Daily Podcasts Video Research
Tel Aviv Review headphones The Empire Strikes Back: British Intelligence in the Middle East 1940-1948 9 Nov 2018
Prof. Meir Zamir from Ben-Gurion University discusses British intelligence operations in the Middle East from 1940-1948 in his book "The Secret Anglo-French ...
9 Nov 2018
Israel Policy Pod headphones The Blue and White After the Blue Wave 7 Nov 2018
Following the 2018 U.S. congressional midterm elections, Michael Koplow of the Israel Policy Forum discusses on a podcast the evolving American policies rega...
7 Nov 2018
Israel Policy Pod headphones The Blue and White After the Blue Wave 7 Nov 2018
In this episode of the Israel Policy Pod, Evan Gottesman and Michael Koplow analyze the implications of the 2018 U.S. midterm elections on American policy to...
7 Nov 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones The Yazidis: Loss, Dislocation and Collective Trauma 5 Nov 2018
Idan Barir explores the plight of the Yazidis, a minority group in Iraqi Kurdistan who suffered at the hands of the Islamic State in 2014. This discussion is...
5 Nov 2018
Promised Podcast headphones The “Love’s ‘lections Lost” Edition 1 Nov 2018
In a recycled edition of the Promised Podcast, topics discussed include the lack of rabbinic protest against a liberal abortion law, the role of professors i...
1 Nov 2018
Promised Podcast headphones The “Love’s ‘lections Lost” Edition 1 Nov 2018
In a recycled edition of the Promised Podcast, the hosts delve into topics such as the implications of rabbis not protesting a liberal abortion law, the role...
1 Nov 2018
Tablet How Should We Read the American Press? In Arabic. 1 Nov 2018
Jamal Khashoggi, in his final column, highlighted the impact of state-controlled media in the Arab world and likened the situation to the current state of th...
1 Nov 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Brava Gente: Debunking the Myth of Jew-Loving Italians 29 Oct 2018
Dr. Shira Klein delves into her book "Italy's Jews from Emancipation to Fascism" on the Tel Aviv Review, challenging the widespread belief of Italian love fo...
29 Oct 2018
People of the Pod headphones AJC Passport: Sino-Israeli Relations and Pro-Israel Evangelicals 26 Oct 2018
AJC Passport recently delved into two key topics: Sino-Israeli relations and the role of pro-Israel Evangelicals. The podcast discussed Chinese Vice Presiden...
26 Oct 2018
Israel Policy Pod headphones Mergers and Acquisitions 24 Oct 2018
Ilan Goldenberg, a policy expert, discusses the merger of the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem with the U.S. Embassy to Israel on a podcast with Evan Gott...
24 Oct 2018
Israel Policy Pod headphones Mergers and Acquisitions 24 Oct 2018
The episode discusses the implications of merging the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem with the U.S. Embassy to Israel, impacting Palestinian relations and percep...
24 Oct 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Not So Separate, Certainly Not Equal: A History of Partitions 22 Oct 2018
Arie Dubnov, a history professor at George Washington University, delves into his book "Partitions: A Transnational of Twentieth-Century Territorial Separati...
22 Oct 2018
Promised Podcast headphones The “Salts of the Earth” Edition 18 Oct 2018
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss former IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz's political rise, the controversial topic of mixed marriag...
18 Oct 2018
Promised Podcast headphones The “Salts of the Earth” Edition 18 Oct 2018
In a recent podcast episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss Benny Gantz's rise in Israeli politics despite his elusive opinions...
18 Oct 2018
Tablet My Jerusalem Love Affair 15 Oct 2018
The narrator reflects on their time in Jerusalem in the 1990s, remembering their relationship with Tavit, an Armenian Christian, against the backdrop of the ...
15 Oct 2018
Promised Podcast headphones The “Jewesses Packing Heat” Edition 11 Oct 2018
In this episode of the Promised Podcast, discussions range from the challenges of aging alone among Israeli elderly to the complex perceptions of Jewish wome...
11 Oct 2018
Forward Israeli Spy Firm That Approached Trump First Proposed Dirty Tricks Against BDS 11 Oct 2018
In 2015, the Israeli private intelligence firm Psy-Group proposed to U.S. Jewish donors to undermine the BDS movement through covert tactics that included di...
11 Oct 2018
Tablet The Banality of the Eichmann Trial 9 Oct 2018
The text discusses the banality of the Eichmann trial, highlighting Adolf Eichmann's role as an ordinary German bureaucrat who orchestrated the Holocaust, fo...
9 Oct 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Lessons in Disillusionment: Hans Kohn and the Crisis of Nationalism 8 Oct 2018
Adi Gordon, a professor at Amherst College, delves into his book "Towards Nationalism's End," which explores the life and ideas of Hans Kohn, a prominent 20t...
8 Oct 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Lessons in Disillusionment: Hans Kohn and the Crisis of Nationalism 8 Oct 2018
Adi Gordon, a professor, examines Hans Kohn, a prominent 20th-century scholar of nationalism and former Zionist, in his book Towards Nationalism's End. Gordo...
8 Oct 2018
Forward 1973 Yom Kippur War Captured In Rediscovered Photographs 5 Oct 2018
Nathan Fendrich's rediscovered collection of photographs from the 1973 Yom Kippur War provides a rare and intimate look at the conflict, capturing moments of...
5 Oct 2018
Promised Podcast headphones The “Being Mayor is Tough!” Edition 4 Oct 2018
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss the Palestinian Authority's new schoolbooks promoting anti-Jewish sentiment, leading to a cut in...
4 Oct 2018
Forward Canary Mission Blacklist Funded By Jewish Federation 3 Oct 2018
The Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco has been revealed as a major donor to Canary Mission, a secretive website known for creating dossiers on col...
3 Oct 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Not Just Jihad: Every War Is Holy in Its Own Way 1 Oct 2018
In his book "Religion on the Battlefield," Ron Hassner delves into the role of religious faith and practices in contemporary warfare, arguing that religious ...
1 Oct 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Not Just Jihad: Every War Is Holy in Its Own Way 1 Oct 2018
In the Tel Aviv Review, Ron Hassner, a political science professor at UC Berkeley, delves into his book "Religion on the Battlefield," examining the role of ...
1 Oct 2018
Tablet No Way to Treat Children 28 Sep 2018
Doctors Without Borders is conducting an inquiry after a nurse employed by them, Hani al-Majdalawi, attacked IDF soldiers despite not being in medical attire...
28 Sep 2018
Tablet Welcoming Zionist Ideas Into the Sukkah, Day 5: Occupy Zionism 28 Sep 2018
In a discussion of modern Zionism during the holiday of Sukkot, the tension between the temporary nature of life and the everlasting tradition of the Jewish ...
28 Sep 2018
Promised Podcast headphones The “Israel, Encapsulated” Edition 27 Sep 2018
In a special edition of the Promised Podcast, they feature a conversation with writer Etgar Keret about his memoir "The Seven Good Years," led by Ilene Prush...
27 Sep 2018
Tablet The Rabbi’s Feminist Zionism 27 Sep 2018
The Rabbis Feminist Zionism discusses the intersection of feminism, Zionism, and postmodernism, highlighting Einat Ramon's perspective as a feminist Zionist ...
27 Sep 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Post-Zionism: A Post-Mortem 24 Sep 2018
Eran Kaplan, an Israel Studies professor at San Francisco State University, reflects on the phenomenon of Post-Zionism in his book "Beyond Post-Zionism." Thi...
24 Sep 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Post-Zionism: A Post-Mortem 24 Sep 2018
Eran Kaplan, an Israel Studies professor at San Francisco State University, evaluates the phenomenon of Post-Zionism in his book "Beyond Post-Zionism," notin...
24 Sep 2018
Tablet Welcoming Zionist Ideas Into the Sukkah, Day 1 24 Sep 2018
In an exploration of Zionist ideas during Sukkot, the tension between tradition and change is discussed through an excerpt from Berl Katzenelson's Revolution...
24 Sep 2018
Tablet The Egyptian ‘Angel’ Who Spied for Israel 21 Sep 2018
Ashraf Marwan, son-in-law to Egyptian President Nasser and close to Sadat, spied for Israel before the Yom Kippur War, providing critical warnings of the Ara...
21 Sep 2018
Promised Podcast headphones The “Oslo at 25” Edition 20 Sep 2018
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Gilad Halpern reflect on the 25th anniversary of the Oslo Accords, raising questions about unfulfilled hopes for peace...
20 Sep 2018
Promised Podcast headphones The “Oslo at 25” Edition 20 Sep 2018
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Gilad Halpern reflect on the 25th anniversary of the Oslo Accords, questioning the unfulfilled hope it brought after R...
20 Sep 2018
Israel Policy Pod headphones Preventing Palestine 20 Sep 2018
In the podcast "Preventing Palestine," host Evan Gottesman discusses with Dr. Seth Anziska the implications of historic agreements like the Camp David Accord...
20 Sep 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones All the Middle East's a Stage, and Jews and Arabs Merely Players 17 Sep 2018
Dr. Lee Perlman from Tel Aviv University's Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research delves into his book "But Abu Ibrahim, We're Family!" in which he examine...
17 Sep 2018
Forward Book Claiming Israel Intentionally Maims Palestinians Wins Academic Prize 16 Sep 2018
Rutgers University professor Jasbir Puar's book "The Right to Maim: Debility, Capacity, Disability" won a prize from the National Women’s Studies Association...
16 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books Lost from the Start: Kafka on Spinoza Street 14 Sep 2018
The text delves into the complex legal battle over Kafka's manuscripts and estate following the death of Esther Hoffe. The narrative explores the conflict be...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books Lost in America 14 Sep 2018
"Zot ani, Iowa" by Galit Dahan Carlibach is a dark comedy based on her residency at the University of Iowa, taking fictional liberties with her real-life exp...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books Zionisms, Old and New 14 Sep 2018
Gil Troy critiques Arthur Hertzberg's collection "The Zionist Idea" for its limited view of Zionism and lack of evolution of ideas, leading him to create his...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books A Normal Israel? 14 Sep 2018
Michael Brenner's book explores the complex history of the Zionist movement's quest for a "normal" Israel, highlighting the diverse views within early Zionis...
14 Sep 2018
Promised Podcast headphones The “Yesterday and Today” Edition 13 Sep 2018
In this episode of the Promised Podcast, various topics are discussed, including the environmental consciousness of reusing old discussions alongside new one...
13 Sep 2018
Promised Podcast headphones The “Yesterday and Today” Edition 13 Sep 2018
The Promised Podcast features a blend of new and archival discussions highlighting environmental awareness, with topics including politicians' beliefs in God...
13 Sep 2018
People of the Pod headphones AJC Passport: Middle East Peace with negotiator Aaron David Miller 13 Sep 2018
Aaron David Miller, a former peace process advisor, discusses the 25th anniversary of the Oslo Accords, signed by Rabin, Arafat, and Clinton, which marked th...
13 Sep 2018
Tablet Oslo’s Betrayal 13 Sep 2018
After 25 years since the Oslo Accords, discussions arise on its failure to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with blame placed on Palestinian leaders...
13 Sep 2018
Forward Pro-Israel Group Secretly Ran Misleading Facebook Ads To Target Palestinian-American Poet 12 Sep 2018
The Israel on Campus Coalition (ICC) ran deceptive Facebook campaigns targeting Palestinian-American poet Remi Kanazi during his college campus tours in 2016...
12 Sep 2018
Promised Podcast headphones The “Another Year” Edition 6 Sep 2018
The text discusses various important topics such as President Trump's decision to stop American aid for Palestinian refugees, the increase in homeschooled ch...
6 Sep 2018
Promised Podcast headphones The “Another Year” Edition 6 Sep 2018
Don Futterman, Noah Efron, and Naomi Zeveloff discuss significant topics including Trump cutting funding for Palestinian refugees, a surge in homeschooled Is...
6 Sep 2018
Tablet Doing Birthright as a Mother of Two 5 Sep 2018
A 32-year-old mother of two reflects on her experience participating in Birthright, a trip to Israel aimed at young Jewish adults. Despite not fitting the ty...
5 Sep 2018