Daily Podcasts Video search
Tablet A Producerist Manifesto 15 Jul 2020
The text discusses the documentary "Planet of the Humans" which questions the efficacy of green technology like solar panels and wind turbines, suggesting th...
15 Jul 2020
Not That Kind of Rabbi headphones Gerald Kutney: The sky is falling! No seriously, its falling. 21 May 2020
In a tweet, Gerald Kutney, a scientist and climate advocate, highlights the urgent need to address the pressing issue of climate change, emphasizing the phys...
21 May 2020
Tablet A Jewish Doctor Examines the Black Death 5 May 2020
Abraham Caslari, a Jewish physician in Besal during the Black Death in 1348, wrote the Tractate on Pestilential Fevers, providing a medical perspective on th...
5 May 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Reason and Its Limits 17 Apr 2020
Sohrab Ahmari, a former editor at COMMENTARY and the New York Post, discusses his article "They Blinded Us with Science" in a podcast, exploring the limits o...
17 Apr 2020
Jewish Review of Books Rocketmen 15 Sep 2019
Rocketmen, curated by Adolfo Roitman, Hagit Maoz, and Michael Maggen at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, focuses on Israel's first astronaut, Ilan Ramon, who ...
15 Sep 2019
Forward Earthquake Centered Near Haifa Rocks Israel 16 May 2019
A 4.5 magnitude earthquake centered near Haifa, between Haifa and Hadera, was felt throughout Israel, with no reported injuries or damage. The quake, located...
16 May 2019
Tablet Fire in the Genes 23 Apr 2019
Beth, a genetic counselor, discovered she and her husband carry a recessive mutation for familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) after taking a genetic test befor...
23 Apr 2019
Tablet A Visit With Raphael Mechoulam, the Israeli Godfather of Cannabinoid Research 18 Apr 2019
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, known as the "godfather of cannabis medicine," is a leading Israeli researcher in the field of cannabinoids. Mechoulam, who discovered...
18 Apr 2019
Jewish Action Dating with a Mental Disorder 22 Mar 2019
Jewish Action explores the topic of dating with a mental disorder, particularly within the Orthodox Jewish community, where mental health concerns can signif...
22 Mar 2019
Tel Aviv Review headphones The Story of Science 18 Mar 2019
Prof. Oren Harman, a historian of science at Bar-Ilan University, explores themes from his book "Evolutions: Fifteen Myths that Explain Our World" and his le...
18 Mar 2019
Tel Aviv Review headphones The Story of Science 18 Mar 2019
Prof. Oren Harman, a historian of science, and Chair of the Graduate Program in Science, Technology and Society at Bar-Ilan University, explores his book Evo...
18 Mar 2019
Lehrhaus Wearing a Smartwatch on Shabbat 20 Jan 2019
The discussion revolves around the permissibility of wearing a smartwatch on Shabbat, specifically focusing on the use of electricity and altering currents. ...
20 Jan 2019
Tel Aviv Review headphones Body Politics: Bioethics and Medical Sociology, Revisited 24 Dec 2018
Dr. Hagai Boas of the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute delves into the topic of bioethics and biopolitics in Israel in a co-edited volume. This work explores soc...
24 Dec 2018
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Winter 2019 20 Dec 2018
In the excerpted letters, two main discussions are encapsulated. Firstly, Dr. Howard Smith reflects on Isaac Newton's approach to reconciling science and rel...
20 Dec 2018
Forward 5 Honey-Based Beauty Products To Ring In The Jewish New Year 6 Sep 2018
As the Jewish New Year approaches, honey takes center stage not just on the holiday table but also in beauty products. Honey and royal jelly are rich in anti...
6 Sep 2018
Tablet The Jewish Side of Cystic Fibrosis 22 Aug 2018
Emily Kramer-Golinkoff, a woman battling a rare form of cystic fibrosis, the Ashkenazi mutation, founded Emilys Entourage, a nonprofit aimed at funding resea...
22 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus The Jewish Calendar: A Scientific Perspective 30 Jul 2018
The Jewish calendar, established with scientific knowledge, employs the Metonic cycle to synchronize lunar and solar years, ensuring Passover aligns with spr...
30 Jul 2018
Forward Earthquakes Rattle Sea Of Galilee In Northern Israel 4 Jul 2018
Several earthquakes, with one measuring 4.2 on the Richter scale, shook the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel, causing some people in nearby areas like Tiber...
4 Jul 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones The Survival of the Sentient: The Evolution of the Soul 2 Jul 2018
Professor Eva Jablonka from Tel Aviv University explores the evolution of conscience and the development of the soul in her upcoming book "The Evolution of t...
2 Jul 2018
Jewish Review of Books Torah and the Thermodynamics of Life: An Interview with Jeremy England 27 Jun 2018
Jeremy England, an accomplished research scientist and an observant Jew, explores the origins of life through his work on the emergence of life-like behavior...
27 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books Maimonides, Stonehenge, and Newton’s Obsessions 16 Jun 2018
During the age of the scientific revolution, figures like Sir Isaac Newton held beliefs that God's revelations were found in both Scripture and Nature, worki...
16 Jun 2018
Tablet Jewish Contraptions 20 Apr 2018
The Contraption exhibit at the Contemporary Jewish Museum features Bernie Lubell, an artist whose kinetic art installation, Theory of Entanglement, blurs the...
20 Apr 2018
Lehrhaus Schrodinger’s Hametz 27 Mar 2018
Rabbi Katz is confronted with the new technology of a hametz zapper, which promises to simplify Pesach cleaning by using quantum mechanics to destroy all tra...
27 Mar 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones What Did the Crusaders Ever Learn from Us? 16 Feb 2018
Dr. Jonathan Rubin, a historian at Tel Aviv University, discusses the interactions between Crusaders and local societies in the Medieval Levant, particularly...
16 Feb 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Political Science: Early Israeli-German Scientific Exchanges 19 Jan 2018
Prof. Ute Deichmann from Ben Gurion University discusses the early Israeli-German scientific exchanges and their role in paving the way for diplomatic relati...
19 Jan 2018
Tablet Turkish Scientist: Noah Had a Cell-Phone Aboard His Nuclear-Powered Ark 10 Jan 2018
Turkish scientist Yavuz Örnek, a professor of Marine Sciences, suggested on a Turkish state-run channel that Noah, from the biblical story of the Great Flood...
10 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books In Praise of Humility 7 Jan 2018
Steven Weitzman explores the complexities of Solomon's legacy and the quest for Jewish origins in his book "The Origin of the Jews: The Quest for Roots in a ...
7 Jan 2018
Forward The insanely fascinating history of Hanukkah light 5 Dec 2017
The article discusses the historical significance and evolution of lighting practices during Hanukkah and Christmas. It highlights how artificial lighting wa...
5 Dec 2017
Forward How Hedy Lamarr Helped Invent Wi-Fi 25 Oct 2017
Hedy Lamarr, known for her Hollywood acting career, was also a brilliant inventor whose work in creating a secure radio signal during World War II, with comp...
25 Oct 2017
Tel Aviv Review headphones Darwinism vs. Creationism: Not just for Christians 23 Oct 2017
Dr. Rachel Pear, a teaching assistant at Bar-Ilan University and a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Haifa, discusses the diverse viewpoints within Je...
23 Oct 2017
Tablet Israeli Kibbutz to Become Worldwide Medical Marijuana Hub 19 Sep 2017
Gan Shmuel, an established Israeli kibbutz, will transform into a global hub for medical marijuana production and distribution through a partnership with Can...
19 Sep 2017
Tablet Tupperware Parties—for Pot 15 Sep 2017
Society Jane, based in San Francisco, offers a different approach to cannabis consumption for women, focusing on organic and sustainably produced products wi...
15 Sep 2017
Forward A Plea: Jewish Parents, Save Us From The Solar Eclipse 21 Aug 2017
The author, Jenny Singer, urges Jewish parents to protect their families from the potential harm of viewing solar eclipses despite the current popular trend....
21 Aug 2017
Lehrhaus The Not-So-Orthodox Embrace of the New Age Movement 10 Jul 2017
Rabbi Rephoel Szmerla's book, "Alternative Medicine in Halachah," explores the halakhic case for alternative medical treatments, reflecting a trend within so...
10 Jul 2017
Lehrhaus Know it All: Of Jewish Philosophers and Doctors 29 Jun 2017
The text discusses the intersection of medicine and philosophy through the perspectives of Jewish philosophers Maimonides and Spinoza. Both thinkers emphasiz...
29 Jun 2017
Jewish Action The Future of Reproductive Medicine: What Does Halachah Say? 21 Mar 2017
Reproductive medicine has seen remarkable technological advancements since the introduction of IVF in 1978, leading to the development of pre-implantation ge...
21 Mar 2017
Tablet Are Jews at Risk for Parkinson’s Disease? 20 Mar 2017
Ashkenazi Jews may have an increased risk of developing Parkinson's disease due to genetic mutations such as LRRK2 and GBA. Individuals like Sergey Brin and ...
20 Mar 2017
Tel Aviv Review headphones Weather permitting: Dealing with climate change in a divided Middle East 15 Mar 2017
Nir Stav, Director of the Israel Meteorological Service, addresses the challenges of climate change in the Middle East and how various countries are navigati...
15 Mar 2017
Tablet More Than Tay-Sachs 28 Feb 2017
The Jewish community has made progress in responding to Tay-Sachs through genetic testing, but standardization of carrier screening remains inconsistent. Rab...
28 Feb 2017
Tel Aviv Review headphones Sunshine state: The case for renewable energy in Israel 2 Dec 2016
Professor Itai Sened from Tel Aviv University argues for Israel to take a leading role in renewable energy, citing bureaucratic hurdles. His work with the Ei...
2 Dec 2016
Tablet Help, I’m a Prisoner in a Brain Lab 8 Jul 2016
"Help, I'm a Prisoner in a Brain Lab" explores the clash between traditional Jewish concepts and modern scientific determinism, as discussed by author Alan M...
8 Jul 2016
Tablet Raphael Mechoulam, the Israeli Godfather of THC 19 Apr 2016
Israeli scientist Raphael Mechoulam, known as the "Godfather of THC," discovered tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound in cannabis responsible for its psy...
19 Apr 2016
Forward Nazi Monster Josef Mengele’s Remains Go Under the Microscope 22 Mar 2016
After fleeing Auschwitz and living in South America under a false name, Nazi leader Dr. Josef Mengele's remains, known for torturous experiments on prisoners...
22 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books Water Shall Flow from Jerusalem 28 Dec 2015
The text discusses how British reports in the 1930s highlighting water scarcity in Palestine to limit Jewish immigration inadvertently drove Zionist efforts ...
28 Dec 2015
Jewish Review of Books Oh, the Humanity! 28 Dec 2015
Yuval Noah Harari, a Hebrew University professor, has gained worldwide fame for his book "Sapiens," which traces the history of humankind with a focus on cog...
28 Dec 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones How the music you choose to drive to can save your life 24 Oct 2015
Professor Warren Brodsky, a music psychologist from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and author of "Driving With Music: Cognitive-Behavioral Implications,"...
24 Oct 2015
Tablet Trinity: 2015 16 Jul 2015
Seventy years ago, in July 1945, the first nuclear bomb test, codenamed Trinity, took place in New Mexico, marking the beginning of the nuclear age. Led by s...
16 Jul 2015
Tablet Jewish Perspectives on Nuclear Weapons—and Deterrence 26 Jun 2015
The discussion on Jewish perspectives on nuclear weapons and deterrence highlights the historical ambivalence among Jews towards the atomic bomb, influenced ...
26 Jun 2015
Jewish Action Covenant & Conversation: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible— Leviticus: The Book of Holiness/The Torah Encyclopedia of the Animal Kingdom—Volume 1: Chayot/Wild Animals 4 Jun 2015
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' Covenant & Conversation: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible Leviticus emphasizes the concept of holiness found in Vayikra, arguing th...
4 Jun 2015
Forward Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Calls Mandatory Vaccines 'Holocaust' 14 Apr 2015
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. caused controversy by likening mandatory vaccines to a Holocaust, specifically referencing autism in children as a result. Kennedy late...
14 Apr 2015