Daily Podcasts Video Research
Future of Jewish Here's why Biden's Democrats will lose this year's presidential election. 23 Feb
The text focuses on the argument that Joe Biden's Democratic Party may lose the upcoming presidential election due to its perceived failure to uphold America...
23 Feb
Jewish Chronicle The demonisation of Israel has destabilised British politics 23 Feb
The article discusses the destabilization of British politics due to the demonization of Israel, citing instances such as Prince William's comments on Gaza, ...
23 Feb
Unholy: Two Jews on the News headphones Rewind: War Therapy 23 Feb
Yonit and Jonathan revisit a heated discussion on contrasting perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, revealing the growing divide between Israelis...
23 Feb
Jewish Insider Meet Kurt Campbell, Biden’s new deputy secretary of state 23 Feb
Kurt Campbell, the new deputy secretary of state under the Biden administration, brings extensive experience in foreign policy, particularly focused on Asia ...
23 Feb
Jewish Insider Top Nikki Haley official: The GOP is going through ‘a midlife crisis’ 23 Feb
Republican strategist Nachama Soloveichik, a key figure in Nikki Haley's presidential campaign, believes the Republican Party is undergoing a midlife crisis ...
23 Feb
People of the Pod headphones Believe Israeli Women: How to Advocate for Victims of Hamas’ Sexual Violence 22 Feb
The article discusses the weaponization of sexual violence by Hamas during an attack on Israel on October 7th. Despite evidence and survivor testimonies, the...
22 Feb
Forward Instead of vetoing ceasefire resolutions, the US must start conditioning support for Israel 22 Feb
The article argues that the United States should stop vetoing ceasefire resolutions and instead condition its support for Israel on securing an actual and la...
22 Feb
Forward Argentina’s Jewish umbrella group condemns Milei’s decision to shutter country’s anti-discrimination office 22 Feb
Argentina's President Javier Milei has decided to close the country's anti-discrimination office, prompting criticism from Jewish leaders. The DAIA, the coun...
22 Feb
Forward Russia’s invasion of Ukraine inadvertently sparks a Jewish renaissance — in Armenia 22 Feb
Julia Kislev, a Crimean Jew living in Armenia, opened Mama Jan cafe in Yerevan, which became a hub for Russian Jews who settled in Armenia following Russia's...
22 Feb
Forward Pro-Israel Rep. Ritchie Torres left the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Or did it leave him? 22 Feb
Rep. Ritchie Torres, a New York Democrat and vocal supporter of Israel, recently left the Congressional Progressive Caucus, a group he joined to champion low...
22 Feb
Unpacked Does the Palestinian Authority Fund Terrorism? | Explained 22 Feb
The video discusses the Palestinian Authority's controversial "Martyr's Fund," which financially compensates the families of Palestinian terrorists, despite ...
22 Feb
Menschwarmers headphones Jewish and Israeli athletes are being routinely banned from competition. How will it end? 22 Feb
The episode highlights the concerning trend of Jewish and Israeli athletes being banned from competitions due to political tensions. Through detailed example...
22 Feb
Emes Ve-Emunah The (Jewish) Fools on the Hill 22 Feb
The article discusses a group of Jewish New York City and state lawmakers who accuse Israel of mass destruction in Gaza and criticize Israel's actions in the...
22 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Shoshana: ‘It’s not even-handed when it comes to depicting Jewish victims of violence’ 22 Feb
"Shoshana," a film by director Michael Winterbottom, delves into the complexities of Jewish politics in British Mandate Palestine during the 1930s, through t...
22 Feb
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Can We Trust 'Confidential Sources'? 22 Feb
Eli Lake joins the podcast to discuss the arrest of a confidential source in the Biden investigation and the potential impact on the Squad's political future...
22 Feb
Jewish Chronicle After October 7, it’s ok to lose friends over Israel 22 Feb
The writer discusses the personal evolution of their views on Israel, recounting experiences of conflict with friends holding anti-Israel sentiments. They re...
22 Feb
JTA 1 killed, 11 wounded in shooting attack on West Bank security checkpoint line 22 Feb
A shooting attack on a security checkpoint line near Maaleh Adumim in the West Bank left one Israeli dead and 11 others wounded, with the three gunmen respon...
22 Feb
What Matters Now headphones What Matters Now to Ksenia Svetlova: Russia's new position on the global 'Risk' board 22 Feb
Ksenia Svetlova discusses Russia's expanding influence in the Middle East and Africa following its invasion of Ukraine, with a potential summit in Moscow inv...
22 Feb
Jewish Chronicle War cabinet split could get worse if Temple Mount flares up again 22 Feb
In a concerning development for Israel, a split within the war cabinet, exacerbated by the ongoing tensions in Jerusalem, is outlined. The war cabinet member...
22 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Prevent review must be implemented urgently 22 Feb
The text discusses the urgency of implementing the recommendations from Sir William Shawcross' Independent Review of Prevent, a significant report on counter...
22 Feb
Jewish Chronicle The Speaker’s capitulation to the ‘Free Palestine’ mob is a dark day for democracy 22 Feb
The article discusses the Speaker of the House of Commons' decision to allow a vote on a Labour Party amendment due to fears for MPs' safety, seen as capitul...
22 Feb
Jewdicious To Invade or Not To Invade: Rafah 22 Feb
The article discusses the debate in Israel over whether to invade Rafah or not, highlighting the various interpretations of seeking victory, obtaining peace,...
22 Feb
Future of Jewish An Open Letter to Those Demanding a Ceasefire 22 Feb
The text is an open letter addressing ceasefire enthusiasts, discussing recent attacks on Israel by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, criticizing their ac...
22 Feb
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Pro-Israel 'bloody pants' protests are popping up across Canada. Here's what they mean 22 Feb
Pro-Israel groups in Canada are using provocative street performances to draw attention to the plight of Israeli hostages believed to be held by Hamas. The i...
22 Feb
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Pro-Israel 'bloody pants' protests are popping up across Canada. Here's what they mean 22 Feb
Canadian grassroots organizations are staging street reenactments of hostage scenarios to highlight the plight of Israeli captives and counteract anti-Israel...
22 Feb
Call Me Back headphones How Hamas fooled the world - with Matti Friedman 22 Feb
In this episode, journalist Matti Friedman explores how Hamas has adeptly manipulated media narratives and international perceptions to serve its own aims, p...
22 Feb
Tablet U.S. Scheming for a Palestinian State Unwittingly Strengthens Netanyahu 22 Feb
The text discusses how the U.S.'s plan to recognize a Palestinian state that doesn't exist is inadvertently strengthening Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's ...
22 Feb
Jewish Insider As internal tourism rebounds, foreign visitors face hurdles getting to Israel 22 Feb
Israel's Tourism Minister Haim Katz and director general Danny Shahar are encouraging Jewish and Christian supporters to resume visiting Israel amid ongoing ...
22 Feb
Tablet Porn for Palestine 22 Feb
Mia Khalifa, a former porn star, gained fame in the industry but has since distanced herself from it. Despite facing backlash for her work, she has become a ...
22 Feb
Forward How Jewish journalist Ruth Elkrief wound up in the middle of France’s debate over antisemitism and Islamophobia 21 Feb
Jewish French-Moroccan journalist Ruth Elkrief, known for her long career in TV news in France, faced heightened scrutiny after being put under police protec...
21 Feb
Forward Almost 5 months after Oct. 7, my Israeli brother-in-law still wonders ‘what the hell happened?’ 21 Feb
The article discusses the ongoing impact of an attack by Hamas militants on a kibbutz near Gaza, leaving residents like David Levy, the author's brother-in-l...
21 Feb
Forward A ‘Tiny House’ at Berlin’s film festival offered a safe space to talk about the Israel-Hamas war 21 Feb
At the Berlinale film festival in Berlin, an Israeli and a Palestinian, Shai Hoffman and Ahmad Dakhnous, collaborated to create a Tiny House as a safe space ...
21 Feb
Forward Is the Michigan campaign to protest Biden’s Gaza policy at the polls gaining steam? 21 Feb
In Michigan, a campaign is gaining momentum to protest President Joe Biden's Gaza policy at the polls. A survey of likely voters showed majority support, esp...
21 Feb
Future of Jewish Stop blaming Israel for Gaza's humanitarian crisis. 21 Feb
The text discusses the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and emphasizes that blaming Israel for it is unjustified. It mentions Israel's measures to assist Gazans, ...
21 Feb
Moment From 2005 | Breaking the Barrier: A Look at All Peace Radio 21 Feb
In 2005, Moment Magazine published an article discussing All Peace Radio, a station in Ramallah run by Israelis and Palestinians aiming to foster dialogue be...
21 Feb
Forward A Jewish debut novel about utopian design gone terribly wrong 21 Feb
"A Brutal Design" by Zachary C. Solomon is a debut novel that follows Samuel, a Jewish architecture student in a fascist society who is sent to an experiment...
21 Feb
Moment Six Israeli/Palestinian Peace Projects Active Since October 7 21 Feb
Since October 7, amidst the ongoing conflict, six Israeli/Palestinian peace projects have been actively promoting coexistence and reconciliation in the regio...
21 Feb
Jewschool Was Moshe’s Violence in Egypt Justified? On War, Violence, and Freedom 21 Feb
Aaron Samuel Tamares, a lesser-known Jewish thinker, explored themes of pacifism and violence in his essay "Herut" (Liberation), focusing on the biblical sto...
21 Feb
Moment Podcasts for Peace: Six Shows That Feature Nuanced Conversations about Israel/Palestine 21 Feb
Moment Magazine highlighted six podcasts that focus on nuanced conversations about Israel and Palestine, aiming to bridge divides and promote understanding. ...
21 Feb
Forward 'The freest person in Russia': Natan Sharansky on his letters with Alexei Navalny 21 Feb
Natan Sharansky, a Russian-Israeli refusenik and human rights activist with a history of imprisonment in the Soviet Union, corresponded with Alexei Navalny, ...
21 Feb
Israel Policy Pod headphones Wartime Upheaval and Day-After Diplomacy 21 Feb
Neri Zilber hosts a critical discussion with Nimrod Novik and Ibrahim Eid Dalalsha on the strained situation in the West Bank during the ongoing Gaza conflic...
21 Feb
Israel Policy Pod headphones Wartime Upheaval and Day-After Diplomacy 21 Feb
Neri Zilber, Nimrod Novik, and Ibrahim Eid Dalalsha discuss the complex dynamics in the West Bank during the Gaza war, growing concerns around Ramadan, and t...
21 Feb
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones What Is Nikki Haley Up To? 21 Feb
Nikki Haley's announcement that she will stay in the GOP race until mathematically eliminated is seen as strategic against Trump's dominance, as legal issues...
21 Feb
Jewish Chronicle Bernie Sanders’ trial by Novara media was depressing to watch 21 Feb
Novara Media held a trial-like interview with Bernie Sanders, focusing on his views as a Jewish liberal Zionist. While discussing his progressive activism an...
21 Feb
Jewish Chronicle How I uncovered Hamas billions 21 Feb
Former Mossad's head of economic warfare, Udi Levy, suggests that Hamas could have been weakened if Benjamin Netanyahu had authorized targeting its financial...
21 Feb
Jewish Chronicle The ICJ ruling has forever changed how it is to be a Jew 21 Feb
The International Court of Justice's interim ruling in a genocide case brought against Israel by South Africa has sparked strong Jewish reactions, especially...
21 Feb
Unpacked What Does "From the River to the Sea" REALLY Mean? 21 Feb
The YouTube video explores the slogan "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free" by delving into its historical roots, geographical significance, im...
21 Feb
Future of Jewish The Curious Case of ‘Queers for Palestine’ 21 Feb
Intersectionality has led to a complex support for Palestine within various social justice movements, such as Black Lives Matter, due to the belief in a soci...
21 Feb
Haaretz Weekly headphones 'Israelis are rejecting Netanyahu. That doesn't mean they are embracing left-wing views' 21 Feb
Amid calls for immediate elections in Israel, there is a growing rejection of Netanyahu's leadership, though it does not necessarily indicate a shift towards...
21 Feb
Ami Reassessing Israel’s Precarious Relationship with the Biden Administration // A Conversation with Israel’s Former Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren 21 Feb
Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., Michael Oren, highlights a shift in the relationship between Israel and the Biden administration since the Gaza confli...
21 Feb