Daily Podcasts Video search
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #183 - R' Avrohom Kalisker vs the Baal HaTanya 20 Mar
R' Avrohom Kalisker's conflict with R' Shnuer Zalman (the Baal HaTanya) revolved primarily around differing approaches to Chassidic leadership and the dissem...
20 Mar
JTA The New York Public Library’s Jewish division digitized 800 years of Jewish history 20 Mar
The New York Public Library's Jewish Division, Dorot, has digitized select materials from its archives as part of its 125th-anniversary celebration, showcasi...
20 Mar
Forward Charles Lindbergh was a vicious antisemite. Why does St. Louis publicly honor him? 20 Mar
Charles Lindbergh, the famed aviator known for his solo transatlantic flight in 1927, was honored in St. Louis with the naming of Lindbergh Boulevard in 1930...
20 Mar
Forward How the 1919 solar eclipse made Albert Einstein famous 20 Mar
In 1919, Albert Einstein was a relatively unknown figure, facing doubts about his work and struggling professionally. However, during a total solar eclipse t...
20 Mar
Forward On Purim, there’s a fast before the festival. It’s a ritual I need in these dark times 20 Mar
Esther Sperber reflects on the recent tragic death of an Israeli-American soldier, Itay Chen, and the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza, drawing parallels ...
20 Mar
Forward Hannah Arendt is a detective solving the mystery of Eichmann in a new play 20 Mar
"The Banality of Evil" is a play that reimagines philosopher Hannah Arendt as a detective solving the mystery of Adolf Eichmann's atrocities, based on Arendt...
20 Mar
Kveller Helena Bonham Carter Grew Up Knowing She Was ‘Unmistakably Jewish’ 19 Mar
Helena Bonham Carter, known for her captivating roles in various films, particularly shines in the biopic "One Life" as Barbara Winton, a woman who assisted ...
19 Mar
Mishpacha Purim Edition: Readers’ Mailbag 19 Mar
In a "Readers Mailbag" for Purim, various individuals write to historians Dovi & Yehuda about historical and contemporary Jewish matters. Mindy from Monsey a...
19 Mar
Forward This Jewish artist got her start before WWI. A century later, she's still in the avant garde 19 Mar
The article discusses the extensive exhibition at Manhattan's Bard Graduate Center showcasing the work of Jewish avant-garde artist Sonia Delaunay, highlight...
19 Mar
Jewish Chronicle You’ve met the Windermere Children, here are the ‘Southampton Boys’ 19 Mar
Wintershill Hall in Hampshire, once home to the Southampton Boys, child Holocaust survivors liberated by Leonard Montefiore and rehabilitated in England afte...
19 Mar
Future of Jewish Dear Joe Biden, please retire for the sake of the free world. 19 Mar
The text is a critical letter addressed to U.S. President Joe Biden, expressing dissatisfaction with his administration's approach to Israel and Jewish-relat...
19 Mar
Forward ‘We see our history in their eyes’: Why Ireland is so staunchly pro-Palestinian 19 Mar
The Irish Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar, recently spoke alongside President Joe Biden at a St. Patrick's Day event, using the platform to advocate for a cease...
19 Mar
Israel: State of a Nation Ecstasy and Amnesia | Shany Mor on How the Arab World Deludes Itself Into Endless Cycles of Tragedy 19 Mar
The video delves into the recurring pattern in Arab history of launching wars against Israel with initial excitement and jubilation, only to face defeat lead...
19 Mar
Moment It’s not a Conspiracy: The Jewish and Black Origins of the Skinhead Movement with Jacob Kornbluth, Eric K. Ward, Pan Nesbitt and Nadine Epstein 19 Mar
The discussion delves into the origins of the Skinhead movement, debunking the misconception that it was always rooted in hate. Originating in London in the ...
19 Mar
Tablet Bernstein in the Desert 19 Mar
Leonard Bernstein's profound connection to Israel began even before its establishment as a state. In 1947, he visited British Palestine and was captivated by...
19 Mar
Kveller ‘One Life’ Is a Moving, Well-Crafted Biopic about a Holocaust Hero 18 Mar
"One Life" is a poignant biopic about Holocaust hero Nicholas Winton, who saved 669 mostly Jewish children during the Holocaust through the Kindertransport. ...
18 Mar
Forward The billion-dollar donor’s mother was a philanthropist, too: She helped Jews fleeing Hitler 18 Mar
Ruth Gottesman, the donor behind a $1 billion gift eliminating tuition at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, comes from a family deeply involved in philant...
18 Mar
Tel Aviv Review headphones Rabbi Binyamin: Zionism’s Ultimate Contrarian 18 Mar
Dr. Avi-Ram Tzoreff explores the life and ideas of Rabbi Binyamin, an unconventional Zionist thinker who advocated for a binational solution in Palestine. By...
18 Mar
Forward BREAKING: On April 8, God will turn the sun into darkness and the moon into blood 18 Mar
God is said to be punishing humanity for misdeeds through an upcoming solar eclipse on April 8, with biblical references such as the Book of Amos and the Boo...
18 Mar
Future of Jewish David or Goliath: The Jews' Typecast Might Surprise You 18 Mar
The text discusses the biblical story of David versus Goliath, highlighting the underdog nature of the seemingly weaker David facing the giant Goliath. It su...
18 Mar
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #182 - Charisma and Leadership: R Avrohom Kalisker & the Vilna Gaon 17 Mar
The episode delves into the influence of charisma in Jewish communal leadership, focusing on figures like R Avrohom Kalisker and the Vilna Gaon. It explores ...
17 Mar
Unpacked Do the Neturei Karta represent real Judaism? #israel #jewish #history 17 Mar
The video discusses the controversial group Neturei Karta and questions whether they truly represent authentic Judaism according to the worldwide organized J...
17 Mar
Jewish History Lectures The Origins of the Jewish People (All Biblical History in 36 minutes) 17 Mar
A historical lecture discussing the origins of the Jewish people and their biblical history in 36 minutes.
17 Mar
Jewish Chronicle From Odesa to the West End: Golda the musical 17 Mar
Golda Amirova, a Ukrainian singer, stars in a musical called Golda that narrates her journey from Odesa to London through Israel, with influences from Fiddle...
17 Mar
Forward Jewish Hall-of-Fame jockey Walter Blum, who rode to victory in Belmont Stakes, dies at 89 16 Mar
Jockey Walter Blum, the only Jewish rider inducted into the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame, passed away at 89 due to lung cancer. Throughout his ...
16 Mar
Future of Jewish The Desperate Lies of 'No Peace on Stolen Land' 16 Mar
In a guest essay for Future of Jewish, Nachum Kaplan of Moral Clarity challenges the narrative of "No peace on stolen land," commonly heard at pro-Palestinia...
16 Mar
Future of Jewish Where are all the Jewish gangsters? 15 Mar
The article discusses the historical concept of "Muscular Judaism" promoted by Zionist leader Max Nordau in the 19th century as a response to anti-Semitism, ...
15 Mar
Forward When hate comes to your hometown 15 Mar
In Montclair, New Jersey, a diverse community with a history of inclusivity, tensions arise as protesters chant "We don't want no Zionists here," prompting c...
15 Mar
Sam Aronow The Jewish Legion (1917-1918) 15 Mar
A historical overview of The Jewish Legion's involvement during 1917-1918, including key events and figures.
15 Mar
Future of Jewish This is what Jew-haters won’t tell you. 15 Mar
The text discusses the issue of economic-based antisemitism and how individuals can be led down a path of anti-Jewish hate through misleading arguments regar...
15 Mar
Future of Jewish Zionism needs a new spiritual framework. 14 Mar
Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz advocates for a new spiritual framework for Zionism, highlighting the need for a shift towards Musar, the Jewish ethical traditio...
14 Mar
People of the Pod headphones Unheard, Until Now: How Israeli Women Are Powering Israel’s Resilience 14 Mar
Israeli filmmaker Shifra Soloveichik, inspired by the resilience of women during challenging times, created the initiative Women of Valor: Women of War to hi...
14 Mar
Forward An online comedy course asks Marc Maron, Lewis Black and more — why did Jews get into the funny business? 14 Mar
The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research presents a new online course, "Is Anything Okay? The History of Jews and Comedy in America," exploring the origins of ...
14 Mar
Future of Jewish What's the Deal With Self-Hating Jews 14 Mar
The text discusses the concept of self-hating Jews through the lens of recent events like the Oscars speech by Jewish director Jonathan Glazer, who equated I...
14 Mar
Jewish History Nerds headphones The Secret Jewish Kingdom of...Yemen? 14 Mar
Exploring the lesser-known Jewish Kingdom of the Himyarites in Yemen, this episode delves into the fascinating story of Yosef Dhu Nuwas, a Jewish convert who...
14 Mar
Forward The Secret Jewish History Of The Solar Eclipse 13 Mar
Jewish tradition has a long history of interpreting solar eclipses for spiritual meaning, drawing from sources in Genesis, Talmud, and rabbinic commentary. E...
13 Mar
Unpacked 5 Jewish Women Who Changed the World | Unpacked 13 Mar
The video explores the stories of 5 Jewish women from history who made significant impacts on the world, including Queen Esther, Asnat Barzani, Hannah Senesh...
13 Mar
Tablet Exile or Diaspora? 13 Mar
In the debate between Salo Wittmayer Baron and Yitzhak Baer concerning the nature of Jewish diaspora, Baron, advocating a positive view of American multicult...
13 Mar
Mishpacha Parshas Pekudei: Love Keeps Giving 12 Mar
The article discusses the concept of love and giving in relation to the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and its eternal preservation compared to the destruction of the ...
12 Mar
Forward He was the heir apparent to Franz Kafka and Ralph Ellison and pioneered the idea of 'wokeness' — how did he just disappear? 12 Mar
Barry Beckham, a writer influenced by Franz Kafka and Ralph Ellison, authored "Runner Mack," considered the first African-American baseball novel, blending t...
12 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Final Verdict by Tobias Buck review: ‘Would I have climbed down the watchtower and walked away?’ 12 Mar
"Final Verdict" by Tobias Buck delves into the case of a 93-year-old man accused of involvement in the murders at Stutthof concentration camp and raises ques...
12 Mar
Haaretz Weekly headphones Franklin Foer: 'Simplistic moralism is dividing the world into good and evil, and placing Jews on the side of evil' 12 Mar
In a recent article and podcast interview, journalist Franklin Foer discusses the end of what he calls "The Golden Age of American Jewry." He notes a concern...
12 Mar
Jewish Chronicle An education in what made the creator of the NHS tick 12 Mar
Tim Price's play at the National Theatre delves into the life of Aneurin Bevan, the creator of the NHS, portrayed with humor and humanity by Michael Sheen. S...
12 Mar
Jewish Action Lost and Found 12 Mar
The author recounts losing and finding a precious Magen David, a symbol with deep personal and historical significance tied to the Holocaust experiences of t...
12 Mar
Torah 101 headphones #85: The Point of Resurrection + TORCH Fundraising Campaign 12 Mar
The TORCH organization is currently holding a fundraising campaign to support the TORAH 101 Podcast, emphasizing that all donations will be doubled during th...
12 Mar
Culturally Jewish headphones Just for Laughs co-founder Andy Nulman on the comedy festival's Jewish roots—and recent collapse 11 Mar
Andy Nulman discusses the roots and challenges faced by the Just for Laughs comedy festival amid its recent financial troubles and the impact on Montreal's c...
11 Mar
Moment The Solar Eclipse Then and Now—the Jewish Perspective 11 Mar
A total solar eclipse is set to occur on April 8, 2024, passing through North America. In the Jewish perspective, the article explores historical views on ec...
11 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Etgar Quiz no 262 11 Mar
Etgar Quiz no 262 tests knowledge of Jewish history and culture. Questions cover topics such as the timing of the shmittah year, origins of the Yiddish langu...
11 Mar
JTA The Netherlands, home to the Nazis’ most famous victim, has never had a Holocaust museum — until now 11 Mar
The Netherlands has recently opened its first National Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam, providing a comprehensive account of the country's role in the Holocaus...
11 Mar
Kveller I Was Told My Great-Bubby Had an ‘Unfulfilled’ Life. That’s Not How I Remember Her. 11 Mar
The author reflects on memories of their great-grandmother, known as Bubby, challenging the characterization of her life as unfulfilled. Through conversation...
11 Mar