Daily Podcasts Video search
Lehrhaus The Prince and the Precedent: Genesis 34 in its Socio-Legal Context 15 Dec 2016
In "The Prince and the Precedent," Alex Maged explores the socio-legal context of Genesis 34 in light of earlier episodes in Genesis involving patriarchs pre...
15 Dec 2016
Lehrhaus When Elijah’s Mantle Fell: The Judaism of Leonard Cohen 15 Dec 2016
Leonard Cohen's Jewish identity and spirituality are explored in this text, highlighting his farewell song "You Want It Darker" as his most Jewish compositio...
15 Dec 2016
Tablet Bye-Bye, Neocons 15 Dec 2016
Israeli leaders are relieved by Trump's election, seeing decreased threats of U.N. resolutions and a nuclear Iran, yet American Jewish neoconservatives like ...
15 Dec 2016
Forward For 4 Cousins, Love Survives the Holocaust After All 14 Dec 2016
Four Polish cousins, Fania Blakay, Gennadi Band, Henia Moskowitz, and Rywka Patchnik, all believed their family had perished in the Holocaust until a surpris...
14 Dec 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Back when Harlem was Jewish 12 Dec 2016
Professor Jeffrey S. Gurock from Yeshiva University in New York highlights his book "The Jews of Harlem: The Rise, Decline, and Revival of a Jewish Community...
12 Dec 2016
Tanakh Cast headphones TanakhCast #94: The Ancient Queen of Cush Edition 12 Dec 2016
TanakhCast #94, titled "The Ancient Queen of Cush Edition," explores 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, starting from Genesis and progressing through ...
12 Dec 2016
Tablet Between Two Worlds, Belonging to Neither 7 Dec 2016
Philipp Jaff, a prominent historian of medieval Germany in the 19th century, is known for his significant contributions to the field. Despite his success, Ja...
7 Dec 2016
Tablet Ghosts of the Borscht Belt 5 Dec 2016
"The Borscht Belt: Revisiting the Remains of America's Jewish Vacationland" by Marisa Scheinfeld explores the decline of old Jewish resorts in the Catskills,...
5 Dec 2016
Tablet Chareau’s Ghostly Interiors at the Jewish Museum 2 Dec 2016
The Jewish Museum's exhibit on Pierre Chareau explores the influential work and life of this French designer, known for integrating modernist styles and inno...
2 Dec 2016
Torah 101 headphones #6: Incontrovertible Evidence to the Divinity of the Torah 30 Nov 2016
The podcast explores the complex relationship between the written and oral Torah, arguing that the intricate connection between the two surpasses human capab...
30 Nov 2016
Forward Norway Church Condemns Martin Luther’s Anti-Semitism 28 Nov 2016
The Church of Norway, part of Lutheranism, has denounced its founder Martin Luther for his anti-Semitic writings in light of the 500-year anniversary of the ...
28 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus The Vital Principles of Judaism in Our beloved Country: An Early Twentieth Century Thanksgiving Sermon 23 Nov 2016
Rabbi Henry W. Schneeberger delivered a Thanksgiving sermon in 1911 touching on the importance of gratitude, assimilation, and loyalty as American Jews. Comp...
23 Nov 2016
Torah 101 headphones #5: An Unprecedented Eternal Nation 22 Nov 2016
The text discusses the uncovering of predictions in the Torah that have come true and questions how a human author could have known about the future, highlig...
22 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus The Troubling Trend of Photoshopping History 17 Nov 2016
Photoshopping historical images within Orthodox Jewish communities to conform to contemporary religious standards is a troubling trend highlighted by Leslie ...
17 Nov 2016
Tablet What to Do About Trump? The Same Thing My Grandfather Did in 1930s Vienna. 14 Nov 2016
The author reflects on their grandfather's experience fleeing Vienna in the 1930s and draws three principles to apply to the current political climate under ...
14 Nov 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Pax Britannica? The troubled legacy of Sykes-Picot 11 Nov 2016
Professor Wm. Roger Louis from the University of Texas at Austin, an expert in British imperial history, delves into the lasting impact of the Sykes-Picot ag...
11 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus Tanakh, Chapter by Chapter 7 Nov 2016
Studying Tanakh from a young age provides a foundation in Jewish history and context for connecting to Jewish practice, with many baalei teshuva embarking on...
7 Nov 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Make yourselves at home: The integration of immigrants in the new Israeli state 7 Nov 2016
Dr. Orit Rozin, a Jewish history professor at Tel Aviv University, delves into the topic of immigrant integration in the new Israeli state in her book "A Hom...
7 Nov 2016
Tablet Is Israel’s Biggest Military Hero a Fake? And Does It Matter? 4 Nov 2016
A spirited debate has ignited in Israel over the authenticity of the legendary military hero known as Team Tzvika. The story, involving a young captain named...
4 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus What Could (and Couldn’t) the Rabbis Do? 3 Nov 2016
The discussion explores the translation of a Talmudic passage regarding the perceived suppression of the Book of Kohelet by the ancient sages. The prevalent ...
3 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus No Ideas But In Things: A Review of “Jerusalem” at the Metropolitan Museum of Art 1 Nov 2016
The article reviews the exhibit "Jerusalem 1000-1400: Every People Under Heaven" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which showcases art and artifacts from me...
1 Nov 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Carlo Ginzburg on the past, present and future of history 30 Oct 2016
Professor Carlo Ginzburg, a prominent historian, is in Israel for an event honoring his mother, author Natalia Ginzburg. In a discussion with Gilad Halpern, ...
30 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Jung Earth Creationism: Two New York Rabbis Respond to the Scopes Trial 27 Oct 2016
In response to the Scopes Monkey Trial in 1925, which highlighted the issue of Darwinism, two New York Orthodox rabbis, Leo Jung and David de Sola Pool, offe...
27 Oct 2016
Torah 101 headphones #2: The Fallacy of the Bible Critics 16 Oct 2016
In a podcast recorded at the TORCH Centre in Houston, TX, the discussion delves into the fallacies of critics who question the authorship of the Torah. The s...
16 Oct 2016
Tablet The 12 Covenants of Pinchas Hurwitz 13 Oct 2016
Pinchas Hurwitz's "Sefer ha-Brit" was a widely influential Hebrew book that combined scientific knowledge and mystical ascent, promoting a universal ethics f...
13 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus The Parenthetical Problem of Alenu 10 Oct 2016
The text explores the evolution and controversy surrounding the Alenu prayer, specifically its historical anti-Gentile language targeting Christians. Initial...
10 Oct 2016
Torah 101 headphones #1: Who Wrote the Torah 7 Oct 2016
The text discusses the authorship of the Torah, exploring the implications of whether it is considered the word of God as traditionally believed by Jews or j...
7 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus The Origins of Jewish Universalism: What it is, and Why it Matters 6 Oct 2016
In "The Origins of Jewish Universalism: What it is, and Why it Matters," Malka Simkovich explores how Jewish universalist ideas were prevalent in the late Se...
6 Oct 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones When Israel's "demographic time bomb" started ticking 30 Sep 2016
Nimrod Lin, a doctoral fellow at the University of Toronto, delves into the historical roots of Israel's demographic concerns within Zionism. He highlights h...
30 Sep 2016
Jewish Review of Books Necessary Power: A Rejoinder to Jonathan Sacks 26 Sep 2016
In response to Rabbi Jonathan Sacks's book "Not in Gods Name," Rabbi Shlomo Riskin argues that Sacks rejects political encroachment on religion but does not ...
26 Sep 2016
Jewish Review of Books Inventing American Judaism 26 Sep 2016
The text discusses the landmark exhibition "By Dawn's Early Light," curated by Adam D. Mendelsohn and Dale Rosengarten at Princeton University, which explore...
26 Sep 2016
Jewish Review of Books Psychology at Nuremberg 26 Sep 2016
During the Nuremberg trials in 1945, psychologists like Douglas Kelley and Gustave Gilbert conducted interviews and Rorschach tests on high-profile Nazi pris...
26 Sep 2016
Jewish Review of Books Religion and Politics: A Response to Shlomo Riskin 26 Sep 2016
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin reviewed Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' book "Not in God's Name: Confronting Religious Violence," highlighting a perceived belief in Jewish powerl...
26 Sep 2016
Jewish Review of Books A Tale of Two Night Vigils 26 Sep 2016
The text explores the historical practice of all-night study vigils in Jewish communities, focusing on the tikkun observed on the first night of Shavuot and ...
26 Sep 2016
Jewish Review of Books Zion and Party Politics, 1944 26 Sep 2016
In 1944, American Zionism faced a pivotal moment as support for the cause shifted from a bipartisan stance to becoming a political battleground between Repub...
26 Sep 2016
Jewish Review of Books The Angel and the Covenant 26 Sep 2016
Rabbi Shmelke of Nikolsburg encountered the Angel of Death at the German border in the 1770s, warning him that spreading Hasidism in Western Europe would lea...
26 Sep 2016
Jewish Review of Books Jerusalem Reconstructed 26 Sep 2016
Adina Hoffman discusses the architectural contributions and lives of three significant figures in Jerusalem during the British Mandate period (1920-1948). Sh...
26 Sep 2016
Jewish Review of Books Harlem on His Mind 26 Sep 2016
The text discusses the impact of the controversial exhibition "Harlem on My Mind" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1969, highlighting how it polarized va...
26 Sep 2016
Jewish Action On and Off the Beaten Track in…the Footsteps of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs Eretz Bereshit—Genesis Land 20 Sep 2016
Eretz Bereshit, also known as Genesis Land, offers visitors a unique experience to connect with Jewish and Biblical history by immersing them in the world of...
20 Sep 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Welcome to Slovakia's 'Jewish Pompeii' 12 Sep 2016
Photographer Yuri Dojc's exhibition "Last Folio" captures the remnants of Slovakia's Jewish community post-Communism, showcasing abandoned synagogues, dilapi...
12 Sep 2016
Tablet Master of the True Line 8 Sep 2016
Mark Podwal is a multifaceted artist and physician known for his unique ability to merge metaphysical concepts with real-world symbolism through art. His wor...
8 Sep 2016
Tablet How ‘Jewish Eggs’ Regained Their Place in Hungary’s Kitchens 6 Sep 2016
After the communist regime in Hungary restricted the use of rich and fancy ingredients, traditional Jewish recipes like Jewish eggs lost their original flavo...
6 Sep 2016
Tablet Newly Declassified CIA Briefings Show the U.S. Didn’t Really See the Yom Kippur War Coming 30 Aug 2016
The newly declassified CIA briefings reveal that the U.S. failed to anticipate the Yom Kippur War in 1973, with the attack by Syria and Egypt taking Israel a...
30 Aug 2016
Tablet Going to Vancouver 18 Aug 2016
The author reflects on growing up in New York City's Lower East Side, recalling the immigrant neighborhood's synagogues, kosher delis, and colorful character...
18 Aug 2016
Forward Six Failed Messiahs From Jewish History 5 Aug 2016
The article by Ari Feldman explores six Jewish figures from history who were perceived as potential messiahs but ultimately did not fulfill such expectations...
5 Aug 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones The burden of spoof: Satire in pre-state Israel 1 Aug 2016
Dr. Leah Gilula, a theater studies scholar, talks about the boundaries of satire in pre-state Israel during the British Mandate period and its role in shapin...
1 Aug 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Yom Kippur War: Anatomy of a (not so) missed opportunity 18 Jul 2016
Historian Prof. David Tal challenges the notion that Israel could have prevented the Yom Kippur War by responding to Anwar Sadat's peace initiatives, questio...
18 Jul 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Post-anti-Zionism: US Trotskyites and the Jewish state 11 Jul 2016
Dr. Tony Michels, a historian at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, talks about how American Marxists, many of whom were Jewish, shifted their attitudes to...
11 Jul 2016
Tablet A Fourth of July Story 30 Jun 2016
Anatoly Shcharansky, a Soviet mathematician, married Natalia Stieglitz (later Avital) on July 4, 1974, before she left for Israel. Shcharansky's efforts to l...
30 Jun 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Desired destination: Palestine 27 Jun 2016
Dr. Uta Larkey from Goucher College talks about the migration of Jewish displaced persons from Germany to Palestine after World War II in a conversation with...
27 Jun 2016