Daily Podcasts Video search
eJewishPhilanthropy Martyrdom isn’t a Jewish value: Rethinking nonprofit leadership and sustainability 5 Mar
The article discusses the misconception in nonprofit leadership, particularly within the Jewish community, that self-sacrifice to the point of compromising w...
5 Mar
Forward American Jewish World Service to lay off 10% of staff and exit 6 countries where it has provided aid 4 Mar
The American Jewish World Service (AJWS), a prominent Jewish international aid organization, is planning to lay off 10% of its staff and exit 6 countries due...
4 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Jacob Rothschild created his own version of Englishness and Jewishness 1 Mar
Jacob Rothschild was a unique figure known for embodying a spirit of universalism, generosity, and intellectual curiosity while deftly navigating his roles a...
1 Mar
Sapir The Jewish Mainstream 1 Mar
The author, reflecting on their role supporting overlooked demographics in Jewish communal life, emphasizes the need to strengthen and prioritize support for...
1 Mar
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/2/24 – Shiur 458 – Frum on the outside and empty on the inside - why are some of our best girls struggling with Yiddishkite? 29 Feb
In Shiur 458, the discussion focuses on the challenges faced by young Jewish girls in maintaining their religious observance despite appearing observant outw...
29 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Today’s young adults need the Jewish camp experience more than ever 29 Feb
Rachel Berlin Handloff, the executive director of 6 Points Specialty Camps, emphasizes the importance of Jewish summer camps for young adults amidst the rise...
29 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Chief Rabbi launches Jewish schools review with backing of Israeli government 28 Feb
Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis, in collaboration with the Israeli government, has initiated a comprehensive review of the 32 Jewish schools under his authori...
28 Feb
MomentMag What does Winning Look Like for Israel? with Eetta Prince Gibson and Sarah Breger 27 Feb
A discussion on the challenges faced by Israel in defining what winning means in the aftermath of their war with Hamas, featuring Moment Israel Editor Eetta ...
27 Feb
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Trump's Got Some Trouble 26 Feb
Henry Olsen joins the podcast to discuss the Republican primary results in South Carolina, highlighting Donald Trump's decisive wins alongside significant su...
26 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Flexible funding and Jewish nonprofits: Meeting the moment calls for a trust-based model  23 Feb
In response to the challenges facing Jewish nonprofits, including increased demands for services, staffing issues, and outdated systems, there is a push for ...
23 Feb
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Can We Trust 'Confidential Sources'? 22 Feb
Eli Lake joins the podcast to discuss the arrest of a confidential source in the Biden investigation and the potential impact on the Squad's political future...
22 Feb
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones What Is Nikki Haley Up To? 21 Feb
Nikki Haley's announcement that she will stay in the GOP race until mathematically eliminated is seen as strategic against Trump's dominance, as legal issues...
21 Feb
Moment Opinion | What I Learned from Alexei Navalny 20 Feb
Eric K. Ward reflects on the legacy of Alexei Navalny, highlighting their shared receipt of the Civil Courage Prize and acknowledging Navalny's courageous fi...
20 Feb
Forward Chaya Chana Twersky, wife and aide to head of Skverer Hasidic movement, dies at 81 20 Feb
Chaya Chana Twersky, the wife of Rabbi David Twersky, the Grand Rabbi of the Skverer Hasidic movement in New Square, New York, passed away at the age of 81, ...
20 Feb
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Will Navalny's Death Change Things? 20 Feb
The podcast discusses the geopolitical consequences of Alexei Navalny's alleged assassination and its impact on the debate over the West's response to Putin ...
20 Feb
Bonjour Chai headphones Rabbinical School Dropouts 16 Feb
The generational shift away from Zionism among young rabbis is challenging Jewish seminaries and synagogues grappling with declining enrollments. This phenom...
16 Feb
Forward Leading British rabbi warns against Rafah invasion: ‘If I said nothing, I couldn’t live with myself’ 14 Feb
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, the head rabbi of Britain's Masorti movement, has published a statement opposing a potential Israeli invasion of Rafah in southern...
14 Feb
Mishpacha For Granted: Chapter 29 13 Feb
In Chapter 29 of "For Granted," Dini and Ayala discuss the need for an office to do their administrative work. Dini proposes hiring a receptionist as well. W...
13 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy The necessity of Israeli women’s leadership 13 Feb
Israeli women's leadership is crucial in times of crisis, such as the aftermath of the Oct. 7, 2023 attacks in Israel. Women have stepped in to fill the gap ...
13 Feb
Jewish Insider At Conservative and Reform rabbinical schools, a debate over red lines on anti-Zionism 13 Feb
There is an ongoing debate within Conservative and Reform rabbinical schools in the US about the role of anti-Zionism. Some young rabbis are challenging the ...
13 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Crisis and opportunity 12 Feb
The article discusses the idea that crises present opportunities for positive change. The current crisis in the Diaspora is the increasing threat to physical...
12 Feb
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Biden and the Roosting Chickens 9 Feb
The podcast delves into significant questions regarding President Joe Biden's mental fitness and the implications of Robert Hur's special counsel report that...
9 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy Continuing to build: What we’ve learned and what we’re changing in our new area of grantmaking 7 Feb
The Jim Joseph Foundation has shared an update on their Build Grants program, which aims to support organizations in expanding their programs and engaging ne...
7 Feb
Ami Marc Zimmet // Zimmet Healthcare Services Group 7 Feb
Marc Zimmet, founder of Zimmet Healthcare Services Group, has been involved in the nursing home industry for over 30 years. His company provides reimbursemen...
7 Feb
eJewishPhilanthropy A road map for supporting Israel and making a difference 6 Feb
The author discusses his personal road map for supporting Israel and making a difference. He emphasizes the importance of giving to Israel and supporting var...
6 Feb
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Biden's Horrible, Horrible Poll 5 Feb
The podcast delves into the impact of a recent NBC News poll showing President Biden trailing Donald Trump and concerns over Biden's perceived mental and phy...
5 Feb
Forward A beloved rabbi committed sexual misconduct. Here's why the reckoning needs to be public 29 Jan
Rabbi Art Green, the founding dean of Hebrew College's rabbinical school, has been forced into retirement and barred from campus due to inappropriate behavio...
29 Jan
Emes Ve-Emunah On Second Thought, Biden Will Win the Election. 28 Jan
This text discusses the potential outcome of the next election and the support for former President Trump among his MAGA (Make America Great Again) base. Whi...
28 Jan
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Trying to Stop the Game 26 Jan
The podcast dives into the current political climate in the U.S., focusing on the Republican Party's dynamics, economic influences on elections, and policy i...
26 Jan
Rivkush headphones 'We want to belong to a common narrative': Devyani Saltzman on making systemic changes happen 25 Jan
Devyani Saltzman discusses her dedication to transforming the leadership landscape in the arts industry, addressing tokenism, and advocating for genuinely in...
25 Jan
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones What's Nikki's Plan? 24 Jan
Eliana Johnson joins the podcast to analyze the implications of Nikki Haley's concession speech in New Hampshire, contrasting her approach with Donald Trump'...
24 Jan
Jewish Chronicle Sinai in top three per cent of schools nationally for teaching reading 24 Jan
Sinai Primary School in Kenton has been commended by the government for its exceptional reading teaching, ranking in the top three percent of primary schools...
24 Jan
Mishpacha Life Sentence 23 Jan
The author, Shimon, shares his passion for music and desire to work in music production, inspired by his uncle who is a well-known producer. He is grateful f...
23 Jan
Mishpacha Trump’s Big Mo, Six Takeaways 23 Jan
This article discusses six ways that Donald Trump can improve his chances of being reelected. Trump can frame the 2020 election by avoiding the label of a lo...
23 Jan
Moment Who Will Lead the Priestesses? 23 Jan
The Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute (KHPI) announced that it will close its doors in the fall of 2023. Since its founding in 2005, KHPI has trained and or...
23 Jan
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Most Interesting Political Year Ever? 23 Jan
The Republican primary appears to be decisively in Donald Trump's favor as he consolidates the party's support, while the potential for significant changes i...
23 Jan
eJewishPhilanthropy Learning as healing 22 Jan
The article discusses the importance of pluralism within Jewish and Israel education. It highlights the iCenter's iFellows program, which brings together stu...
22 Jan
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones NH Next, With Steve Kornacki 17 Jan
Political analyst Steve Kornacki joins the Commentary Magazine Podcast to discuss the dynamics of the Republican primaries, focusing on the implications of t...
17 Jan
Forward When Dr. Martin Luther King and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel taught my dad to pray with his feet 14 Jan
Rabbi Mordecai Schwartz attended the March on Washington in August 1963 and delivered a Rosh Hashanah sermon the following month reflecting on his decision t...
14 Jan
eJewishPhilanthropy Ten principles for leadership in a post-Oct. 7 world 10 Jan
Jewish professionals in leadership roles are facing unique challenges in the wake of recent events in Israel. In order to effectively lead and support others...
10 Jan
Ami Rav Matisyahu Chaim Salomon, zt”l // The Life and Lessons of the Revered Mashgiach of Beth Medrash Govoha 10 Jan
Rav Matisyahu Salomon, a revered mashgiach, inspired and guided thousands of Jews through his teachings and leadership. He served as a mashgiach in Gateshead...
10 Jan
Forward So why were those yeshiva students digging a tunnel at Chabad headquarters? 9 Jan
A group of yeshiva students at Chabad Lubavitch headquarters in Brooklyn, known as meshichisten, dug a tunnel to dispose of debris from an unauthorized expan...
9 Jan
Mishpacha In Full Control 9 Jan
A personal anecdote is shared about a 14-year-old who was entrusted with caring for their rebbi, Rav Henoch Leibowitz, who was scheduled for surgery and had ...
9 Jan
Moment Coming Together for an Inspiring Moment Program with Anne Applebaum, Dorit Beinisch, Esther Safran Foer, Lauren Holtzblatt, Dara Horn, Eric K. Ward, Robert Siegel and many others 9 Jan
Moment Magazine is celebrating its 50th anniversary with an inspiring gala program that includes conversations with various notable individuals. Dara Horn di...
9 Jan
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Biden Fizzles and Austin Vanishes 8 Jan
The episode covers Biden's lackluster speech on democracy at Valley Forge and the perplexing temporary disappearance of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin amidst...
8 Jan
Lehrhaus “Certainty Has Never Been Mine”: The Denominational Eclecticism of David Ellenson 8 Jan
David Ellenson, former president of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC), was known for his ability to be comfortable in various Jewish se...
8 Jan
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Biden Begins Goading Trump 5 Jan
The episode examines Biden's strategic moves leading up to the 2024 election campaign, particularly his speech addressing Trump's threat to democracy. The pa...
5 Jan
eJewishPhilanthropy Young Jewish leaders in Latin America are seeking a voice 3 Jan
A recent gathering of young Jewish leaders from Latin America and the U.S. revealed a common concern: the lack of opportunities for young professionals to as...
3 Jan
Mishpacha Meet… Tamar Shames  2 Jan
Tamar Shames, an educator, shares her passion for helping struggling learners find success in the school system. She initially wanted to work in urban school...
2 Jan
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones We're Baaack! 2 Jan
In the first podcast of 2024, the hosts discuss a controversial opinion piece and provide updates on the presidential race, touching on Nikki Haley's respons...
2 Jan