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Forward 5 Fun Hamantaschen Recipes for Maximum Purim Deliciousness 16 Mar 2016
The article presents five innovative hamantaschen recipes perfect for Purim celebrations. The recipes include an Asian twist with black sesame seeds, a vegan...
16 Mar 2016
Forward Playful Pop-Tart Hamantaschen 10 Mar 2016
Nina Safar offers a playful twist on traditional Purim hamantaschen by creating a recipe for vegan Pop-Tart hamantaschen. The recipe includes a flaky pastry ...
10 Mar 2016
Tablet A Columbine Killer’s Mother Grapples With His Legacy 19 Feb 2016
Sue Klebold, the mother of one of the Columbine High School shooters, Dylan Klebold, grapples with his legacy in the aftermath of the 1999 tragedy. In her bo...
19 Feb 2016
Forward Homemade Date Honey — A Sweet, Sticky Take on One of the 7 Species 20 Jan 2016
The article discusses homemade date honey, known as devash in Hebrew and considered a representation of dates in the seven species traditionally eaten on Tu ...
20 Jan 2016
Forward Almonds (and Marzipan) for Tu B’Shvat 18 Jan 2016
Tu B'Shvat, the Jewish new year for trees, traditionally observed on the 15th of Shvat, is a celebration that includes consuming fruits and nuts, like almond...
18 Jan 2016
Forward Wheat, Whiskey and Women 15 Jan 2016
The article discusses the link between whiskey production, feminism, and the Talmudic tractate of Sotah in the context of Tu B'Shvat. It highlights how whisk...
15 Jan 2016
Tablet Being Jew-ish 21 Dec 2015
The author reflects on his Jewish identity as he navigates interactions with a religiously observant neighbor who tries to set him up with his daughters, emp...
21 Dec 2015
Tablet The Force Isn’t With Me Anymore 16 Dec 2015
The author reflects on their deep childhood love for Star Wars, how the franchise shaped their interests, and their disappointment with the newer films like ...
16 Dec 2015
Tablet My Dog Brought Me Back to Synagogue 11 Dec 2015
The author recounts how the death of their beloved dachshund, Ginger, brought them back to Judaism. Despite a secular upbringing and being agnostic, they fou...
11 Dec 2015
Jewish Action The Chef’s Table: New Twists on Traditional Dishes for Your Chanukah Celebrations 4 Dec 2015
Three diverse and delicious dairy dishes perfect for Chanukah celebrations are highlighted in this piece. The first dish is Individual Mac N Cheese by Kim Ku...
4 Dec 2015
Tablet Throwback: Happy Hanukkah, Love Goldberg 4 Dec 2015
The video features wrestler Goldberg, known as The Hebrew Hulk, in a Hanukkah-related episode of The Man Show from 2000. It is recommended as a must-watch fo...
4 Dec 2015
Unorthodox headphones Unorthodox Celebrates Hanukkah Ep. 18 3 Dec 2015
In this Hanukkah-themed episode, Unorthodox explores various aspects of the holiday with humorous and insightful segments. Highlights include Adam Sandler's ...
3 Dec 2015
Unorthodox headphones Unorthodox Celebrates Hanukkah Ep. 18 3 Dec 2015
This special Hanukkah-themed episode of Unorthodox celebrates the Festival of Lights with a focus on latkes, Adam Sandler's updated Hanukkah song, and discus...
3 Dec 2015
Tablet Move Over, Matzo Balls. Here Come Kreplach, the Metaphysical Dumplings. 1 Oct 2015
Hoshana Rabbah, a holiday on the seventh day of Sukkot, involves beating willow branches as a ritual symbolizing various interpretations, including expressin...
1 Oct 2015
Tablet Yom Kippur in a Buddhist Monastery 22 Sep 2015
This text describes a Jewish traveler's experience observing Yom Kippur at a Buddhist meditation center in India. Despite seeking a departure from his Orthod...
22 Sep 2015
Tablet Koufax’s Yom Kippur Decision 22 Sep 2015
In 1965, Sandy Koufax made a notable decision to sit out of Game 1 of the World Series in observance of Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish religion. D...
22 Sep 2015
Tablet The Struggle is Real: Coping Without Coffee on Yom Kippur 21 Sep 2015
The author shares her struggle with caffeine withdrawal while fasting on Jewish holidays such as Yom Kippur, recounting past experiences of debilitating head...
21 Sep 2015
Tablet A Yom Kippur Break-Fast Menu Worth Fasting For 17 Sep 2015
For a delicious Yom Kippur break-fast menu that will make fasting worth it, consider preparing dishes like Charred Eggplant Dip with Maple Drizzle, Carameliz...
17 Sep 2015
Tablet Grave Situation 11 Sep 2015
This poignant story reflects on family dynamics surrounding the author's parents, particularly his mother, father, and father's second wife, Jean. Despite th...
11 Sep 2015
Tablet Tablet’s High Holiday Emoji Guide 11 Sep 2015
Celebrate the Jewish High Holidays with a fun twist using emojis to enhance your greetings and conversations! From sending wishes for a sweet new year with a...
11 Sep 2015
Tablet School’s Out—But Why? 11 Sep 2015
The author argues that in cities where the Jewish population is small and teacher absenteeism is not an issue, public schools should not be closed for Jewish...
11 Sep 2015
Jewish Review of Books The Fifth Question 9 Sep 2015
The article discusses the presence of a "fifth question" at Passover Seder - "When do we eat?" and presents a historical and halakhic comparison regarding th...
9 Sep 2015
Forward 5 Rosh Hashanah Videos To Get You in the High Holiday Mood 9 Sep 2015
Five Rosh Hashanah-themed music videos are highlighted to enhance the High Holiday spirit. The list includes a variety of covers and original songs, such as ...
9 Sep 2015
Tablet How To Make a Rosh Hashanah Dessert That’s Not Just Apples and Honey 8 Sep 2015
Rosh Hashanah offers more than just apples and honey for its festive meals; the holiday also includes eating pomegranates, dates, and new fruits of the seaso...
8 Sep 2015
Unorthodox headphones Hard to Say I'm Sorry Ep. 6 3 Sep 2015
In episode 6 of Unorthodox, a Yom Kippur special, host Mark Oppenheimer, writer Shira Telushkin, and Esther Werdiger from Tablet discuss the complexities of ...
3 Sep 2015
Jewish Action Fabulous Fall Foods to Serve in the Sukkah 27 Aug 2015
Sukkot, a holiday celebrating the harvest, involves meals in temporary shelters, symbolizing the ancestors' desert dwellings. To honor this theme, focus on f...
27 Aug 2015
Tablet Before the Fast: Tisha B’Av Recipes With Meaning 22 Jul 2015
Tisha B'Av is the saddest day in the Jewish calendar, marked by tragic events like the destruction of both Temples and expulsions of Jews from various countr...
22 Jul 2015
Tablet Hasidim Line Up to Apply for Section 8 Housing in Catskills 16 Jun 2015
In Sullivan County, NY, zoning changes are prompting developers to replace outdated bungalows with modern townhouses, impacting the traditional Jewish holida...
16 Jun 2015
Tablet Max and Eli Sussman’s Brisket and Potato Kugel 2 Apr 2015
Brothers Max and Eli Sussman recently celebrated the release of their cookbook with a Passover seder featuring dishes that blend traditional and modern flavo...
2 Apr 2015
Tablet Plague of the First Born 29 Mar 2015
In a recent conversation, author Etgar Keret expressed sympathy for the Egyptians in the Passover story, highlighting their suffering before ultimately drown...
29 Mar 2015
Jewish Action New Books from OU Press 9 Mar 2015
The OU Press introduces two new books: "Chumash Mesoras HaRav: Sefer Shemos, The Neuwirth Edition," compiled by Dr. Arnold Lustiger, offers a comprehensive c...
9 Mar 2015
Tablet Last-Minute Purim Costumes: A Guide for the Perplexed 3 Mar 2015
The text provides humorous last-minute Purim costume ideas for children, offering creative and easy suggestions such as dressing up as Ruth Bader Ginsburg, S...
3 Mar 2015
Tablet The Origins of Your Favorite Purim Customs 3 Mar 2015
The essay discusses the origins and controversies surrounding popular Purim customs such as drunkenness, Purimspiels (farcical plays), and wearing costumes. ...
3 Mar 2015
Tablet A Battle Heats Up—Over Purim Packages 2 Mar 2015
The tradition of mishloach manot, giving food packages on Purim, has evolved into a competitive and extravagant display of creativity among Jewish families, ...
2 Mar 2015
Tablet The Transgressive Spirit of Purim 2 Mar 2015
The writer reflects on their experiences of dressing up for Purim, exploring the holiday's theme of blurring boundaries and the transgressive nature of the c...
2 Mar 2015
Jewish Action What’s the Truth about . . . Mishloach Manot? 16 Feb 2015
Mishloach Manot, the act of giving food gifts on Purim, does not require the foods to be from different blessing categories, contrary to a common misconcepti...
16 Feb 2015
Forward 6 Valentine's Day Tips From Dr. Ruth 13 Feb 2015
Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the renowned sex therapist, provides six Valentine's Day tips for various scenarios. For singles feeling lonely, she advises making plan...
13 Feb 2015
Jewish Action Purim with Dr. Seuss 11 Feb 2015
This playful and clever Dr. Seuss-style Purim retelling by Naomi Wolf merges the story of Purim with the whimsical rhyming and rhythm of Dr. Seuss's books. T...
11 Feb 2015
Jewish Action Chocolate Heaven for Purim 11 Feb 2015
As Purim approaches, Eileen Goltz reflects on her children's creative costume choices for the holiday and channels her energy into making delicious treats fo...
11 Feb 2015
Jewish Action Majesty and Mystery: A Commentary on Megillat Esther and The Ma’ariv Evening Service for Purim 1 Feb 2015
Rabbi Norman Lamm's "Majesty and Mystery" is a insightful commentary on Megillat Esther and the Maariv Evening Service for Purim. This collection of Rabbi La...
1 Feb 2015
Tablet A Dessert for the Hanukkah-Christmas Eclipse 24 Dec 2014
The text discusses the unique dessert, koeksisters, a South African sweet that combines elements of both a donut and a cookie, making it a perfect treat for ...
24 Dec 2014
Tablet The Perfect Wine to Drink With Your Latkes 17 Dec 2014
For Hanukkah celebrations, when enjoying traditional oily foods like latkes and knishes, consider pairing them with sparkling white wine like Prosecco or Cav...
17 Dec 2014
Tablet Vegan Sweet and Savory Mini Latkes 16 Dec 2014
The text discusses a vegan recipe for Sweet and Savory Mini Latkes, emphasizing healthy and beautiful plant-based eating during Hanukkah. It encourages simpl...
16 Dec 2014
Tablet A Moroccan Feast for Hanukkah: Hold the Latkes 12 Dec 2014
A Hanukkah celebration at a Brooklyn home highlighted Moroccan Jewish culinary traditions, featuring dishes like chicken levivot and sfenj (Moroccan doughnut...
12 Dec 2014
Tablet What To Eat During the Festival of Lights 11 Dec 2014
As Hanukkah approaches, the celebration's culinary traditions shine with comforting and delicious food like latkes and jelly donuts. From classic recipes lik...
11 Dec 2014
Jewish Action Living the Sweet Life 1 Dec 2014
Excessive sugar consumption, especially added sugars, has been linked to weight gain and various chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease due to thei...
1 Dec 2014
Jewish Action The “Hole” Truth About Sufganiyot 1 Dec 2014
The tradition of eating sufganiyot during Chanukah in Israel is deeply ingrained, with a myth connecting them to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden despite n...
1 Dec 2014
Jewish Action Variations on the Chanukah Theme 1 Dec 2014
Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm delivered a sermon during Chanukah discussing the order of lighting Chanukah candles and reciting Havdalah, reflecting a clash of princ...
1 Dec 2014
Tablet Catching Up With R.L. Stine on Halloween 30 Oct 2014
R.L. Stine, known for his iconic Goosebumps series and considered the Stephen King of children's literature, shared insights on his career and Jewish upbring...
30 Oct 2014
Tablet How Did Simchat Torah Get So Popular? 15 Oct 2014
Simchat Torah, a holiday celebrating the completion of the annual Torah reading cycle, has grown in popularity over the centuries despite not being mentioned...
15 Oct 2014