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Promised Podcast headphones "The Other Side of Israel" Edition 6 Aug 2015
In the podcast episode "The Other Side of Israel," Noah and guest Sandy Fox explore the diverse Israeli music scene as a reprieve from troubling news. They h...
6 Aug 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Babel in Zion: The inculcation of Hebrew in pre-state Israel 26 Jun 2015
Dr. Liora Halperin, a professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, discusses the promotion of the Hebrew language in pre-state Israel with host Gilad Hal...
26 Jun 2015
Tablet Why Shavuot Is Jewish Mother-in-Law’s Day 21 May 2015
Shavuot is likened to Jewish Mother-in-Laws Day as it celebrates the story of Ruth, the first convert to Judaism, who chose to stay with her mother-in-law, N...
21 May 2015
Jewish Review of Books Zionism’s Forgotten Father 16 Sep 2014
Nathan Birnbaum, often forgotten in the history of Zionism, played a significant role in the early movement. Despite initial tension with Theodor Herzl, Birn...
16 Sep 2014
Tablet Seattle’s Sephardi Jews Brought Us Starbucks: Now They’re Trying To Bring Back Ladino 23 Jul 2014
In Seattle, the Sephardi Jewish community, descended from Jews expelled from Spain, is working to preserve its Ladino language and heritage through initiativ...
23 Jul 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Losing Patience, Losing Power, & Losing Dignity 19 Jun 2014
In this episode of the Promised Podcast, the hosts address the complexity of the recent West Bank teen kidnappings. They steer away from the topic due to its...
19 Jun 2014
Tablet Philosophical Investigations, Ludwig Wittgenstein (1953) 17 Sep 2013
Ludwig Wittgenstein's "Philosophical Investigations," published in 1953, challenges traditional views of language and truth by asserting that words do not si...
17 Sep 2013
Forward The Yiddish Spirit of Samuel Beckett 15 Sep 2013
The 60th anniversary staging of Samuel Beckett's "Waiting For Godot" in Yiddish at the Castillo Theatre in Manhattan marks a groundbreaking interpretation of...
15 Sep 2013
Jewish Action Open 3 Apr 2013
This poem reflects on the legacy of Holocaust survivors, exploring themes of identity, faith, and intergenerational trauma. The speaker, a descendant of surv...
3 Apr 2013
Tablet Jewish Education Goes High Tech 14 Mar 2013
ShalomLearning, an innovative platform created by industry veterans Rosen and Schain, aims to revolutionize Jewish education by integrating technology into t...
14 Mar 2013
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Winter 2013 27 Feb 2013
Robert Whitehill-Bashan responds to Hillel Halkin's review, pointing out Halkin's oversight of his Hebrew poetry work spanning several decades, despite being...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Where Abraham Walked 27 Feb 2013
In the 4th century, Ephrem the Syrian praised Abraham, Sarah, and other biblical figures who once walked in the region, highlighting the interconnectedness b...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Summer 2012 27 Feb 2013
In a series of letters published in the summer 2012 edition of a Jewish publication, the topic of discussion revolves around Leon Wieseltier's harsh critique...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Comes the Comer 27 Feb 2013
The New American Haggadah, edited by Jonathan Safran Foer and translated by Nathan Englander, presents a discussion on the complexities of translating Jewish...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books The Man’s Learning Moves Me 27 Feb 2013
Anthony Grafton and Joanna Weinberg's study delves into the life of 16th-century French Huguenot classicist Isaac Casaubon, shedding new light on his scholar...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Moses Mendelssohn Street 27 Feb 2013
The article examines the recognition of prominent Jewish figures through street names in Israel, particularly focusing on Moses Mendelssohn. It discusses the...
27 Feb 2013
Forward The New Testament Sounds Odd in Yiddish 14 Oct 2012
The article discusses the unique and sometimes comical effects that occur when translating the Christian New Testament into Yiddish. Examples include the con...
14 Oct 2012
Forward Shylock in Yiddish: New Yiddish Rep Presents Jacob Adler’s Historic “Shylock” at Center for Jewish History 19 Jan 2011
The New Yiddish Repertory presented Jacob Adler's historic Yiddish adaptation of Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" at the Center for Jewish History, wit...
19 Jan 2011
Forward Hebrew vs. Israeli 24 Dec 2004
Israeli linguist Ghilad Zuckerman argues that the term "Israeli" is more appropriate than "Hebrew" for the language spoken in Israel, describing it as a hybr...
24 Dec 2004
Forward At YIVO, Honoring Those Who Champion Mameloshn 4 Jun 2004
The article discusses various honors and awards in the Jewish community, such as the Janusz Korczak Teaching Award given to individuals like Lolle Boettcher ...
4 Jun 2004
Forward ‘Sudden Rain’ Makes a Splash 20 Feb 2004
Gitl Schaechter-Viswanath's new bilingual poetry collection, "Plutsemdiker Regn" (Sudden Rain), creatively combines Yiddish language with the art of poetry, ...
20 Feb 2004