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Tablet Bienvenidos al Infierno 2 Dec 2022
The text describes a journey through a slum in a capital city with vivid descriptions of the environment and encounters with various individuals, including a...
2 Dec 2022
Sources Songs of War 1 Dec 2022
The article examines Leonard Cohen's 1973 journey to Israel during the Yom Kippur War, as creatively explored in Matti Friedman's book "Who by Fire: Leonard ...
1 Dec 2022
Sources Radical Amazement 1 Dec 2022
The book 'Radical Amazement' by Julian E. Zelizer is a biography that chronicles the life and enduring impact of Abraham Joshua Heschel, a major Jewish think...
1 Dec 2022
Jewish History Nerds headphones Shabbetai Tzvi: A (Bonkers) False Messiah Story 1 Dec 2022
Shabbetai Tzvi, a 16th-century Jewish mystic and rabbi, gained a significant following among Jews who believed he was the Messiah, encouraged by his supporte...
1 Dec 2022
Tel Aviv Review headphones The Birth of a Nation: The Diplomatic Backstory of Israel’s Establishment 28 Nov 2022
Professor Jeffrey Herf, in his book "Israel's Moment," examines the diplomatic dynamics that led to the establishment of Israel from 1945 to 1949, highlighti...
28 Nov 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #115 - Besht & Magid of Mezritch 24 Nov 2022
This episode discusses the challenge of being involved in conflict and the basic pattern of conflict, briefly outlining the historical events surrounding the...
24 Nov 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones A century of welcoming Jewish immigrants: JIAS marks its 100th anniversary 24 Nov 2022
This episode of The CJN Daily commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Jewish Immigrant Aid Services (JIAS), highlighting its pivotal role in assisting Jewi...
24 Nov 2022
Jewish History Nerds headphones Does 'Liberte, Fraternite, Egalite' Include Jews? 23 Nov 2022
In a Jewish History Nerds podcast episode, the hosts discuss Napoleon's deliberations on whether Jews could be French citizens during the French Revolution. ...
23 Nov 2022
Tablet New England’s Opium Overlords 23 Nov 2022
New England merchants in the 19th century, including prominent families like Cabot, Lowell, and Perkins, gained wealth through the China trade. The trade was...
23 Nov 2022
Tel Aviv Review headphones Tantura: The Massacre That Was 21 Nov 2022
Filmmaker Alon Schwarz's documentary "Tantura" revisits a controversial episode from Israel's War of Independence, examining whether Israeli troops were invo...
21 Nov 2022
Menschwarmers headphones S3E20 - The secret Jewish history of how Qatar got the World Cup 17 Nov 2022
The World Cup launching in Qatar prompts Menschwarmers hosts Gabe and James to explore the implications for Jewish fans. They discuss Chuck Blazer, a FIFA ad...
17 Nov 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #114 Jewish History & Jewish Historians 17 Nov 2022
This episode discusses the challenges in understanding Jewish history, particularly focusing on the role of Jewish historians. It notes that early Jewish his...
17 Nov 2022
Jewish History Nerds headphones Josephus: The Man Who "Invented" Jewish History 17 Nov 2022
Josephus Flavius, a significant figure in Jewish history, stands out for his unconventional approach to historiography by not just documenting events but als...
17 Nov 2022
Jewish History Nerds headphones Trailer: Jewish History Nerds 15 Nov 2022
"Jewish History Nerds" is a podcast where hosts Yael and Schwab delve into lesser-known aspects of Jewish history, debunking the idea that history is boring....
15 Nov 2022
Tablet From Jew to Judge 15 Nov 2022
Felix Frankfurter was the first foreign-born Jew to be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1939 under Franklin Roosevelt, embodying the promise of America...
15 Nov 2022
Tel Aviv Review headphones Night Comes On: Ottoman Cities After Dark 14 Nov 2022
Professor Avner Wishnitzer from Tel Aviv University has written a significant book titled "As Night Falls: Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Cities After Dark," whi...
14 Nov 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #113 - Jewish History & Historical Objectivity 13 Nov 2022
This episode discusses the challenge of historical objectivity, particularly in the context of Jewish history. It questions whether there are unique factors ...
13 Nov 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones These brothers retraced the steps of their great-uncle, a Jewish Canadian soldier who ‘died a hero’ 10 Nov 2022
Elliott and Jonathan Shiff embarked on a poignant journey to the Netherlands to honor their great-uncle, Sgt. Harry Bockner, a Jewish Canadian soldier who pe...
10 Nov 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Holocaust survivor Robbie Waisman's life story is now an award-winning YA book 9 Nov 2022
In this episode, Holocaust survivor Robbie Waisman and co-author Susan McClelland discuss their newly awarded book, "Boy From Buchenwald," which aims to educ...
9 Nov 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #112 - R Kook on Spinoza & the Besht  3 Nov 2022
In this episode, Rabbi Kook's statement about a potential relationship between Spinoza's pantheistic ideas and the teachings of the Besht is explored. The ep...
3 Nov 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones What happened when Jewish summer campers faced Holocaust denier Jim Keegstra’s students on the basketball court? A new graphic novel tells the tale 3 Nov 2022
The episode discusses the efforts of the Jewish community in Alberta to counteract the antisemitic teachings of Jim Keegstra through a unique and ambitious i...
3 Nov 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones The CJN Daily Dead Beat is back, with a new name: The Honourable Menschen 2 Nov 2022
This episode of The CJN Daily, now called The Honourable Menschen, celebrates the lives and contributions of several notable Jewish Canadians who have recent...
2 Nov 2022
Forward The Nazi history of Adidas, the sportswear giant that took weeks to drop Kanye West over antisemitism 25 Oct 2022
This article delves into the complex history of Adidas, a global sportswear giant with roots entangled in Nazi Germany, as it belatedly severed ties with Kan...
25 Oct 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #110 - Spinoza, Toleration & National Identity  20 Oct 2022
This episode discusses Spinoza's pioneering call for religious tolerance and the subsequent evolution towards the separation of Church and State. It explores...
20 Oct 2022
Call Me Back headphones 'No off ramps for Putin' - with Fred Kagan 14 Oct 2022
In this episode, Fred Kagan discusses the potential for escalation in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and evaluates the risks surrounding the use of nuclear weap...
14 Oct 2022
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Trump in a Box 13 Oct 2022
The podcast discusses recent events related to Donald Trump, including someone moving boxes around, the FBI's actions toward Trump, updates on the January 6t...
13 Oct 2022
Forward Back from the dead — the resuscitation of an artwork that wasn't supposed to last 11 Oct 2022
Eva Hesse's seminal artwork, Expanded Expansion, was put into storage at the Guggenheim Museum due to its fragile state. Originally deemed unexhibitable in t...
11 Oct 2022
Forward How Columbus brought America its first Jew 10 Oct 2022
Luis de Torres, the first Jew in the Americas, accompanied Christopher Columbus on his voyage as a translator in the hopes of encountering descendants of the...
10 Oct 2022
Forward Behind the swankiest new hotel on the Lower East Side, a swanky Jewish history 7 Oct 2022
The Lower East Side's Jarmulowsky Bank building has been transformed into Nine Orchard, a luxurious hotel that contrasts sharply with the area's historical i...
7 Oct 2022
Promised Podcast headphones The “Memories and Blessings” Edition 29 Sep 2022
This special edition highlights the lives and legacies of notable individuals who recently passed away, including architect Danny Karavan, activist Miriam Le...
29 Sep 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #108 - Determinism & Justice  28 Sep 2022
In this episode, the discussion critiques Spinoza's philosophy of determinism, highlighting flaws in his ideas. The example of Divine Providence in The Battl...
28 Sep 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Canada's oldest Ashkenazi congregation just recovered a 100-year-old time capsule on their milestone anniversary weekend 19 Sep 2022
This episode of The CJN Daily discusses the recent discovery of a 100-year-old time capsule at Congregation Shaar Hashomayim during its milestone anniversary...
19 Sep 2022
Tel Aviv Review headphones High and Holy 12 Sep 2022
Professor Haggai Ram of Ben Gurion University discusses his book "Intoxicating Zion: A Social History of Hashish in Mandatory Palestine and Israel," explorin...
12 Sep 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Queen Elizabeth II was 'good for the Jews' even though she never visited Israel: tributes from Canada and Britain on her death 12 Sep 2022
This episode reflects on Queen Elizabeth II's notable relationship with Jewish communities, acknowledging her support for Holocaust memorial initiatives and ...
12 Sep 2022
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Elizabeth's Restraint 9 Sep 2022
Following Queen Elizabeth's passing, the discussion revolves around whether there are any prominent figures today who are admired for their restraint rather ...
9 Sep 2022
Call Me Back headphones Iran, Israel & a Masterclass in US foreign policy - with Walter Russell Mead 9 Sep 2022
In this episode, Walter Russell Mead discusses the complexities and historical context of U.S. foreign policy toward Iran and Israel, focusing on his new boo...
9 Sep 2022
Unholy: Two Jews on the News headphones The Elizabethan Era 9 Sep 2022
Queen Elizabeth II's reign spanned seven decades, symbolizing stability both within the Commonwealth and globally. Her leadership steered Britain through var...
9 Sep 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Alex Polowin, who lied about his age to fight Nazis in Europe, dedicated his life to peace and education 6 Sep 2022
This episode of The CJN Daily pays tribute to Alex Polowin, a heroic WWII veteran, who as a young Canadian Jew, lied about his age to join the Navy and fight...
6 Sep 2022
Tel Aviv Review headphones Re-Humanizing the Victims of the Nakba 5 Sep 2022
Adam Raz, a historian at Tel Aviv University, has penned a stage play titled "The Personal Tragedy of Mr. Sami Saada," which delves into the story of an Arab...
5 Sep 2022
Forward Mark Spitz made Olympic history in 1972. Here’s why his Jewish identity mattered in Munich 1 Sep 2022
Mark Spitz, the renowned Jewish-American swimmer, made Olympic history at the 1972 Munich Games by winning seven gold medals, setting world records in each e...
1 Sep 2022
Promised Podcast headphones The “This City We Love So Well!” Edition 1 Sep 2022
In this episode focused on Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Noah discusses various aspects of the city, including places like The Pussycat Club, Coffee Lab, and Tal Tenne Cza...
1 Sep 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #104 - Rationalism, Spinoza & Einstein 1 Sep 2022
The text discusses the concept of rationalism from a Torah perspective, focusing on figures like Spinoza and Einstein. It explores how Spinoza and modern phi...
1 Sep 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones 50 years after the Munich Olympics, Germany will finally apologize to victims' families—and a Canadian filmmaker has been sharing their story 1 Sep 2022
The episode discusses the formal apology and compensation offered by Germany to the families of the 11 Israeli athletes killed at the 1972 Munich Olympics on...
1 Sep 2022
Menschwarmers headphones S3E15 - A Canadian Jewish Olympian recalls witnessing the 1972 Munich Games, 50 years later 1 Sep 2022
Allan Leibel, a Canadian Jewish Olympian and lawyer, reflects on his experience witnessing the 1972 Munich Games, marked by a tragic terrorist hostage crisis...
1 Sep 2022
Israel Policy Pod headphones Inside the Iran Nuclear Deal 31 Aug 2022
Dr. Naysan Rafati and Neri Zilber engage in a detailed analysis of the Iran nuclear negotiations, examining the history of the deal, the impact of the U.S. w...
31 Aug 2022
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones The Gorbachev Legacy 31 Aug 2022
Tod Lindberg from The Hudson Institute discusses the legacy of Mikhail Gorbachev, questioning whether he was a purposeful change agent or a fool of fortune. ...
31 Aug 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones He thought his family was wiped out in the Holocaust. Then he discovered 75,000 distant relatives—including Bob Dylan and Bette Midler 30 Aug 2022
This episode of The CJN Daily delves into the remarkable story of the Kuklya family, whose extensive genealogy project uncovered 75,000 relatives, including ...
30 Aug 2022
Tel Aviv Review headphones “Coalonialism” 29 Aug 2022
In his book "Powering Empire: How Coal Made the Middle East and Sparked Global Carbonization," Prof. On Barak from Tel Aviv University delves into the histor...
29 Aug 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #103-Spinoza’s Legacy - Secularism 25 Aug 2022
This episode discusses Spinoza's legacy of creating a secular world and his key conceptual ideas that contributed to this shift. It explores the relevance of...
25 Aug 2022
Unorthodox headphones Mystery Box 5782 25 Aug 2022
The latest episode of Unorthodox, entitled 'Mystery Box 5782,' explores the diverse Jewish identities and the notion of community through shared experiences ...
25 Aug 2022