Daily Podcasts Video Research
Unholy: Two Jews on the News headphones Special Update: Attempted Killings, Worlds Apart 14 Jul
The attempted assassinations of former President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania and Hamas leader Mohammed Deif in Gaza highlight geopolitical tensions and dome...
14 Jul
Emes Ve-Emunah Will Trump’s Attempted Assassination Change Anything? 14 Jul
The text discusses the attempted assassination of former President Trump and the reactions to it, rejecting the idea that Trump's rhetoric incited the violen...
14 Jul
JTA When Portland charities condemned Israel, Jewish philanthropy was put to the test 14 Jul
In Portland, Oregon, a rift arose in Jewish philanthropy when the Oregon Food Bank issued a statement criticizing Israel's actions in Gaza during the Israel-...
14 Jul
Haaretz Weekly headphones Amos Harel: 'Netanyahu is using the Trump shooting to vilify Israel's protest movement' 14 Jul
The episode discusses the Israeli airstrike targeting Hamas's military leader Mohammed Deif, with security analyst Amos Harel providing insights into its pot...
14 Jul
Forward Trump and Rabin: Two assassination attempts with different outcomes 14 Jul
In a piece by Rob Eshman, the discussion revolves around the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, drawing parallels to t...
14 Jul
Unpacked What is the REAL reason for the West Bank wall? #israel #palestine #wall 14 Jul
This YouTube video discusses the true motivation behind the West Bank wall despite the presence of gaps allowing thousands of Palestinians to cross daily.
14 Jul
Future of Jewish If you can, please help us keep serving you. 14 Jul
Future of Jewish, a publication focused on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, has made its content freely accessible to all since October 7th. The public...
14 Jul
Rationalist Judaism Herzl and the Rabbits 14 Jul
"Watership Down" is a 1972 British children's book by Richard Adams that follows a group of rabbits led by Herzl Hazel on a journey of adventure, hardship, a...
14 Jul
Living Lchaim My Newlywed Husband Died Saving Others - The Incredible Life of Yosef Guedalia 14 Jul
The video tells the heart-wrenching story of Senai Guedalia, who tragically lost her husband Yosef, a hero in the IDF, and how she continues to honor his mem...
14 Jul
Future of Jewish Israel's Place in the Looming Shadow of World War Three 13 Jul
The essay discusses Israel's shifting alliances in the current global political landscape, focusing on its relations with the Far-Right in Europe amidst the ...
13 Jul
Future of Jewish How the Israel-Hamas War Can End Sooner Rather Than Later 13 Jul
The ongoing Israel-Hamas war, sparked by an attack on Israel in October, is rooted in Hamas' intent to destroy Israel. Attempts to end the war by pressuring ...
13 Jul
Forward The IDF's first investigation into Oct. 7 should be a death knell for Israel's government 13 Jul
The column discusses the IDF's first investigation into the events of Oct. 7, highlighting a severe failure in leadership during a Hamas attack on Kibbutz Be...
13 Jul
Future of Jewish Biden needs Netanyahu who needs Trump. 12 Jul
In the text, the author discusses the complex political dynamics between U.S. President Joe Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and former Pres...
12 Jul
Forward When anti-Zionists take over your Hebrew school 12 Jul
The article discusses a mother's distress over her daughter being instructed to write a letter criticizing Israel for allegedly stealing land from Palestinia...
12 Jul
Moment Six Days Without Waze 12 Jul
The text discusses the author's experiences during a six-day stay in Israel, highlighting aspects of daily life, protests, and the impact of recent unrest on...
12 Jul
Moment From the Editor | Searching for Our Ben-Gurion and Jabotinsky 12 Jul
The text overviews the historical rivalry between David Ben-Gurion and Zeev Jabotinsky, two influential Zionist leaders in the early 20th century with contra...
12 Jul
Emes Ve-Emunah Who Has the Moral High Ground? 12 Jul
A blog post highlights the stark differences in perspectives between Charedim and other religious Jews regarding IDF service in Israel. The post criticizes C...
12 Jul
JTA The Jewish Sport Report: A Jewish preview of the 2024 Paris Olympics 12 Jul
The article provides a preview of Jewish and Israeli athletes to watch at the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics, including notable figures like Artem Dolgopyat in...
12 Jul
Forward ‘Bring Him Home’ from ‘Les Miz’ has new meaning in Israel. Now there’s a Yiddish version. 12 Jul
In Israel, the song "Bring Him Home" from Les Misérables gained new significance after a Yiddish version was performed. Originally recorded by soloists from ...
12 Jul
Hadassah ‘June Zero’: Three Tales Around Eichmann 12 Jul
"June Zero" is a film by Jake Paltrow that explores three interconnected stories related to the captivity, trial, and death of Nazi war criminal Eichmann. Th...
12 Jul
JTA Biden: Israel has ‘occasionally’ been ‘less than cooperative’ 12 Jul
President Joe Biden stated that Israel has been at times uncooperative in facilitating assistance to Palestinian civilians during the Gaza conflict. Biden em...
12 Jul
JTA Biden highlights frustrations with Israel during high-profile press conference 12 Jul
President Joe Biden expressed frustration with Israel's lack of cooperation in delivering aid to Palestinian civilians during a press conference, adding pres...
12 Jul
Unholy: Two Jews on the News headphones Joe vs. The Volcano - with special guest Ezra Klein 12 Jul
Ezra Klein joins Yonit and Jonathan to discuss Joe Biden's potential age-related concerns as a 2024 candidate and how Democrats might address this. Klein als...
12 Jul
Jewish Insider How Marco Rubio’s changed foreign policy views are making him more palatable to Trump 12 Jul
Senator Marco Rubio's changing foreign policy views, particularly his shift towards aligning with former President Donald Trump's America First platform, hav...
12 Jul
Forward Netanyahu's speech: Some members of Congress will boycott. Who else have they snubbed? 11 Jul
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing potential boycotts from some members of Congress ahead of his speech at the Capitol. In 2015, 58 members ...
11 Jul
Kveller A Trailer for Shira Haas’s New Israeli TV Show ‘Night Therapy’ Is Here 11 Jul
"Night Therapy," the new Israeli TV show starring Shira Haas, has garnered early accolades and attention. The series follows Luai Louie Mansour, played by Yo...
11 Jul
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #196 - Lessons From My Father’s Life - Teaching Torah & The IDF 11 Jul
Rabbi Wittenstein reflects on his father's journey in teaching Torah in Huntsville and his interactions with Shomer Shabbos IDF officers, highlighting their ...
11 Jul
Forward If members of Congress truly cared about Israel's well-being, they would boycott Netanyahu's speech 11 Jul
The article argues that members of Congress should boycott Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to show their support for peace and accountabil...
11 Jul
Emes Ve-Emunah How Pro Israel is the Democratic Party Platform? 11 Jul
The text discusses the level of support for Israel within the Democratic Party platform, comparing it to the Republican Party. It highlights that the Republi...
11 Jul
The Beinart Notebook Rami Khouri 11 Jul
Rami Khouri, a Distinguished Public Policy Fellow at the American University of Beirut and a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Arab Center in Washington, DC,...
11 Jul
Rationalist Judaism "Haters of Torah" 11 Jul
The article discusses the chareidi community's refusal to share in the national burden faced by other Israelis, particularly in terms of military service, fr...
11 Jul
Future of Jewish If you can, please help us keep serving you. 11 Jul
Future of Jewish, a publication focused on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, has made its content free since October 7th to ensure accessibility for all...
11 Jul
Moment Moment Debate | Who Do You Think Would Make a Better President—Biden or Trump? 11 Jul
In a debate between Ushi Teitelbaum and Diana Leygerman on who would make a better president, Teitelbaum supports Trump, citing his leadership, policies, and...
11 Jul
Tablet The Egoz Boys 11 Jul
The article discusses the experiences of members of the Egoz unit in the Israel Defense Forces, known for their expertise in guerrilla warfare and special re...
11 Jul
Future of Jewish Hello, of course Hamas lied about Palestinian casualty numbers. 10 Jul
The text discusses the United Nations revising Gaza casualty statistics during the Israel-Gaza conflict and highlights discrepancies in the numbers reported ...
10 Jul
JTA Claire Weinstein, Jessica Fox and 12 other Jewish athletes to watch in the 2024 Paris Olympics 10 Jul
The 2024 Paris Olympics will feature a strong Jewish presence, with notable athletes like Israeli gymnast Artem Dolgopyat, American wrestler Amit Elor, Austr...
10 Jul
Forward Israeli hospital has been quietly harboring 24 patients from Gaza and their families since October 10 Jul
The Sheba Medical Center in Israel has been quietly providing treatment and shelter for 24 seriously ill patients from Gaza and their families since before O...
10 Jul
Emes Ve-Emunah Two Messages: The Moetzes and Rav Weiss 10 Jul
The Moetzes of the American Agudah issued a message portraying the situation for Torah scholars in Israel as a spiritual holocaust due to government decrees ...
10 Jul
Forward Battle over bodies: Israel is holding a dead Palestinian prisoner as leverage for Gaza hostages 10 Jul
Israel is withholding the body of deceased Palestinian prisoner Walid Daqqa, who spent 38 years in prison, in the hopes of using it as leverage in negotiatio...
10 Jul
For Heaven's Sake headphones Israel at War – Nine Months 10 Jul
Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi engage in a critical discussion about Israeli society's response nine months into ongoing conflict and the complexitie...
10 Jul
eJewishPhilanthropy I believe in Israel’s Chief Rabbinate. Here’s how we can ensure its legitimacy. 10 Jul
Rabbi Kenneth Brander shares insights on the challenges facing Israel's Chief Rabbinate, highlighting the need for a more inclusive and responsive institutio...
10 Jul
Future of Jewish The Over-Romanticism of Israel 10 Jul
The text discusses the "over-romanticism of Israel" that some people fall into, highlighting how Israel is often idealized beyond its complex realities, incl...
10 Jul
Ami When a Cowboy Hat Meets a Shtreimel // My years with the Klausenberger Rebbe, zt”l 10 Jul
The text discusses the legacy of the Klausenberger Rebbe, particularly focusing on his experiences during the Holocaust, his founding of Laniado Hospital in ...
10 Jul
Ami Decolonization Nation // Members of some other tribes offer insight 10 Jul
While some Native Americans compare Israel to a colonial power, indigenous groups like Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem and the Indigenous Coalition For Israel s...
10 Jul
Forward Director of national intelligence warns that Iran is funding anti-Israel protests in US 9 Jul
Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, has warned that Iran is funding anti-Israel protests in the US and seeking to interfere in American elec...
9 Jul
JTA Director of national intelligence warns that Iran is funding anti-Israel protests in US 9 Jul
Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, has cautioned that Iran is attempting to interfere in the U.S. election and fueling protests against Isr...
9 Jul
Forward Democrats clash over aid to Israel at meeting of party platform committee 9 Jul
The Democratic platform committee recently heard contrasting opinions on the party's stance towards Israel, with some advocating for continued military aid a...
9 Jul
Forward Why don't ceasefire talks ever go anywhere? Ask Netanyahu. 9 Jul
Ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas repeatedly break down as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refuses to end the war in exchange for the release of hos...
9 Jul
Jewish Review of Books Legitimacy of Hope 9 Jul
In "Israel/Palestine in World Religions: Whose Palestine?" by S. Ilan Troen, the author delves into the complexities surrounding Israel's legitimacy, discuss...
9 Jul
Future of Jewish The West's Self-Defeating Approach to Hamas 9 Jul
The text discusses the West's approach to dealing with Hamas, particularly concerning ceasefire negotiations in Gaza. It highlights the demands made by both ...
9 Jul