Daily Podcasts Video Research
Tablet Do Torah Scholars Have the Right Not To Be Drafted by the Government? 28 Jul 2015
The debate over whether Torah scholars should be exempt from military service in Israel has a long history rooted in Talmudic texts. Today, some 50,000 yeshi...
28 Jul 2015
Tablet Baring Myself in the Mikveh 16 Jul 2015
This text describes the author's experience of undergoing a ritual immersion in a mikveh as part of her conversion to Judaism. It details her initial discomf...
16 Jul 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Are Jews really smarter? 9 Jul 2015
Dr. Paul Shrell-Fox, a rabbi and psychologist at the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, discusses the development of Jewish intellect with h...
9 Jul 2015
Tanakh Cast headphones TanakhCast #61: The Summum Malum Edition 7 Jul 2015
TanakhCast #61 is part of an ongoing exploration of the Tanakh, from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, with discussions on four chapters every two weeks. Listeners ar...
7 Jul 2015
Tablet Defining ‘Open Orthodoxy’ 30 Jun 2015
The evolution of Open Orthodoxy is examined through its distinction from traditional Modern Orthodoxy and the shifting needs and values within the Jewish com...
30 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books New Gleanings from an Old Book 17 Jun 2015
In Alon Shevut, the Herzog Academic College hosts an annual seminar on Tanakh, the Jewish Bible, where participants engage in intense study and debate. This ...
17 Jun 2015
Jewish Review of Books How the Baby Got Its Philtrum 17 Jun 2015
The discussion explores the origin of a Jewish legend regarding how a baby gets its philtrum, a small indentation above the upper lip. Initially observed in ...
17 Jun 2015
Tablet Gifts of the Body 12 Jun 2015
The text discusses the concept of gifts of the body within Jewish tradition, focusing on ethical wills, organ donation, and whole body donation. It challenge...
12 Jun 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones The myth of the cultural Jew 5 Jun 2015
Prof. Roberta Ronsethal Kwall's new book "The Myth of the Cultural Jew" explores the idea that even secular Jews have been influenced by Jewish legal traditi...
5 Jun 2015
Jewish Action Covenant & Conversation: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible— Leviticus: The Book of Holiness/The Torah Encyclopedia of the Animal Kingdom—Volume 1: Chayot/Wild Animals 4 Jun 2015
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' Covenant & Conversation: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible Leviticus emphasizes the concept of holiness found in Vayikra, arguing th...
4 Jun 2015
Jewish Action MAKING TISHAH B’AV PERSONAL 4 Jun 2015
The author struggles with understanding the spiritual significance of Tishah B'Av, a somber day on the Jewish calendar commemorating the destruction of the T...
4 Jun 2015
Tablet Embracing Wisdom and Folly 29 May 2015
The discussion explores the complex dilemma of embracing the teachings of revered Jewish figures despite their controversial or immoral actions. Drawing para...
29 May 2015
Forward Rabbi Barry Freundel Gets 6-1/2 Years for Mikveh Peeping 16 May 2015
Rabbi Barry Freundel, a prominent Washington rabbi, was sentenced to 6-1/2 years in prison after pleading guilty to 52 misdemeanor counts of voyeurism for se...
16 May 2015
Tablet Divorce Court: Talmud 5 May 2015
Literary critic Adam Kirsch explores Tractate Ketubot in the Talmud, emphasizing marriage and contract law as a subset of civil law. The discussion delves in...
5 May 2015
Jewish Action The Source of Faith is Faith Itself 20 Apr 2015
Rabbi Lichtenstein reflects on the source of faith based on personal experiences and mentors like his parents and prominent rabbis Rav Hutner and Rav Aaron S...
20 Apr 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Holy matrimony: Zion and the Diaspora in 20th century Jewish thought 2 Apr 2015
Prof. Yossi Turner delves into the evolution of Zionism and the increasing political influence of Jewish communities worldwide in 20th-century Jewish thought...
2 Apr 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Protecting Jews in interwar Europe: How international law tried and failed 27 Mar 2015
During the interwar period in Europe, efforts were made to protect Jews through various minority protection schemes, as explored by historian Prof. Carole Fi...
27 Mar 2015
Tablet A Moving Minyan on the Commute to Tel Aviv 17 Mar 2015
A Jewish man living in Israel describes his commute on the train from Beit Shemesh to Tel Aviv where a group of men create a moving minyan to pray the Shacha...
17 Mar 2015
Jewish Action New Books from OU Press 9 Mar 2015
The OU Press introduces two new books: "Chumash Mesoras HaRav: Sefer Shemos, The Neuwirth Edition," compiled by Dr. Arnold Lustiger, offers a comprehensive c...
9 Mar 2015
Tablet Rare Footage of the Chofetz Chaim Surfaces—From Fox News(reel) 6 Mar 2015
In a rare and exciting discovery, silent movie footage from 1923 capturing a brief 12-seconds of the renowned Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan, better known as the C...
6 Mar 2015
Jewish Action Pesach Dieters, Take Note: You Can Have Your Potato—and Eat It, Too! 3 Mar 2015
Potatoes often get a bad rap for being perceived as fattening due to their carb content, but they are actually nutritious and low in fat, providing essential...
3 Mar 2015
Tablet The Origins of Your Favorite Purim Customs 3 Mar 2015
The essay discusses the origins and controversies surrounding popular Purim customs such as drunkenness, Purimspiels (farcical plays), and wearing costumes. ...
3 Mar 2015
Tablet Israel’s Rabbinic Court System Is Divorced From Reality 27 Feb 2015
"Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem" portrays the struggle of a woman trying to obtain a Jewish divorce document (get) from her husband in Israel’s rabbinic ...
27 Feb 2015
Jewish Action What’s the Truth about . . . Mishloach Manot? 16 Feb 2015
Mishloach Manot, the act of giving food gifts on Purim, does not require the foods to be from different blessing categories, contrary to a common misconcepti...
16 Feb 2015
Jewish Action A Purim Afterthought 11 Feb 2015
The misconception that Mordechai and Esther, the heroes of Purim, were uncle and niece is clarified in this piece, stating they were actually first cousins a...
11 Feb 2015
Jewish Action Hard Truths about Hard Liquor 11 Feb 2015
Many Orthodox Jewish occasions involve the consumption of hard liquor like whiskey and scotch, but it's crucial to note that liquor production may involve no...
11 Feb 2015
Jewish Action Majesty and Mystery: A Commentary on Megillat Esther and The Ma’ariv Evening Service for Purim 1 Feb 2015
Rabbi Norman Lamm's "Majesty and Mystery" is a insightful commentary on Megillat Esther and the Maariv Evening Service for Purim. This collection of Rabbi La...
1 Feb 2015
Tablet Obsessive. Compulsive. And Orthodox. 28 Jan 2015
The author, an Orthodox Jew struggling with OCD, recounts their experience of intrusive thoughts and compulsions that interfered with prayer and daily life. ...
28 Jan 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones How the Bible became holy 8 Jan 2015
Dr. Michael Satlow, a religious studies professor at Brown University, explains the historical processes that led to the Bible becoming regarded as a holy an...
8 Jan 2015
Tablet The Thin Red-and-Green Line 22 Dec 2014
In this personal essay, a convert to Judaism grapples with her love for Christmas traditions and how to navigate celebrating them while being Jewish. Despite...
22 Dec 2014
Tablet Does Jewish Law Allow Torture? 12 Dec 2014
Four Orthodox rabbinic scholars, Michael Wygoda, J. David Bleich, Michael Broyde, and Itamar Warhaftig, assert that Jewish law permits torturing enemies in c...
12 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Thoroughly Modern Maimonides?: A Rejoinder 9 Dec 2014
Josef Stern provides a thoughtful response to Lawrence Kaplan's critique of his reading of Maimonides' "The Guide of the Perplexed," acknowledging that Maimo...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Thoroughly Modern Maimonides?: A Response 9 Dec 2014
Josef Stern responds to Lawrence Kaplan's praise of his book "The Matter and Form of Maimonides Guide" by discussing key issues raised. Stern delves into Mai...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Silence of the Lambs 9 Dec 2014
In "Silence of the Lambs," the discussion revolves around the concept of sacrifice in both ancient religious practices and modern political and ethical conte...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books The Argumentative Jew 9 Dec 2014
The text explores the concept of disagreement within Jewish thought, contrasting it with the desire for consensus found in other philosophical traditions. Wh...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Action Chanukah’s Coming: Ta’am to Make the Latkes 1 Dec 2014
The article discusses various recipes for latkes, a traditional Jewish dish commonly enjoyed during Chanukah. The author shares personal memories of making l...
1 Dec 2014
Jewish Action Variations on the Chanukah Theme 1 Dec 2014
Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm delivered a sermon during Chanukah discussing the order of lighting Chanukah candles and reciting Havdalah, reflecting a clash of princ...
1 Dec 2014
Tanakh Cast headphones TanakhCast #56: The Adieu Adieu Adieu Edition 28 Nov 2014
In TanakhCast episode #56, the discussion revolves around exploring and reflecting on 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, ranging from Genesis to 2 Chr...
28 Nov 2014
Tablet Sampling the Latest Trends in Kosher Food 14 Nov 2014
Kosherfest, a renowned two-day kosher food expo, featured various trends in kosher food this year, including the arrival of Israels Marzipan Bakery in Americ...
14 Nov 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones Bottomless pit: The Cairo Geniza and the untold history of Medieval Jewry 13 Nov 2014
Dr. Moshe Lavee discusses the Cairo Geniza, a collection of Jewish texts found in Egypt detailing ten centuries of Jewish life, revealing a history often ove...
13 Nov 2014
Tablet Long Before Politicians Backed Wage Increases, Talmudic Sages Argued the Cause 3 Nov 2014
The article discusses how Talmudic sages historically argued for fair wages, an issue still relevant today as the debate over income inequality and minimum w...
3 Nov 2014
Tablet There’s Gleaning To Do: How Ancient Sabbatical Laws Can Work in a Modern Economy 6 Oct 2014
The article discusses the relevance of ancient Jewish sabbatical laws, particularly the Shmita, in the modern economy. It explains how the original laws mand...
6 Oct 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones Water laws in British-ruled Palestine: A case study 2 Oct 2014
Dr. David Schorr, a historian at Tel Aviv University, discusses the impact of water laws in British-ruled Palestine on the region's political and legal lands...
2 Oct 2014
Tablet A Brief History of a Fowl Custom 1 Oct 2014
Kapparot, a folk custom originating from the early medieval period, involves waving a chicken over one's head, symbolically transferring sins before its slau...
1 Oct 2014
Jewish Action What’s the Truth about . . . the Arba Minim? 16 Sep 2014
The mitzvah of the Arba Minim (the Four Species) during Sukkot involves holding the lulav, hadasim, and aravot together in one hand and the etrog separately....
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Shaking Up Israel’s Kosher Certification System 16 Sep 2014
The text discusses the case of Ilana Raskin challenging the Jerusalem religious council's attempt to restrict entertainment like belly dancing in venues with...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Thoroughly Modern Maimonides? 16 Sep 2014
"Moshe Halbertal's intellectual biography 'Maimonides: Life and Thought' delves into the relevance of Maimonides in modern times, exploring his contributions...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books I Believe: A Poem 16 Sep 2014
The poem "I Believe" intertwines references to Jewish tradition and practice with the popular TV show Jeopardy!. It includes allusions to Maimonides' 12th Pr...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Action New Books from OU Press 8 Sep 2014
"Headlines" by Dovid Lichtenstein examines contemporary issues faced by Orthodox Jews through a halachic lens, offering researched analyses based on classica...
8 Sep 2014
Forward 2 Mohels Banned After Infants Contract Herpes in Circumcision Rite 5 Aug 2014
In New York City, two mohels have been banned from performing the controversial circumcision rite known as metzitzah b'peh (MBP) after five infants were infe...
5 Aug 2014