Daily Podcasts Video Research
Tablet School Isn’t (Always) Like Jail 6 Sep 2012
Lev Keret's first day of school evokes mixed emotions for his father as he navigates the uncanny resemblance between schools and prisons, complete with unifo...
6 Sep 2012
Forward Massive Crowd Gathers for Talmud Celebration 2 Aug 2012
The largest-ever Siyum HaShas celebration gathered 90,000 people at MetLife Stadium to mark the completion of the 7-and-1/2-year Talmud learning cycle, known...
2 Aug 2012
Tablet My Jewish Education 13 Jul 2012
The author reflects on his time at Tablet Magazine and his journey in learning about Jewish culture while writing for The Scroll. He acknowledges his growth ...
13 Jul 2012
Tablet The Mifgash Begins 15 Jun 2012
The text is a call to support truthful and open Jewish journalism by contributing to "The Mifgash." It emphasizes the importance of supporting journalism tha...
15 Jun 2012
Forward Obama Pays Tribute to Late Rebbe Schneerson 3 Apr 2012
President Obama commemorated the late Lubavitcher Rebbe Schneerson in his Education and Sharing Day proclamation, lauding the Rebbe's humanitarian values and...
3 Apr 2012
Forward Pro-Palestinian Student Activists Plan First National Conference 11 Oct 2011
Pro-Palestinian student activists, particularly from the organization Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), are organizing their first national conference...
11 Oct 2011
Tablet Unwelcome 7 Oct 2011
An Orthodox Jewish student at Barnard College was allegedly advised by Prof. Rachel McDermott against taking a course by Joseph Massad due to his anti-Israel...
7 Oct 2011
Forward Of Bees and Men: Fixing the Bee Problem 4 Oct 2011
Bees play a crucial role in pollinating plants and are key to a healthy environment. The phenomenon of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) in bees has been linked...
4 Oct 2011
Tablet Make Some Noise 17 Jun 2011
Nadav Samin, once known as Siah, a Jewish hip-hop artist from Brooklyn, recently critiqued far-right figures through rap, showcasing his return to music afte...
17 Jun 2011
Tablet Taste Test 3 May 2011
The article explores the idea of how one's favorite Jewish children's book reflects aspects of their personality. It encourages readers to reflect on their c...
3 May 2011
Tablet Calvin and Sobs 7 Apr 2011
Shalom Auslander reflects on John Calvin's idea of total depravity while on vacation with his family. He contemplates the inherent human flaws and the inevit...
7 Apr 2011
Tablet Childish Things 17 Dec 2010
A humorous anecdote by Etgar Keret describes his son, Lev, wanting to light Hanukkah candles at age 5, but escalating to wanting to burn things like the Macc...
17 Dec 2010
Tablet K’tonton Time 4 Oct 2010
Ktonton, the Jewish "thumbelina," remains beloved by children like Maxie for his daring adventures and humorous escapades, as detailed in Sadie Rose Weilerst...
4 Oct 2010
Tablet Ban My Book—Please! 29 Sep 2010
The American Library Association recently published a list of the ten most banned/challenged books, showing a shift in trends from the 1990s when Jewish auth...
29 Sep 2010
Tablet Sore 19 Aug 2010
In the late 19th century, the rise of the Yiddish press brought attention to the lives of average Jews, previously overlooked by intellectual writings. A spe...
19 Aug 2010
Tablet Kent State, Forty Years Later 4 May 2010
Forty years after the tragic events at Kent State University on May 4, 1970, where four unarmed students were killed by National Guardsmen during Vietnam War...
4 May 2010
Tablet Oh, Canada 13 Apr 2010
Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) in Canada has highlighted a growing anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiment on Canadian campuses, despite the Canadian government...
13 Apr 2010
Forward Tweeting Anne Frank 7 Apr 2010
The Anne Frank Center USA, in collaboration with the U.N. Holocaust Program, has initiated a Twitter campaign in which students visiting the center are encou...
7 Apr 2010
Tablet Fine Young Criminal 21 Jan 2010
In the late 19th century, the rise of the Yiddish press shed light on the lives of ordinary Jews, challenging the traditional focus on intellectual elites. A...
21 Jan 2010
Tablet Ortho Kids Like Ritual, Summer-Camp Study Shows 22 Oct 2009
An Israeli sociologist conducted a study at Jewish summer camps in the United States with over 700 children, revealing insights into how different Jewish den...
22 Oct 2009
Tablet Bomb the Ban! 29 Sep 2009
The article discusses Banned Books Week, focusing on Jewish children's book authors whose works have faced censorship. It mentions Shel Silverstein's books b...
29 Sep 2009
Tablet Taking the Plunge 14 Sep 2009
The author shares their journey of conversion to Judaism, which was sparked by a desire since their early teens but was suppressed due to societal expectatio...
14 Sep 2009
Tablet Role Reversal 27 Jul 2009
Paula Span discusses her book "When the Time Comes" based on her experience caring for her aging parents. Her father, formerly uninterested in religion, beca...
27 Jul 2009
Tablet Enduring Love 19 Jul 2007
The text discusses the complex interplay between faith, history, and personal trauma within a Jewish family, especially in relation to the story of Abraham a...
19 Jul 2007
Forward Israeli, Palestinian Students Talk ‘Face to Face’ 20 Jan 2007
The Face to Face/Faith to Faith Program facilitates dialogue between teenagers from historically conflicting groups, like Jews and Palestinians, to foster un...
20 Jan 2007
Jewish Action The Prince of Light: The Story of an African Prince Who Left Royalty and Fortune to Pursue a Torah Lifestyle 22 May 2006
Rabbi Natan Gamedze, a linguist and grandson of a former king of Swaziland, embarked on a journey from prince to rabbi after encountering Judaism in college....
22 May 2006
Tablet Conference Calls 17 Dec 2004
The Association for Jewish Studies is hosting its annual meeting in Chicago, featuring numerous panels and presentations covering a wide range of topics rela...
17 Dec 2004
Forward School Fights Local Federation 25 Jun 2004
In Margate, New Jersey, a heated conflict has erupted between the Trocki Hebrew Academy and the local Jewish federation over alleged financial mismanagement ...
25 Jun 2004
Jewish Action Holocaust Memorials: Teaching the Wrong Message? A Challenge to the Orthodox Community 10 Nov 1993
The article discusses the Orthodox Jewish community's reluctance to embrace Holocaust museums due to their focus on preserving living traditions over display...
10 Nov 1993