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Future of Jewish Holocaust Remembrance Day is just different this year. 27 Jan
In this article, the author discusses the unique circumstances surrounding Holocaust Remembrance Day this year. They mention the recent Palestinian massacre ...
27 Jan
Future of Jewish Follow the Money: Why Qatar Actually Supports Hamas 26 Jan
The article discusses the reasons behind Qatar's support for Hamas, despite positioning itself as a mediator in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Qatar provi...
26 Jan
Future of Jewish Hamas underestimated the DNA of Israeli society. 26 Jan
The article discusses the unique societal dynamics in Israel, highlighting the close-knit nature of the country where there is almost no separation between p...
26 Jan
Future of Jewish 30 Mind-Boggling Questions About the Israel-Hamas War 25 Jan
This article presents 30 thought-provoking questions about the Israel-Hamas war, covering a range of topics from the role of Iran in Syria and Lebanon, to th...
25 Jan
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 25 Jan
The email is from Joshua Hoffman, who is reaching out on behalf of Future of Jewish, a digital publication with a mission to provide inspiration, education, ...
25 Jan
Future of Jewish A Letter to My Hamas-Supporting Neighbors 24 Jan
The author writes a letter to their Hamas-supporting neighbors, expressing their desire for peace but also their support for Israel's response to Hamas' acti...
24 Jan
Future of Jewish I am a proud British Jew. But now, I feel nervous. 24 Jan
The author, a British Jew, expresses her fear and concern in the wake of recent attacks on Jews and Israel by Hamas. She compares the global reactions to the...
24 Jan
Future of Jewish Why the Israelis and Saudis Are Quickly Falling in Love 23 Jan
Saudi Arabia and Israel have been showing increased interest in normalizing their relations, driven by their shared enemy, Iran. The rivalry between Saudi Ar...
23 Jan
Future of Jewish Our son is joining the IDF — now. 23 Jan
In this personal essay, the writer reflects on their son's upcoming induction into the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the mixed emotions they are experienci...
23 Jan
Future of Jewish How the Palestinians Hijacked the Jewish Culture War 22 Jan
The article discusses the hijacking of the Jewish culture war by the Palestinians, particularly in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It highlight...
22 Jan
Future of Jewish Early Signs of a Historically Horrendous Deal 22 Jan
The Wall Street Journal has reported that the United States, Egypt, and Qatar are proposing a comprehensive plan to end the conflict between Israel and Hamas...
22 Jan
Future of Jewish The Fantasy of a Two-State Solution 21 Jan
The author argues against the idea of a two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, highlighting the rejection of the 1947 UN Partition Plan by ...
21 Jan
Future of Jewish Not everyone hates us. 21 Jan
During the World Economic Forum in Davos, several individuals and countries expressed support for Israel and condemned anti-Semitism. CEO of Palantir Technol...
21 Jan
Future of Jewish A South African Jew asks: Is it time to go? 20 Jan
In this guest essay by Howard Sackstein, the chairperson of the SA Jewish Report, he contemplates whether it is time for South African Jews to leave the coun...
20 Jan
Future of Jewish When Waging War Collides With Playing Politics 20 Jan
Israel is grappling with both mourning and political struggles in the aftermath of the recent violence. While Israelis have historically preferred to keep th...
20 Jan
Future of Jewish Why So Many Liberals Get Israel Wrong 20 Jan
The article discusses why many liberals misunderstand Israel. It explains that liberals tend to hold idealistic views about international relations, focusing...
20 Jan
Future of Jewish Facts on the Ground: A Visit to Wartime Israel 19 Jan
The author shares their recent visit to Judea and Samaria (West Bank), Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv, where they engaged in discussions with various individuals su...
19 Jan
Future of Jewish When Rabbis Futilely Oversimplify 19 Jan
Rabbi David Wolpe oversimplified the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by suggesting that peace could be achieved if Palestinians accepted the legitimacy of a Jew...
19 Jan
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 18 Jan
Joshua Hoffman is reaching out on behalf of Future of Jewish, a digital publication with a mission to provide inspiration, education, and connection to Judai...
18 Jan
Future of Jewish Calling All Jewish Contrarians 17 Jan
The article explores the importance of contrarian thinking within Jewish culture and history. It highlights figures like Abraham, who stood apart from the do...
17 Jan
Future of Jewish Why the Enlightenment Didn’t Go Very Far 17 Jan
The article discusses the Enlightenment and its relevance today. The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement in the 17th and 18th centuries that emphasize...
17 Jan
Future of Jewish In big countries, people want to feel important. In Israel, they are. 16 Jan
Israel is a small country in terms of size and population, but its people have a unique mentality that empowers them to punch above their weight. This can be...
16 Jan
Future of Jewish The Only Thing More Dangerous Than Hamas 16 Jan
The article discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, highlighting the long-standing challenge for Israel to achieve a decisive victory. It em...
16 Jan
Future of Jewish 100 Things We've Learned After 100 Days of War 15 Jan
The article discusses various lessons learned after 100 days of war between Israel and Hamas. It highlights that Germany has been a true friend to Israel, wh...
15 Jan
Future of Jewish The Extremely Complicated Politics of Wartime Israel 14 Jan
This article discusses the complex politics surrounding Israel during times of war. It highlights the role of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and h...
14 Jan
Future of Jewish In the Mind of an Antisemite 14 Jan
The article refutes several common antisemitic beliefs about Jews and Israel. It highlights that Jews do not control the world, as Jews struggle to defend th...
14 Jan
Future of Jewish We need to talk about journalists in Gaza. 13 Jan
The article discusses the issue of journalists in Gaza, particularly in relation to the recent conflict between Hamas and Israel. It argues that Hamas inflat...
13 Jan
Future of Jewish 21 Things Israel Should Really Tell the World Court 13 Jan
In this article, the author argues that Israel should present its case against South Africa's allegations of genocide in plain language at the International ...
13 Jan
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 12 Jan
Future of Jewish, a digital publication focused on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, has made their content free to provide access to a wider audience. ...
12 Jan
Future of Jewish Islamophobia is making a dangerous comeback. 12 Jan
The article discusses the issue of Islamophobia and argues that there are rational reasons to be fearful of Islam and Muslims due to their geopolitical influ...
12 Jan
Future of Jewish And then they put Israel on trial. 11 Jan
Israel has found itself in front of the International Court of Justice in The Hague for the first time, absurdly charged with genocide by South Africa. The a...
11 Jan
Future of Jewish Israel, the Palestinians, and a Curious Case of Selective Outrage 11 Jan
The article discusses the concept of selective outrage in relation to the Israel-Palestine conflict. It highlights how people tend to only express outrage or...
11 Jan
Future of Jewish The Best Advice Against Antisemitism — From an Antisemite 11 Jan
The author discusses the question of how to fight antisemitism when there are antisemites among us. He argues that the best advice against antisemitism comes...
11 Jan
Future of Jewish When Israeli Soldiers Become Parents 10 Jan
Israeli military service is a significant part of Israeli society, as it is mandatory and seen as a rite of passage. High school students take steps to impro...
10 Jan
Future of Jewish The Arab Rebels of Twitter 9 Jan
There seems to be a growing distrust among young Iranians towards their government, leading to a deep critique of the regime. Additionally, there are individ...
9 Jan
Future of Jewish The Ultimate Enemy of Israelis and Palestinians 9 Jan
The text discusses the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and suggests that the ultimate enemy in this conflict is the ego, as both Israelis and Palestinians have ...
9 Jan
Future of Jewish Recency bias is sabotaging the Jewish People. 8 Jan
The article discusses the concept of recency bias and its impact on the Jewish people. It argues that recency bias is causing short-term decision-making that...
8 Jan
Future of Jewish A Guide to Reading the News About Israel 8 Jan
The author discusses the challenges of consuming news about Israel, highlighting the tendency of media outlets to focus on sensational headlines rather than ...
8 Jan
Future of Jewish The Global Economy of 'Palestine' 7 Jan
The article discusses the economic situation in the Palestinian territories and the role of corruption and terrorism in shaping it. It highlights the history...
7 Jan
Future of Jewish The Wisdom of Jewish Trauma 6 Jan
The article explores the concept of Jewish trauma and its generational effects. It discusses how traumatic experiences, such as the Holocaust, can be passed ...
6 Jan
Future of Jewish Ending Western Prejudice Against Israel, Once and for All 6 Jan
The article discusses the Western prejudice against Israel and the lack of understanding of non-Western cultures in general. It highlights the Western miscon...
6 Jan
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 5 Jan
The Future of Jewish is a digital publication that aims to provide inspiration, education, and connection with Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world. It has ...
5 Jan
Future of Jewish The One War Israel Cannot Win 4 Jan
The article discusses the war of information between Israel and the Palestinians, highlighting that this is the only war Israel cannot win. The Palestinians ...
4 Jan
Future of Jewish The Palestinians: A Forever-Changing Fable 4 Jan
The article discusses the ever-changing narrative surrounding the Palestinians and their conflict with Israel. It identifies four key points in the Palestini...
4 Jan
Future of Jewish Israel just reminded the world who it is. 3 Jan
On Tuesday, an Israeli drone assassinated Hamas deputy chairman Saleh al-Arouri in Beirut, Lebanon. This targeted killing, far away from the Israel-Lebanon b...
3 Jan
Future of Jewish An Underrated New Year's Resolution for Us All 3 Jan
This article discusses the issue of labeling in modern societies, highlighting how excessive labeling can lead to confusion and conflicts. It emphasizes the ...
3 Jan
Future of Jewish The UN is in bed with Iran's Islamic regime. 2 Jan
The article discusses the UN's suspicious relationship with Iran's Islamic regime. It highlights instances where the UN has shown support for Iran, such as a...
2 Jan
Future of Jewish How the Palestinians Use Gaslighting to Win in a Post-Truth World 2 Jan
This text discusses the concept of gaslighting and how it is used by Palestinian leaders to manipulate public opinion. Gaslighting is a tactic where a perpet...
2 Jan
Future of Jewish Israel's Million-Shekel Question 1 Jan
The author discusses the recent protests in Tel Aviv against the Israel-Hamas war. While some Israelis conflate their distaste for Prime Minister Benjamin Ne...
1 Jan
Future of Jewish 2023: What a Year for the Jewish World 1 Jan
The text describes various events and issues that occurred in the Jewish world in 2023. These include the banning of Anne Frank's diary in some US schools, t...
1 Jan