Daily Podcasts Video search
Israel Policy Pod headphones The Moderate Majority 27 Oct 2017
Polly Bronstein, CEO of Darkenu, discusses the efforts of mobilizing Israel's 'moderate majority' through grassroots activism and their collaboration with Co...
27 Oct 2017
Tablet You’ve Made Aliyah. Now What? 18 Oct 2017
After facing challenges like unemployment and healthcare issues, LiAmi Lawrence founded Keep Olim in Israel to support immigrants due to the difficulties the...
18 Oct 2017
Tablet From Radiohead to Klezmer 16 Oct 2017
The author describes her journey from being a fan of alternative rock like Radiohead to embracing and performing Yiddish folk tunes and klezmer music, reconn...
16 Oct 2017
Forward As Wildfires Torch California Summer Camp, Alums Come Together In Solidarity 12 Oct 2017
As Camp Newman, a beloved Jewish summer camp in Sonoma County, fell victim to devastating wildfires engulfing Northern California, its community of alumni, c...
12 Oct 2017
Forward WATCH: Princeton Psychologist Betsy Levy Paluck Wins MacArthur ‘Genius’ Grant 11 Oct 2017
Princeton psychologist Betsy Levy Paluck, known for her work on reducing social tensions like bullying and ethnic conflicts, was awarded a MacArthur Genius G...
11 Oct 2017
Tel Aviv Review headphones Legal Aliens: Middle-Class Arab Migration to Israeli Metropolitan Areas 9 Oct 2017
Dr. Fahima Abbas, a postdoctoral fellow in geography at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, examines the migration of young and professional Arabs from Arab ...
9 Oct 2017
Israel Policy Pod headphones Humanity First: Israeli-Syrian Cooperation to Aid Refugees 4 Oct 2017
Shadi Martini, the Director of Humanitarian Relief at the Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees, appeared on the Matzav Podcast to talk about the Syrian cr...
4 Oct 2017
Israel Policy Pod headphones Humanity First: Israeli-Syrian Cooperation to Aid Refugees 4 Oct 2017
This episode highlights the unexpected Israeli-Syrian cooperation through the Multifaith Alliance to provide humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees amidst the o...
4 Oct 2017
Forward Shadowy Blacklist Of Student Activists Wins Endorsement Of Mainstream Pro-Israel Group 3 Oct 2017
The Israel on Campus Coalition, a mainstream Jewish pro-Israel group, has endorsed the controversial website Canary Mission, known for creating political pro...
3 Oct 2017
Lehrhaus Yeshiva University President Rabbi Ari Berman’s Opening Shiur 3 Oct 2017
Rabbi Ari Berman, the President of Yeshiva University, delivered a Shiur Petihah (opening lecture) focusing on Tractate Sukkah, tying it to the new administr...
3 Oct 2017
Tablet Dodger Stadium, an Ancient Jewish Burial Ground 3 Oct 2017
Dodger Stadium, home of the Los Angeles Dodgers, holds a hidden history as it was built near the site of the first Jewish cemetery in Los Angeles. Establishe...
3 Oct 2017
Lehrhaus A Jewish Story of Two Hurricanes 1 Oct 2017
In a time of increasing division and extremism, the Jewish community in Atlanta found unity and hope through their responses to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. M...
1 Oct 2017
Forward Israeli Volunteers Pull Rabbi’s Body From Rubble Of Mexico Earthquake 24 Sep 2017
Israeli volunteers from the ZAKA search and rescue organization recovered the body of Rabbi Haim Ashkenazi from a collapsed office building in Mexico followi...
24 Sep 2017
Forward Chabad Leaders: Child Abuse Must Be Reported To Secular Authorities Immediately 19 Sep 2017
Rabbinic leaders of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement have issued a proclamation urging immediate reporting of all forms of abuse, including child sexual abuse, ...
19 Sep 2017
Tel Aviv Review headphones Are You There, Allah? It's Me, Haroon 18 Sep 2017
Haroon Moghul, a Muslim American with bipolar disorder, delves into his struggles growing up Muslim in America post-9/11 and his journey to becoming a public...
18 Sep 2017
Jewish Review of Books Swimming in an Inky Sea 18 Sep 2017
In 1923, Rabbi Yehuda Meir Shapiro introduced the Daf Yomi program, encouraging daily study of a page of Talmud for seven and a half years. Ilana Kurshan's m...
18 Sep 2017
Jewish Review of Books Afghan Treasure 18 Sep 2017
In the 11th century, a Jewish man from Afghanistan named Yair faced personal and financial struggles, seeking advice from his family's patriarch and brother-...
18 Sep 2017
Tablet This Rosh Hashanah, Welcoming My Fiancé Into Judaism 18 Sep 2017
In this personal reflection, the author shares their experience of welcoming their fiancé Ian into Judaism as he embarks on the conversion process. They high...
18 Sep 2017
Jewish Action Rescued by the Tufts of Their Hair 15 Sep 2017
"Rescued by the Tufts of Their Hair" by Rav Haim Sabato takes readers through the story of Tzion, a soldier, and his journey from a poor orphan in Hatikvah Q...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action No Need For Forgiveness 15 Sep 2017
Rabbi David Levy, a rabbi from West Virginia who made aliyah in 1996, shared his experience of dealing with the death of his son, Noam, who died in a counter...
15 Sep 2017
Tablet The Real Reason Why Being Jewish is Expensive, and What to Do About It 14 Sep 2017
The author discusses the high costs associated with being Jewish, including expenses for synagogue membership, day school tuition, and kosher food. Drawing p...
14 Sep 2017
Forward IfNotNow Launches #YouNeverToldMe Anti-Occupation Campaign 11 Sep 2017
IfNotNow has launched the #YouNeverToldMe campaign on social media to highlight stories from Jewish millennials who express disappointment that Jewish instit...
11 Sep 2017
Tablet On 9/11, Remembering My Fallen Friend, Danny Lewin 11 Sep 2017
Marco Greenberg shares a poignant reflection on his friend, Danny Lewin, a hero of 9/11, killed while attempting to thwart hijackers on American Airlines fli...
11 Sep 2017
Tel Aviv Review headphones Between a Rock and Hard Place: Jews of Buczacz Amid Rising Nationalism 4 Sep 2017
Omer Bartov, a historian at Brown University, presents insights from his upcoming book, "Anatomy of Genocide: The Life and Death of a Town Called Buczacz," f...
4 Sep 2017
Tablet On Philip Levine, the Workingman’s Poet 1 Sep 2017
Philip Levine, the late Poet Laureate of the United States, focused on industrial and proletarian themes in his work, often portraying the exhaustion and rou...
1 Sep 2017
Lehrhaus Mitzvah Merchants and their Made-in-America Toys 17 Aug 2017
The kosher toy industry, exemplified by stores like Wise Buys and Double Play Toys, caters to the Orthodox community seeking toys that reflect their religiou...
17 Aug 2017
Unorthodox headphones The Dating Option: Ep. 101 17 Aug 2017
This episode of 'Unorthodox' features a variety of discussions, including an exploration of the Modern Orthodox dating scene through the popular web series '...
17 Aug 2017
Unorthodox headphones The Dating Option: Ep. 101 17 Aug 2017
The Unorthodox podcast's episode 101 features Leah Gottfried, Jessica Schechter, and Danny Hoffman, creators of 'Soon By You,' a popular web series portrayin...
17 Aug 2017
Unorthodox headphones The Big 100 10 Aug 2017
In this milestone episode, the hosts of the Unorthodox podcast look back at their journey, discussing how creating the show has impacted them personally and ...
10 Aug 2017
Unorthodox headphones Betting the House: Ep. 99 31 Jul 2017
In this episode of "Betting the House," recorded live at JCC Manhattan, special guests Harry Enten and Haroon Moghul are featured. Harry Enten, a political w...
31 Jul 2017
Unorthodox headphones Betting the House: Ep. 99 31 Jul 2017
In this lively episode, recorded live at JCC Manhattan, hosts Mark, Stephanie, and Liel welcome special guests Harry Enten of FiveThirtyEight and Haroon Mogh...
31 Jul 2017
Tablet News-For-Hire Scandal Deepens: ‘Fusion GPS’ Sleazy Venezuela Links Shed New Light on Trump Dossier 27 Jul 2017
The Fusion GPS scandal has revealed a web of corporate information warfare and opposition research, shedding light on the firm's connections with foreign gov...
27 Jul 2017
Lehrhaus Blacklists and Bureaucrats, Resistance and The Rabbinate 20 Jul 2017
The text discusses the recent controversy surrounding the Israeli Chief Rabbinate's "Blacklist" of overseas rabbis whose authority they do not recognize for ...
20 Jul 2017
Unorthodox headphones Cinema Verite: Ep. 98 20 Jul 2017
In this episode of Cinema Verite, Mark Oppenheimer reveals that he isn't the only one in his family who sneaks into movies without paying. The show features ...
20 Jul 2017
Tablet The Chosen Ones: An Interview with Matt Pomerantz 20 Jul 2017
Matt Pomerantz, known for his successful New York bagel shops Murrays and Zuckers, started the business with his brother as a tribute to their father, a form...
20 Jul 2017
Tablet Nothing to Connect Them Except Hatred: The Torcy-Cannes Gang and the Problem of Anti-Semitic Islamist Violence in France 20 Jul 2017
In France, the Torcy-Cannes gang, led by Jeremie-Louis Sidney, engaged in anti-Semitic Islamist violence. An attack on a kosher store in Sarcelles involving ...
20 Jul 2017
Tablet At Simone Veil’s Funeral, a Fight About Who Are France’s ‘True Jews’ 14 Jul 2017
The funeral of Simone Veil, a prominent figure in French politics and Jewish history, sparked a debate about the identity of France's true Jews. Veil, a Holo...
14 Jul 2017
Unorthodox headphones Notes on Camp: Ep. 96 29 Jun 2017
In episode 96 of Unorthodox, the podcast explores the world of Jewish summer camps with guests sharing their experiences and insights. Sandy Fox discusses th...
29 Jun 2017
Tablet At This Tel Aviv Restaurant, There Are Only Two Options: Moroccan or Indian Cuisine 29 Jun 2017
Lynn Mitchell runs an underground restaurant in her Tel Aviv home called Mama Lynna, offering vegan Moroccan cuisine on Tuesdays and Indian dishes on Fridays...
29 Jun 2017
Jewish Review of Books The Rogochover Speaks His Mind  28 Jun 2017
Rabbi Joseph Rozin, known as the Rogochover, was a renowned 20th-century talmudic genius known for his unconventional and highly original legal thinking. His...
28 Jun 2017
Jewish Review of Books Crazy-Beautiful Startup 28 Jun 2017
"The Wedding Plan" is a film directed by Rama Burshtein, known for her portrayal of the haredi community in movies like "Fill the Void." The story follows Mi...
28 Jun 2017
Tablet Losing My Daughter 26 Jun 2017
The author recounts the harrowing experience of his wife going into premature labor at just 23 weeks and three days, resulting in their extremely premature d...
26 Jun 2017
Jewish Action The Making of a Jewish Wedding 22 Jun 2017
Kylie Ora Lobell shares her journey of planning a Jewish wedding shortly before her conversion, highlighting the support and generosity she received from the...
22 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus Not Your Parents’ “Nonobservance:” A Rejoinder 19 Jun 2017
Zev Eleff responds to Elli Fischer and Matt Williams' critiques of his essay "The Vanishing Non-Observant Orthodox Jew," clarifying that his study does not d...
19 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus The Vanishing Non-Observant Orthodox Jew? A Reply to Zev Eleff 19 Jun 2017
Zev Eleff's article responds to the notion of a disappearing non-observant Orthodox Jew within the American Jewish community, pointing out the lack of clear ...
19 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus Between Shabbat and Lynch Mobs 15 Jun 2017
The author delves into the biblical narrative of a man gathering wood on Shabbat in Numbers 15, exploring its significance and harsh punishment of public sto...
15 Jun 2017
Forward Jon Ossoff Moves To Center In Bid For Georgia House Seat 14 Jun 2017
Jon Ossoff, the Democratic candidate for a Georgia House seat, has shifted towards center in an attempt to appeal to moderate voters by pledging to oppose in...
14 Jun 2017
Tel Aviv Review headphones Unchain My Heart: Shulem Deen's Breakaway From Radical Hasidism 9 Jun 2017
Shulem Deen, raised in the ultra-orthodox Skverer sect, shares his journey from extreme Hasidism to secularism in his book "All Who Go Do Not Return." Growin...
9 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus The Vanishing Non-Observant Orthodox Jew 8 Jun 2017
The term "Non-Observant Orthodox Jew" gained attention in the 1970s, describing Orthodox Jews who did not strictly adhere to Jewish law but identified with O...
8 Jun 2017
Unorthodox headphones Wall This Way: Ep. 91 25 May 2017
In episode 91 of "Wall This Way," the discussion covers Donald Trump's visit to the Holy Land. The guest, Yascha Mounk, a Harvard lecturer specializing in pr...
25 May 2017