Daily Podcasts Video search
Tablet What the Pope Knew 22 Dec 2023
The article discusses the actions and decisions of Pope Pius XII during the Holocaust. While the pope expressed sympathy for those suffering, he failed to sp...
22 Dec 2023
Tablet When a Broader Religious Pluralism Began to Flower 22 Dec 2023
Reinhold Niebuhr and Abraham Joshua Heschel were influential American religious figures of the last century and unlikely friends. Niebuhr's emphasis on human...
22 Dec 2023
Forward US charges alleged Hezbollah operative in 1994 Argentina AMIA Jewish center bombing 21 Dec 2023
The US Department of Justice has charged Samuel Salman El Reda, a dual Lebanese-Colombian citizen and alleged operative of Hezbollah, with playing a key role...
21 Dec 2023
JTA A historic synagogue creates tension between Egypt’s few remaining Jews and their government 21 Dec 2023
The historic Ben Ezra synagogue in Cairo, Egypt, which recently underwent renovation, has created tension between Egypt's small Jewish community and the gove...
21 Dec 2023
Jewish History Uncensored headphones The Arrest of the Baal Tanya 21 Dec 2023
The Baal Tanya, a prominent figure in Jewish history, was arrested and imprisoned, sparking discussions about the theological disagreements between the Gra a...
21 Dec 2023
Forward A Christmas story from Jerusalem, 1958, at gunpoint 21 Dec 2023
In this personal narrative, the author, a Jewish young man from Milwaukee, is living alone and feeling homesick for Christmas in Jerusalem in 1958. He visits...
21 Dec 2023
Jewschool War Anywhere is a Local Crisis 21 Dec 2023
In observance of Asarah b'Tevet, a minor fast day, Jews commemorate the beginning of the Babylonian siege on Jerusalem and the subsequent destruction of the ...
21 Dec 2023
Forward The new Jews of Porto: How the Portuguese city built a Jewish community from scratch 20 Dec 2023
In Porto, Portugal, a community of approximately 1,000 Jews has emerged over the past decade thanks to a 2015 law that allowed the return of people whose anc...
20 Dec 2023
Between The Lines Who I’m Following To Better Understand Israel Today 20 Dec 2023
This article provides a list of influential figures to follow in order to gain a better understanding of Israel today. The author emphasizes the importance o...
20 Dec 2023
Ami 2023 isn’t 1933 // Some things shine amid the darkness 20 Dec 2023
In this article, the author reflects on the current state of global affairs, specifically highlighting the recent conflict in Israel, the rise of anti-Semiti...
20 Dec 2023
Lehrhaus Maimonides at the Museum 20 Dec 2023
The Yeshiva University Museum in New York is currently hosting an exhibit on Maimonides, featuring rare artifacts such as a Mishneh Torah signed by Maimonide...
20 Dec 2023
Tablet John Steinbeck’s Promised Land 20 Dec 2023
As a journalist for Newsday, John Steinbeck visited Israel in the 1960s and was inspired by the country's energy, patriotism, and military prowess, in contra...
20 Dec 2023
Tablet The Global Empire of Palestine 20 Dec 2023
This text discusses the global support for the Palestinian cause, particularly in the aftermath of the October 7 massacre in southern Israel. It highlights t...
20 Dec 2023
Future of Jewish The Very Necessary Rise of Jewish Late Bloomers 19 Dec 2023
The article discusses the concept of "Jewish late bloomers" – individuals who come to embrace their Judaism and Jewish identity later in life than expected. ...
19 Dec 2023
Forward 20 Jewish celebrities who died in 2023 19 Dec 2023
In 2023, Jewish communal mourning was marked by the passing of influential figures such as tennis player Dick Savitt, composer Burt Bacharach, and actor Rich...
19 Dec 2023
Tablet An Ancient Fast Day’s Modern Resonance 19 Dec 2023
The article discusses the ancient siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonian forces, which is commemorated on the fast day of the 10th of Tevet. It draws parallels...
19 Dec 2023
Future of Jewish Why can’t Israelis and Palestinians just get along? 18 Dec 2023
The article discusses the complex relationship between Israelis and Palestinians and suggests that the root of the conflict lies in differing historical narr...
18 Dec 2023
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Young, Indoctrinated, and Dangerous 18 Dec 2023
A recent poll revealed that a majority of Americans under 25 see Israel as an oppressor and consider the October 7 massacre justifiable. The discussion delve...
18 Dec 2023
Future of Jewish Hope at a Time of Hopelessness 18 Dec 2023
In this essay, the author reflects on the importance of hope in the Jewish tradition and the current state of the Jewish world. They argue that hope is an ac...
18 Dec 2023
Jewish Chronicle The Etgar Quiz no 253 17 Dec 2023
The Etgar Quiz no. 253 poses questions on various Jewish topics. It includes inquiries such as Joseph's spouse, the High Priest's garments in the temple, Ras...
17 Dec 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 12/16/23 – Shiur 447 – Zionism – Is today’s Zionism the same movement that caused so many religious to leave their roots and become irreligious? 16 Dec 2023
The discussion revolves around the question of whether today's Zionism is the same movement that caused many religious Jews to become irreligious. Prior to W...
16 Dec 2023
Forward French crooner Charles Aznavour loved Jews. A new museum in Armenia will tell that story. 15 Dec 2023
A new museum and cultural center in Yerevan, Armenia is being planned to celebrate the life of Charles Aznavour, the renowned French singer and songwriter. T...
15 Dec 2023
Future of Jewish The Making of a Zionist Visionary 15 Dec 2023
The article discusses the life of Theodor Herzl, a key figure in the Zionist movement. Herzl was born in Budapest in 1860 to a family of assimilated German-s...
15 Dec 2023
Jewish History Uncensored headphones Kissinger - Youth & Legacy - Baal HaTanya - His Involvement in The Machlokes 14 Dec 2023
This episode delves into Henry Kissinger's youth and legacy through a documentary from the KAJ community, exploring questions of morality. The discussion als...
14 Dec 2023
Lilith My Family’s Bootleg Contraception Operation 14 Dec 2023
This article tells the story of the author's great-grandparents, Louis and Frannie Weiner, who were involved in a bootleg contraception operation in the 1920...
14 Dec 2023
Jewschool “We Do Not Immortalize a Catastrophe”: On Chanukah, Violence, and History 14 Dec 2023
In this essay, Rabbi Aron Wander explores the historical and moral implications of the Hanukkah story. He discusses the perspective of Rabbi Avraham Chein, w...
14 Dec 2023
Forward Leonard Bernstein was a big deal. Why does 'Maestro' make him so small? 14 Dec 2023
The film "Maestro" focuses on Leonard Bernstein's marriage with actor and activist Felicia Montealagre, highlighting the toll his selfishness took on their r...
14 Dec 2023
Lehrhaus Can You See the Light and the Darkness? 14 Dec 2023
This article discusses the contrasting perspectives of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Ha-Kohen Kook and Rabbi Shagar regarding the existence of light and darkness in...
14 Dec 2023
Lehrhaus A Festive Song with an Unclear Message: Uncovering the Meaning of Maoz Tzur 14 Dec 2023
"Maoz Tzur" is a popular Hanukkah song that many Jews sing without fully understanding its meaning or central theme. The song is structured with six stanzas,...
14 Dec 2023
Forward From Kibbutz Be’eri to the White House, menorahs retrieved from Oct. 7 wreckage light up for Hanukkah 14 Dec 2023
Several menorahs crafted from materials retrieved from the Oct. 7 attack in Israel have been lit up for Hanukkah, symbolizing light, unity, and the persevera...
14 Dec 2023
Jewschool Exile in the Land 14 Dec 2023
In this essay by Maya Rosen, it is explored what it means to be in exile from a Jewish perspective. The midrash in Breishit Rabbah connects different moments...
14 Dec 2023
Tablet The Brief Reign of ‘Kid Dropper,’ the Lower East Side Gang Leader 14 Dec 2023
Nathan Kaplan, also known as Kid Dropper or Jack the Dropper, was a Jewish gangster who reigned over the Lower East Side of New York City for four years in t...
14 Dec 2023
Forward Guy Stern, WWII ‘Ritchie Boy’ who became renowned Holocaust scholar, dies at 101 13 Dec 2023
Guy Stern, a German Jewish refugee and member of the Ritchie Boys, a renowned World War II military intelligence unit, has passed away at the age of 101. Aft...
13 Dec 2023
Tablet Sephardic Jews Make Global Connections 13 Dec 2023
Sephardic Jews, whose ancestors were expelled from Spain in 1492, have maintained their cultural and historical identity through oral history, community orga...
13 Dec 2023
Tablet Once I’m Gone 13 Dec 2023
The article discusses a new documentary called "Nina & Irena," which explores the intergenerational silence and unspoken trauma between Holocaust survivors a...
13 Dec 2023
Kveller Son of October 7 Victims Returns to Kibbutz Be’eri to Light Menorah Found in Rubble 12 Dec 2023
Tamir Hershkovitz, the youngest of three orphaned siblings whose parents were killed in an attack on October 7, returned to their devastated home in Kibbutz ...
12 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism Mighty Maccabees? 12 Dec 2023
This text discusses different perspectives on the significance of the military victory and the miracle of the oil during Chanukah. It mentions that some argu...
12 Dec 2023
Jewschool “Many do not know / That their enemy is marching at their head”: Thoughts on the Maccabees and Assimilation 12 Dec 2023
The article discusses the idea that the story of Hanukkah and the Maccabees is often seen as a fight against assimilation, but a closer reading of the book o...
12 Dec 2023
Forward In the Warsaw ghetto, where disease, cold weather and violence all exerted heavy tolls 12 Dec 2023
"We Must Not Think of Ourselves" by Lauren Grodstein explores the Jewish resistance during the Holocaust, focusing on the experiences of narrator Adam Paskow...
12 Dec 2023
Forward Yiddish-speaking Israeli soldier shows us what he got for Hanukkah 12 Dec 2023
Yonatan Alman, an Israeli soldier stationed on Israel's northern front with Lebanon, has shared a video where he wishes viewers a happy Hanukkah in Yiddish a...
12 Dec 2023
Forward Leonard Bernstein was far more Jewish than you'd know from 'Maestro' 8 Dec 2023
The article discusses the omission of Leonard Bernstein's Jewish identity in the new biopic "Maestro." Bernstein, who grew up in an Orthodox Jewish home and ...
8 Dec 2023
On the Nose headphones Talking to Our Families 8 Dec 2023
This text discusses the challenges faced by young Jews on the left in dealing with their families who hold supportive or complicit views on pogroms and genoc...
8 Dec 2023
Sam Aronow Judenzählung (1916-1917) 8 Dec 2023
A video exploring the history of Judenzählung (Jewish census) in 1916-1917 during World War I, involving primary sources and insights on the Jewish integrati...
8 Dec 2023
eJewishPhilanthropy The bargain the Maccabees didn’t take (and we shouldn’t either) 8 Dec 2023
In this article, the author discusses the idea of Jews making sacrifices, both physical and spiritual, in order to be accepted by society. The author cites t...
8 Dec 2023
Tablet The Light of Your Return 8 Dec 2023
"The Light of Your Return" is a poem reflecting on the absence of resurrection despite the expectation of its arrival. The poem juxtaposes the closeness of t...
8 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism The New Importance of Chanukah 7 Dec 2023
The author argues that the conflict between Israel and Palestine is not about the West Bank or the establishment of a Palestinian state, but rather about Pal...
7 Dec 2023
Call Me Back headphones Would Gazans rise up against Hamas? - with Amos Harel 7 Dec 2023
In this episode, Amos Harel provides insights into the current IDF operations in South Gaza, explains the challenges of the Gaza tunnel system, and discusses...
7 Dec 2023
Forward Red stickers for killed, black for kidnapped: Bearing witness to the massacre at Kibbutz Nir Oz 7 Dec 2023
Kibbutz Nir Oz, located near Gaza, was devastated by a Hamas attack on October 7th. Out of the 417 residents, 1 in 4 were killed or kidnapped. Survivors have...
7 Dec 2023
Jewschool Hannukah is the Holiday of Dispute 7 Dec 2023
The author reflects on the multiple perspectives and contradictions surrounding the holiday of Hanukkah. They note that the two books of Maccabees, written i...
7 Dec 2023
Jewish Review of Books Unfinished Rock 7 Dec 2023
The article discusses the well-known Hanukkah song "Maoz Tzur" and its final stanza. It explores the history and possible controversy surrounding the inclusi...
7 Dec 2023