Daily Podcasts Video Research
Jewish Currents Israeli Aid Policies Drive Starvation - US initiatives to airdrop and ship aid to Gaza are logistical workarounds to a political problem. 12 Mar
President Biden announced the establishment of a temporary sea pier to deliver humanitarian aid to starving Palestinians in Gaza, with the US military alread...
12 Mar
Between The Lines A Young Soldier Prepares For A Different Kind Of Battle 12 Mar
In a poignant article titled "A Young Soldier Prepares for a Different Kind of Battle" by Steven A. Rosenberg, the story of Yoav, a 30-year-old Israeli soldi...
12 Mar
Mishpacha Hoping for a Victory Picture 12 Mar
The article discusses former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's response to being implicated in the Meron disaster report, fearing how history will ...
12 Mar
Mishpacha I’m Sorry    12 Mar
Yishai Green, known for throwing money at dancing bochurim in a provocative act, has undergone a transformation, renouncing his past actions and seeking unit...
12 Mar
Forward After 5 months of fierce fighting, how close is Israel to its goals? 12 Mar
After five months of intense fighting between Israel and Hamas, Israel aims to destroy Hamas by removing them from power in the Gaza Strip, seeing it as a cr...
12 Mar
Forward Netanyahu rebukes Biden for recent warnings to Israel 12 Mar
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized President Joe Biden and other world leaders for voicing support for Israel's fight against Hamas but opp...
12 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Will targeted killings of Hamas chiefs make any difference? 12 Mar
The debate over targeted killings of Hamas leaders like Marwan Issa raises questions about the effectiveness of such actions in impacting Hamas and the confl...
12 Mar
Forward Itay Chen, 19, American-Israeli soldier missing since Oct. 7, is confirmed dead by IDF 12 Mar
Itay Chen, a 19-year-old American-Israeli soldier missing since October 7, has been confirmed dead by the IDF after being killed and his body taken by Hamas ...
12 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Is caste theory the real root of all racism? Hmm 12 Mar
The text discusses the idea that caste theory, rather than racism, may be the root of persecution faced by Jews, African Americans, and India's Dalits. Ava D...
12 Mar
Jewish Chronicle An education in what made the creator of the NHS tick 12 Mar
Tim Price's play at the National Theatre delves into the life of Aneurin Bevan, the creator of the NHS, portrayed with humor and humanity by Michael Sheen. S...
12 Mar
Jewish Chronicle King Solomon ‘likely to close’ for eight days as teachers threaten strike action 12 Mar
King Solomon High School in Redbridge is facing potential closure for eight days due to threatened strike action by National Education Union (NEU) teachers o...
12 Mar
Forward Music video for ‘Hurricane,’ Israel’s Eurovision entry, released after changes that tone down references to Oct. 7 12 Mar
Israel released a new version of its Eurovision entry, "Hurricane," toned down from an earlier song, "October Rain," to remove political references. The song...
12 Mar
Jewschool Zionism’s Jewish Nostalgia Trap: A Rebuttal of Franklin Foer 12 Mar
The article challenges Franklin Foer's assertion in The Atlantic that the Golden Age of American Jews is ending due to a supposed rise in antisemitism and cr...
12 Mar
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Is Trump Being Railroaded? 12 Mar
Andrew C. McCarthy discusses potential constitutional and procedural violations in the prosecutions of Donald Trump, emphasizing the differing legal standard...
12 Mar
Forward GOP state senator aligns with rabbi who blames Zionism for the Holocaust 12 Mar
Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano, a Christian nationalist, introduced a bill for Holocaust education in public schools alongside Rabbi Joseph Kolako...
12 Mar
Future of Jewish I want to fight for Israel. Why won’t anyone let me? 12 Mar
Giada Condello, an Italian with Israeli citizenship, expresses frustration at the lack of organized efforts to combat misinformation about Israel in Italy po...
12 Mar
Call Me Back headphones My 'Come to Jesus' Moment with Haviv 12 Mar
This episode of Call Me Back discusses the potential implications of Israel's anticipated military operation in Rafah and the perceived threats from Hamas an...
12 Mar
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Jewish organizations are suing the Canadian government over new kosher slaughter rules they warn could destroy the industry 12 Mar
Jewish kosher supervision agencies in Canada, such as COR and MK, along with key kosher meat producers, are suing the Canadian government over new slaughter ...
12 Mar
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Jewish organizations are suing the Canadian government over new kosher slaughter rules they warn could destroy the industry 12 Mar
Jewish organizations in Canada are challenging new slaughter regulations that they argue endanger the kosher meat industry by making practices incompatible w...
12 Mar
Forward US religious freedom commission leaves Saudi Arabia after rabbi co-chair is told to remove his kippah 12 Mar
A U.S. government delegation monitoring religious freedom left Saudi Arabia early when a Saudi request for Rabbi Abraham Cooper to remove his kippah was refu...
12 Mar
Future of Jewish Judaism that ends in lovelessness cannot be Judaism. 11 Mar
The text discusses the current state of division and polarization within Israeli and Jewish society, emphasizing how political differences have led to a lack...
11 Mar
Forward Biden faces his first test at the polls after calling for 'immediate' ceasefire in Gaza 11 Mar
Progressive groups are mobilizing Washington State voters to protest President Biden's stance on the Gaza conflict by marking ballots as uncommitted or writi...
11 Mar
Mishpacha Home Front Ep. 61 (3.11.24) 11 Mar
In the podcast episode of Home Front, it is suggested that instead of visiting the Knesset, President Biden should visit the Hamas tunnel network. The discus...
11 Mar
Forward Netanyahu downplays tensions with US after weekend of sniping with Biden over Gaza 11 Mar
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden have engaged in a weekend of tensions, with Biden criticizing Netanyahu's handling of th...
11 Mar
Forward A forgotten front in the war: Israel’s farms at risk of failing for lack of low-wage labor 11 Mar
Israeli farmers, like third-generation grower Adi Dafna, are facing significant challenges due to the labor shortage caused by the conflict with Hamas, which...
11 Mar
Forward An elite literary journal imploded over an essay about the war — because it dared to humanize Israelis as well as Palestinians 11 Mar
Guernica, a prestigious literary magazine, faced backlash and mass resignations after retracting an essay by Israeli writer Joanna Chen that humanized both I...
11 Mar
JTA A Cooper Union art student’s paintings recall her Israeli family’s roots in a community shattered on Oct. 7 11 Mar
Darya Arad, a Cooper Union art student, created a series of paintings based on her Israeli family's connection to Kibbutz Nahal Oz following a Hamas attack o...
11 Mar
JTA House set to vote on bill that could trigger TikTok ban, with support from major Jewish group 11 Mar
A bill that may lead to a ban of TikTok in the United States due to concerns over national security and antisemitism has gained bipartisan support, including...
11 Mar
Forward Guernica magazine retracts Israeli writer’s coexistence essay that co-publisher called an ‘apologia for Zionism’ 11 Mar
Guernica magazine retracted an essay by Israeli writer and translator Joanna Chen titled "From The Edges Of A Broken World" after criticism from staff member...
11 Mar
Forward ‘Reject AIPAC’ launches to counter pro-Israel spending in 2024 11 Mar
Reject AIPAC, a coalition of left-leaning groups, was launched as a response to American Israel Public Affairs Committee's (AIPAC) influence in Congress and ...
11 Mar
Two Nice Jewish Boys headphones #347 - Deciphering Ben Gvir and Smotrich: A Deep Dive into Religious Zionism (Yair Ettinger) 11 Mar
Yair Ettinger, a prominent journalist and author, explores the evolving influence of the Religious Zionist party in Israeli politics, led by figures like Bez...
11 Mar
JTA The Jewish Democrats plan to get Joe Biden reelected by targeting independent voters 11 Mar
The Jewish Democratic Council of America is strategizing to help President Joe Biden get reelected by targeting independent voters, particularly young Jewish...
11 Mar
Forward No, Jonathan Glazer did not ‘refute his Jewishness’ 11 Mar
Jonathan Glazer did not refute his Jewishness at the Oscars but actually criticized the occupation and the misuse of Jewish identity and the Holocaust to jus...
11 Mar
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Joe Balaam 11 Mar
Eli Lake joins the Commentary Magazine Podcast to discuss Jonathan Glazer's Holocaust film, "The Zone of Interest," which made controversial statements liken...
11 Mar
Forward Pro-Palestinian protesters target Dutch Holocaust museum opening ceremony attended by Israeli president 11 Mar
Pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrated outside the opening ceremony of the National Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam due to the attendance of Israeli President...
11 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Shame on Jonathan Glazer for his Oscars speech 11 Mar
The text criticizes film director Jonathan Glazer for his Oscars speech, where he distanced himself from his Jewish identity in relation to the conflict in G...
11 Mar
Forward AIPAC to increase pressure on House Republicans to pass Israel aid bill 11 Mar
AIPAC lobbyists are ramping up efforts on Capitol Hill to push House Republicans to pass a bipartisan $95 billion foreign aid bill that includes $14.1 billio...
11 Mar
Tel Aviv Review headphones Their War, Our War 11 Mar
Yaroslav Trofimov discusses his book on Ukraine's ongoing war with Russia, drawing parallels with Israel's conflict with Hamas. Both conflicts illustrate how...
11 Mar
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Why did Israeli real estate shows become such a flashpoint for protests in Canada? 11 Mar
Israeli real estate events in Canada, which promote the purchase of properties including those in disputed territories, have sparked significant protests ami...
11 Mar
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Why did Israeli real estate shows become such a flashpoint for protests in Canada? 11 Mar
Jewish real estate expos in Canada, traditionally incentivizing diaspora Jews to invest in Israeli properties, have sparked significant protests due to their...
11 Mar
JTA Pro-Palestinian protesters target Israeli president during opening of Dutch Holocaust museum 11 Mar
Pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrated outside the opening of the Netherlands' first Holocaust museum due to the presence of Israeli President Isaac Herzog,...
11 Mar
Forward How Israeli hostages in Gaza wound up on display outside an Academy Awards afterparty 11 Mar
Filmmakers Matti Leshem and Lynn Harris organized a display at an Academy Awards afterparty featuring footage of Israelis held captive by Hamas in Gaza, aimi...
11 Mar
Lehrhaus Insanity and Hope 11 Mar
Warren Zev Harvey explores the concept of historical unpredictability and hope in the context of religious Zionism through the lens of R. Joseph Kaspi's view...
11 Mar
JTA Freed hostage says NY Jewish community ‘gives us strength’ as thousands rally to mark 150 days since Oct. 7 10 Mar
Thousands of demonstrators gathered in Central Park to mark 150 days since an October 7 attack on Israel left over 250 hostages, with more than 100 remaining...
10 Mar
Forward Analysis: Biden and Netanyahu trade barbs to satisfy their bases 10 Mar
President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu engaged in a heated exchange of criticisms, with Biden accusing Netanyahu of harming Israel with his Gaz...
10 Mar
Future of Jewish What the hell is going on? 10 Mar
The text discusses various events and opinions related to the Jewish world, including the UNRWA's actions in Gaza, political stances on the Israel-Hamas conf...
10 Mar
Rationalist Judaism Is There A Different Genocide Facing Israel? 10 Mar
The article discusses the hyperbolic claims made by some members of the charedi community in Beit Shemesh about a potential "genocide" if a non-charedi candi...
10 Mar
Forward This Israeli minister wants a full-on religious war. His proposals for Ramadan risked starting one. 9 Mar
Interior Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir of the Jewish Power Party proposed severe restrictions on Muslim access to Jerusalems Al Aqsa mosque during Ramada...
9 Mar
Future of Jewish How One Tiny Country Upended the Middle East 9 Mar
The text explores how Israel, once seen as a barren and unremarkable land, transformed from a small settlement in 1909 to a country with significant global i...
9 Mar
Forward Protesters target Teaneck event promoting West Bank real estate to U.S. Jews  8 Mar
Protesters are targeting an informational event in Teaneck promoting property in Israel and the West Bank, condemning it as a violation of international law ...
8 Mar