Daily Podcasts Video search
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones What Is It Good For? 14 Apr 2021
Eli Lake, a columnist for Bloomberg View, discusses Joe Biden's plan to withdraw all NATO forces from Afghanistan on the anniversary of 9/11, questioning the...
14 Apr 2021
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #33 - The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Heroic, Rash Act, or Justified ? 6 Apr 2021
In this podcast episode, the discussion revolves around the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and questions its historical justification and impact. Various books on th...
6 Apr 2021
Tablet Was Elia R. Karmona the Sholem Aleichem of Ladino? 31 Mar 2021
Elia R. Karmona, a prominent figure in Ladino literature, is being compared to Sholem Aleichem in the context of Yiddish literary culture. A recent publicati...
31 Mar 2021
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #32 - R' Pinchas Horowitz, R' Levi Yitzchok of Berdichov  30 Mar 2021
In this episode, it is discussed whether Rabbi Pinchas Horowitz was truly a student of the Maggid of Mezritch, examining attempts to suggest otherwise and wa...
30 Mar 2021
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #31 - The Challenge of Connection and Pesach 23 Mar 2021
In this podcast episode, the focus is on the theme of disconnection in human culture, particularly the cutting off from historical roots that has occurred ov...
23 Mar 2021
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #30 - R' Pinchas Horowitz of Frankfurt 18 Mar 2021
Rabbi Pinchas Horowitz's appointment as the Rabbi of Frankfurt, a significant Jewish community, is explored in this episode. The narrative questions whether ...
18 Mar 2021
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #29 - The Maggid and his Talmidim 12 Mar 2021
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the Maggid of Mezritch's success in attracting students, exploring how he did so and the type of students he drew compared ...
12 Mar 2021
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #28 - The Maggid and the Besht 4 Mar 2021
In this podcast episode by Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein, we explore the meeting between the Maggid of Mezritch and the Besht, focusing on how the Besht persuaded ...
4 Mar 2021
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #26 - The Historical Identification of Achashveirosh 18 Feb 2021
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the historical identification of Achashveirosh and the discrepancy between secular history and the Tanach regarding the dat...
18 Feb 2021
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #25 - Torah and Science - Proper Understanding of Their Relationship 11 Feb 2021
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein explores the relationship between Torah and Science, addressing how to handle contradictions between them and whether contemporary ch...
11 Feb 2021
Jewish History Uncensored headphones GAON #24 - The Besht’s Holy Letter 4 Feb 2021
In Gaon #24, the focus is on the Baal Shem's Holy Letter, exploring why he needed assistance from his Rebbe for a particular experience, his premonition of d...
4 Feb 2021
Unorthodox headphones Laser Focused: Ep. 261 4 Feb 2021
This episode of Unorthodox features conversations with actor Ed Asner and author Cambria Gordon, exploring themes from Torah rescue during WWII and secret Je...
4 Feb 2021
Jewish History Uncensored headphones GAON #23 - The Cherem of 1781 28 Jan 2021
The episode discusses the Cherem of 1781, exploring its prime cause which might be linked to the printing of the sefarim of R Yaacov Yosef of Polna or the Be...
28 Jan 2021
Forward Nazi collaborator monuments around the world 27 Jan 2021
This article from the Forward highlights the troubling presence of monuments and memorials worldwide honoring Nazi collaborators, specifically focusing on a ...
27 Jan 2021
Forward Nazi collaborator monuments around the world 27 Jan 2021
The Forward published an investigative project documenting the presence of monuments worldwide to individuals involved in the Holocaust, such as Philippe Pta...
27 Jan 2021
Forward Nazi collaborator monuments around the world 27 Jan 2021
Lev Golinkin's investigative piece in the Forward explores monuments worldwide that commemorate individuals who collaborated with Nazi Germany during the Hol...
27 Jan 2021
Israel Policy Pod headphones Israel and Human Rights in Tension 21 Jan 2021
The episode explores the dichotomy between Jewish human rights advocacy and the support for the Israeli state post-Holocaust, focusing on the historical tens...
21 Jan 2021
Jewish History Uncensored headphones GAON #22 - Attitudes towards Chassidim in the 1770’s 21 Jan 2021
In this episode of Gaon, Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein explores the Vilna Gaon's nuanced approach toward the Chassidim in the 1770s, questioning whether his opposi...
21 Jan 2021
Tel Aviv Review headphones The Untold Stories of Iran’s Jews 18 Jan 2021
Lior Sternfeld's book "Between Iran and Zion: Jewish Histories of Twentieth-Century Iran" sheds light on the distinct history of Iranian Jews, highlighting t...
18 Jan 2021
Tablet The Three Stigmata of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 15 Jan 2021
The text discusses the idea of giving the baby boomer generation a drug called Chew-Z to envision an alternate reality where Martin Luther King Jr. was not a...
15 Jan 2021
Jewish History Uncensored headphones GAON #21 - Effects of the 1772 Cheramim 14 Jan 2021
In this episode of GAON #21, Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein explores the impact of the 1772 Cheramim in Vilna and Brody on Eastern European Jewry, assessing whether...
14 Jan 2021
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones What Is to Be Done? 7 Jan 2021
The text discusses the insurrection led by Donald Trump, emphasizing its significance as a disturbing event in American political history. It prompts listene...
7 Jan 2021
Jewish History Uncensored headphones GAON #20 - The Brody Cherem II 7 Jan 2021
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein explores the controversial topic of the Brody Cherem of 1772, discussing claims that it was influenced by the Maskilim movement, exam...
7 Jan 2021
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones The Year That Changed Everything… 1971? Really? 5 Jan 2021
In a podcast discussion featuring Daniel Casse and his Wall Street Journal op-ed titled "The Future Turns 50 This Year," the focus is on the significant chan...
5 Jan 2021
Call Me Back headphones How Will History Judge 2020? 31 Dec 2020
Historian Niall Ferguson, in a discussion with Dan, reflects on the historic nature of 2020 and the lessons that can be drawn from past public health crises ...
31 Dec 2020
Jewish History Uncensored headphones GAON #19 - The Background of the Brody Cherem 31 Dec 2020
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein, a Torah scholar and historian, discusses the background of the Brody Cherem in Gaon #19, focusing on the theory that opposition to B...
31 Dec 2020
Jewish History Uncensored headphones GAON #18 - The Vilna Cherem of 1772 24 Dec 2020
In the podcast episode "GAON #18 - The Vilna Cherem of 1772," Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the Vilna Cherem of 1772 within its historical context. He ex...
24 Dec 2020
Israel Policy Pod headphones Morocco, Israel, Western Sahara, West Bank 22 Dec 2020
In this episode of Israel Policy Pod, Evan Gottesman discusses Israel-Morocco relations with Einat Levi, focusing on the historical ties between the two coun...
22 Dec 2020
Jewish History Uncensored headphones GAON #17 - The Vilna Communal Turmoil in the 1760’s 17 Dec 2020
The podcast discusses the communal turmoil in Vilna during the 1760s, focusing on the conflict between Rabbi Shmuel ben Avigdor and the Kahal. It explores th...
17 Dec 2020
Tablet Zionism and Bolshevism 17 Dec 2020
The text discusses the intertwined dynamics of Zionism and Bolshevism during the years preceding and during World War I. It highlights events such as the Men...
17 Dec 2020
Tablet A Hanukkah Tale From Old Russia 16 Dec 2020
In a Russian shtetl during the mid-1800s, a man claiming to be a Jewish soldier named Dovid returns after 25 years in the czarist army, seeking his family. T...
16 Dec 2020
Jewish History Uncensored headphones GAON #15 - The Gaon and His Bais Medrash  3 Dec 2020
In episode 15 of GAON, Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the Vilna Gaon and his Bais Medrash, focusing on biographical details such as when the Bais Medrash ...
3 Dec 2020
Jewish History Uncensored headphones GAON #14 -The Vilna Gaon’s Unfulfilled Ambitious Projects  26 Nov 2020
In episode 14 of the podcast "GAON," Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the Vilna Gaon's unrealized ambitious projects, specifically his endeavors to write a ...
26 Nov 2020
Jewish History Uncensored headphones GAON #13 - The Gaon’s Editing of Rabbinical Documents 19 Nov 2020
In episode 13 of Gaon, the discussion explores the Vilna Gaon's heavy editing of Rabbinical documents like Shas and other materials, questioning why some wer...
19 Nov 2020
Forward Opinion | A CNN host apologized for comparing Trump to Nazis. But are there legitimate analogies? 18 Nov 2020
In an opinion piece, historian Michael Brenner examines the complexities of comparing Donald Trump's actions to those of the Nazis, following CNN anchor Chri...
18 Nov 2020
Jewish History Uncensored headphones GAON #12 - The Vilna Gaon’s Torah Accomplishments  12 Nov 2020
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein's podcast episode discusses the Vilna Gaon's Torah accomplishments, particularly focusing on his role as a posek and his extensive ed...
12 Nov 2020
Israel Policy Pod headphones The Chief Negotiator 11 Nov 2020
In this episode, Eli Kowaz and Nimrod Novik reflect on the life and enduring impact of Saeb Erekat, the chief Palestinian negotiator, who passed away in 2020...
11 Nov 2020
Promised Podcast headphones The “Leaders Come and Leaders Go” Edition 5 Nov 2020
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the impact of American politics on Israeli politics, highlighting the division among Jews global...
5 Nov 2020
Jewish History Uncensored headphones GAON #11 - Vilna Gaon - Legacy  5 Nov 2020
In this episode of GAON #11, Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the legacy of the Vilna Gaon, focusing on the image he created in his students' eyes, particul...
5 Nov 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Eerie Echoes from 2016 2 Nov 2020
The COMMENTARY podcast revisits their last episode before Election Day in 2016, drawing parallels between the past and present political climates. The episod...
2 Nov 2020
Jewish History Uncensored headphones GAON #10 - Vilna Gaon - Early Life  29 Oct 2020
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the early life of the Vilna Gaon in episode 10 of the Gaon podcast series. The episode delves into the Gaon's family backgr...
29 Oct 2020
Israel Policy Pod headphones Twenty-Five Years Later: The Legacy of Yitzhak Rabin 27 Oct 2020
Ambassador Itamar Rabinovich reflects on the legacy of Yitzhak Rabin 25 years after his assassination and discusses the ongoing impacts on Israeli politics a...
27 Oct 2020
Jewish History Uncensored headphones Covid-19- Plague Perspectives & Messianism in Jewish History 22 Oct 2020
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein, a Torah scholar and historian, discusses parallels between the Covid-19 pandemic and historical plagues in Tanach, as well as the co...
22 Oct 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Have Americans Always Been Crazy? 19 Oct 2020
The podcast explores the idea that Americans have historically been enamored with conspiracy theories and asks whether this is a long-standing phenomenon. It...
19 Oct 2020
Tel Aviv Review headphones Antisemitism: Past and Present 19 Oct 2020
Dr. Scott Ury and Guy Meron discuss their collected issue on Antisemitism in a conversation facilitated by Tel Aviv University's Stephen Roth Institute. The ...
19 Oct 2020
Tablet The WASP Roots of the Social Justice Movement 19 Oct 2020
The text discusses the roots of the social justice movement in Anglo Protestant culture, highlighting its authoritarian tendencies and influence on American ...
19 Oct 2020
Israel Policy Pod headphones Lessons From Another Conflict 15 Oct 2020
In this episode, Evan Gottesman and Shanie Reichman examine the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, drawing parallels to the Israeli-Palestinian situation and explori...
15 Oct 2020
Jewish History Uncensored headphones BESHT #8 The Ramban & The Besht 15 Oct 2020
In this episode, Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein delves into the Ramban's perspective on Hoshgocha Pratit, God's direct involvement in the world, and compares it to ...
15 Oct 2020
Jewish History Uncensored headphones BESHT #7 Beshtian Theology II 1 Oct 2020
In this episode, Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein explores Beshtian Theology II, focusing on the Besht's perspective on the world, his approach to raising sparks, and...
1 Oct 2020
Israel Policy Pod headphones Looking Back, Looking Forward: The Second Intifada, 20 Years Later 29 Sep 2020
This episode discusses the legacy of the Second Intifada, its impact on Israeli-Palestinian relations, and the current state of Palestinian leadership. Journ...
29 Sep 2020