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Tablet My Very Own Tisha B’Av 4 Aug 2014
The author reflects on how her experiences at a Labor Zionist youth camp shaped her Jewish identity, particularly in relation to observing Tisha B'Av. She di...
4 Aug 2014
Tablet ‘Amistad’ and Spielberg’s West African Moses 15 Jul 2014
"Amistad and Spielberg's West African Moses" discusses how Steven Spielberg's film "Amistad" explores themes of bondage and freedom through the story of Cinq...
15 Jul 2014
Tablet Vigilante Violence in This Week’s Torah Portion 10 Jul 2014
The Torah portion discusses the story of Phinehas, a celebrated vigilante who takes violent action against Israelites engaging in impropriety with Moabite wo...
10 Jul 2014
Tablet Why Obama, Kerry, Abbas, Hamas, BDS, and Hezbollah Will All Go Poof! 10 Jul 2014
The text discusses the historical challenges faced by the Jewish community, particularly in Israel, in dealing with various political powers such as the Otto...
10 Jul 2014
Tablet Visiting the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Grave in Queens 2 Jul 2014
Tens of thousands of visitors gathered at Montefiore Cemetery in Queens to mark the 20th yahrzeit of Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the seventh Lubavitcher Rebb...
2 Jul 2014
Tablet The Jerusalem School That Turned Superstitious Jews Into Proper Brits 1 Jul 2014
An exhibition and book commemorating the Evelina de Rothschild School in Jerusalem shed light on its British principal, Annie Landau's transformative impact ...
1 Jul 2014
Tablet Before the Kidnappings, There Was a Massacre 25 Jun 2014
On May 13, 1948, Arab militiamen and Jordanian Legionnaires carried out a massacre of surrendering Jewish troops in Kibbutz Kfar Etzion, marking one of the b...
25 Jun 2014
Tablet Nazi-Era Jerseys on View in World Cup Exhibit 20 Jun 2014
An exhibit in Salvador, Brazil, showcasing vintage World Cup jerseys includes controversial items such as the swastika-adorned jersey of Germany's 1934 team ...
20 Jun 2014
Jewish Action On and Off the Beaten Track in . . . Yad Vashem 16 Jun 2014
The article discusses the emotional impact of visiting the Yad Vashem Museum in Jerusalem, focusing on the personal stories and exhibits that aim to bring th...
16 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Summer 2014 15 Jun 2014
In the Summer 2014 issue of Letters, different authors address key points in recent articles. Saul Newman clarifies the relationship between his grandfather,...
15 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books Brief Kvetches: Notes to a 19th-Century Miracle Worker 15 Jun 2014
Rabbi Elijah Guttmacher, known as the Tzaddik of Grtz in 19th-century Eastern Europe, was a miracle worker who received thousands of petitions (kvitlekh) fro...
15 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books Rallying Round the Flags 15 Jun 2014
During World War I, a significant number of Jews served in various armies, leading to instances of Jews fighting against fellow Jews. The story of a soldier ...
15 Jun 2014
Forward Jewish Department Store Heirs Win $68M From Germany in Suit 12 Jun 2014
The heirs of the Jewish Schocken family, who owned a department store chain before World War II, have won a restitution case against Germany, receiving nearl...
12 Jun 2014
Tablet The 13 Worst Jewish Fathers in Literature, From Abraham to Mr. Portnoy 12 Jun 2014
The article outlines the portrayal of Jewish fathers in literature, highlighting 13 problematic examples spanning biblical figures like Abraham and Jacob to ...
12 Jun 2014
Forward 400 Years After Portugal’s Inquisition, a Very Unusual Family Comes Together 1 Jun 2014
Descendants of four Portuguese Jewish brothers who fled the Inquisition in Portugal in 1614 gathered in Amsterdam to commemorate their heritage, although man...
1 Jun 2014
Tablet Why Did God Choose the Jewish People To Receive the Torah? 29 Apr 2014
The essay discusses the question of why God chose the Jewish people to receive the Torah, exploring various perspectives from different sources. It notes the...
29 Apr 2014
Forward Chasing Dr. Aribert Heim, the 'Butcher of Mauthausen' 21 Apr 2014
"The Eternal Nazi" by Nicholas Kulish and Souad Mekhennet is a compelling account of the hunt for Nazi doctor Aribert Heim, infamous for his sadistic medical...
21 Apr 2014
Tablet For These Moroccan Muslims, Mimouna Isn’t Just a Jewish Thing—It’s Their Heritage, Too 18 Apr 2014
The Mimouna Club, founded in Morocco's Al-Akhawayn University, aims to celebrate the country's Jewish heritage and promote cultural diversity. Despite facing...
18 Apr 2014
Tablet Our Family’s Twin Passover Tales: Escaping From Egypt and the Soviet Union 14 Apr 2014
The author reflects on the two Passover tales told in their home: the traditional Exodus from Egypt and their family's personal story of escape from Velizh, ...
14 Apr 2014
Tablet Errol Morris Talked to Rumsfeld for 33 Hours. All He Got Was ‘The Unknown Known.’ 8 Apr 2014
Errol Morris interviewed Donald Rumsfeld for 33 hours for his documentary "The Unknown Known," exploring the former Secretary of Defense's role in the Iraq w...
8 Apr 2014
Tablet Did Sandy Koufax Lay Tefillin During the 1965 World Series? 4 Apr 2014
Sandy Koufax, the legendary Jewish pitcher for the Dodgers, made a cultural impact by choosing not to pitch on Yom Kippur during the 1965 World Series, leadi...
4 Apr 2014
Tablet Jugglers, Acrobats, a Magnificent Temple—and Notably No Political Strife 1 Apr 2014
The Talmudic text explores the nostalgia and celebration surrounding the temple practices, specifically focusing on the Ceremony of the Drawing of the Water ...
1 Apr 2014
Jewish Review of Books Missing Menachem 24 Mar 2014
Menachem Begin, a prominent figure in Israeli politics, faced early condemnation, even being compared to Hitler. However, his legacy has evolved, with differ...
24 Mar 2014
Forward The Mystery of Raoul Wallenberg 14 Mar 2014
Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish businessman and diplomat during World War II, rescued thousands of Hungarian Jews from the Holocaust. Bengt Jangfeldt's new biogr...
14 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books Nation and Narrative 5 Mar 2014
Yossi Klein Halevi's book "Like Dreamers" tells the story of seven paratroopers who helped liberate Jerusalem in 1967 and follows their lives through the 197...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books At Professor Bachlam’s 5 Mar 2014
S.Y. Agnon's novel "Shira" follows the story of Dr. Manfred Herbst, an anti-hero professor at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem during the 1930s, as he navi...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books A Stone for His Slingshot 5 Mar 2014
Ben Hecht, a renowned writer, delivered a captivating speech at a Los Angeles dinner funded by Mickey Cohen, a notorious gangland boss, as part of a Jewish f...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books Our Master, May He Live 5 Mar 2014
Avraham Grossman's biography on Rashi, a pivotal figure in Jewish history, explores the life and works of the medieval commentator. Born in Troyes, France, R...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books Dangerous Liaisons: Modern Scholars and Medieval Relations Between Jews and Christians 5 Mar 2014
Salo Baron's 1942 article challenged the common narrative of Jewish suffering in medieval Europe, arguing that despite facing some discrimination, medieval J...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books History, Memory, and the Fallen Jew 5 Mar 2014
Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi, a prominent Jewish historian, is reflected upon through the lens of his essays and writings, shedding light on his fascination with r...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books The Living Waters of History 5 Mar 2014
"The Mapmaker's Daughter" by Laurel Corona is a historical novel set in Spain during the 15th century, following the life of Amalia Riba, a converso girl wit...
5 Mar 2014
Tablet Obama to Award Jewish Veterans Posthumous Medal of Honor 21 Feb 2014
President Obama has announced that 24 former U.S. soldiers, including Jewish veterans, will be awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously in a ceremony in March...
21 Feb 2014
Forward Menachem Beilis 'Blood Libel' Case Gets a New Hearing 17 Feb 2014
The article discusses the Menachem Beilis "Blood Libel" case that took place in Tsarist Russia over 100 years ago, where Beilis, a Jewish man, was wrongly ac...
17 Feb 2014
Tablet Freud and the Marranos: How Yosef H. Yerushalmi Gave Voice to Jews Caught Between Worlds 10 Feb 2014
Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi, a prominent Jewish historian, is remembered for his groundbreaking work on the Marranos, Jews caught between worlds. Raised in a Jewi...
10 Feb 2014
Tablet When an Israeli Ambassador Debated a British Historian on Israel’s Legitimacy—and Won 31 Jan 2014
In 1961, at McGill University in Montreal, Israeli Ambassador Yaacov Herzog challenged British historian Arnold Toynbee to a public debate after Toynbee ques...
31 Jan 2014
Tablet A Divider by Nature, Sharon Tried To Unite Israelis Behind Ending the Occupation 13 Jan 2014
The article reflects on Ariel Sharon's life and leadership, highlighting his journey from being a divisive figure to a unifying force in Israel. Initially se...
13 Jan 2014
Tablet The Haftarah Reading That Inspired Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘I Have a Dream’ 13 Jan 2014
Martin Luther King Jr., in his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech during the historic March on Washington in 1963, drew inspiration from the Bible, specifically ...
13 Jan 2014
Tablet Activists Who Burgled FBI in 1971—Led by a Jewish Physicist—Finally Out Themselves 7 Jan 2014
In 1971, a group of activists burgled an FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania, stealing classified documents that exposed the COINTELPRO surveillance program ta...
7 Jan 2014
Tablet The Search for My Uncle Harry 26 Nov 2013
Alex Joffe explores the poignant story of his uncle, Second Lt. Joseph H. Joffe, who went missing during a WWII bombing raid over Germany. In a deeply person...
26 Nov 2013
Jewish Review of Books Scenes of Jewish Life in Imperial Russia 25 Nov 2013
The anthology "Everyday Jewish Life in Imperial Russia" offers glimpses into the diverse experiences of Russian Jews before the revolution. Through stories l...
25 Nov 2013
Jewish Review of Books Hollywood’s Anti-Nazi Spies 25 Nov 2013
In the 1930s, prominent Jewish studio heads in Hollywood secretly funded informants to infiltrate Nazi groups in Los Angeles, working with law enforcement ag...
25 Nov 2013
Tablet Finding My Grandfather, and Myself, on the Battlefields of the Spanish Civil War 11 Nov 2013
The author embarks on a journey to discover why his grandfather, a Jewish teenager named David Dombroff, fought in the Spanish Civil War as part of the Abrah...
11 Nov 2013
Tablet In Slovakia, a Citizen’s Effort To Build a Holocaust Memorial to His City’s Missing Jews 16 Oct 2013
In Slovakia's city of Koice, once home to a significant Jewish community before the Holocaust, efforts are underway to build a memorial honoring the city's l...
16 Oct 2013
Tablet The $1 Million Plan to Attract Jews to Alabama 14 Oct 2013
Larry Blumberg initiated a unique plan to attract Jewish families to Dothan, Alabama, by offering $50,000 in relocation assistance and encouraging them to st...
14 Oct 2013
Tablet When the Detroit Tigers Play the Boston Red Sox 11 Oct 2013
Steve Calechman, a Boston-raised sports fan, shares his unique story of being a devout Detroit team supporter due to his father's admiration for Jewish sport...
11 Oct 2013
Tablet Revisiting The Yom Kippur War 40 Years Later 7 Oct 2013
The event marking the 40th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War brought together Major General (ret.) Eli Zeira and Major General (ret.) Zvi Zamir, key figures ...
7 Oct 2013
Tablet On the 40th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, Israel’s Top Spymasters Face Off 4 Oct 2013
On the 40th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, a debate arises over the actions of Israel's top spymasters regarding the conflict. Ashraf Marwan, a key Egypt...
4 Oct 2013
Tablet Israel Gutman, Holocaust Survivor and Scholar 2 Oct 2013
Israel Gutman, a Holocaust survivor and scholar, played a pivotal role in Holocaust research and commemoration. Born in Warsaw, Gutman was a member of the Ha...
2 Oct 2013
Tablet Putin Refuses To Let the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Library Leave Moscow 30 Sep 2013
A property dispute over a valuable library of religious books owned by the Lubavitcher Rebbe has led to tensions between Russian officials and Chabad represe...
30 Sep 2013
Tablet A Simchat Torah Story From 1663 London 25 Sep 2013
In 1663 London, during Simchat Torah, renowned diarist Samuel Pepys unexpectedly entered Congregation Shaar Hashamayim, a Spanish & Portuguese synagogue, and...
25 Sep 2013