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Jewish Review of Books Animal Foible 27 Feb 2013
The text delves into a critique of Holocaust fiction through examples from novels like Anya Ulinich's "The Nurse and the Novelist" and Yann Martel's "Beatric...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Friends of Zion 27 Feb 2013
Shalom Goldman's book, "Zeal for Zion: Christians, Jews and the Idea of the Promised Land," highlights the often overlooked role of gentile supporters in the...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Why There Is No Jewish Narnia 27 Feb 2013
The essay delves into the lack of prominent Jewish writers in the fantasy genre and explores the absence of profoundly Jewish works in modern fantasy akin to...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Bob Dylan: Messiah or Escape Artist? 27 Feb 2013
Bob Dylan has long been a divisive figure within Judaism and beyond, with some viewing him as a messianic figure akin to a biblical prophet, while others see...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books The Idea of Abrahamic Religions: A Qualified Dissent 27 Feb 2013
The discussion on the idea of Abrahamic religions presents a nuanced view on the figure of Abraham/Ibrahim in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. While Abraham...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books No Sex in the City: On Srugim 27 Feb 2013
"Srugim" is a unique Israeli show focusing on a group of modern Orthodox singles in Jerusalem, navigating the intersection of their faith with contemporary I...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Faith in Doubt 27 Feb 2013
Last fall, religious conflicts in Israel included protests at the Intel factory in Jerusalem over Sabbath work and clashes about public observance of Jewish ...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Requiem for a Luftmentsh 27 Feb 2013
Isaac Rosenfeld, a mid-century American Jewish intellectual known for his essays, novels, and cultural criticism, is explored in Steven Zipperstein's biograp...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Welcome to the Jewish Review of Books 27 Feb 2013
The Jewish Review of Books aims to fill a gap in thoughtful and accessible Jewish criticism and commentary amid an abundance of Jewish publications. The maga...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books In Whose Image? 27 Feb 2013
This book by a prominent Lutheran ethicist explores the concept of human dignity and the essential nature of humanity. The author emphasizes the importance o...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books What the U.S. Can and Can’t Do in the Middle East 27 Feb 2013
In the text "What the U.S. Can and Can't Do in the Middle East," the authors Dennis Ross and David Makovsky reflect on the ability of the United States to in...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Cannon Fire Over Sarajevo and Sin in Ansbach: A Passage from Rabbi Jacob Emden’s 18th Century Memoir 27 Feb 2013
The autobiography of Rabbi Jacob Emden, a sage and heresy-hunter in the 18th century, is highlighted in this text. Translated by Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter, the...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Crumb’s Genesis 27 Feb 2013
The text provided is not sufficient to generate a summary as it does not contain any content related to the article "Crumbs Genesis". If you provide the actu...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Endless Devotion 27 Feb 2013
The Koren Siddur, a new Hebrew-English prayer book by Koren Publishers edited by Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks, competes with the ArtScroll Siddur and offer...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books A Novel of Unbelief 27 Feb 2013
Rebecca Newberger Goldstein's novel, "36 Arguments for the Existence of God," follows psychology professor Cass Seltzer, who gains fame for debunking 36 reas...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books God and Idolatry 27 Feb 2013
"Saving God" explores themes of idolatry and human fallenness from both Jewish and Christian perspectives. The text criticizes the idea of a God serving huma...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Lost in Translation 27 Feb 2013
Michael Carasik has produced The Commentators' Bible series, focusing on Exodus and Leviticus, an ambitious project attempting to replicate the centuries-old...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Poems Like Mountains 27 Feb 2013
The book "These Mountains: Selected Poems of Rivka Miriam" translated by Linda Zisquit showcases the disciplined and imagistic poetry of Rivka Miriam, a prod...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Discrimination and Identity in London: The Jewish Free School Case 27 Feb 2013
The Jewish Free School (JFS) case in London revolved around a boy, M, whose Jewishness was questioned due to his mother's non-Orthodox conversion. The Suprem...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Old-New Debate 27 Feb 2013
The text explores the Old-New Debate surrounding Theodor Herzl, the Founding Father of Israel, and his relationship with Ahad Haam, a Jewish intellectual and...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Ordinary Memory 27 Feb 2013
Christopher R. Browning's book "Remembering Survival: Inside a Nazi Slave-Labor Camp" examines survivor testimonies from a Polish town's slave labor camps du...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Walking the Green Line 27 Feb 2013
The author and his wife planned to live among settlers in Elon Moreh to write a book, hoping for unbiased observation. Despite initial acceptance, the settle...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Appelfeld in Bloom 27 Feb 2013
Aharon Appelfeld's novel "Blooms of Darkness" explores the experiences of a Jewish child, Hugo, in war-torn Europe during the Holocaust. Drawing from his own...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Prospects for American Judaism 27 Feb 2013
American Judaism in America, especially non-Orthodox movements like Reform and Conservative, has seen a significant decline over the past few decades, with d...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books The Child Was Circumcised 27 Nov 2012
The text discusses the historical and contemporary debates surrounding ritual circumcision, focusing on a recent legal case in Germany that led to a temporar...
27 Nov 2012
Jewish Review of Books The Lost Textual Treasures of a Hasidic Community 22 Mar 2012
After World War II, efforts were made to recover Jewish books stolen by Nazis, including those belonging to the Stoliner Hasidim community. Recent discoverie...
22 Mar 2012
Jewish Review of Books The Limits of Prayer 28 Jun 2010
The Mishnah teaches that it is futile to pray to change past events, emphasizing the importance of accepting what has already transpired. The discussion on t...
28 Jun 2010