Daily Podcasts Video Research
Jewish Review of Books The Statesman 27 Feb 2013
In "Ben-Gurion: A Political Life" by Shimon Peres, the book explores the leadership and legacy of David Ben-Gurion, emphasizing his pivotal role in the found...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Starving for Zion 27 Feb 2013
Chaim Gans, a political philosopher and law professor at Tel Aviv University, makes a notable contribution with his book "A Just Zionism: On the Morality of ...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books The Kibbutz, Post-Utopia 27 Feb 2013
"100 Years of Kibbutz: The Story of the Kibbutz Movement" edited by Eliezer Saks commemorates the centennial of the kibbutz movement, tracing its origins wit...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Yo’s Blues 27 Feb 2013
"Life on Sandpaper" by Yoram Kaniuk is a fictional memoir detailing the author's time in 1950s bohemian New York, filled with encounters with famous figures ...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Marginalia 27 Feb 2013
"He'arat Shulayim," directed by Joseph Cedar, is an Israeli film focusing on the tensions between father and son professors in the Hebrew University's Talmud...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Summer 2011 27 Feb 2013
The text discusses differing perspectives on political and religious developments in the Jewish world, focusing on critiques of figures like Lord Rabbi Jonat...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books State and Counterstate 27 Feb 2013
Jacqueline Rose's "The Question of Zion" explores the idea of a binational Arab-Jewish state advocated by thinkers like Martin Buber and Hannah Arendt, criti...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books The Poet Goes to War 27 Feb 2013
Eliaz Cohen, an Israeli poet and Religious Zionist living in the West Bank, addresses the challenge faced by settler-artists in his work. His poems, focusing...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books The Red Beret and the Rabbis 27 Feb 2013
Elazar Stern, a former IDF general with a Religious Zionist background, details his journey through the ranks in his memoir "Navigations." Stern, distinguish...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Love and War 27 Feb 2013
David Grossman's novel "To The End of The Land" is a powerful exploration of love, loss, and family bonds set against the backdrop of military conflict in Is...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Let My People Go 27 Feb 2013
The book "Let My People Go" by Gal Beckerman chronicles the struggle for Soviet Jewry from the 1960s to the early 1990s, detailing how individuals like Natan...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books A Measure of Beauty 27 Feb 2013
Hadag Nahash, a prominent Israeli hip-hop band founded in Jerusalem in 1996, is known for its self-aggrandizing lyrics, social critiques, and unique use of H...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Summer 2010 27 Feb 2013
The "Letters, Summer 2010" from the Jewish Review of Books features discussions on various topics. It includes praise for Dara Horn's article on Isaac Rosenf...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books The Kibbutz and the State 27 Feb 2013
The text explores the historical relationship between the kibbutz movement and the State of Israel, detailing the challenges faced by the kibbutzim since the...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Faith in Doubt 27 Feb 2013
Last fall, religious conflicts in Israel included protests at the Intel factory in Jerusalem over Sabbath work and clashes about public observance of Jewish ...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Walking the Green Line 27 Feb 2013
The author and his wife planned to live among settlers in Elon Moreh to write a book, hoping for unbiased observation. Despite initial acceptance, the settle...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Old-New Debate 27 Feb 2013
The text explores the Old-New Debate surrounding Theodor Herzl, the Founding Father of Israel, and his relationship with Ahad Haam, a Jewish intellectual and...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books What the U.S. Can and Can’t Do in the Middle East 27 Feb 2013
In the text "What the U.S. Can and Can't Do in the Middle East," the authors Dennis Ross and David Makovsky reflect on the ability of the United States to in...
27 Feb 2013
Tablet ‘Lost’ Indian Jews Come Home 27 Dec 2012
A group of nearly 9,000 Bnei Menashe from northeastern India, believing themselves to be descendants of the Israelite tribe of Menashe, is making aliyah to I...
27 Dec 2012
Tablet Michael Oren: It’s May 1967—or May 1948 15 Nov 2012
Michael Oren, former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. and a historian, draws parallels between the current state of affairs in Israel and critical moments in h...
15 Nov 2012
Tablet Why I’m Voting for Obama 5 Nov 2012
Rabbi Sharon Brous explains her decision to vote for President Obama, urging thoughtful Jewish voters to consider two key points regardless of personal opini...
5 Nov 2012
Tablet State of Israeli Fashion 26 Oct 2012
The text describes the evolution of Israeli fashion, from the austerity measures of the early years of the State of Israel to the present rift in the industr...
26 Oct 2012
Tablet Introducing Continental Drift, a New Column 5 Oct 2012
Jamie Kirchick, a seasoned writer for Tablet based in Berlin, is set to lead a new column called Continental Drift. Known for his thorough journalism and sha...
5 Oct 2012
Tablet Sinning Against Each Other 26 Jul 2012
The author recounts his experience of signing a letter urging Prime Minister Netanyahu not to adopt the Levy Commission Report, believing it may alienate Ame...
26 Jul 2012
Tablet Fell in Love With the (Religious) Girl 13 Jul 2012
In a recent article in Tablet Magazine, various topics were discussed, including a personal story of falling in love with a religious girl, a conversation wi...
13 Jul 2012
Tablet Daybreak: 200 Reported Killed in Syrian Town 13 Jul 2012
A farming village in central Syria was reportedly shelled by Assad's army, resulting in the deaths of about 200 people. The unrest in Syria has had unexpecte...
13 Jul 2012
Tablet Signs of Splintering as #j14 Anniversary Nears 13 Jul 2012
As the anniversary of the #j14 protests approaches, there are signs of splintering within the movement in Israel. The organization Yisrael Hofshit, led by Mi...
13 Jul 2012
Tablet Replacing Tal Law Proves Tal Order (Sorry) 12 Jul 2012
The text discusses the ongoing saga of replacing the Tal Law in Israel, which aimed to draft more Haredim and Arab Israelis for civil and military service. P...
12 Jul 2012
Tablet My Less Equal Israel 29 Jun 2012
The author reflects on his father's experiences in Israel post-World War II, highlighting issues of inequality and favoritism towards certain groups in Israe...
29 Jun 2012
Tablet Hump Day, at Last 14 Jun 2012
Participants on a Birthright Israel trip experienced a memorable night at a Bedouin tent in Kfar Hanokdim, owned by Israeli Jews but operated by Bedouins. Th...
14 Jun 2012
Tablet 1967 All Over Again? 9 May 2012
The sudden expansion of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition government to include Shaul Mofaz and Kadima members has evoked parallels to th...
9 May 2012
Tablet Romney Would Have Bush-Like Foreign Policy 9 May 2012
The article discusses how Mitt Romney, as a potential Republican presidential candidate, may adopt a foreign policy similar to that of the Bush administratio...
9 May 2012
Tablet Who Leaked Israeli Iran Plan? 4 Apr 2012
Experts are debating whether the United States leaked information to dissuade Israel from attacking Iranian nuclear facilities, with claims that the White Ho...
4 Apr 2012
Tablet On Iran, Obama’s Leaky Ship Prompts Response 2 Apr 2012
Analysis of recent reports on Irans nuclear program and potential military actions by Israel and the United States reveals a complex web of perspectives and ...
2 Apr 2012
Tablet How Azerbaijan Can Help Israel Can Attack Iran 29 Mar 2012
Israel and Azerbaijan share a strategic relationship based on oil trade and animosity towards Iran, culminating in a recent $1.6 billion defense agreement. S...
29 Mar 2012
Tablet J Street Dispatch: Tuesday 25 Mar 2012
Former New Republic editor Peter Beinart spoke at J Street's annual conference, advocating for a Zionist boycott of products from beyond the Green Line and t...
25 Mar 2012
Tablet No, Not That Baijan, Azerbaijan! 27 Feb 2012
Israel recently signed a $1.6 billion arms deal with Azerbaijan, a former Soviet republic strategically located near Iran and known for its ties to Israel am...
27 Feb 2012
Tablet Caucus 23 Dec 2011
Two Israeli businessmen, Rony Fuchs and Zeev Frenkiel, got involved in a $100 million financial dispute in Georgia dating back 15 years, involving an energy ...
23 Dec 2011
Tablet Giving Thanks 23 Nov 2011
Academic oncologists in Israel who trained in the U.S. cherish the Thanksgiving celebrations they experienced there, prompting a new tradition of "seudat-hod...
23 Nov 2011
Tablet Sundown: Beck Gets Brandeis Award (Really) 15 Nov 2011
Glenn Beck received the Louis D. Brandeis Award from the Zionist Organization of America, sparking mixed reactions. The Times Magazine cover for an article o...
15 Nov 2011
Tablet Grand Strategy 9 Nov 2011
Robert Blackwill, along with Walter B. Slocombe, authors of a paper titled "Israel: A Strategic Asset for the United States," argue that the alliance between...
9 Nov 2011
Tablet Settled 1 Nov 2011
Gilad Sharon's book "Settled" delves into his father Ariel Sharon's impactful role in settlement efforts, particularly in Judea, Samaria, and other crucial a...
1 Nov 2011
Tablet The Narrows 27 Oct 2011
Born in 1886 in Russian-ruled Poland, David Ben-Gurion played a crucial role in the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, facing numerous challenges ...
27 Oct 2011
Tablet Q&A: Edward Luttwak 6 Sep 2011
Edward Luttwak, a prominent academic and strategic consultant, is known for his work in military strategy, Roman and Byzantine history, and economics. With a...
6 Sep 2011
Tablet Generation X 5 May 2011
The text highlights a tense yet enlightening encounter between Israeli and Arab journalists during a workshop in Madrid, showcasing different perspectives on...
5 May 2011
Tablet Passion 23 Mar 2011
Elizabeth Taylor's death prompts reflections on her remarkable life, marked by tumultuous relationships, health challenges, and enduring glamour. Despite her...
23 Mar 2011
Tablet Borderline 1 Feb 2011
The Israeli media's intense coverage of Egypt's recent events reflects Israelis' deep concerns about the potential impact on their country. Key reasons for I...
1 Feb 2011
Tablet Bleak House 2 Dec 2010
In recent years, the Palestinians have made gradual progress in building governing institutions, particularly under Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in the West B...
2 Dec 2010
Tablet Pen Pal 2 Nov 2010
Saul Bellow's letters, showcased in the collection "Saul Bellow: Letters," offer insights into the famed writer's views and relationships throughout his life...
2 Nov 2010
Tablet Today on Tablet 8 Oct 2010
In a recent article on Tablet Magazine, topics discussed include an interview with Israeli opposition leader Tzipi Livni on politics and Israeli-Diaspora rel...
8 Oct 2010