Daily Podcasts Video Research
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones The Biden Turn 26 Mar
Eli Lake discusses the implications of the Biden administration's abstention from a UN Security Council ceasefire resolution, indicating a shift in American ...
26 Mar
Future of Jewish Everything is political and cynical. 26 Mar
The text discusses the political and cynical elements at play in various international responses to the Israel-Hamas conflict. It highlights instances where ...
26 Mar
Rationalist Judaism How Many Yeshiva Students Are Needed? 26 Mar
Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv suggested that in ancient times, one person studying Torah was considered enough spiritual protection for a soldier, while today ...
26 Mar
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Israel ‘weighing its options’ on retaliation for Canada’s weapon sales ban, says ambassador Iddo Moed 26 Mar
Israel's ambassador to Canada, Iddo Moed, discusses the impact of Canada's recent decision to halt arms sales to Israel and the broader diplomatic implicatio...
26 Mar
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Israel ‘weighing its options’ on retaliation for Canada’s weapon sales ban, says ambassador Iddo Moed 26 Mar
Israeli Ambassador to Canada, Iddo Moed, discusses the implications of Canada’s recent motion to ban arms sales to Israel, emphasizing the symbolic impact ra...
26 Mar
Forward UN ceasefire resolution is a signal, not a sanction, for Israel 25 Mar
The UN ceasefire resolution passed with US abstention signals a shift in US-Israel relations, indicating President Biden's frustration with Netanyahu's stanc...
25 Mar
Emes Ve-Emunah Who are Israel's Real Friends? 25 Mar
In a strongly opinionated post discussing the support for Israel from different political factions, the author highlights the contrast between Republicans an...
25 Mar
JTA US allows Gaza ceasefire resolution at the UN to pass, prompting anger from Netanyahu 25 Mar
The United States abstained from a UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict, allowing it to pass. This marked the ...
25 Mar
Forward Haredi ‘lost boys’ may find themselves drafted into Israel's army 25 Mar
The article discusses the ongoing debate in Israel regarding the exemption of young Haredi men from mandatory military service if they claim to be studying T...
25 Mar
Forward Haredi ‘lost boys’ may find themselves drafted into Israel's army 25 Mar
Amidst the backdrop of the Israeli Supreme Court's decision to draft ultra-Orthodox men into the army, a significant debate persists about the integration of...
25 Mar
Forward In a first, US withholds its veto and abstains from UN ceasefire resolution 25 Mar
In a significant shift, the US abstained from a UN resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, a departure from its past vetoes on similar resolut...
25 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Biden and Harris throw Israel under the Gaza bus 25 Mar
The US administration's recent actions regarding Israel and the Gaza conflict are causing controversy. While the US abstained from a UN resolution calling fo...
25 Mar
JTA In Israel and beyond, Purim celebrations are tempered by trauma and thoughts of the hostages 25 Mar
Purim celebrations in Israel and worldwide were influenced by ongoing war and the captivity of Israeli soldiers in Gaza. Some adjustments were made to the ho...
25 Mar
Call Me Back headphones Is Israel Alone? With Haviv Rettig Gur 25 Mar
Dan Senor and Haviv Rettig Gur discuss the current geopolitical and economic status of Israel, challenging the notion that Israel stands isolated after the r...
25 Mar
Future of Jewish I just visited the scenes of slaughter in Israel. 25 Mar
The text describes the author's participation in a week-long mission in Sderot, Israel, organized by Shurat HaDin, a legal organization fighting terrorism. T...
25 Mar
Tablet ‘He’s Not Here Physically, But His Soul Is Here’ 25 Mar
Eliran Abergel, a police officer defending Kibbutz Beeri from Hamas terrorists, was killed in action, leaving his wife Eden pregnant with their first child. ...
25 Mar
Unpacked Why was modern day Israel previously called Palestine? #israel #palestine #history 24 Mar
Exploring the historical reasons behind why modern-day Israel was previously called Palestine and its inhabitants referred to as Palestinians, including Jews.
24 Mar
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 23 Mar
Future of Jewish, a digital publication, aims to educate and inspire people about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, offering free access to its content....
23 Mar
JTA IDF is investigating after troops kill Palestinian who converted to Judaism to honor his grandfather, who rescued Jews 22 Mar
The Israeli military is investigating after reservist soldiers shot and killed David Ben Avraham, a Palestinian who converted to Judaism to honor his grandfa...
22 Mar
Forward Why I made cookies for Purim despite — actually, because of — the war 22 Mar
In response to the ongoing conflict and hostage situation involving 134 captives abducted by Hamas, Jodi Rudoren reflects on participating in a social-media ...
22 Mar
JTA Russia and China veto US-led resolution calling for Israel-Gaza ceasefire as part of deal 22 Mar
Russia and China vetoed a U.S.-led UN Security Council resolution that called for a ceasefire in Gaza because they felt it wasn't strong enough and didn't ex...
22 Mar
Jewschool Purim: On Excess  22 Mar
In this insightful piece by Sara Klugman, Purim is explored in the context of current conflicts, particularly the situation in Gaza. Klugman highlights the d...
22 Mar
Emes Ve-Emunah Is Supporting Israel and a Cease Fire Compatible Views? 22 Mar
Ben Shapiro retweeted former US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, who emphasized the strong unity and morale in Israel during the conflict with Hamas, hi...
22 Mar
JTA Out of all the Israeli hostages in Gaza, the one I think about most is Keith Siegel 22 Mar
Aviva Siegel shares the story of her husband Keith Siegel, an Israeli hostage in Gaza, who was taken captive along with their neighbors in October. Aviva was...
22 Mar
Forward I directed a controversial Israel documentary. Efforts to cancel Jonathan Glazer are a symptom of a bigger problem 22 Mar
The article discusses the ongoing backlash faced by Jewish film director Jonathan Glazer after his controversial remarks at the Oscars criticizing Israel. Gl...
22 Mar
JTA Tens of thousands participate in global Shema prayer on behalf of Israeli hostages 22 Mar
Tens of thousands of Jews worldwide participated in a collective recitation of the Shema prayer in support of over 130 Israeli hostages held by Hamas. Organi...
22 Mar
Jewish Chronicle It would be wonderful if Muslims remembered Jerusalem’s significance to Jews 22 Mar
The text explores the evolving significance of Jerusalem in Islam, highlighting its transition from apparent insignificance to utmost importance and its conn...
22 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Getting my wings! How a first-class flight simulator offered me a taste of the high life 22 Mar
Paul Lang, a photographer turned flight simulation center co-founder, fulfills his childhood dream of aviation through Voyager Flight Simulation at London Lu...
22 Mar
Future of Jewish 'Jews are getting too comfortable.' 22 Mar
The text discusses the notion that "Jews are getting too comfortable" and promotes a newsletter called Future of Jewish geared towards those passionate about...
22 Mar
Rationalist Judaism A Nation of Superheroes 22 Mar
The text discusses the popularity of the song "Giburei Al" (Superheroes) in Israel and highlights its significance in understanding Israeli identity. It refe...
22 Mar
Unholy: Two Jews on the News headphones Special Bond - with David Axelrod & Mike Murphy 22 Mar
Political heavyweights David Axelrod and Mike Murphy join to discuss the complex relationship between the Biden administration and Israel, highlighting Chuck...
22 Mar
Forward Don't be fooled: Palestinian suffering in this war is exactly what Hamas wants 21 Mar
In the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, the author argues that Hamas is not working towards a Palestinian state or justice, but rather aims to thwart peace by ...
21 Mar
JTA Netanyahu is unpopular in Israel. But not for the reasons US lawmakers are turning on him. 21 Mar
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing criticism from US Democratic leaders, including President Joe Biden, Senator Bernie Sanders, and Senator ...
21 Mar
JTA How John Fetterman’s outspoken support for Israel won him supporters on the right and critics on the left 21 Mar
John Fetterman, the Pennsylvania Democratic senator, has garnered both support and criticism for his vocal backing of Israel amid the Israel-Hamas conflict. ...
21 Mar
Forward On the National Mall, 3 minutes in a 'Hamas tunnel' 21 Mar
On the National Mall, a shipping container has been set up by advocates for the hostages held by Hamas, aiming to raise awareness. Visitors walk through the ...
21 Mar
Forward After saying Netanyahu has ‘lost his way,’ Chuck Schumer says he would welcome him to address Congress 21 Mar
Senator Chuck Schumer, after criticizing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and calling for new elections in Israel, has stated that he would welcome ...
21 Mar
JTA Schumer says he would welcome Netanyahu to address Congress, one week after saying the Israeli leader has ‘lost his way’ 21 Mar
Senator Chuck Schumer, who had recently criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's leadership, has now stated through a spokesman that he would w...
21 Mar
Jewschool This Purim, Let’s Tell a New Jewish Story 21 Mar
In the article, Zev Mishell discusses the ongoing conflict in Gaza and criticizes liberal Zionist leaders for justifying the violence and destruction there. ...
21 Mar
Hadassah Magazine Discussion: Living in and Covering Israel at War 21 Mar
A panel discussion hosted by Hadassah Magazine's Executive Editor Lisa Hostein will feature English-language journalists in Israel sharing their experiences ...
21 Mar
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Ya’ara Saks explains the photo with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas—and her ‘yes’ vote 21 Mar
Ya'ara Saks, a Canadian-Israeli MP, discusses her diplomatic visit to Ramallah and controversial photo with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas. Saks ...
21 Mar
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Ya’ara Saks explains the photo with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas—and her ‘yes’ vote 21 Mar
Ya’ara Saks, a Canadian-Israeli cabinet minister, addresses the controversy over her meeting with Mahmoud Abbas, emphasizing the importance of engaging in ch...
21 Mar
What Matters Now headphones What Matters Now to Haviv Rettig Gur: Is Netanyahu an obstacle to victory? 21 Mar
Haviv Rettig Gur discusses the Israeli public's profound distrust of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu amid ongoing conflict with Hamas and the Palestinian A...
21 Mar
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones The Stakes in Gaza 21 Mar
The episode dissects the geopolitical tensions surrounding Israel's conflict in Gaza, highlighting a conversation between Israeli official Ron Dermer and Dan...
21 Mar
Rationalist Judaism Half a Yeshiva Student plus Half a Soldier equals Zero Achdus 21 Mar
The debate arises from a viral video showing children dressed as both yeshiva students and soldiers, sparking controversy over the message it conveys. While ...
21 Mar
Moment The Israeli Diaspora Finds A Voice 21 Mar
The text discusses the critique of the marginalization of Israeli women writers in contemporary Hebrew fiction, attributing some of the bias to Jewish religi...
21 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy The power of people-to-people experiences  21 Mar
Israeli students from Shaar HaNegev Regional High School visited San Diego Jewish Academy as part of a people-to-people exchange following the Oct. 7 attacks...
21 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Panko, poppy and sesame seed chicken schnitzel 21 Mar
Leah's Little Book of Jewish Feasts features a recipe for chicken schnitzel, highlighting its popularity as a street food in Israel. The dish is simple and f...
21 Mar
Future of Jewish Israel should be the poster child for 'woke' progressives. 21 Mar
The text discusses how Israel embodies values often championed by 'woke' progressives, despite criticism from some in that community. It explores terms like ...
21 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Rising to the moment: Andrés Spokoiny’s address to JFN 2024 21 Mar
Andrés Spokoiny spoke at the JFN 2024 addressing the profound loss and grief following recent tragedies, emphasizing the inadequacy of the phrase "rest in pe...
21 Mar
Haaretz Weekly headphones Thomas Friedman, Aluf Benn, Noam Tibon and Amir Tibon on the failures of Oct. 7 21 Mar
In a Haaretz Podcast episode discussing the aftermath of the war in Gaza, Thomas Friedman and Aluf Benn explore the challenges facing Israel and the need for...
21 Mar