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Jewish Review of Books Where Wisdom Begins 27 Feb 2013
In "Where Wisdom Begins," the discussion centers on the role of religion in modern society by challenging the idea that secularism alone can solve societal c...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books How Goodly Are Your Tents, O Tel Aviv? A Symposium 27 Feb 2013
The Tent City Protests that began in Tel Aviv last summer, stirring up to 450,000 protesters throughout Israel in a show of both size and civility, have left...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Jewish Identity and Its Discontents 27 Feb 2013
The text discusses Jewish identity and the challenges surrounding it, focusing on how individuals grapple with their Jewishness in a modern context. It menti...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books A Murder in Queens 27 Feb 2013
In a Jewish community in Uzbekistan, the dissolution of the Soviet Union prompts mass emigration, notably by the Bukharan Jewish Borukhov family, who relocat...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Minhag America 27 Feb 2013
Marc Lee Raphael's "The Synagogue in America: A Short History" provides a concise and comprehensive look at the synagogue's evolution in the United States, d...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Freedom Riders 27 Feb 2013
The National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia tells the story of American Jews' pursuit of freedom since 1654, divided into three eras: Foun...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Hope, Beauty, and Bus Lanes in Tel Aviv 27 Feb 2013
The text discusses the author's journey from idealism to disillusionment in Israel, starting with a desire to make a difference in the country but ending in ...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Spring 2011 27 Feb 2013
The text discusses the independence in prayer in the Jewish community, particularly focusing on funding and critique of the independent minyan movement. One ...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Letters From Chicago 27 Feb 2013
"Saul Bellow: Letters," edited by Benjamin Taylor, offers an intimate look into Bellow's life and career, detailing the challenges he faced in his writing jo...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Where To: America or Palestine? Simon Dubnov’s Memoir of Emigration Debates in Tsarist Russia 27 Feb 2013
Simon Dubnov, a prominent Jewish historian and public intellectual in Russia, explores the debates surrounding Jewish emigration from Russia in the late 19th...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Minyan 2.0 27 Feb 2013
Abraham Joshua Heschel's 1953 speech highlighting the need for more meaningful prayer experiences serves as a backdrop for the rise of over sixty independent...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books In Brief, Winter 2011 27 Feb 2013
In a literary review, Jacob Paul's novel "Sarah/Sara" follows the story of Sarah Frankel, an Orthodox woman who embarks on a kayaking journey in Alaska after...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Swept Up 27 Feb 2013
"Leap of Faith" is a documentary exploring the journeys of individuals and families converting to Orthodox Judaism, highlighting the sacrifices and challenge...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Going Public 27 Feb 2013
"The Cookbook Collector" by Goodman is a novel set during the late 1990s and early 2000s in California, intertwining themes of love, work, risk, and Jewish i...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Prospects for American Judaism 27 Feb 2013
American Judaism in America, especially non-Orthodox movements like Reform and Conservative, has seen a significant decline over the past few decades, with d...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Faith in Doubt 27 Feb 2013
Last fall, religious conflicts in Israel included protests at the Intel factory in Jerusalem over Sabbath work and clashes about public observance of Jewish ...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Discrimination and Identity in London: The Jewish Free School Case 27 Feb 2013
The Jewish Free School (JFS) case in London revolved around a boy, M, whose Jewishness was questioned due to his mother's non-Orthodox conversion. The Suprem...
27 Feb 2013
Tablet A Taste of Libya—in Prison 26 Feb 2013
Israeli artist Rafram Chaddad, known for documenting Jewish heritage in Libya, recounts his five-month imprisonment in a Libyan jail in 2010 in his book "Raf...
26 Feb 2013
Tablet My Man in Havana 1 Feb 2013
The author reflects on the complex relationship with their uncle in Havana, a communist who stayed behind in Cuba after their family fled in 1962. Despite at...
1 Feb 2013
Tablet My Son’s First Election 23 Jan 2013
In this personal reflection by Etgar Keret, he describes taking his 7-year-old son Lev to vote in the 2013 elections, reflecting on his own childhood memory ...
23 Jan 2013
Tablet A Baby’s Journey Back to Health 22 Jan 2013
In early 2011, the author's premature daughter Rena faced a life-threatening intestinal condition known as necrotizing enterocolitis. As Rena fought for her ...
22 Jan 2013
Tablet A Mobster in the Family 11 Jan 2013
"Gangster Squad" features Sean Penn as Meyer Mickey Cohen, a Jewish mobster from the mid-20th century known for his criminal activities in Chicago, Las Vegas...
11 Jan 2013
Tablet Spiritual Moneyball 28 Dec 2012
The author reflects on the trade of R.A. Dickey from the New York Mets, drawing parallels between the management decisions in sports, like adhering to Moneyb...
28 Dec 2012
Tablet ‘Lost’ Indian Jews Come Home 27 Dec 2012
A group of nearly 9,000 Bnei Menashe from northeastern India, believing themselves to be descendants of the Israelite tribe of Menashe, is making aliyah to I...
27 Dec 2012
Forward After 75 Years, Stage Deli Serves Its Final Sandwich 30 Nov 2012
The closure of New York's iconic Stage Deli after 75 years, located near Carnegie Hall, marks the end of an era in Jewish deli history. The deli, founded by ...
30 Nov 2012
Tablet Poland’s Real Jewish Revival 26 Nov 2012
In Poland, there is a growing interest in Jewish heritage and a revival of Jewish identity, with people rediscovering their hidden Jewish roots and convertin...
26 Nov 2012
Tablet Mitch Albom Keeps Time 2 Nov 2012
Mitch Albom, a former member of Temple Beth Shalom's USY chapter, became a successful author after his early days as a musician in a band. Despite his Jewish...
2 Nov 2012
Tablet The Jewish Jordan Subs Out 18 Oct 2012
Omri Casspi, the first Israeli to play in the NBA, interacts with young fans at a basketball camp, while reflecting on his career and the burden of expectati...
18 Oct 2012
Tablet The Taste of Jerusalem 15 Oct 2012
Chefs Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi, originally from Jerusalem but now based in London, collaborated on "Jerusalem: A Cookbook" to revisit the flavors of ...
15 Oct 2012
Tablet A Convert’s First Simchat Torah 5 Oct 2012
A person recounts their first experience of Simchat Torah before officially converting to Judaism. The celebration at Bnai Jeshurun synagogue in Manhattan ov...
5 Oct 2012
Jewish Action Guest Pass 24 Sep 2012
Yossi Huttler, author of Lakol Zman: A Poetical Journey Through The Jewish Year, reflects on his temporary sukkah as a rustic weeklong shelter, expressing re...
24 Sep 2012
Tablet Getting Los Angeles in the High Holiday Mood 7 Sep 2012
An engaging video by IKAR, a Los Angeles synagogue, showcases Michael Brous moving through various LA locations blowing a shofar to stir excitement for the H...
7 Sep 2012
Tablet Notes From a Toronto Festival 6 Sep 2012
The text briefly mentions a festival in Toronto but does not provide any specific details or information.
6 Sep 2012
Tablet Ice Cream’s Jewish Innovators 2 Aug 2012
Multiple Jewish innovators have made significant contributions to the ice cream industry. Reuben Mattus, a Polish immigrant, revolutionized the business by c...
2 Aug 2012
Tablet Zimbabwe’s Jewish Music 1 Aug 2012
Hamlet Zhou, a musician from Zimbabwe, is a member of the Lemba people, descendants of Jewish migrants from Yemen. The Lemba have been receiving attention du...
1 Aug 2012
Tablet Hasidic-Afro-Caribbean Fusion 12 Jul 2012
Frances Alenikoff, a dancer who passed away at 91, was known for her unique fusion of Israeli, Hasidic, Russian, and Afro-Caribbean influences in her perform...
12 Jul 2012
Tablet My Cousin, The Barbecue Maven 5 Jul 2012
Pete Wells of The New York Times awarded two out of four stars to Hill Country, a Chelsea barbecue restaurant owned by Marc Glosserman, the cousin of the aut...
5 Jul 2012
Jewish Action In the Narrow Places: Daily Inspiration for the Three Weeks 15 Jun 2012
"In the Narrow Places: Daily Inspiration for the Three Weeks" by Erica Brown explores the challenge of truly experiencing mourning during the period between ...
15 Jun 2012
Tablet Hump Day, at Last 14 Jun 2012
Participants on a Birthright Israel trip experienced a memorable night at a Bedouin tent in Kfar Hanokdim, owned by Israeli Jews but operated by Bedouins. Th...
14 Jun 2012
Tablet Hooking Up Gets Green-Lit 13 Jun 2012
During a group trip near David Ben-Gurion's grave, participants were asked to disclose their relationship status using colored M&M candies: red for unavailab...
13 Jun 2012
Forward Memories From Israel Parade Founder 31 May 2012
Ted Comet, founder of the renowned Celebrate Israel Parade, initially overcame challenges such as the lack of Jewish marching bands by recruiting Catholic sc...
31 May 2012
Tablet Montreal’s Kosher Bootleggers 30 Apr 2012
In Montreal's Hasidic community, obtaining kosher wine beyond the limited selection at government-owned stores led to an underground network of obtaining and...
30 Apr 2012
Tablet Philip Levine, Fierce About Poetry 16 Apr 2012
Philip Levine, a celebrated poet known for portraying the blue-collar experience, reflects on his Jewish identity, ferocity in pursuing poetry, and influence...
16 Apr 2012
Forward Park Slope Food Coop Rejects Israel Boycott 28 Mar 2012
The Park Slope Food Coop in Brooklyn voted against a proposed boycott of Israeli goods with a decisive 1,005 to 653 vote. The debate on the boycott had inten...
28 Mar 2012
Tablet Melting Pot 19 Mar 2012
The text explores the culinary tradition of kubbeh, focusing on the experience at Mordoch in Machaneh Yehuda, Jerusalem. The Agai family, known for their han...
19 Mar 2012
Tablet Tights Squeeze 14 Mar 2012
The text explores the complexities of Orthodox Jewish culture, particularly focusing on the pressures and expectations surrounding modesty. It delves into th...
14 Mar 2012
Forward Park Slope Food Coop’s BDS Battle 23 Feb 2012
The Park Slope Food Coop in Brooklyn is embroiled in a heated debate over whether to hold a vote on banning Israeli goods, a local reflection of the larger g...
23 Feb 2012
Jewish Action Letter from South Africa 7 Dec 2011
In Johannesburg, South Africa, a new eruv construction sparked opposition due to security concerns, reflecting the unique challenges faced by the Jewish comm...
7 Dec 2011
Forward Of Bees and Men: Fixing the Bee Problem 4 Oct 2011
Bees play a crucial role in pollinating plants and are key to a healthy environment. The phenomenon of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) in bees has been linked...
4 Oct 2011
Jewish Action Diras Arai 16 Sep 2011
Yossi Huttler reflects on the concept of Diras Arai, the temporary dwelling, in Jewish tradition. He muses on the faith involved in residing within these imp...
16 Sep 2011