Daily Podcasts Video Research
Tel Aviv Review headphones Are Jews really smarter? 9 Jul 2015
Dr. Paul Shrell-Fox, a rabbi and psychologist at the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, discusses the development of Jewish intellect with h...
9 Jul 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones My life as an Israeli in an Indian reservation 9 Jul 2015
Dr. Michal Segal Arnold, a lawyer and political scientist, shares her experience living for a year as the only non-Indian in Reservation Prairie Island in so...
9 Jul 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Traveling sales boys: Palestinian 'children of the junction' 26 Jun 2015
Omri Grinberg, an anthropologist at the University of Toronto, discusses his research with host Gilad Halpern, focusing on Palestinian "children of the junct...
26 Jun 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Babel in Zion: The inculcation of Hebrew in pre-state Israel 26 Jun 2015
Dr. Liora Halperin, a professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, discusses the promotion of the Hebrew language in pre-state Israel with host Gilad Hal...
26 Jun 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Stranger among us: An Israeli's study of the UK Palestinian diaspora 20 Jun 2015
Dr. Amira Halperin, an Israeli communications scholar, has conducted a unique study on the UK Palestinian diaspora, being the first Israeli researcher to do ...
20 Jun 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Never again? East German and radical left West German attitudes to Israel 19 Jun 2015
Professor Jeffrey Herf discusses the attitudes of East Germany and the radical left in West Germany towards Israel from 1967 to 1989, exploring how these vie...
19 Jun 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Jewish Orthodoxy in the grip of nationalism 11 Jun 2015
Professor Yosef Salmon from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev delves into the intricate relationship between Zionism and Judaism in his book "Do Not Provoke...
11 Jun 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Landscape Orientalism: Early photography in the Holy Land 11 Jun 2015
Dr. Edna Barromi Perlman, a photography scholar and professor at the University of Haifa, discusses with host Gilad Halpern the significance of landscape pho...
11 Jun 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Landscape Orientalism: Early photography in the Holy Land 11 Jun 2015
Dr. Edna Barromi Perlman discusses how early landscape photography in Israel became a powerful political and ideological tool, exploring the concept of Lands...
11 Jun 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones The Prince: The emergence of the elites in early 20th-century Saudi Arabia 6 Jun 2015
Nachum Shiloh, a PhD candidate at Tel Aviv University, discusses his research on the emergence of Saudi elites in the early 20th century with host Gilad Halp...
6 Jun 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones The myth of the cultural Jew 5 Jun 2015
Prof. Roberta Ronsethal Kwall's new book "The Myth of the Cultural Jew" explores the idea that even secular Jews have been influenced by Jewish legal traditi...
5 Jun 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones The Prince: The emergence of elites in early 20th-century Saudi Arabia 2 Jun 2015
The text discusses the emergence of elites in early 20th-century Saudi Arabia, highlighting the ultraconservative nature of the society, characterized by a c...
2 Jun 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Let there be light! The evolution of candle-lighting practices in Ashkenaz 22 May 2015
Dr. Susan Nashman Fraiman, an art historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, discusses her research on the development of candle-lighting practices, pa...
22 May 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones On the beneficiaries and victims of ‘Ashkenazi privilege’ in Israel 22 May 2015
Professor Meir Amor, a Mizrahi activist and sociologist at Concordia University, discusses the Mizrahi struggle with host Gilad Halpern, shedding light on th...
22 May 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Hannah Arendt under the microscope 15 May 2015
Dr. Michal Aharony from Beit Berl Academic College discusses her book "Hannah Arendt and the Limits of Total Domination" with host Gilad Halpern, focusing on...
15 May 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Le parti c'est moi: Ben-Gurion and Mapai party politics in the early state years 15 May 2015
Dr. Avi Bareli from Ben-Gurion University explores the power dynamics within Israel's ruling party, Mapai, during the early years of the state. Contrary to p...
15 May 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Hannah Arendt under the microscope 13 May 2015
This text explores the theories of Jewish-German philosopher Hannah Arendt on totalitarianism by examining testimonies from Holocaust victims and survivors. ...
13 May 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Moments and movements of resistance in Israel and beyond 9 May 2015
Prof. Lev Grinberg from Ben-Gurion University discusses his book "Mo(ve)ments of Resistance," offering a new analysis of power dynamics between the governmen...
9 May 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Multiculturalism in Israel: Literary Perspectives 8 May 2015
Dr. Adia Mendelson-Moaz discusses multiculturalism in Israel through literary works by various groups such as Arabs, Mizrahis, Russians, and Ethiopians, emph...
8 May 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones The birth of a Zionist myth 25 Apr 2015
Dr. Ofer Nurdheimer Nur of Tel Aviv University discusses the origin of a significant Zionist myth surrounding the establishment of Upper Bitania in the 1920s...
25 Apr 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Terrorism in Cyberspace: The next generation 17 Apr 2015
Prof. Gabriel Weimann from the University of Haifa discusses the evolution of terrorist communication on the Internet with host Gilad Halpern. Dr. Caroline L...
17 Apr 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Holy matrimony: Zion and the Diaspora in 20th century Jewish thought 2 Apr 2015
Prof. Yossi Turner delves into the evolution of Zionism and the increasing political influence of Jewish communities worldwide in 20th-century Jewish thought...
2 Apr 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Protecting Jews in interwar Europe: How international law tried and failed 27 Mar 2015
During the interwar period in Europe, efforts were made to protect Jews through various minority protection schemes, as explored by historian Prof. Carole Fi...
27 Mar 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones The birth of the cosmopolitan Jew – The Tel Aviv Review 20 Mar 2015
Prof. Sander Gilman from Emory University discusses his latest study "Aliens vs Predators: Cosmopolitan Jews vs Jewish Nomads," highlighting the concept of t...
20 Mar 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones TLV1’s Live Election Coverage: Tue 9PM & Wed 7AM (Israel time) 16 Mar 2015
TLV1 is offering live coverage of Israel's elections with anchors Ilene Prusher and Gilad Halpern on Tuesday from 9-11 PM (Israel time) as exit polls are rel...
16 Mar 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones More than moneylending: The economic history of the Jews 15 Mar 2015
Economist Zvi Eckstein explores the economic history of Jews beyond moneylending, offering insights into the demographic shifts of the Jewish people. Meanwhi...
15 Mar 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones All her daughters: The story of Jerusalem's legendary headmistress 4 Mar 2015
Prof. Laura Schor explores the life of Annie Landau, a prominent figure in Jerusalem during a tumultuous period, in her book "The Best School in Jerusalem: A...
4 Mar 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Israel's Bedouin and the line between tradition and modernity 27 Feb 2015
Dr. Sarab Abu Rabia-Queder, a researcher at Ben-Gurion University, discusses the impact of education on Bedouin women in Israel, highlighting their navigatio...
27 Feb 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones What did the Crusaders ever learn from us? 19 Feb 2015
Dr. Jonathan Rubin discusses how the Crusaders, beyond initial hostility, learned theological, economic, and scientific lessons from interactions with local ...
19 Feb 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Middle-of-the-road Judaism: The emergence of Modern Orthodoxy 13 Feb 2015
Dr. Ephraim Chamiel discusses his book on the emergence of Modern Orthodoxy, where Jewish philosophers aimed to blend tradition with modernity. Dr. Sonja Nar...
13 Feb 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Portrait of the father of a nation 6 Feb 2015
Prof. Anita Shapira discusses her newly published biography on David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first prime minister, with host Gilad Halpern, shedding light on th...
6 Feb 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Requiem for a bygone Jewish-Arab coexistence 30 Jan 2015
Professor Menachem Klein's book, "Lives in Common: Arabs and Jews in Jerusalem, Jaffa and Hebron," delves into the historical Jewish-Arab coexistence in Pale...
30 Jan 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Palestinian students and the struggle for nationhood 16 Jan 2015
Dr. Ido Zelkovitz, a Middle East scholar at the University of Haifa, delves into the Palestinian student movement in his new book, viewing it through histori...
16 Jan 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones How the Bible became holy 8 Jan 2015
Dr. Michael Satlow, a religious studies professor at Brown University, explains the historical processes that led to the Bible becoming regarded as a holy an...
8 Jan 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones You're in the army now: How Judaism fell back in love with the military 29 Dec 2014
Professor Stuart Cohen discusses how World War One significantly shifted the Jewish perspective on military service, leading to a renewed appreciation for th...
29 Dec 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones Why the Diaspora is good for the Jews 12 Dec 2014
Professors Alan Wolfe and Dennis Klein examine different aspects of Jewish identity and experience. Wolfe discusses why Jews in the West may not appreciate t...
12 Dec 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones Political science: Early Israeli-German scientific exchanges 4 Dec 2014
Prof. Ute Deichmann discusses the early Israeli-German scientific exchanges and their role in paving the way for normalization of diplomatic relations betwee...
4 Dec 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones Why the Internet didn't kill the TV star 28 Nov 2014
Jerome Bourdon, a communications professor at Tel Aviv University, explains the significance of the peoplemeter's evolution from a commercial data tool to a ...
28 Nov 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones Why we stayed: Confessions of postwar Polish Jews 20 Nov 2014
Professor Marian Turski discusses postwar Jewish life in Poland and why he and a few other Polish Jews stayed in the country despite efforts to displace them...
20 Nov 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones Bottomless pit: The Cairo Geniza and the untold history of Medieval Jewry 13 Nov 2014
Dr. Moshe Lavee discusses the Cairo Geniza, a collection of Jewish texts found in Egypt detailing ten centuries of Jewish life, revealing a history often ove...
13 Nov 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones Sir Moses Montefiore: a world Jewish leader before such even existed 6 Nov 2014
The podcast discusses various topics, including the perception of the Nakba in Israeli society, the history of Pop-Rock music in Israel and globally, and the...
6 Nov 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones Why do Jews play a "ridiculously disproportionate" role in the sciences? 30 Oct 2014
Dr. Noah Efron, a prominent academic, delves into the question of why Jews hold a significant presence in the sciences, offering a fresh perspective. On a di...
30 Oct 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones How Israel successfully abolished the trafficking of women 23 Oct 2014
Dr. Nurit Hashimshony-Yaffe, a political scientist, explains in her study how Israel successfully eradicated the trafficking of women. She highlights the cou...
23 Oct 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones Rise and decline of civilizations: Lessons for the Jewish People 17 Oct 2014
Dr. Salomon Wald, a senior fellow at the Jewish People Policy Institute, discusses the unique position of the Jewish civilization in relation to the rise and...
17 Oct 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones Under women's wings: The architecture of the 'ezrat nashim' 8 Oct 2014
Adva Naama Baram, an architect and photographer, presents an exhibition at the Architects' House Gallery focusing on the architecture of ezrat nashim, the wo...
8 Oct 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones Water laws in British-ruled Palestine: A case study 2 Oct 2014
Dr. David Schorr, a historian at Tel Aviv University, discusses the impact of water laws in British-ruled Palestine on the region's political and legal lands...
2 Oct 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones Tortured by the State: Race and gender in contemporary Israel 24 Sep 2014
Prof. Smadar Lavie discusses race and gender in contemporary Israel, focusing on the experiences of Mizrahi single mothers. Dr. Eran Dorfman explores the mec...
24 Sep 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones Jews and words: A millennia-long love story 12 Sep 2014
Dr. Fania Oz-Salzberger, a historian at Haifa University and a prominent intellectual in Israel, discusses the book "Jews and Words," co-authored with her fa...
12 Sep 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones A eulogy to a different kind of Zionism 4 Sep 2014
Prof. Ofer Shiff discusses the legacy of Abba Hillel Silver, an American-Jewish leader who advocated for a diaspora-based form of Zionism but ultimately lost...
4 Sep 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones A time of harmonious coexistence: The Jews and Muslims of Tinghir 29 Aug 2014
Prof. Menachem Hofnung presents a study on Israel's treatment of Arab informants, shedding light on a complex issue. Additionally, a documentary film, "Tingh...
29 Aug 2014