Daily Podcasts Video search
Promised Podcast headphones How do you solve a problem like Ted Cruz? 2 Apr 2015
Allison, Don, and Noah engage in discussions on Ted Cruz's support for Israel amidst his presidential candidacy announcement, the issue of ex-generals influe...
2 Apr 2015
Promised Podcast headphones The "Angry, Angry Ashkenazim" Edition 26 Mar 2015
In this edition, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss Peter Beinart's suggestion for American Jews to pressure Israel, Moshe Arens' claim that opposition to Netany...
26 Mar 2015
Promised Podcast headphones We-the-People have spoken! (What the hell did we say?) 19 Mar 2015
Allison, Don, and Noah address the recent Israeli elections, questioning the true message behind Netanyahu's apparent landslide victory and delving into the ...
19 Mar 2015
Promised Podcast headphones #IsraElex: The mourning after Bibi’s near-death experience 18 Mar 2015
The text discusses a special election panel featuring Noah Efron, Debra Kamin, and Gil Troy, focusing on the aftermath of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Net...
18 Mar 2015
Promised Podcast headphones The "Thou Shalt Not be a Dick!" Edition 12 Mar 2015
In this edition, Don, Noah, and Allison discuss the upcoming Israeli elections and their expectations. They also delve into the Israel Prize, noting its abse...
12 Mar 2015
Promised Podcast headphones Death, Tyranny & the Pursuit of Jihad in the US Congress 5 Mar 2015
In this discussion, the topics covered include Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech to the US Congress and its impact on relations with Iran and Israel, the inf...
5 Mar 2015
Promised Podcast headphones The 'Collecting Jews' Edition 25 Feb 2015
In this episode of 'The Collecting Jews' podcast, hosts Don and Noah, along with guest Judy Maltz, discuss the State Comptroller's report exposing the extrav...
25 Feb 2015
Promised Podcast headphones Scenes from the Class Wars, Culture Wars, and Ideology Wars 19 Feb 2015
The podcast "Scenes from the Class Wars, Culture Wars, and Ideology Wars" features Allison, Noah, and guest Ilene Prusher discussing significant topics inclu...
19 Feb 2015
Promised Podcast headphones The “Jumpin’ Hegemony” Edition 11 Feb 2015
The discussion in "The Jumpin Hegemony Edition" covers several topics: (1) the reasons why Mizrahim tend to avoid affiliating with the political Left due to ...
11 Feb 2015
Promised Podcast headphones Poking Obama in the eye? 4 Feb 2015
The podcast touches on three main topics: Prime Minister Netanyahu's controversial decision to address the US Congress close to Israeli elections, causing te...
4 Feb 2015
Promised Podcast headphones The “Hell is Other People” Edition 28 Jan 2015
In this discussion, Allison, Don, and Noah cover significant topics including the cancellation of a Charlie Hebdo event by Israeli bookstore Steimatzky, the ...
28 Jan 2015
Promised Podcast headphones The 'Where are the Women?' Edition 21 Jan 2015
In a podcast episode, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the Labor Party primaries, questioning if the party combining distributive justice and territorial compr...
21 Jan 2015
Promised Podcast headphones Gimme that ol’ time arrogance 14 Jan 2015
The article delves into various topics within Israeli politics and culture. It critiques Israel's leaders for their perceived arrogance following the Paris t...
14 Jan 2015
Promised Podcast headphones The "losing faith" edition 7 Jan 2015
In this episode, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the Israeli government's decision to withhold Palestinian tax money, raising questions about Israel's diploma...
7 Jan 2015
Promised Podcast headphones The “Crucial, last-chance, decisive watershed” edition 31 Dec 2014
In a podcast discussion, Allison, Don, and Noah examine the exaggerated rhetoric surrounding Israel's elections, questioning if such framing may lead to disa...
31 Dec 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The “give peace a deadline” edition 24 Dec 2014
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the Palestinian proposal for peace negotiations with a deadline set by the UN Security Council, questioning the potential outc...
24 Dec 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The "e pluribus screw 'em" edition 17 Dec 2014
In this episode, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the Labor Party's attempts to unite center-left parties in Israel, focusing on the Livni-Herzog rotation and ...
17 Dec 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Woman of valor, who will elect? 10 Dec 2014
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the campaign to have ultra-Orthodox women run in upcoming elections, potentially signaling shifts within the community. They a...
10 Dec 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The "Pal of the Poll" Edition 3 Dec 2014
Israel is gearing up for new elections following the 2013 elections, with concerns about the cost and focus on style over substance. The Secretary General of...
3 Dec 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Much a-Jew about nothing 26 Nov 2014
In a conversation with Allison, Don, and Noah, the discussion revolved around the Jewish State bill potentially causing turmoil within the Israeli coalition ...
26 Nov 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Squirmin’ on the Mount 19 Nov 2014
Following the tragic events at a Jerusalem synagogue, a discussion on the permission for Jews to pray at the Temple Mount and the possibility of a religious ...
19 Nov 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The ‘Jewesses with Guns’ Edition 12 Nov 2014
The text discusses the current situation in Israel, questioning whether the recent violence signifies the start of a new intifada. It also explores lawmaker ...
12 Nov 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The “What’s Red and Blue got to do with Blue and White?” Edition 5 Nov 2014
In a discussion led by Allison, Don, and Noah, three significant topics are covered: Prime Minister Netanyahu displays open support for American Republicans,...
5 Nov 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The 'Whither Jerusalem?' Edition 29 Oct 2014
The discussion on 'Whither Jerusalem?' addresses the recent violence in Jerusalem and the debate on the potential start of the Third Intifada, proposing the ...
29 Oct 2014
Promised Podcast headphones A tale of two lefties 21 Oct 2014
In a discussion between Allison, Don, and Noah, several topics are touched upon, including the contrasting views of Israeli MKs Zahava Gal-On and Hilik Bar o...
21 Oct 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The 'calamari is kosher, right?' edition 15 Oct 2014
In this podcast episode, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the idea of potentially dividing Israel into smaller, more culturally and ideologically homogenous lo...
15 Oct 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The 'doctors, lawyers, and rabbis' edition 7 Oct 2014
In this edition, Allison, Don, and Noah delve into the topics of doctors' public political expressions, the judging of judges by lawyers in Israel, and the r...
7 Oct 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Fear and loathing at the UN 30 Sep 2014
Allison, Don, and Noah engage in discussions about various topics including recent speeches by PA President Abbas and Israeli PM Netanyahu at the UN, the rul...
30 Sep 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The death and life of the Left 24 Sep 2014
The article discusses the decline of the Israeli Left, questioning whether its focus on international issues led to its demise instead of addressing domestic...
24 Sep 2014
Promised Podcast headphones You say goodbye, and I say hello 18 Sep 2014
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the Unit 8200 'refuseniks' exposing Israeli intelligence practices, questioning if they were justified and why there is opposi...
18 Sep 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Acts of conscience, acts of love 11 Sep 2014
In a podcast episode, host Noah Efron interviews IDF reservist Gilad Halpern, a conscientious objector who spent time in military jail for objecting to his c...
11 Sep 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The '988 acres of land' edition 4 Sep 2014
In their discussion, Allison, Don, and Noah address the Israeli government's appropriation of 988 acres of land from Palestinian villages for a new settlemen...
4 Sep 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The 'war’s end' edition 28 Aug 2014
In the discussion, Allison, Don, and Noah explore the significance of the recent ceasefire in Israel and how it can be utilized to build a better future amid...
28 Aug 2014
Promised Podcast headphones what now? 21 Aug 2014
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the potential impact of war on perceptions, examining whether conflict in Gaza influences hawkish viewpoints. They also delve ...
21 Aug 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The 'one-and-a-half state' solution 14 Aug 2014
In a discussion on the "one-and-a-half state" solution, the topic of Israel's peace prospects under Netanyahu's leadership and the role of gender in war and ...
14 Aug 2014
Promised Podcast headphones 'What's the blockade about?' edition 7 Aug 2014
Ilene, Don, and Noah discuss the purpose and impact of Israel's blockade on Gaza, questioning its effectiveness and consequences. They also consider European...
7 Aug 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The way the war ends 31 Jul 2014
The discussion reflects on the ways to end the war in Israel, questioning if Israeli demands for 'demilitarization' could prolong the conflict. It also consi...
31 Jul 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The 'asymmetrical' edition 24 Jul 2014
In a discussion about asymmetry in various contexts, the article raises questions about Israel's military dominance becoming a weakness, and whether Hamas' v...
24 Jul 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The 'Better Times' Edition 17 Jul 2014
The text discusses various experiences and reflections of individuals living in Israel. It includes segments such as dancing the Ethiopian shoulder shake on ...
17 Jul 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Gimme Shelter 10 Jul 2014
The discussion in this piece delves into the complexities faced by Jewish individuals regarding morality, social justice, and security in Israel. It touches ...
10 Jul 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Letters to a young cadet contemplating conscientious objection 3 Jul 2014
Tzipi Livni and Yair Lapid are being questioned if they should resign from Netanyahu's government, especially since their initial goal of promoting peace see...
3 Jul 2014
Promised Podcast headphones 'Sextremism' in the war on patriarchy is no vice! 26 Jun 2014
The article discusses the political debate in Israel, questioning if the recent solidarity following West Bank kidnappings is overshadowing the need to hold ...
26 Jun 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Losing Patience, Losing Power, & Losing Dignity 19 Jun 2014
In this episode of the Promised Podcast, the hosts address the complexity of the recent West Bank teen kidnappings. They steer away from the topic due to its...
19 Jun 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Oy, the dissonance! 12 Jun 2014
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the complexities surrounding Israel's newly elected President, Rubi Rivlin, who is seen as a mensch but opposes a two-state so...
12 Jun 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Hamas, Darwin & Google 5 Jun 2014
This article discusses various topics including the reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah in the Palestinian Authority, the concept of the right to be forgo...
5 Jun 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Dining Out on Sacred Cow 29 May 2014
In a discussion on the TLV1 show "Dining Out on Sacred Cow," Allison, Don, Noah, and guest Ayelet Waldman explore the balance between Jewish and Democratic v...
29 May 2014
Promised Podcast headphones For Richer or Poorer, for Better or Verse 22 May 2014
In a discussion including topics such as a member of the Israeli Parliament criticizing the lack of respect for Torah amidst celebrations for Maccabi Tel Avi...
22 May 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The conflict? There’s an app for that now 15 May 2014
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the iNakba iPhone app that highlights Palestinian dispossession, Netanyahu's plan to legally define the Talmud in Israeli law,...
15 May 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Drawing Lines & Drawing Conclusions 8 May 2014
In this podcast episode, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the exclusion of J-Street from the Conference of Presidents, the controversy surrounding alternative ...
8 May 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Politicizing, Psychologizing & Corporatizing 1 May 2014
Allison, Don, Eilon, and Noah engage in a discussion covering three main points: the concern over trivializing the Holocaust by applying it to current politi...
1 May 2014