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Unorthodox headphones New Beginnings: Ep. 243 17 Sep 2020
This episode of Unorthodox features discussions with Rabbi Sandra Lawson about her innovative approaches to engaging the Jewish community, particularly throu...
17 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus ‘May Memories Rise’- On the Meaning of ‘Ya’aleh ve-Yavo’ 26 Sep 2019
The Yaaleh ve-Yavo prayer recited during Jewish holidays and Rosh Chodesh serves as a substitute for the Temple sacrifices and invokes ancestral virtues and ...
26 Sep 2019
Lehrhaus Tasting the World to Come: A Novel Interpretation of Tzidkatkha Tzedek 18 Jul 2019
In "Tasting the World to Come: A Novel Interpretation of Tzidkatkha Tzedek" by Noam Stadlan, the author challenges the traditional association of the Tzidkat...
18 Jul 2019
Lehrhaus Song of the Sea: Making a Space for Joy and Sorrow 24 Apr 2019
In the essay "Song of the Sea: Making a Space for Joy and Sorrow" by Zach Truboff, the author reflects on his personal experience of loss and grief after his...
24 Apr 2019
Forward Community | Can Prayer Help Us Heal? Doctors Say Yes. 16 Nov 2018
Dr. Joseph Maroon, a neurosurgeon, and medical director for the Pittsburgh Steelers, emphasizes the calming effect of prayer on patients before surgery, citi...
16 Nov 2018
Forward The Yom Kippur Fasting Experience, As Told Through GIFs 13 Sep 2018
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is a significant Jewish holiday that involves fasting from sundown to sundown, accompanied by prayer and reflection. The ex...
13 Sep 2018
Tablet Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Blames 220-Pound Boulder Dislodged From Western Wall on Egalitarian ‘Quarrel-Mongers’ 24 Jul 2018
Jerusalem's deputy mayor, Dov Kalmanovich, attributed the recent falling of a 220-pound boulder from the Western Wall near an egalitarian prayer site to what...
24 Jul 2018
Tablet A Jewish World of Infinite Possibility 24 May 2018
In the 1960s, being a Jewish student meant diverse expressions of Jewish identity, from countercultural activism to celebrating Israel's victories. Havurat S...
24 May 2018
Lehrhaus Prayer in an Age of Distraction 19 Apr 2018
Prayer in an Age of Distraction discusses the challenges of maintaining focus during prayer, particularly in an era of constant digital distractions. It high...
19 Apr 2018
Lehrhaus What Time Should the Early Minyan Begin on Monday? Recognizing mi-sheyakir: Science, Technology, and Sociology 15 Dec 2017
In this essay, Yaakov Jaffe discusses the disconnect between the traditional rabbinic guidance on when to begin morning prayers and the current practices of ...
15 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus Are Modern Orthodox Jews More Comfortable with Mysticism or Anthropomorphism? 2 Oct 2017
In examining the beliefs and practices of Modern Orthodox Jews, there is a discussion around their comfort level with mysticism and anthropomorphism in Judai...
2 Oct 2017
Lehrhaus Why I Don’t Miss Shul on Yom Kippur 28 Sep 2017
The author, Leslie, used to find great meaning in attending shul on Yom Kippur, with its emotional highs and routines, feeling a sense of doing the right thi...
28 Sep 2017
Forward Forward Staffers Dish On Their Yom Kippur Food Cravings — What Are Yours? 26 Sep 2017
On Yom Kippur, a day of fasting and prayer, many struggle with food cravings despite the solemnity of the occasion. The Forward staff shared their Yom Kippur...
26 Sep 2017
Lehrhaus “Like a Fleeting Dream”: U-netaneh Tokef, Dreams, and the Meaning of the High Holy Days 20 Sep 2017
"U-netaneh Tokef, a central prayer of the High Holy Days attributed to Rabbi Amnon of Mainz, focuses on themes of God's judgment, human powerlessness, and th...
20 Sep 2017
Lehrhaus “Like a Fleeting Dream”: U-netaneh Tokef, Dreams, and the Meaning of the High Holy Days 20 Sep 2017
The text delves into the significance of the U-netaneh Tokef prayer in the High Holy Days liturgy, focusing on the phrase "ki-halom yauf" (like a fleeting dr...
20 Sep 2017
Jewish Action Praying to the Wrong God? An Old/New Approach to Tefillah Education 15 Sep 2017
Rafi Eis discusses the challenges in teaching tefillah (prayer) effectively in Jewish education, emphasizing the need to address not only human aspects but a...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action Talking with Rabbi Binyomin Eisenberger 15 Sep 2017
Rabbi Binyomin Eisenberger discusses with Moishe (Mark) Bane the challenges of prayer, emphasizing how tefillah reflects our connection to Hashem and the imp...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action Talking with Rabbi Binyomin Eisenberger 15 Sep 2017
Rabbi Binyomin Eisenberger and Moishe Bane discuss the challenges of prayer, emphasizing that the essence of prayer is developing a deep connection to Hashem...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action Engaging the Teenage Soul: Introducing the NCSY Siddur 15 Sep 2017
NCSY has introduced a groundbreaking siddur designed to engage and inspire teenagers in prayer, featuring stories, questions, and images to help them connect...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action Gates of Prayer: The Ten Terms of Tefillah—Spanning the Spectrum of Prayer 15 Sep 2017
In "Gates of Prayer: The Ten Terms of Tefillah," authored by Shimshon Dov Pincus and reviewed by Gil Student, the focus is on understanding and appreciating ...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action The Best Books on Prayer 15 Sep 2017
The article provides a list of recommended books on prayer that have been found helpful for personal prayer life and teaching, focusing on works from the pas...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action The State of Tefillah 15 Sep 2017
The text discusses the different ways individuals approach prayer, highlighting two main modalities: avodah shebalev, where one connects emotionally and inte...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action The State of Tefillah 15 Sep 2017
In this discussion on the state of prayer ("tefillah"), Daniel Korobkin explores the concept of prayer with intention ("kavanah") versus the recitation of pr...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action The Role of Music in Prayer 12 Sep 2017
Chaim David Berson discusses the significance of music in prayer, mentioning how the right melody or musical theme can enhance the emotional connection durin...
12 Sep 2017
Lehrhaus Get Your Hashkafa Out of My Chumash! 13 Jun 2017
In a discussion responding to concerns about ideological alignment in ritual texts used by Modern Orthodox Jews, Yaakov Jaffe deliberates on the preference f...
13 Jun 2017
Tablet A Prayer in the Forest 7 Jun 2017
The author recounts a night when they got lost in the woods during a camp sleepover, leading them to seek solace in reciting Psalms, particularly Psalm 23, f...
7 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus On the Freedom to Pray: A Response to Professor Jonathan Sarna 5 Jan 2017
Rabbi Jonathan Muskat engages in a thoughtful response to Professor Jonathan Sarna's discussion on the traditional prayer for the government, specifically fo...
5 Jan 2017
Lehrhaus Praying for Governments We Dislike? 5 Jan 2017
Rabbi Jonathan Muskat suggests revising the traditional prayer for the government to focus on invoking blessings upon the country and its citizens rather tha...
5 Jan 2017
Lehrhaus Tosefta 28 Oct 2016
The text discusses a series of dialogues involving Rav Hisda, Abaye, and others, reflecting on themes of self-doubt, imperfection, and prayer. Rav Hisda expr...
28 Oct 2016
Forward Prepent Day 26: What Does it Really Mean to Pray? 29 Sep 2016
In this reflection by Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie, he delves into the concept of prayer, expressing doubts about its nature and efficacy. He recounts a personal ...
29 Sep 2016
Jewish Action New Books From OU Press 20 Sep 2016
The new books from OU Press include "The Mesorat HaRav Birkon" edited by Rabbi David Hellman, offering insights into Jewish liturgy and the teachings of Rabb...
20 Sep 2016
Tablet The Kotel Compromise: An Opportunity Not to Be Missed 6 Sep 2016
The text discusses the significance of the Kotel compromise, a historic agreement reached after intense negotiations between Orthodox, Reform, and Conservati...
6 Sep 2016
Jewish Review of Books Inconceivable 29 Mar 2016
In "Inconceivable," the authors of Midrash Tanchuma explore why the matriarchs were initially barren, suggesting that it was to elicit their prayers and subm...
29 Mar 2016
Tablet My Dog Brought Me Back to Synagogue 11 Dec 2015
The author recounts how the death of their beloved dachshund, Ginger, brought them back to Judaism. Despite a secular upbringing and being agnostic, they fou...
11 Dec 2015
Tablet A Moving Minyan on the Commute to Tel Aviv 17 Mar 2015
A Jewish man living in Israel describes his commute on the train from Beit Shemesh to Tel Aviv where a group of men create a moving minyan to pray the Shacha...
17 Mar 2015
Tablet Twofold 3 Oct 2014
The text describes the author's experiences and reflections on Yom Kippur in various settings, from a synagogue in Jerusalem to a small gathering in a suburb...
3 Oct 2014
Tablet Why I Stopped Saying the Unetaneh Tokef, and Why I’m Ready To Say It Again 24 Sep 2014
The author recounts their personal struggle with reciting the prayer Unetaneh Tokef after the tragic death of their mother, feeling conflicted by its percept...
24 Sep 2014
Jewish Action Yerach Tov: Birkat HaChodesh in Jewish Law and Liturgy 18 Mar 2014
In Rabbi Elchanan Adler's book "Yerach Tov: Birkat HaChodesh in Jewish Law and Liturgy," he delves into the intricate details of the prayer for the new month...
18 Mar 2014
Tablet A Mother’s Kaddish: Mourning for My Son, From the Women’s Section 21 Jan 2014
Shelley Richman Cohen recounts her journey of mourning her son Nathaniel, who passed away at 21 due to Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. She reflects on the meani...
21 Jan 2014
Tablet Birnbaum Siddur, Philip Birnbaum (1977) 17 Sep 2013
Philip Birnbaum, known for his Siddur published in 1977, is a Polish-born translator and editor who aimed to make Jewish liturgy more accessible for an Ameri...
17 Sep 2013
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Spring 2011 27 Feb 2013
The text discusses the independence in prayer in the Jewish community, particularly focusing on funding and critique of the independent minyan movement. One ...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Minyan 2.0 27 Feb 2013
Abraham Joshua Heschel's 1953 speech highlighting the need for more meaningful prayer experiences serves as a backdrop for the rise of over sixty independent...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Endless Devotion 27 Feb 2013
The Koren Siddur, a new Hebrew-English prayer book by Koren Publishers edited by Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks, competes with the ArtScroll Siddur and offer...
27 Feb 2013
Tablet The Last Kaddish 10 Dec 2012
The author reflects on the completion of the mourning period and the final recitation of the Kaddish for his mother. He shares memories of her kindness, resi...
10 Dec 2012
Jewish Action Reflections on the Power of Prayer 18 Sep 2012
The text explores the power and relevance of prayer in Judaism, emphasizing the importance of speaking to God in one's own words to feel His presence in dail...
18 Sep 2012
Jewish Review of Books The Limits of Prayer 28 Jun 2010
The Mishnah teaches that it is futile to pray to change past events, emphasizing the importance of accepting what has already transpired. The discussion on t...
28 Jun 2010
Tablet Easy Reading 28 Oct 2009
In a discussion of Jewish poetry, two prominent poets, Philip Levine and Hank Lazer, are compared. Levine, known for his clarity, tells real-life stories in ...
28 Oct 2009
Tablet Yom Kippur FAQ 21 Sep 2009
Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement, occurring on September 27-28 in 2020, where Jews fast, repent, and seek forgiveness for sins. It is the most significant ...
21 Sep 2009