron Hassner, a political science professor at UC Berkeley, delves into his book "Religion on the Battlefield," examining the role of ...
1 Oct 2018
Forward Campus Pro-Israel Group ‘Monitored’ Progressive Jewish Students 25 Sep 2018
The Israel on Campus Coalition, a major pro-Israel organization, monitored a gathering of progressive Jewish students from Open Hillel at Wesleyan University...
25 Sep 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Post-Zionism: A Post-Mortem 24 Sep 2018
Eran Kaplan, an Israel Studies professor at San Francisco State University, evaluates the phenomenon of Post-Zionism in his book "Beyond Post-Zionism," notin...
24 Sep 2018
Tablet My Second Bat Mitzvah 20 Sep 2018
Reflecting on her life journey, Roseanne Benjamin recounts her bat mitzvah experience and her subsequent reconnection with Judaism through her son's bar mitz...
20 Sep 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones All the Middle East's a Stage, and Jews and Arabs Merely Players 17 Sep 2018
Dr. Lee Perlman from Tel Aviv University's Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research delves into his book "But Abu Ibrahim, We're Family!" in which he examine...
17 Sep 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones All the Middle East's a Stage, and Jews and Arabs Merely Players 17 Sep 2018
Dr. Lee Perlman explores the potential of joint Jewish-Arab theater productions in fostering peace building in his book "But Abu Ibrahim, We're Family!". Thi...
17 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Rebbe and the Professor 14 Sep 2018
Professor Salo Wittmayer Baron, a renowned scholar of Jewish history, challenged the conventional view of Jewish suffering by presenting a comprehensive soci...
14 Sep 2018
Forward Will Michael Steinhardt Be Shunned By Jewish Groups After Hillel Probe? 14 Sep 2018
Hillel International is reportedly distancing itself from philanthropist Michael Steinhardt following claims of inappropriate comments made by him. While Ste...
14 Sep 2018
Forward Rutgers Anti-Semitism Allegations Probed By Feds 9 Sep 2018
The U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights is reopening an investigation into alleged anti-Semitic incidents at Rutgers University following ...
9 Sep 2018
Tablet Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Opportunities in the New Year 7 Sep 2018
The author reflects on the concept of opportunity cost introduced during an economics class in college and how it applies to various life choices, such as ac...
7 Sep 2018
Lehrhaus Making Jewish Education Affordable 6 Sep 2018
Jay Kelman discusses the issue of affordability in Jewish day school education, proposing a solution that focuses on using monies raised to address current n...
6 Sep 2018
Tablet Doing Birthright as a Mother of Two 5 Sep 2018
A 32-year-old mother of two reflects on her experience participating in Birthright, a trip to Israel aimed at young Jewish adults. Despite not fitting the ty...
5 Sep 2018
Tanakh Cast headphones TanakhCast #139: The Not-Chosen Edition 3 Sep 2018
In TanakhCast #139: The Not-Chosen Edition, the podcast explores and reflects on 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, beginning from Genesis to 2 Chroni...
3 Sep 2018
Lehrhaus Life, Children, and Sustenance: Personal Reflections on the Legacy of a Torah Scholar 31 Aug 2018
Dr. Yaakov Elman, a Torah scholar, mentor, and expert in Talmud studies, made a profound impact on his students and community through his extensive knowledge...
31 Aug 2018
Promised Podcast headphones The “Symbolic Justice” Edition 30 Aug 2018
Don Futterman, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron debate hot topics including the legality of unvaccinated children attending school in Israel, the societ...
30 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Yaakov Elman z”l: Breadth, Creativity, and Commitment 30 Aug 2018
Yaakov Elman was a unique and dedicated scholar known for his proficiency in both traditional Jewish learning and academic Talmud study at Yeshiva University...
30 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Professor Yaakov Elman: A Talmud Scholar of Singular Depth and Scope 30 Aug 2018
Professor Yaakov Elman was a distinguished Talmud scholar known for his unique depth and interdisciplinary approach to studying the Babylonian Talmud. Despit...
30 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus A Tribute to Yaakov Elman 30 Aug 2018
Dr. Yaakov Elman, who recently passed away, is remembered by Mahnaz Moazami for his significant contributions to the academic field of Irano-Talmudica, where...
30 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Reflections From A Student 30 Aug 2018
The essay reflects on the legacy of Dr. Yaakov Elman, not only as a scholar but also as a teacher who inspired students with his egalitarian approach and lov...
30 Aug 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Burnt Pot 30 Aug 2018
In "The Burnt Pot," the author explores themes of assimilation, identity, and Jewish continuity through the lens of characters in Zadie Smith's novel "White ...
30 Aug 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Future Is Now 29 Aug 2018
Allan Arkush raises concerns about the future of Jewish life in the American melting pot, asserting that Orthodoxy seems to be the most sustainable approach ...
29 Aug 2018
Tablet A History of Jewish Day Schools 29 Aug 2018
Jewish day schools were once frowned upon by American Jews, who favored the public school system as a means of integration into American society. However, be...
29 Aug 2018
Jewish Review of Books An Exceptional Minority? 27 Aug 2018
The discussion revolves around the challenges facing American Jews in maintaining their distinctive culture and religious commitments in a society marked by ...
27 Aug 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Take Notice: The Power of the Unremarkable 27 Aug 2018
Eviatar Zerubavel, a sociology professor at Rutgers University, delves into the significance of the ordinary in his book Taken for Granted: The Remarkable Po...
27 Aug 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Other Bernstein 22 Aug 2018
The text discusses the lesser-known brother of the renowned Jewish scholar Gershom Scholem, a Communist named Werner, who is overshadowed by his famous sibli...
22 Aug 2018
Tanakh Cast headphones TanakhCast #138: The Breaking the Silence Edition 20 Aug 2018
TanakhCast #138 is part of a series where the Tanakh is explored, covering 4 chapters every two weeks starting from Genesis to 2 Chronicles. This episode foc...
20 Aug 2018
People of the Pod headphones AJC Passport: What Are the Best Colleges for Jews? 17 Aug 2018
Laura Adkins and Aiden Pink, journalists at The Forward, created a comprehensive guide ranking over 200 colleges for Jewish students based on factors such as...
17 Aug 2018
Forward Community | Don’t Let BDS On Campus Scare You Away 15 Aug 2018
The article discusses the presence of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement on college campuses, aiming to divest from companies affiliated wi...
15 Aug 2018
Forward How Yiddish Education Got Its Start In America 14 Aug 2018
The article discusses the history of Jewish education in America, focusing on the development of secular Yiddish schools from 1917 to 1950. These schools aim...
14 Aug 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones On Hell and Other People: The Enduring Relevance of Existentialism 13 Aug 2018
Dr. Dror Yinon from Bar-Ilan University explores the ongoing relevance of Existentialism in today's world, particularly in light of populism and post-truth t...
13 Aug 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones On Hell and Other People: The Enduring Relevance of Existentialism 13 Aug 2018
Dr. Dror Yinon from Bar-Ilan University discusses a recent series of lectures on Existentialism at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, highlighting the endurin...
13 Aug 2018
Tanakh Cast headphones TanakhCast #137: The Three No, Four Yes Edition 6 Aug 2018
In TanakhCast #137: The Three No, Four Yes Edition, the discussion revolves around examining and reflecting on four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, s...
6 Aug 2018
Forward A New Wave Of Hardline Anti-BDS Tactics Are Targeting Students, And No One Knows Who’s Behind It 2 Aug 2018
A wave of hardline tactics targeting students critical of Israel, particularly the BDS movement, has emerged with a secretive and aggressive approach. At Geo...
2 Aug 2018
Tablet At the Site of One of the Yom Kippur War’s Bloodiest Battles, a Bunker Is Turned Into an Escape Room 2 Aug 2018
An Israeli entrepreneur, Yaakov Seh-Lavan, has repurposed a bunker at the site of the intense 1973 Yom Kippur War battle of Tel Saki into an Escape Room. Dur...
2 Aug 2018
Tablet Race Quotas and Class Privilege at Harvard 1 Aug 2018
The article discusses the academic achievements of Asian-American students at schools like Harvard, attributing their success to their work ethic and dedicat...
1 Aug 2018
Tanakh Cast headphones TanakhCast #136: The Twist Ending Edition 23 Jul 2018
In TanakhCast #136, the discussion focuses on delving into and reflecting on four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, starting from Genesis and progressi...
23 Jul 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Business and Human Rights: A Contradiction in Terms? 16 Jul 2018
David Bilchitz, a law professor, suggests in his book "Building a Treaty on Business and Human Rights" a legal framework to align business development with t...
16 Jul 2018
Lehrhaus Women and Paternalism 10 Jul 2018
The article discusses the issue of women's advanced Torah study within Modern Orthodox communities. The author reflects on the challenges and societal norms ...
10 Jul 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Live from the 2018 AIS Conference: The ‘Berkeley School’ Approach to Hebrew Literature 9 Jul 2018
At the 2018 AIS Conference, a plenary session featured a discussion on the Berkeley School's approach to Hebrew literature, aimed at expanding its study beyo...
9 Jul 2018
Lehrhaus The Source of Faith is Faith Alone 2 Jul 2018
The article reflects on the nature of faith, particularly within the context of Orthodox Judaism, focusing on the interplay between belief, rational argument...
2 Jul 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones The Survival of the Sentient: The Evolution of the Soul 2 Jul 2018
Professor Eva Jablonka from Tel Aviv University explores the evolution of conscience and the development of the soul in her upcoming book "The Evolution of t...
2 Jul 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones The Survival of the Sentient: The Evolution of the Soul 2 Jul 2018
Professor Eva Jablonka from Tel Aviv University explores the concept of conscience and its development within the evolution process in her upcoming book "The...
2 Jul 2018