Daily Podcasts Video Research
Tablet Kaddish, Revised 26 Jul 2022
After experiencing loss and confronting the traditional Jewish mourning practice of saying Kaddish for a deceased family member, the author reflects on her j...
26 Jul 2022
Unorthodox headphones Mellow Yellow, Ep. 324 14 Jul 2022
This episode of Unorthodox features conversations with Mike Pesca, who discusses his podcasting career and the importance of engaging with differing opinions...
14 Jul 2022
Promised Podcast headphones The “There Will Be Blood” Edition 7 Jul 2022
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Miriam Herschlag, and Noah Efron engage in a discussion covering Yair Lapid becoming Israel's 14th Prime Minister, the trending topic ...
7 Jul 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #96 - Response to Heresy - Spinoza’s Tanach Problem  7 Jul 2022
In this episode, the discussion revolves around how to respond to heresy, exploring traditional approaches to this issue. The question of appropriate respons...
7 Jul 2022
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Deferential No More 1 Jul 2022
Legal scholar Adam White analyzes the Supreme Court's ruling in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency and its significant impact on the administra...
1 Jul 2022
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones What Clarence Thomas Is Up To 28 Jun 2022
Legal scholar Adam White discusses the significance of the Dobbs abortion decision and emphasizes the importance of considering the concurring opinions of Ju...
28 Jun 2022
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Into the Post-Roe Unknown 24 Jun 2022
The Supreme Court has recently overturned the precedents set in Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood, leaving the issue of abortion to be decided at t...
24 Jun 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #94 - Spinoza, Shabtai Tzvi, and Atheism  23 Jun 2022
In this discussion, the focus is on Spinoza's Jewish identity and his denial of being Jewish. The episode explores Spinoza's reaction to the Shabtai Tzvi sto...
23 Jun 2022
Bonjour Chai headphones You Are What You Eat 16 Jun 2022
The podcast episode discusses recent kosher controversies, such as non-Orthodox certification, disruptive behaviors at kosher establishments, and scandals in...
16 Jun 2022
Bonjour Chai headphones Born This Way 9 Jun 2022
The Jewish community has progressed from acknowledging queer Jews to actively working towards their inclusion in Jewish law and practice. The Queer Jewish In...
9 Jun 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #91 - Roe vs Wade - A Torah Perspective  2 Jun 2022
This episode explores the perspective of Torah on abortion and its relevance to the ongoing American debate on the topic, including questioning if the Torah ...
2 Jun 2022
Unorthodox headphones The Conversion Episode, 2022: Ep 319 26 May 2022
This episode of Unorthodox explores personal stories of conversion to Judaism, highlighting the emotional and spiritual journeys of those who choose to join ...
26 May 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Why does sexual abuse in Orthodox communities go unreported and unpunished? 18 May 2022
This episode delves into the troubling issue of underreported sexual abuse in Orthodox Jewish communities, exploring the systemic barriers that prevent victi...
18 May 2022
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Why Everybody Is Going Extreme 17 May 2022
The podcast delves into the shift in electoral behavior before upcoming primaries, questioning why individuals lean towards extreme theories about America ra...
17 May 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones After violent clashes between Haredi and progressive women at the Western Wall, Rachel Cohen Yeshurun isn't giving up the fight 17 May 2022
This episode discusses Rachel Cohen Yeshurun's advocacy for women's rights to pray at the Western Wall with Women of the Wall amidst ongoing opposition from ...
17 May 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Sexually assaulted by a doctor at 17, Lorie Wolf slams rabbis for sending her away with just a cheque 16 May 2022
Lorie Wolf shares her harrowing journey as a sexual assault survivor, criticizing the Orthodox Jewish community for mishandling her case. The episode emphasi...
16 May 2022
Bonjour Chai headphones Plan B from Olam ha-Ba 12 May 2022
Henry Morgentaler, a Holocaust survivor and prominent figure in Canada's pro-choice movement, fought for safe abortions in a once-restrictive system, endurin...
12 May 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones 'A punch in the stomach': Rabbi Ayelet Cohen on why American Jews must speak out to support abortion rights 9 May 2022
Rabbi Ayelet Cohen, the new dean of the Jewish Theological Seminary, emphasizes that abortion is permissible under Jewish law, especially to protect the moth...
9 May 2022
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones The Abortion Earthquake 3 May 2022
Matthew Continetti discusses the significant leak of a Supreme Court draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade on a podcast, addressing the immediate political i...
3 May 2022
Unorthodox headphones 49 Days: Week 1, Chesed 24 Apr 2022
In this episode, Kylie Unell explores the spiritual concept of chesed (loving-kindness) during the first week of counting the Omer. Through personal reflecti...
24 Apr 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Zoom funerals, socially distanced shivas: One rabbi's guide to coping with death during COVID and beyond 21 Apr 2022
In this episode, Rabbi Avraham Plotkin discusses his book on bereavement and addressing death, "Seven Conversations with Jerry," which he wrote while process...
21 Apr 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones After getting fired by Doug Ford, Dianne Saxe hopes to make political history 20 Apr 2022
Dianne Saxe, a Jewish environmental lawyer and former Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, is running for the Green Party in the University-Rosedale riding...
20 Apr 2022
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Throw Those Extra Masks in the Garbage 19 Apr 2022
Legal expert Adam White discusses a Florida judge's decision to end the Biden administration's mask mandate on a podcast, questioning the reasoning behind th...
19 Apr 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Let my shofars go: How the Passover story saved one woman's Judaica from Canadian border control 19 Apr 2022
In this episode, Sara Davis recounts her journey of rediscovering her Jewish roots, which included ordering Jewish ritual items from Israel that were detaine...
19 Apr 2022
Sources An Interview with Martha C. Nussbaum 8 Apr 2022
In this interview, philosopher Martha C. Nussbaum discusses her perspectives on Reform Judaism, emphasizing its evolution towards inclusivity, particularly i...
8 Apr 2022
Unorthodox headphones A Passover to Remember: Ep. 313 7 Apr 2022
This episode delves into various Passover traditions, shedding light on their historical and spiritual significance. The hosts and their guests discuss pract...
7 Apr 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #83 - Understanding the Broad Impact of Rav Chaim Kanievsky זצ"ל 5 Apr 2022
In this episode, the discussion focuses on the wide-reaching impact of Rav Chaim Kanievsky within Israeli Jewry, examining what made him special and why his ...
5 Apr 2022
Sources Jewish Values & Social Media 1 Apr 2022
The article explores the ethical implications of social media through the lens of Jewish values, particularly focusing on the Talmudic concept of "geneivat d...
1 Apr 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #80 - Lessons of the Spinozian Legacy  16 Mar 2022
This episode explores the enduring impact of Spinoza's philosophy on the Western world, highlighting the differences in how Judaism and Christianity approach...
16 Mar 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #79 - Understanding the Russian Ukrainian Conflict  10 Mar 2022
This episode discusses the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, exploring why it is surprising and its historical context. It also delves into the lessons that can be l...
10 Mar 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #78 - The Spinoza Cherem II - The Intellectual Background  3 Mar 2022
This episode delves into the evidence presented to the Beis Din regarding Spinoza and questions whether the attributed statements were made casually. It also...
3 Mar 2022
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones It Begins 24 Feb 2022
Matthew Continetti recently joined a podcast to analyze the Russian war on Ukraine and its implications for American politics and the Right. The discussion d...
24 Feb 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #77 - The Spinoza Cherem 24 Feb 2022
This episode delves into the Cherem placed on Baruch Spinoza by the Amsterdam Jewish community, exploring the halachic definition of a Cherem, the role of sh...
24 Feb 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #76 - The Search for Perfection and Chumras 17 Feb 2022
This discussion delves into humanity's pursuit of perfection and its manifestation in the world, exploring the origins and implications of this innate drive....
17 Feb 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Pulling a rabbit out of their virtual hats, these magicians transformed a pandemic into financial success 17 Feb 2022
Ben Train and Jonah Babins, founders of the Toronto Magic Company, pivoted their careers during the pandemic by taking their magic shows online, achieving si...
17 Feb 2022
Tablet When Justice Breyer Was Called to the Torah 31 Jan 2022
When Justice Stephen Breyer was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1994, a celebration was held by the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists...
31 Jan 2022
Unorthodox headphones Heroes and Villains: Ep. 303 27 Jan 2022
In the latest episode of Unorthodox, the hosts engage in a lively discussion on antisemitism, the Jewish experience in America, and the politics surrounding ...
27 Jan 2022
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones The Democrats’ Mock Senate 18 Jan 2022
This article discusses the challenges faced by the Democratic Party in passing progressive reform in the Senate, highlighting a lack of clear strategy. It al...
18 Jan 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones The United Church angers Canadian rabbis with its new proposed Mideast policy 18 Jan 2022
Canadian rabbis have expressed strong opposition to the United Church of Canada's new Mideast policy, which they believe unfairly targets Israel. The proposa...
18 Jan 2022
Bonjour Chai headphones Ob-La-Di, Omicron, Life Goes On 13 Jan 2022
Rachel B. Gross discusses her book 'Beyond the Synagogue', exploring how nostalgia for mid-20th century Jewish traditions has become a form of religious prac...
13 Jan 2022
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Back on dry land: Canada’s first seafaring Jewish military chaplain reflects on four months on the Pacific 13 Jan 2022
Rabbi Arnold Noteh Glogauer, a Chabad rabbi and Canadian military chaplain, discusses his experiences as the first Jewish chaplain on a Royal Canadian Navy s...
13 Jan 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #71 - De Costa vs Cherniokov - Spinoza’s Family 12 Jan 2022
In this episode, the discussion revolves around the classification of suicide according to Jewish law, questioning its permissibility in certain circumstance...
12 Jan 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #70 - Uriel de Costa - The Tragic End  6 Jan 2022
The episode discusses Uriel de Costa's tragic end, focusing on his attempt to rejoin the Jewish community after writing books against Judaism and religion. T...
6 Jan 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #69 - Uriel de Costa III and R' Yehuda Aryeh de Modena 30 Dec 2021
In this episode, the focus is on Uriel de Costa's controversial books in Hamburg challenging Rabbinic authority and the immortality of the soul, and the comm...
30 Dec 2021
Jamie Geller Support Our Farmers 29 Dec 2021
The video highlights the impact of Shmitah on Israeli farmers and encourages people to donate or support them in fulfilling this mitzvah.
29 Dec 2021
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones COVID in 2022: Canada's new observantly Jewish medical officer of health explains what's to come 27 Dec 2021
In this episode, Dr. Barry Pakes, the new medical officer of health for Ontario's York Region, discusses the challenges and strategies in addressing COVID-19...
27 Dec 2021
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones We Told You So 16 Dec 2021
The announcement that the multi-trillion dollar Build Back Better plan has been shelved for 2021, with doubts about its revival in the upcoming election year...
16 Dec 2021
Unorthodox headphones Big Cheese: Ep. 298 16 Dec 2021
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts discuss a cream cheese shortage and its surprising causes, followed by discussions with Dorothy Kalins on her cookbo...
16 Dec 2021
Forward Why I made a siddur for cigarettes 7 Dec 2021
The author, David Zvi Kalman, designed a cigarette box to look like a small prayer book, which he calls a "cigarette siddur," raising questions about the int...
7 Dec 2021
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Will Abortion Tear the Country Apart? 2 Dec 2021
Constitutional law scholar Adam White discusses the abortion rights case before the Supreme Court, Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health Organization, questioning w...
2 Dec 2021