Daily Podcasts Video Research
Lehrhaus The Troubling Trend of Photoshopping History 17 Nov 2016
Photoshopping historical images within Orthodox Jewish communities to conform to contemporary religious standards is a troubling trend highlighted by Leslie ...
17 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus Surrender or Struggle? The Akeidah Reconsidered 17 Nov 2016
In this essay, the author explores different interpretations of the story of the Binding of Isaac (Akeidah). The traditional view, influenced by theologian S...
17 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus Commanding Knowledge 14 Nov 2016
In this text, the author discusses the debate between philosophers Crescas and Rambam from the Middle Ages regarding whether God can command belief in His ex...
14 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus Wrestling With God: Leonard Cohen’s You Want it Darker 14 Nov 2016
Leonard Cohen's album "You Want it Darker" reflects his ambivalence towards death and God, exploring themes of suffering and mortality. Cohen uses religious ...
14 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus Abraham and the 1960s – Technocracy and the Journey Inward 10 Nov 2016
This article explores the connection between the biblical story of Abraham and the social and spiritual revolutions of the 1960s. The Tower of Babel tale, ac...
10 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus Tanakh, Chapter by Chapter 7 Nov 2016
Studying Tanakh from a young age provides a foundation in Jewish history and context for connecting to Jewish practice, with many baalei teshuva embarking on...
7 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus He Sent Out the Raven 4 Nov 2016
The article discusses the significance of Noah sending out a raven before the dove in the biblical story of the flood. While the text does not explicitly sta...
4 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus What Could (and Couldn’t) the Rabbis Do? 3 Nov 2016
The discussion explores the translation of a Talmudic passage regarding the perceived suppression of the Book of Kohelet by the ancient sages. The prevalent ...
3 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus No Ideas But In Things: A Review of “Jerusalem” at the Metropolitan Museum of Art 1 Nov 2016
The article reviews the exhibit "Jerusalem 1000-1400: Every People Under Heaven" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which showcases art and artifacts from me...
1 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus Does Lying Make You A Liar? On Truth And Truthfulness in Rabbinic Thinking 31 Oct 2016
In Jewish tradition, truth is associated with God's reliability and trustworthiness, while people are considered prone to falsehood. The concept of truth is ...
31 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Tosefta 28 Oct 2016
The text discusses a series of dialogues involving Rav Hisda, Abaye, and others, reflecting on themes of self-doubt, imperfection, and prayer. Rav Hisda expr...
28 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus The Wanderings of Adam and Cain – A Tale of Midrashic Migration 28 Oct 2016
The Midrash uses Adam's sin as a cautionary tale to illustrate the severity of sin, comparing his punishment to that of Cain's for murder. The text suggests ...
28 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus In God’s Country: The “Zionism” of Rashi’s First Comment 28 Oct 2016
Rashi's well-known commentary on the first verse of the Torah asserts the Jewish people's God-given right to the Land of Israel. While this seems straightfor...
28 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Jung Earth Creationism: Two New York Rabbis Respond to the Scopes Trial 27 Oct 2016
In response to the Scopes Monkey Trial in 1925, which highlighted the issue of Darwinism, two New York Orthodox rabbis, Leo Jung and David de Sola Pool, offe...
27 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Ron Santo and the Jews 23 Oct 2016
In 1968, high school students at the Hebrew Theological College in Skokie, IL, encountered the Chicago Cubs' Ron Santo, a revered baseball player, near their...
23 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Can a Court Really Ban Kapparot and Why it Matters for the American Jewish Community 23 Oct 2016
The legality and constitutionality of the traditional live-chicken version of the kapparot ritual, often performed by some members of the Jewish community, i...
23 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Looking for Gedolim in All the Wrong Places? 20 Oct 2016
The text discusses the role of "gedolim" (great Torah scholars) in Jewish communities, particularly in Modern/Centrist Orthodoxy and Liberal Orthodoxy. It ex...
20 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Kohelet: Seeking to Uncover and Bury 20 Oct 2016
The article discusses the Rabbinic attempt to remove the book of Kohelet from the Biblical canon, referencing a passage in Shabbat 30b. The text points out a...
20 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Can We Learn from Jonah’s Happiness? 20 Oct 2016
The article explores the connection between the book of Jonah and the holiday of Sukkot. It highlights the importance of communal joy and happiness during th...
20 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Not in the Market for a Gadol 20 Oct 2016
In "Not in the Market for a Gadol," Wendy Amsellem responds to Chaim Saiman's essay on the idea of communities led by a revered rabbinic figure known as a ga...
20 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus The Market for Gedolim: A Symposium 19 Oct 2016
The symposium titled "The Market for Gedolim" brings together various writers providing reflections on the topic raised by Chaim Saiman's recent work for Leh...
19 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus New Links in an Old Chain 15 Oct 2016
Prof. Chaim Saiman delves into the differing perspectives on gedolim (great Torah scholars) in Haredi, Centrist Orthodox, and liberal Orthodox communities. W...
15 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus A Question of Perpsective 15 Oct 2016
The article by Miriam Gedwiser discusses Chaim Saiman's argument that the number of revered leaders in the Orthodox community is influenced by demand as much...
15 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus The Market For Halakhic Authority: Some Reflections on Gadolnomics 14 Oct 2016
The author of this essay responds to Prof. Chaim Saiman's essay on the relationship between halakhic authority and Liberal Orthodoxy. They argue that the aut...
14 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus The Function of the Centrist Orthodox Gadol 14 Oct 2016
Chaim Saiman's essay explores the concept of a gadol, a revered Jewish leader, within Centrist Orthodox and Haredi communities, highlighting the centrality o...
14 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus The Market for Gedolim: A Tale of Supply and Demand 13 Oct 2016
The article discusses the concept of "gedolim," revered leaders in Orthodox Judaism whose influence is significant within their communities. It explores why ...
13 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Something to Lose – Eviatar Banai and the Sukkot Paradox 13 Oct 2016
Eviatar Banai, an Israeli rock musician and baal-teshuva, reflects on his religious journey and the contradictions of success in his song "Pergola". The lyri...
13 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Two Paradigms of Teshuvah? 11 Oct 2016
The text explores two contrasting paradigms of repentance seen through anecdotes in the Talmud. The first story depicts Rabbi Elazar b. Durdaya's deep repent...
11 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus The Parenthetical Problem of Alenu 10 Oct 2016
The text explores the evolution and controversy surrounding the Alenu prayer, specifically its historical anti-Gentile language targeting Christians. Initial...
10 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Yom Kippur, Fasting, and the Poor: Considering the Message of Isaiah 58 10 Oct 2016
The essay delves into the message of Isaiah 58 in relation to Yom Kippur and fasting, challenging the traditional understanding of fasting solely as refraini...
10 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Jeremiah Lockwood’s New Cantorial Blues Album, Kol Nidre, is a Yom Kippur Dream 9 Oct 2016
Jeremiah Lockwood's new album, "Kol Nidre," offers a modern take on traditional Yom Kippur liturgy, blending cantorial melodies with blues and soul elements....
9 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Jonah and the Varieties of Religious Motivation 9 Oct 2016
The text explores different motivations for religious commitment, focusing on the story of Jonah from the Bible. It contrasts religious motivations driven by...
9 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus The Day I Met Shimon Peres 7 Oct 2016
The author recounts their experience meeting Shimon Peres in 1999, initially reluctant due to opposing his involvement in the Oslo Accords. Despite reservati...
7 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus A Prayer at the Grave of Franz Rosenzweig 6 Oct 2016
The article discusses the custom of visiting the graves of Jewish saints, particularly on the day before Rosh Hashanah. The author describes her own experien...
6 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus The Origins of Jewish Universalism: What it is, and Why it Matters 6 Oct 2016
In "The Origins of Jewish Universalism: What it is, and Why it Matters," Malka Simkovich explores how Jewish universalist ideas were prevalent in the late Se...
6 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus The Ballad of Cain and Adam 3 Oct 2016
In his piece "The Ballad of Cain and Adam," Ari Lamm reflects on the significance of Elul leading up to Rosh Hashanah. Drawing parallels between the Biblical...
3 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus The Making of a President for Yeshiva University 29 Sep 2016
Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein's unpublished memoir sheds light on the period between Dr. Bernard Revel's death in 1940 and Dr. Samuel Belkin's election as Yeshiv...
29 Sep 2016