Daily Podcasts Video search
Tablet The Kabbalah of Rothko 23 Feb 2018
The text discusses the unique blend of art and spirituality found at the Rothko Chapel in Houston, created by Mark Rothko and funded by the de Menil family. ...
23 Feb 2018
Tablet ‘The Tree of Life’ Is a Brilliant Work of Art About the Holocaust 21 Feb 2018
"The Tree of Life" by Chava Rosenfarb is a profound Yiddish-language trilogy set in the Lodz Ghetto during the Holocaust. The work introduces a diverse array...
21 Feb 2018
Unorthodox headphones Unorthodox Presents: Israel Story: King of the Hill 19 Feb 2018
This episode features Mishi Harmon's narrative podcast 'Israel Story,' highlighting the historically layered and physically neglected hilltop in East Jerusal...
19 Feb 2018
Unorthodox headphones Unorthodox Presents: Israel Story: King of the Hill 19 Feb 2018
In the podcast episode "King of the Hill" from Israel Story, the narrative revolves around Tell El-Ful in East Jerusalem, exploring its historical significan...
19 Feb 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones What Did the Crusaders Ever Learn from Us? 16 Feb 2018
Dr. Jonathan Rubin, a historian at Tel Aviv University, discusses the interactions between Crusaders and local societies in the Medieval Levant, particularly...
16 Feb 2018
Tablet New Exhibit Showcases Treasures of Islamic Medieval Art and Science 16 Feb 2018
An exhibit in New York, "Romance and Reason: Islamic Transformations of the Classical Past," showcases over 70 Islamic manuscripts from the National Library ...
16 Feb 2018
Unorthodox headphones The Kids are Alright: Ep. 124 15 Feb 2018
This episode of "The Kids are Alright" podcast features writer Molly Lambert sharing the story of her German-Jewish grandmother Margaret Bergmann Lambert, wh...
15 Feb 2018
Tablet Feeling the Love in Macedonia 15 Feb 2018
In September 2017, the author visited Bitola, Macedonia, where they were overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and respect for Jewish culture despite the abs...
15 Feb 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Middle-of-the-Road Judaism: The Emergence of Modern Orthodoxy 9 Feb 2018
Dr. Ephraim Chamiel discusses Modern Orthodoxy, focusing on Jewish philosophers who aimed to blend modernity and tradition. In his book "The Middle Way: The ...
9 Feb 2018
Tablet How Jews Should Deal With Gentiles 6 Feb 2018
The discussion in Tractate Avoda Zara of the Talmud delves into the regulation of Jewish relationships with non-Jews, with a focus on how Jews should navigat...
6 Feb 2018
Tablet Unsealed Yasser Arafat Diaries Reveal Extent Of PLO-Italy Relationship 6 Feb 2018
Excerpts from Yasser Arafat's diaries unveil a previously unknown non-aggression pact between the PLO and Italy, shedding light on his relationships with fig...
6 Feb 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Portrait of the Father of a Nation 2 Feb 2018
In a 2015 episode, historian Prof. Anita Shapira, known for her expertise in Zionism, delves into her biography of David Ben-Gurion, the first prime minister...
2 Feb 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones If Someone Comes to Kill You: Exposing Israel’s History of Targeted Assassinations 30 Jan 2018
Ronen Bergman's book "Rise and Kill First" delves into Israel's history of targeted assassinations, spanning from pre-statehood to the present day. The book ...
30 Jan 2018
Tablet Thou Shalt Sell No White Rooster and Bow to No Idols 30 Jan 2018
In the Talmudic period (200-500 CE), Jews had ceased being tempted by idol worship, focusing instead on co-existing with pagan societies. The text emphasizes...
30 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Mortara Affair, Redux 29 Jan 2018
The article discusses the ongoing controversy surrounding the Mortara Affair, where a Jewish boy was taken from his family and raised Catholic in Bologna in ...
29 Jan 2018
Lehrhaus Why Do We Deserve God’s Favor? 25 Jan 2018
The text explores the perplexing crisis of faith experienced by the Israelites in the Wilderness of Sin shortly after being saved from the Egyptians. Despite...
25 Jan 2018
Tablet The Cross on Our Foreheads 23 Jan 2018
"The Cross" by Lamed Shapiro is a powerful Yiddish story set in wide-open America, following a hobo whose life is marked by tragedy and violence from a bruta...
23 Jan 2018
Tablet The Talmud’s Revenge Fantasies 23 Jan 2018
Literary critic Adam Kirsch is engaging with the Talmud through the Daf Yomi cycle, focusing on Tractate Avodah Zarah which discusses laws against idolatry. ...
23 Jan 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Ladies and Gents: The Jewish Bourgeoisie in Interwar Egypt 22 Jan 2018
Liat Maggid-Alon, a historian, delves into the emergence of the Jewish bourgeoisie in Egypt during the early-to-mid 20th century, analyzing how modernity, re...
22 Jan 2018
Tablet Did Glenn Simpson Lie to Congress? 12 Jan 2018
Glenn Simpson, co-founder of Fusion GPS, released an op-ed calling for the release of his Senate testimony. Questions have arisen over the credibility of the...
12 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books Rachel and Her Children 9 Jan 2018
In the novel "Eternal Life" by Dara Horn, the story revolves around Rachel, the mother of Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai, who becomes immortal after making a vow ...
9 Jan 2018
Tablet The Shtiebel 8 Jan 2018
The text describes a personal journey within a Jewish shtiebel, focusing on the author's interactions with Rabbi Moshe Halevi Steinberg. The shtiebel is port...
8 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books Ink and Blood 7 Jan 2018
Arthur Szyk, a prominent Jewish artist, is recognized for his iconic illustrations in The Haggadah, a Passover favorite imbued with modern and ancient imager...
7 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books Succession, Secession! 7 Jan 2018
Samuel C. Heilman's book "Succession, Secession! Who Will Lead Us? The Story of Five Hasidic Dynasties in America" explores the notion of zera kodesh, or hol...
7 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books Joseph Roth: Grieving for a Lost Empire  7 Jan 2018
Joseph Roth, a talented yet troubled writer, is described as a mournful figure by Volker Weidermann in his book "Ostend." Roth, a prolific Austrian novelist ...
7 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books In Praise of Humility 7 Jan 2018
Steven Weitzman explores the complexities of Solomon's legacy and the quest for Jewish origins in his book "The Origin of the Jews: The Quest for Roots in a ...
7 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books Black Fire on White Fire 7 Jan 2018
The text delves into the significance of the Torah in Judaism, discussing its origins and relationship with physical objects like Torah scrolls. It highlight...
7 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books Rachel and Her Children 7 Jan 2018
"Eternal Life" by Dara Horn is a novel that imagines the story of Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai's mother, Rachel, who takes a vow at the Temple, granting her imm...
7 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books Ritchie’s Boys and the Men from Zion 7 Jan 2018
"Sons and Soldiers" by Bruce Henderson tells the stories of German-Jewish soldiers who escaped the Third Reich to become combat interrogators for the U.S. Ar...
7 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Many Dybbuks of Romain Gary 7 Jan 2018
Romain Gary, a Lithuanian Jew who considered himself a quintessential Frenchman, led a remarkable life filled with self-invention and multiple personas. From...
7 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books A Tale of Two Stories  7 Jan 2018
"The Story of the Jews, Volume Two: Belonging, 1492-1900" by Simon Schama and "Et Hadashah (A New Age: Eighteenth-Century European Jewry, 1700-1750)" by Shmu...
7 Jan 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Family Heretic 7 Jan 2018
The text discusses the historical prominence of Jewish revolutionaries from the 19th to the mid-20th century, mentioning figures like Zalkind Hourwitz, Rosa ...
7 Jan 2018
Tablet A Cruel and Elusive Family History 2 Jan 2018
The text delves into the complex and often cruel history of Jews in Poland, highlighting the strained relationship between Jews and Poles over the centuries....
2 Jan 2018
Lehrhaus Azariah de Rossi’s Fascination with the Septuagint 27 Dec 2017
In the 1570s, Italian Jewish Renaissance figure Azariah de Rossi translated and published The Letter of Aristeas, a second-century BCE work recounting the tr...
27 Dec 2017
Tablet The Man Who Made Jewish History in Canada—Twice—and Was Then Forgotten 26 Dec 2017
George Benjamin, a prominent figure in Canadian history, made significant contributions by becoming the first Jew elected to a municipal office in Canada in ...
26 Dec 2017
Tel Aviv Review headphones Justice, Justice He Pursued - In the Hague 22 Dec 2017
Sir Geoffrey Nice, known for prosecuting war criminal Slobodan Milosevic, discusses international justice in his book "Justice for All and How to Achieve It,...
22 Dec 2017
Unorthodox headphones The Nose Job Episode: Ep. 117 21 Dec 2017
This episode of Unorthodox delves into the cultural and historical significance of nose jobs within American Jewish communities, examining both personal narr...
21 Dec 2017
Tablet Extreme Diamonds 19 Dec 2017
Paul Valéry's poem "La Jeune Parque" or "The Young Fate" from 1917 remains enigmatic even a century later, showcasing Valéry as the last of the Symbolists wi...
19 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus Playing Dreidel with Kafka and Rabbi Nahman 18 Dec 2017
In a thought-provoking exploration, the essay discusses a theoretical dialogue between Rabbi Nahman of Breslov and Franz Kafka about the symbolic significanc...
18 Dec 2017
Tel Aviv Review headphones A London Jewish Working Class Hero and His Twin Walk into a Sanatorium... 18 Dec 2017
In "The Dark Circle" by Linda Grant, set in a 1950s London TB clinic, twin teenagers navigate the liminal space between recent collective death and impending...
18 Dec 2017
Tel Aviv Review headphones Live in London: Ian Black on One Hundred Years of Conflict 15 Dec 2017
Ian Black, former Middle East editor of The Guardian, discusses his book "Enemies and Neighbors" on the conflict between Arabs and Jews in Palestine and Isra...
15 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus “In Every Generation They Rise Up Against Us to Destroy Us”: How We Keep Getting Hanukkah Wrong 14 Dec 2017
The article challenges the traditional understanding of Hanukkah as a conflict between Judaism and Greek culture by suggesting a more nuanced view of histori...
14 Dec 2017
Tablet Is Today’s ‘Social Justice’ Jewish? 12 Dec 2017
The discussion addresses the evolving concept of social justice in today's society and its impact on the Jewish community. It highlights a shift from traditi...
12 Dec 2017
Israel Policy Pod headphones The Soviet-Israeli War 8 Dec 2017
Dr. Isabella Ginor and Gideon Remez from Hebrew University's Truman Institute discuss their book, "The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967-1973," exploring the USSR's i...
8 Dec 2017
Israel Policy Pod headphones The Soviet-Israeli War 8 Dec 2017
Dr. Isabella Ginor and Gideon Remez discuss the Soviet Union's military involvement in the 1967-1973 Egyptian-Israeli conflict, drawing parallels to Russia's...
8 Dec 2017
Tablet The Best Jewish Children’s Books of 2017 8 Dec 2017
The list of the best Jewish children's books of 2017 showcases diversity, moving beyond Holocaust and shtetl narratives to present Jewish characters in vario...
8 Dec 2017
Forward Opinion | I Was An IDF Soldier During The First Intifada. It Changed Me Forever 7 Dec 2017
Ori Weisberg reflects on his service as an Israeli Defense Forces soldier during the First Intifada, sharing how the experience profoundly altered his perspe...
7 Dec 2017
Forward 10 Jewish Women Badder Than Taylor Swift 5 Dec 2017
A Twitter post asking for names of women "badder" than Taylor Swift led to a discussion highlighting strong Jewish women throughout history. Examples include...
5 Dec 2017
Tablet Realism and the Kurds 30 Nov 2017
The text discusses how the Kurds have historically been betrayed due to the doctrine of political realism exemplified by Henry Kissinger's actions. Realism p...
30 Nov 2017
Tablet Watching ‘The Chosen’ with My Children 30 Nov 2017
"The Chosen" by Chaim Potok is a compelling novel about the friendship between two Jewish boys in Brooklyn during World War II. The book is praised for its d...
30 Nov 2017