Daily Podcasts Video Research
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones The Israel Pile-On 3 Apr
The podcast discusses the Biden administration's response to Israel's involvement in a tragic strike on a food aid convoy in Gaza, noting Israel's swift apol...
3 Apr
Jewish Chronicle What happens if Israel does not go into Rafah? Look at Afghanistan 3 Apr
Colonel Richard Justin Kemp, a retired British Army officer and expert on military operations, discusses the importance of Israel conducting a major offensiv...
3 Apr
JTA World Central Kitchen’s Jose Andres: ‘Israel is better than the way this war is being waged’ 3 Apr
Chef Jose Andres, founder of World Central Kitchen, is calling on Israel and the Jewish people to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza following the death...
3 Apr
Jewish Chronicle As Charedi exemption ends, politicians prepare for election that has no date 3 Apr
The Charedi exemption from military service ended after 76 years due to the government's failure to pass a law regulating it. This change affects the 66,000 ...
3 Apr
Unpacked Did the Lost Tribe of Menashe End Up in India? | Unpacked 3 Apr
The YouTube video explores the connection between the Bene Menashe community in India and the tribe of Menashe, delving into their claims of descent from anc...
3 Apr
Future of Jewish The Jewish state’s most vital voices are not Jewish. 3 Apr
The text discusses how some non-Jewish individuals have become vital voices speaking out for Israel amid international criticism. It highlights figures like ...
3 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Threat in the north is the real reason the IDF hasn’t gone into Rafah...yet 3 Apr
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have recently completed an operation against Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad members in Gaza City's al-Shifa hospital, f...
3 Apr
Ami The Deepening Crisis over Drafting the Talmidei HaYeshivos // A conversation with MK Moshe Shimon Roth 3 Apr
The issue of drafting yeshivah students into the Israeli army has become a focal point in Israeli politics, with the High Court ruling the exemption for Tora...
3 Apr
Ami The Deepening Crisis over Drafting the Talmidei HaYeshivos // A conversation with MK Moshe Shimon Roth 3 Apr
The current crisis in Israeli politics revolves around the draft of yeshivah students, following a High Court ruling in 2017 and subsequent failed attempts t...
3 Apr
Ami One-State Delusion // Someone, please, shake Peter Beinart awake! 3 Apr
Political commentator Peter Beinart, once a supporter of Israel, now advocates for a one-state solution, proposing a bi-national Jewish/Arab state to replace...
3 Apr
JTA Jewish groups are anguished over Israeli strike that killed aid workers — and divided on who to blame 3 Apr
Israeli strike that resulted in the killing of seven aid workers in Gaza has spurred varied reactions among American Jewish organizations. While some groups ...
3 Apr
Tablet ‘I Love This Country and Want to Protect the People’ 3 Apr
Golan Singh pays regular visits to the grave of his best friend, Cydrick Garin, an IDF soldier who died in a conflict with Hamas, sharing updates and seeking...
3 Apr
Forward 13 things about Israelis in wartime I’ve noticed by living among them 2 Apr
In this article, the author reflects on living among Israelis during wartime, sharing observations like the minimal coverage of suffering in Gaza in Israeli ...
2 Apr
JTA Biden administration ‘outraged’ by Israeli strike that killed 7 aid workers, as humanitarian groups suspend operations in Gaza 2 Apr
The Biden administration expressed outrage over an Israeli drone strike that killed seven aid workers from the World Central Kitchen in Gaza, calling for bet...
2 Apr
Forward Banning Al Jazeera moves Israel one step closer to dictatorship 2 Apr
Israel's decision to ban Al Jazeera from the country based on a law giving authorities the power to shut down foreign networks for security concerns has been...
2 Apr
Forward ‘An earthquake in Israel’: An Israeli expert discusses the end of the Haredi draft exemption 2 Apr
Shlomit Ravitsky Tur-Paz, an Israeli expert, discusses the recent Israeli court order ending the long-standing exemption of Haredi yeshiva students from mili...
2 Apr
Forward 'Shame!' On a prayer mission at the Israeli embassy, a Christian faces pro-Palestinian protesters 2 Apr
Israel Nehemiah Musonda, a Pentacostal Christian, made headlines for praying at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., amid pro-Palestinian protests. Muson...
2 Apr
Rationalist Judaism Yes, We Needed Israel 2 Apr
Rabbi Dovid Kornreich, reflecting a minority perspective within the charedi community influenced by anti-Zionist elements, argues against the value of Jewish...
2 Apr
Forward My family member is a hostage in Gaza. With Netanyahu in charge, I'm afraid he'll never make it home 2 Apr
Families of hostages held in Gaza have been holding rallies in Israel, including one at Hostages Square, to bring attention to their loved ones' plight and u...
2 Apr
Emes Ve-Emunah Avoiding the Draft - Reasons? Or Excuses? 2 Apr
The text discusses the reasons and justifications provided by a member of the Haredi Israeli yeshiva world, Dovid Kornreich, for Charedi exemptions from the ...
2 Apr
Jewish Action Natan Sharansky: On Pesach and Freedom 2 Apr
Natan Sharansky, a former refusenik and political figure, shares his experiences of imprisonment and ultimate release from the Soviet Union, focusing on the ...
2 Apr
Mishpacha Our Mensch in the Senate       2 Apr
Senator Joe Lieberman, who recently passed away, was a man known for his integrity, bipartisanship, and devotion to his faith and family. As the first Orthod...
2 Apr
Mishpacha Pillars Imperiled: We Still Need Miracles 2 Apr
An Israeli High Court ruling on the chareidi draft issue has created a societal clash and legal uncertainty for tens of thousands of bochurim and avreichim. ...
2 Apr
Mishpacha Are IDF Draft Exemptions for Yeshivah Students Over? 2 Apr
Israel recently faced a significant change when the Attorney General ruled that yeshivah students are now subject to IDF drafting, with potential consequence...
2 Apr
JTA Israel says its strike killed 7 World Central Kitchen humanitarian aid workers in Gaza 2 Apr
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged that Israel's military was responsible for a strike that killed seven World Central Kitchen humanitari...
2 Apr
Israel: State of a Nation From Intersectionality to Jihad | Rep. Ritchie Torres on how BDS Perverted The Progressive Cause 2 Apr
US Representative Ritchie Torres discusses how the BDS movement has perverted the progressive cause and addresses the issue of antisemitism within the moveme...
2 Apr
Future of Jewish Israel's army is actually doing a phenomenal job. 2 Apr
The text discusses the ongoing military operations in Gaza led by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in response to Hamas-led terror attacks. Despite facing cri...
2 Apr
Rationalist Judaism BREAKING: Charedim will leave yeshiva to fight! 2 Apr
The Charedi community is facing a shift as the exemption from army service expires, leading to a realization that they can no longer solely focus on Torah st...
2 Apr
Future of Jewish Turns out, Israel is not illegally occupying the West Bank. 2 Apr
The article argues that Israel is not illegally occupying the West Bank, providing historical and legal background to support this claim. It discusses the or...
2 Apr
Tablet The Indigenous Sovereignty Movement Called Zionism 2 Apr
Zionism, as discussed in the text, is framed within the context of the Indigenous Sovereignty Movement, with the focus on the Jewish people's rightful claim ...
2 Apr
Forward Protesters want Netanyahu out. Israel's increasingly dysfunctional government makes that almost impossible 1 Apr
Protests calling for the resignation of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu due to his handling of the government and the ongoing conflict have drawn t...
1 Apr
JTA White House ‘concerned’ after Netanyahu pledges to use new law to shutter Al Jazeera in Israel 1 Apr
The White House has raised concerns after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced plans to shut down Al Jazeera's offices in Israel through a new...
1 Apr
Forward ‘Willing to pay that price’: A Netanyahu spokesperson says clash with US may be unavoidable to vanquish Hamas 1 Apr
Mark Regev, a close adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, expressed that the current tension between Israel and the U.S. is justifiable to de...
1 Apr
Moment Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste 1 Apr
Tensions between the U.S. and Israel peaked recently when the U.S. allowed a UN Security Council resolution on a cease-fire to pass without veto, leading to ...
1 Apr
JTA Michigan congressman says he wasn’t advising nuclear war after telling Israel to approach Gaza ‘like Nagasaki and Hiroshima’ 1 Apr
Michigan Congressman Tim Walberg faced criticism after suggesting that Israel should handle Gaza swiftly akin to Nagasaki and Hiroshima, clarifying he wasn't...
1 Apr
Emes Ve-Emunah Never Waste a Serious Crisis 1 Apr
The current protests in Israel, sparked by the recent hostage situation, are being used as a pretext by demonstrators who actually seek to remove Prime Minis...
1 Apr
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Why the Delay on Rafah? 1 Apr
The discussants explore the complex dynamics between American and Israeli officials regarding military operations in Rafah, highlighting delays influenced by...
1 Apr
The Beinart Notebook Why Biden and Schumer’s Anti-Netanyahu Strategy Won’t Work 1 Apr
The text analyzes why the anti-Netanyahu strategy adopted by some Democrats, including Chuck Schumer, in response to Israel's war in Gaza may not be effectiv...
1 Apr
JTA Protests against Netanyahu escalate in Israel as thousands mass in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv 1 Apr
Protests against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government and calls for securing the release of hostages held in Gaza have escalated in Israel,...
1 Apr
Call Me Back headphones Lessons from Gaza for war against Hezbollah? - with Haviv Rettig Gur 1 Apr
Dan Senor converses with Haviv Rettig Gur about the looming possibility of conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, drawing lessons from Israel's recent milita...
1 Apr
Lehrhaus Is Liberal Zionism Dead? 1 Apr
The text discusses the current crisis facing liberal Zionism, with a focus on the challenges of balancing progressive values with the reality of Israel's pol...
1 Apr
Jewish Insider Trump’s Israel interview divides Republican Jewish community 1 Apr
Former President Donald Trump's recent interview with Israel Hayom has sparked division within the Republican Jewish community regarding his stance on Israel...
1 Apr
Emes Ve-Emunah Is a New Day Dawning for Charedim? 31 Mar
Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch expresses the Charedi viewpoint that Torah study is crucial for Israel's existence, opposing mandatory army service for Charedi youth...
31 Mar
Jewish History Lectures The Jews in Israel before Modern Zionism, 135-1880 31 Mar
This YouTube video explores the history of the Jews in Israel from 135 to 1880, as part two of a lecture series delivered in Vancouver.
31 Mar
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 31 Mar
Joshua Hoffman, representing Future of Jewish, a digital publication focused on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, seeks support for their mission of pro...
31 Mar
Rationalist Judaism A Dose of Unreality 30 Mar
The text discusses the divide between charedim and the rest of Israel regarding military enlistment. It highlights a speech by Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch equati...
30 Mar
Future of Jewish Israel's Most Difficult Decision During This War 30 Mar
Former Israeli General Yaakov Amidror, a respected expert, discussed Israel's challenges in a potential war with Hezbollah in Lebanon. Amidst the Israel-Hama...
30 Mar
Forward Israeli women who spoke out about sex abuse in Gaza are being mocked online. This denial hurts survivors everywhere 30 Mar
Two Israeli women who spoke out about experiencing sexual abuse while held captive by Hamas in Gaza faced online mockery and dismissal of their claims, highl...
30 Mar
Forward 'The most moral army in the world' is posing with Palestinian women's underwear in Gaza 29 Mar
The article discusses incidents of Israeli soldiers engaging in sexual humiliation by posing with and wearing Palestinian women's lingerie, sharing these ima...
29 Mar
Forward 'I'm OK now': How journalism helped one Gaza woman escape the war 29 Mar
Yasmine Ayyoub, a psychologist from Gaza, managed to escape the war-torn region with her husband to Cairo, thanks to donations from readers and a company fac...
29 Mar