Daily Podcasts Video search
People of the Pod headphones AJC Passport: Live from Washington, D.C.: The Freshman Perspective 18 Jan 2019
AJC Passport's live episode from Washington, D.C. featured freshman Congress members Rep. Donna Shalala and Rep. Van Taylor discussing their priorities, whic...
18 Jan 2019
Lehrhaus Peshat and Beyond: The Emergence of A Reluctant Leader 13 Jan 2019
The article explores the evolution of Moses from a reluctant and hesitant figure to the leader of the Jewish People. It introduces the concept of Peshat and ...
13 Jan 2019
Forward Letter To The Editor 28 Dec 2018
David Sherman, a member of the search committee for the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, expressed disappointment in the coverag...
28 Dec 2018
Unorthodox headphones Lords and A-Listers: Ep. 161 13 Dec 2018
This episode of Unorthodox features writer Taffy Brodesser-Akner discussing her experiences profiling celebrities while striving to maintain her Jewish value...
13 Dec 2018
Forward Miriam Adelson Gets Medal Of Honor As ‘Humanitarian’ From Trump — Gave $100M To GOP 12 Nov 2018
Miriam Adelson, a prominent philanthropist, humanitarian, and wife of casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, has been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by P...
12 Nov 2018
People of the Pod headphones AJC Passport: Defending the Transatlantic Alliance 5 Oct 2018
The text discusses the historical significance of the Atlantic Charter articulated by Roosevelt and Churchill during World War II, emphasizing values like pe...
5 Oct 2018
Jewish Action On Mothers 31 Aug 2018
The Jewish Area by Elena Flerova explores the profound influence of Jewish mothers on renowned Jewish leaders. The text presents anecdotes and reflections fr...
31 Aug 2018
Promised Podcast headphones WhyWhyWhy! “Talkin' 'bout a Revolution!” 26 Jun 2018
The episode of WhyWhyWhy! focuses on the theme of "Talkin' 'bout a Revolution" with stories by various speakers. The upcoming live event on July 23rd will ce...
26 Jun 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Bibi: The King is Alive, Long Live the King 18 Jun 2018
Anshel Pfeffer's biography delves into the enduring mystique and political leadership of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The book explores Netanya...
18 Jun 2018
Tablet The Shocking Truth About Jordan Peterson 29 May 2018
Jordan Peterson, a controversial Canadian psychology professor turned YouTube sensation, is depicted as a polarizing figure facing scrutiny and criticism in ...
29 May 2018
Lehrhaus Charismatic Leaders and Spiritual Seekers: A Review of Jews in the Age of Authenticity 7 May 2018
"Jews in the Age of Authenticity: Jewish Spiritual Renewal in Israel" by Rachel Werczberger explores the rise and fall of two unconventional spiritual commun...
7 May 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Why Hast Thou Forsaken Us: Shas' Post-Revolutionary Crisis 7 May 2018
The book "A Flock With No Shepherd: Shas Leadership The Day After Rabbi Ovadia Yosef," co-authored by Yair Ettinger and Nissim Leon, examines the challenges ...
7 May 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Why Hast Thou Forsaken Us: Shas' Post-Revolutionary Crisis 7 May 2018
Yair Ettinger, a journalist and researcher, co-authored a book titled "A Flock With No Shepherd: Shas Leadership The Day After Rabbi Ovadia Yosef" with Nissi...
7 May 2018
Tablet Are NBC and CNN Paying Off Top Spies Who Leaked Info With On-Air Jobs? 2 May 2018
The text discusses allegations that top spies may have leaked information to media outlets like NBC and CNN in exchange for on-air jobs, raising concerns abo...
2 May 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones The Prince: The Emergence of Elites in Early 20th-Century Saudi Arabia 27 Apr 2018
Nachum Shiloh's research challenges the common perception of Saudi Arabia as an ultraconservative and coercive society by examining the emergence of elites i...
27 Apr 2018
Lehrhaus Magid, Moshe, Story-Telling, and Story-Living 29 Mar 2018
The text explores the significance of viewing oneself as personally having left Egypt in the context of the Passover Haggadah's directive. By paralleling the...
29 Mar 2018
Israel Policy Pod headphones On Israeli Leadership 26 Mar 2018
The text discusses a panel held at the Harmonie Club in New York City with Dr. Anita Shapira, Ambassador Itamar Rabinovich, and Rabbi Daniel Gordis, who have...
26 Mar 2018
Israel Policy Pod headphones On Israeli Leadership 26 Mar 2018
This episode of Israel Policy Pod features a panel discussion on Israeli leadership, focusing on the biographies of former prime ministers David Ben-Gurion, ...
26 Mar 2018
Lehrhaus From San Francisco to Synagogue: Can Startup Culture Invigorate Jewish Organizations? 22 Mar 2018
Rabbi Mike Uram and others are exploring how startup culture can revitalize Jewish organizations, emphasizing the need for disruptive innovations within the ...
22 Mar 2018
Lehrhaus Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’s Portrait of Moses 19 Mar 2018
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, known for his Covenant and Conversation series, focuses on the figure of Moses in his biblical commentaries, emphasizing themes of...
19 Mar 2018
Tablet The Political Genius of Ahasuerus 1 Mar 2018
The article discusses the character of Ahasuerus from the Book of Esther, highlighting his leadership traits and flaws. Ahasuerus is portrayed as a hedonisti...
1 Mar 2018
Lehrhaus Creation in a Chaotic Decade: Rabbi Lamm in the 60s 19 Dec 2017
Rabbi Norman Lamm played a crucial role in revitalizing Orthodox Judaism on the Upper West Side and in New York City in the 1960s. Returning to New York in 1...
19 Dec 2017
Forward Opinion | It’s Time To Admit The First Intifada Was Nonviolent - And Led By Women 9 Dec 2017
The First Intifada, which erupted thirty years ago, is often misrepresented as violent, but a critical reevaluation reveals that it was primarily characteriz...
9 Dec 2017
Forward He’s The Most Successful Hillel Leader In The Country—Here’s Why 1 Nov 2017
Rabbi Yonah Schiller, the Executive Director of Tulane Hillel, has transformed Jewish outreach by implementing a unique model that prioritizes student leader...
1 Nov 2017
Lehrhaus A Failed Attempt to Challenge the Halakhic Prenup 24 Jul 2017
A recent proclamation by 44 rabbis in Israel raised concerns about the Beth Din of America's halakhic prenuptial agreement, suggesting it might be problemati...
24 Jul 2017
Jewish Action Reviews In Brief 22 Jun 2017
"Rav and Rebbe" by Chaim Dalfin provides historical tidbits about the friendship between Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik (the Rav) and Rabbi Menachem Schneerson...
22 Jun 2017
Tablet My Father, Elie Wiesel 16 Jun 2017
Elisha Wiesel reflects on the legacy of his father, Elie Wiesel, as a bridge-builder between generations and cultures, emphasizing his father's quiet strengt...
16 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus The Breslover’s Song 25 May 2017
Rabbi Bezalel Naor's analysis of Rambam and Rabbi Nahman of Breslov's perspectives on poetry reveals contrasting views. While Rambam criticized poetry for it...
25 May 2017
Forward J.B. Pritzker Makes His Move To Become Illinois Governor 13 Apr 2017
J.B. Pritzker, a Jewish billionaire and Chicago-based business mogul, has officially entered the 2018 Illinois governor's race, joining two other billionaire...
13 Apr 2017
Tablet What Happened to Yeshiva University, er… American Jewry? 10 Mar 2017
The appointment of Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman as President of Yeshiva University offers a moment to reflect on the state of Modern Orthodoxy in the U.S. while high...
10 Mar 2017
Lehrhaus JLIC: The OU Program That Introduced a New Vision of Orthodox Women’s Leadership 23 Feb 2017
JLIC, the Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus, was established in 1996 by Rabbi Menachem Schrader to provide Orthodox leadership to students on American col...
23 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus What Yitro Can Teach Us About Synagogue Leadership 13 Feb 2017
The author discusses the concept of synagogue leadership inspired by Yitro's advice to Moses on establishing judges. The article suggests a new system for se...
13 Feb 2017
Forward Exclusive: Orthodox Union Adopts New Policy Barring Women Clergy 2 Feb 2017
The Orthodox Union has recently adopted a policy prohibiting women from serving as clergy in its member congregations across the United States, prohibiting t...
2 Feb 2017
Tablet 100 U.S. Religion Scholars Write Scriptural Letters to Trump’s Administration for Its First 100 Days 24 Jan 2017
In response to the divisive political climate post-Trump's election, Rabbi Andrea Weiss initiated the Values and Voices project, engaging scholars of various...
24 Jan 2017
Jewish Review of Books Three Portraits of Jewish Excellence—at 29 4 Jan 2017
The text discusses the concept of Jewish excellence through the lens of three influential figures: David Ben-Gurion, Leo Strauss, and Joseph Soloveitchik. It...
4 Jan 2017
Forward Jill Stein Officially Requests Recount in Michigan Presidential Vote 1 Dec 2016
Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential nominee, has officially requested a full hand recount of Michigan's presidential vote after President-elect Donald T...
1 Dec 2016
Jewish Action Essays on Ethics: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible; Lessons in Leadership: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible By Rabbi Jonathan Sacks 28 Nov 2016
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks wrote two books, "Essays on Ethics" and "Lessons in Leadership," which focus on weekly readings from the Jewish Bible. These books delve...
28 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus The Function of the Centrist Orthodox Gadol 14 Oct 2016
Chaim Saiman's essay explores the concept of a gadol, a revered Jewish leader, within Centrist Orthodox and Haredi communities, highlighting the centrality o...
14 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus The Market for Gedolim: A Tale of Supply and Demand 13 Oct 2016
The article discusses the concept of "gedolim," revered leaders in Orthodox Judaism whose influence is significant within their communities. It explores why ...
13 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus The Making of a President for Yeshiva University 29 Sep 2016
Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein's unpublished memoir sheds light on the period between Dr. Bernard Revel's death in 1940 and Dr. Samuel Belkin's election as Yeshiv...
29 Sep 2016
Jewish Review of Books Religion, Power, and Politics: An Exchange 26 Sep 2016
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin and Rabbi Jonathan Sacks engaged in a discourse regarding the relationship between religion, power, and politics in Judaism. The discussi...
26 Sep 2016
Tablet The Collegiate Sock Fairy Who Warms the Feet of New York’s Homeless 8 Sep 2016
Adina Lichtman, a student at New York University, began a campus initiative called Knock Knock Give a Sock after realizing the importance of socks to the hom...
8 Sep 2016
Tablet Washington Got You Down? Time To Find the Leader Within. 24 Jun 2016
In this insightful interpretation of the Torah portion, the narrative of the Israelites demanding meat in the desert and Moses appointing elders to assist hi...
24 Jun 2016
Jewish Action New Books from OU Press 21 Jun 2016
Rabbi Ari Kahn's "Echoes of Eden: Sefer Devarim Echoes of Sinai" delves into the final book of the Torah, Sefer Devarim, highlighting Moshes' farewell addres...
21 Jun 2016
Tablet What Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Have Taught Me About Fatherhood 17 Jun 2016
The author reflects on fatherhood as he prepares for his third Fathers Day. Drawing from Biblical figures Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, he examines the complexi...
17 Jun 2016
Tablet The Ballad of Huma and Bad, Bad Anthony Weiner 26 May 2016
The documentary "The Ballad of Huma and Bad, Bad Anthony Weiner" follows the downfall of former Congressman Anthony Weiner, known for his sexting scandals, a...
26 May 2016
Unorthodox headphones Sporting Goods Ep. 35 31 Mar 2016
In episode 35 of the Unorthodox podcast, the discussion includes the creation of an official tartan for Scottish Jews and features L. Jon Wertheim, the execu...
31 Mar 2016
Tablet In Sauna-gate Reversal, Riverdale Rabbi Steps Down 25 Feb 2016
Jonathan Rosenblatt, an Orthodox rabbi who faced controversy for showering and taking saunas with male congregants as young as 12 in the 1980s and 90s, has d...
25 Feb 2016
Unorthodox headphones Leading Ladies Ep. 19 10 Dec 2015
In this episode, MSNBC reporter Irin Carmon discusses her book "Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg," highlighting the Supreme Court Jus...
10 Dec 2015
Forward Ruth Messinger, Jewish Madonna of Human Rights 15 Oct 2015
Ruth Messinger, known as the "Jewish Madonna of human rights," has played a significant role in mobilizing the American Jewish community through the American...
15 Oct 2015